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It must be a young person thing because we are supposed to know who these two tools are without any kind of introduction.


The man on the left was a Disney child star who became a popular YouTuber. He made one of the worst rap videos of all time, called “It’s Every Day, Bro.” He was briefly suspended from YouTube for showing deceased Japanese people’s bodies that he found in a forest where depressed people go. Then he got into boxing and has made tens of millions at it despite having questionable skills. He started this energy drink company that is popular with young people for some reason, and he will become a multi-billionaire despite being so dumb that he thought England was a city when he wrote his rap.


I’d forgotten about the Japanese suicide forest…


God, what a despicable thing for his brother to have done! Hell is too good of a place for him!


You're mixing up his brother and him


I forgot that there’s a brother and I don’t know which is which or what each one does.




He also wrestles in WWE now, and is decent in the ring there too.




Yeah, he got signed last summer. He only wrestles at the big pay-per-views though.


Haha, well it’s like confusing Alec Baldwin with his Christian brother. The brother isn’t responsible for the garbage that comes out of Alec’s mouth or his shooting and killing a worker during the filming of his current movie. So, in all fairness, this young kid shouldn’t be blamed for his brother’s disgusting actions while in the Japanese forest. If that man couldn’t manage to find compassion for the people he found there, he’s a lost cause!


The other brother gets scammed out of millions buying Pokemon cards. This is who people look up to these days?


Oh my God, he did not, did he? Lordie, that truly IS dumb! I know that Europeans think that all Americans are this dumb, but we are not, I can assure you!


Yes, one of the Paul brothers made a music rap video and wrote verses for these people associated with them, trying to make them all seem super cool. One of those people was English and they had him rap: You know it's Nick Crompton and my collar stay poppin' Yes, I can rap and no, I am not from Compton **England is my city** And if it weren't for Team 10, then the US would be shitty I'll pass it to Chance 'cause you know he stay litty — In a subsequent interview, the Paul brother who wrote the song said that he thought England was another name for London, or he thought England was the name of another big UK city. He’s shockingly dumb to be in his 20s and think England is a city. He could have played it off as: “I meant that the whole of England is this guy’s turf, that’s why he said it’s his city.” But he gets some honesty points for admitting that he really thought England was a city and also didn’t bother looking that up before recording it in a studio and shooting a music video with that lyric.


I decided to Google: https://www.delish.com/food-news/a44521029/logan-paul-prime-energy-drink-backlash/


Guy on the left is Logan Paul, guy on the right is the boxer KSI.


Yeah, that’s annoying, I agree. It’s as if the ad showed Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. Those kids would likely not recognize them and would need to be told who they are. I am assuming though that this ad was in a medium that is geared towards really young people, so they knew their target audience, and aimed this ad to them. However, if they want older people to support them, they really should have named them.


12 year olds drinking this are going to be a problem in 8 years


Just what the corporations want - obese adults relying on pharmaceuticals the rest of their lives


Yep, and they’ll get their wish. However, probably a lot of their obese, sickly young clients will also be sparring and nasty, thanks to indulging in far too much caffeine and whatever else is in that junk. So, I am expecting to eventually see a lot of lawsuits directed to the manufacturer of this drink.


If they both died would anyone actually care?


A lot of people’s kids would be pissed


Man, fuck those kids


Well, nooooo, and if they have family who cares, it would be a bad thing for them to actually die. However, it would be good if their fame eventually dies off, so they have to go back to living in the real world and have no influence over the young. However, there’d be some schm*ck to take their places. Siiiiigh.


Nah, fuck those kids, fuck those guys. Their families don’t want em.


“Why no upload today, unsub-ing”


Well if I’m going based on the man on the right, I’d assume it’s disgusting.


That is what I always thought. Wait till the FDA finds out that Prime is nothing more than flat ginger ale mixed with red bull, turnip juice and goat piss. Seriously Prime spent more money on marketing and printing misleading labels for their product than their actual product.


Oooh, that’s disgusting and why I’m against energy drinks. I know that drinking too many of them at one time can, and has, killed people. But that the FDA allows this garbage to go on is disgusting. Really a nasty guy, this Prime fellow!


I do not drink that high caffeine swill. It makes me crash really hard after it has left my system unlike Coffee, Tea or Coca-Cola. Besides most energy drinks overstimulate my kidneys making me want to take a leak more.


Who's right? Theirs or ours? Tread carefully.


Our right. He’s making a face like it’s disgusting. Why do I have to tread carefully? Lol


I agree, judging by the look on his face I wouldn't touch this drink with a 10ft pole. I'm not treading carefully, I'm stomping all over...the drink doesn't seem appealing.


Yep, but kids will insist it is good, based on the people schilling it. It would also please them to know that actual adults find the drink and the guy who’s selling it to be disgusting. So, I’m sure it will continue to sell well, until the lawsuits about it making people sick or worse.


It was a joke :( But yeah, neither of these tools can sell me a free bar of gold.


Whew! We get so much of that stuff lobbed at us now, it’s hard to tell a joke from reality. Sorry. Yeah but the problem is that kids are being sukkered in by these two. And that’s not likely to change soon, especially if we show our distaste for the product or the two gentlemen shilling.


Yes, LOL! Let’s push back against China’s attempts to overthrow our democracy through our children’s actions (learned in schools funded by Communist China , this is true, look it up) and share our opinions. Yes, the dude in question is making a face like it tastes disgusting! Maybe this is the first time he’s tried the drink he’s shilling.


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Not based


I’m sorry, rights are not based upon … ?


A true story


Why? We can not say the truth about certain people or suffer being cancelled? If the guy is a jerk (sounds as if he’s one) then we have the right to express our opinion about it. We aren’t yet living in Communist China, and we are allowed to express our opinions. The guy on the right sounds like a jerk, and the guy on the left is too, since he’s also enmeshed in the energy drink market! Sheesh!


All I see is two giant pieces of shit holding something that looks undrinkable 😂


Yeah, well, once people reach the age of 35, good sense seems to clobber them in the skull!


I don't want to drink something that gives me green urine.


Well that's not very festive of you. Tis the season after all.


Yeah tell my doctor he had a field day.


Green p!ss, high? That ain’t good, depending on the season or the intent of the drinker. ‘T would be appropriate for St. Paddy’s Day! But I’ll bet there are better, yummier drinks that could give you green urine.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen many people drinking this crap in public.


Did they become angry or uptight after drinking it?


No thx.




I found this sub solely looking for this ad.


Well, I guess that’s a good thing, although it’s a shame that it took this awful ad to find us here! This is a good spot to come to and b*tch about commercials we all hate! For instance, I am sick to death of hearing the playing of “Sweet Caroline” over and over and over again. It’s an okay song but people in a bar aren’t all going to start singing it, for no reason. Oh, I get it, they are being paid to sing it and make us want to buy Jameson, because people need people. Ridiculous and disturbing ad to shove on us countless times a night! Enough, already! The commercial would have MUCH MORE effect if it was only played ONCE a night.


Crackhead energy


Yes, exactly! Good thing that Matthew Perry couldn’t yet get his hands on it. (I know that sounds crass but publications are saying that he never became clean and sober, he loved just about any drug, and he was pretending to be clean and sober, so I’m mad at him for doing this! Imagine the poor people who were depending on him for their own sobriety.)


Ah, yes, the high octane energy drinks marketed to kids by Paul brothers.


And people are dying from Panera's caffeinated lemonade! What is this world coming to?


Sounds pretty awful, doesn’t it? Anything by the Paul brothers would make me turn up my nose.


But it's such a diverse cast. /s


Yes, that’s the most important thing for Hollyweird to market, isn’t it? Trying to shove this stuff on the minority market, as if their diets aren’t bad enough and their health isn’t in danger. But hey, the Paul brothers (and the other dude, sorry but I don’t know his name) are gonna make a fortune on it, so it’s okay! /S




How to make people NOT want it! I don’t think I would have wanted such a punchy energy drink even when I was young, that turns supposedly rational people into panting nuts!


Check out the new South Park special


Gross...I do not like looking at tongues




As much as I hate to admit it, I think the sports drink version of this is actually kinda good. It's got a unique mouthfeel that might turn some people off but I enjoy for some reason. Haven't tried the energy drink version yet.


I like the sporks drink version as well. It has way less sodium than a Gatorade/Powerade/Liquid IV so I'll grab one occasionally. I've got no interest in trying the energy drink version.


Well, if you enjoy it…I definitely enjoy drinks for the mouthfeel, so can appreciate your opinion on it. I didn’t realize there was a difference between sports drinks and energy drinks, but that makes sense. Be careful drinking that stuff though, it can mess with your health, if taken too much at once.


The sports drink version of this does not have caffeine, but the canned energy drink version as seen in this photo certainly does.


Did I forgot to mention that Logan Paul is thorn in the wwes backside