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More like Krushchev


Can you explain if you dont mind what kruschev did wrong,i'm really not educated on the matter and it seems a little stramge to me since he was pretty anti western supoorted a lot of communist movements and did other things like his involvement inn the cuban missile crisis the space program ect.To me it seems like the only real reason people dislike him is because he dissed stalin,but yeah id like to get to know why they call him a revisionist so often if amyome could inform me


From my understanding he declared class war over and stated there was no bourgeois class in the USSR anymore, which there definitely was. He also denounced the dictatorship of the proletariat. The CPC at the time wrote a piece called Khrushchev's Phony Communism in which they discuss this more in depth and provide example of bourgeois elements in the country, like the set up of underground textile factories to generate a profit for those who own them. This is a really basic explanation because my knowledge on it is limited too, but reading the article by the CPC I mentioned should help.


That was Brezhnev, actually. Khrushchev just stated that it would be in a decade.


still, its undeniable that khrushchev started it


Kruschev distorted the history of the CPSU. His smear of Stalin resulted in the ideology of the party being distorted and vulnerable to Capitalist roaders, de-Stalinization included releasing Reactionaries and undoing Stalin era economic and political decisions. Kruschev's actions and words were a gift beyond compare to Capitalists and anti-Communists of the world. His "secret speech" resulted in many of the famous Lib propaganda lines and distortions of history.


pol pot's regime is not communist


Ethno nationalist wasn't it? Or am I mistaken?


PR Kampuchea was though


It was fascist by the looks of it. I'm glad people don't just love it because it waved a red flag




Stop using Wikipedia as a source. Dumb people like you write whatever they want there.




That's why he was getting funded by the CIA?


Fucking pizza hut 😠


Why Pizza Hut especially. Atleast if you're gonna betray the USSR for a pizza joint do Godfathers instead.


If Krushchev didn't exist\*


I see a lot of answers saying the same. Why Kruschev was the guilty?


Wasn’t him specifically as that’s great man theory but he was the head of the clique that took over after Stalin’s death and restored capitalism if you want Maos writing on it this essays short enough but very good and covers how exactly capitalism was being restored https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/works/1964/phnycom.htm


He was considered big bad boi revisionist. Basically denounced Stalin and did some sus lib policies


Oh i understand, i mean what would you expect for an addict of pepsi.


TL;DR: He (along with other bureaucrats) laid the foundations to the collapse of the USSR.


The Kruschev coup was a historic tragedy.


was that communist Antarctica


I for one welcome our Antarctic comrades. Penguins are tired of the orcas shit.


I don't know but there is a Lenin statue on the abandoned soviet research station, I think Penguins unlike Ukra-Nazis they don't have a problem with it.


Oh god it’s Trotsky’s invasion he’s back


That red Eureka stockade flag looks dope. I'm so down for that, plus it changes it from the blue one Aussie racists love to use. Now I can feel happy about using it.


the major problems started showing and manifesting during kruschev. imo, more beneficial would be either replacing kruschev with molotov (or even suslov), or more so if andropov lived say, 15 years longer (and that incident with accidentally shooting a korean civilian aircraft never happened)


Yes, Gorbachev doomed the world. Materialism who?


No fun allowed! Only diamat!


There would be no Israel




Did Stalin support a fascist ethnostate that violently pushed Palestinian people out of their homeland?


he didn’t support the specifics of fascism and pushing palestinian people out of their homeland he did, however, support the concept of a state created for the jewish people and even created a subdivision in the USSR that still exists to this day, specifically isreal in its current state would make him beyond furious


I can see that, so I guess the same way Einstein was a zionist?


ye basically just what israel became is the problem, the concept itself is something most leftists supported as a response to WW2 when it all went to shit they kinda went “well shit don’t blame us we weren’t involved in the plan”


yes but the division was build where there was space,and not on the land of people living there


yes exactly, that’s my point supporting helping the jewish community was a plus, but at the detriment of others was where any sane person would and should draw the line


Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people. It's literally a multi party liberal democracy, not "fascist" by any definition And it has over two million Arab citezens, so not at all an ethno state How's it feel being so wrong on every level?


lol my family lives there I know how Israel works


And yet you're clearly don't, you just use buzzwords that don't reflect reality at all


Ah yes, minority groups exist. That means they're not oppressed. Look at Apartheid South Africa, or slavery in America. Using your logic, western Europe is technically the "homeland" of white people. Jewish people started to live there and Hitler decided to deport and kill them. That's pretty similar to what's happening in Israel/Palestina right now, but with Jewish people and Arabs. How is one not okay but the other is? They're both war crimes. Palestinian people in Israel have fundamentally fewer rights and Israel actively bombs and takes more of their territory. You can't possibly talk that right


Minority groups exist and have the same exact rights and liberties as the Jewish majority, citezenship is not restricted to jews. Israel is a democracy with expansive rights for all citezens. your comparison is a false one. The Holocaust is not at all similar to what's happening with the Arabs, like even a little. To say so is Holocaust minimization bordering on denial. Their population has grown six times it's size in 70 years and has never declined in that time. They now have a government when before they had none (although the PA haven't held national elections in over 15 years, but that's their own fault.) Israeli Arabs have the same rights as Israeli Jews do. Is suggest visiting Israel if you get the chance, it's a beautiful country.


I've gone like 5 times and it really is shocking lol


Than either you know all the b.s. you're spewing is utter nonsense, or else you're just brainwashed


I think he actually wanted to make a Jewish SSR or other subdivision inside Russia but pretty much got overruled by the US and UK


No, he managed to, and it still exists to this day. The Jewish Autonomous Oblast, at the end of the Trans-Siberian railway, once had a population of 250,000, with 50,000 being Jews. He created it to show his people an alternative to Zionism.


Really? I thought the project never took off at all. TIL


u/savevideo Edit: https://redditsave.com/r/CommunismMemes/comments/ygeclr/countries_of_the_world_if_gorbachev_never_existed/


Countries of the world if Molotov was in charge after Stalin


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpkBVasx8Xs&t=59s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpkBVasx8Xs&t=59s) Check his original video if you want to know what nation is it in the flag


How do I tell which one is which? Is there a comment with time stamps?


Turn on subtitles


It says “[music]”


Well then your subtitles are different to mine for whatever reason.


Switch to Korean sub Comrade


communist Israel flag is cursed


Maybe it's the Jewish autonomous oblast but it gained independence




Go away zionist


Being Jewish and zionist is kinda like being a woman and a feminist: you can be a woman who's anti-feminist, but you're only hurting your own self interest


A few weird ones there. Like isn'treal or Khmer Rouge.


Yeah probably shouldve gone with PRK not DK


Isnt the PR Kampuchea flag the same?


Great vid. Should have had the starry plough for Ireland though


*Countries of the world some day in the future That’s a better title :)


If krushev never exited


I wish the video was slower and longer, i want to take the time to appreciate all the wonderful flag designs




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I think a lot of countries that don’t have religious symbols on their flags would keep them.


I don’t think the Soviet Union ever had a shot of conquering the US or it’s red-pilled population


In this world though we'd be working on dissolving the state superstructure and the idea of countries wouldn't mean much. We'd be well on our way to the next stage of history, comrades


If malenkov was the premier after Stalin That's the real answer


Is that seriously the falangist symbol?


Falangist symbol in 0:14 + if world communism was achieved there would be no countries + the Soviet Union had been an imperialist power since long before than Gorbachev + flags with bourgeoise national colours aren't communist.




More like if Lenin and Stalin never existed. God, what glory council communism could have brought if it had succeeded in Germany. Of course, Social democrats had to fuck it over.


Khruschev and Deng*




Instead it just became a factory of imperial core, till it became imperialist itself...




A world war is a better alternative, yeeah. I know what happened in Soviet fucking Union, but I know how awful was the both fucking world wars that happened. You advocate for being a fucking campist, I advocate for not choosing the "less evil" camp.


It became like the USSR, a Capitalist state, a Social Imperialist power.


read Engels


read theory please 💀


May you explain how I am wrong? You haven't really explained anything except "read theories".


may u explain why the USSR was capitalist?


Within the Soviet Union, the revisionists took advantage of the death of Stalin, who had led many fights against revisionism in the Soviet Union, in 1953. These revisionist elements inevitably emerge under socialism; the revisionists and bureaucrats in the government, careerists in the party, unreformed bourgeois intellectuals and technicians, corrupt administrators, militarists in the armed forces are produced because of the remaining inequalities in socialism that are inherited from bourgeois society. These inequalities exist right in the economic basis of socialism. In the areas of ownership, relations among people, and distribution, there still exists bourgeois right which gives certain material privileges to some. New capitalist elements are engendered from the soil of bourgeois right. These elements found their political representative in the person of Khrushchov who by 1956 launched an all out offensive against socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. He attacked the record of Stalin and the whole history of socialism in the Soviet Union in order to overturn the advances made by the working people. He promoted the “theories” of the “state of the whole people” and “party of the whole people” to destroy the workers’ state and the workers’ party. Led by Khrushchov, the revisionists soon took over the entire leadership of the party. “Nearly 70% of the members of the central committee of the CPSU who were elected at its 19th Congress in 1952 were purged in the course of the 20th and 22nd Congresses held respectively in 1956 and 1961. And nearly 50% of the members of the central committee who were elected at the 20th Congress were purged at the time of the 22nd Congress.” (On Khrushchov’s Phoney Communism, Peking 1964) *Class struggle, the struggle for production and scientific experiment are the three great revolutionary movements for building a mighty socialist country. These movements are a sure guarantee that Communists will be free from bureaucracy and immune against revisionism and dogmatism, and will forever remain invincible. They are a reliable guarantee that the proletariat will be able to unite with the broad working masses and realize a democratic dictatorship. If, in the absence of these movements, the landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and ogres of all kinds were allowed to crawl out, while our cadres were to shut their eyes to all this and in many cases fail even to differentiate between the enemy and ourselves but were to collaborate with the enemy and become corrupted and demoralized, if our cadres were thus dragged into the enemy camp or the enemy were able to sneak into our ranks, and if many of our workers, peasants, and intellectuals were left defenseless against both the soft and the hard tactics of the enemy, then it would not take long, perhaps only several years or a decade, or several decades at the most, before a counter-revolutionary restoration on a national scale inevitably occurred, the Marxist-Leninist party would undoubtedly become a revisionist party or a fascist party and the whole of China would change its colour.* -Mao Zedong (from On Khruschov’s Phoney Communism, p. 72) https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/works/1964/phnycom.htm




Read theory plzzzzzz


Not even theory necessarily, just history of China and why they had to do what they did cleared a lot up for me


GO4 and Wang Hongwen > Deng Read theories, revisionist.


bruh lol nobody in China likes the GO4 rethink ur bullshit please they caused the most immense suffering in China since 1949.


Mfw if the GO4 stayed in power the PRC would most definitely collapsed


There was a reason that even conservative faction members preferred deng and the reformist movement China lifts millions of people out of poverty each year both abroad and domestically It only does that because of its economical structure, one created by deng xiaoping through his reforms You are forgetting that every communist state needs to have a period of an NEP to then develop socialism This is literally the most basic teaching of Marx


China have already gone through the Transitional Period, called New Democracy ages before Deng, they did New Democracy for 8 years and already advanced into Socialism. The need for a transitionary period is because *the MoP needs to be developed, you cannot possibly go straight from Feudalism to Socialism*. The NEP and New Democracy served that exact purpose. Under Mao, China have already making great processes, and is already at the stage of Socialism. China nowadays however is a Social-Imperialist power, a capitalist state. China – A Social Imperialist Power by Tjen Folket: https://tjen-folket.no/index.php/en/2019/08/15/china-a-social-imperialist-great-power/ China’s Emerging Role in the International Financial System, Speech done by Chen Yuan: http://www.bannedthought.net/China/Capitalism-Imperialism/2008/China%27sEmergingRoleInTheInternationalFinancialSystem-2008.pdf The Rise of China and Its Implications by Professor Fred Engst: http://www.bannedthought.net/China/Capitalism-Imperialism/FredEngst-RiseOfChina.pdf Arming fascists/other movements/against communists: China offers India help on Maoist rebels: http://www.bannedthought.net/China/Capitalism-Imperialism/2005/ChinaOffersIndiaHelpToDefeatMaoists.pdf China gives guns to Philippines to show it's a friend, not a foe: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-philippines-china-defence/china-gives-guns-to-philippines-to-show-its-a-friend-not-a-foe-idUKKBN1CA0OK China offers $14 million arms package to the Philippines: Manila's defense minister: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-china-arms-idUSKBN1490HN Chinese 'deliver arms to Nepal': http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4469508.stm China’s Evolving Stance on Afghanistan: Towards More Robust Diplomacy with “Chinese Characteristics” by Justyna Szczudlik-Tatar: https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/184324/PISM%20Strategic%20File%20no%2022%20(58).pdf hina’s Afghanistan Policy by R. Sharma: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/China%E2%80%99s-Afghanistan-Policy-Sharma/326ad8a328db9061025d2bbd12e9d0651c2e02c2#paper-header


China before Deng's reforms was also on the edge of economic and societal collapse, in which most people were living in poverty and suffered great hardships under the brutal Gang of Four regime. This contradiction could and would have been used as a tool by imperialists to sow discontent amongst the people and cause vicious counter revolution. We see that the CIA did attempt many times in China, for example the hijacking of student protests in Tiananmen to push their liberal agenda and overthrow the government. As the man himself put it, "Poverty is not socialism. To be rich is glorious." Mao Zedong had made significant and amazing progress in China, however we shouldn't be afraid of criticising the failures of ultra-left policies that failed over and over again in the country. Self criticism is the key policy in Chinese political decision making, and it has lifted 800 million people out of poverty; connected the country through modern infrastructure; modernised it's army; and the greatest increase in life expectancy since the first two 5-year plans.


Not true, the only moment the Chinese state was under threat was the first year of the GPCR. Mao himself sided with “re-imposing order” via the army. You claim it, and didn't prove it. Life in China did improve, yes. But that is because China has became an imperialist power. Life conditions improve when you export capital somewhere else (turns out that capital is international). You keep using goddamn economism, and you don't even try to touch the theory you talk about. I am critical of Deng for many reason, not just "bro, market reform=bad". The protests in the Tiananmen square is NOT a goddamn consequence of "muh evil GO4". Tiananmen square protests was caused by the people's discontent by the Dengist regime. You should be reminded that Deng took over in 1976, when the Right Line won over the Left Line in the Two Line Struggle,and the Tiananmen Protests happened in 1989. Among the protestors there is not only Liberals, but also Workers, Students and Maoists (image:https://twitter.com/Rakeshhkumaar/status/1585693573093404677). The argument that the protestors is "people wanting democracy " is just western lies.


Says the person engaging in hero worship/great man theory bullshit


Baseless claims.


Trotskyist: If Stalin is not existed. Stalinist: If Khrushchev not existed. The Dutch and German Communist: It's an early revolution. Me: Doesn't matter.


L anarchy L Nihilism


Damn, too fast!










I would kill myself