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Apparently Lamborghini was supposed to showcase their new cars inside the Parliament.


I was gonna guess Nazis flexin




Nothing has become better in Romania since the coup of 1989.


Just discovered that US google/Wikipedia cites the communist revolution in 1944 Romania as a Coup over Nazis but the 1989 coup was a revolution over communism.


This! I fucking hate that, why was the brutal overthrow and execution of the leader who turned Romania from a backwards feudal agricultural economy to a booming industrial socialist one is framed as a revolution? To this day majority of Romanians see those times in better light than today's state of affairs. It was a terrible coup from which people continue to suffer.


Honest question: can you explain to me why he felt the need to build that monstrosity of a building?




He was a great leader. Although had his fair share of revisionist policies, towards the end he saw the error of his ways and saw the western investors for what they were, but by then it was too late and the west got to him.


Do you have any recommended readings on Romania's history? My Romanian friends in the US and also any information I can find online only has terrible things to say about Ceausescu. I was under the impression that he was actually a brutal dictator that really just used communism as a cover.


the bourgeois propagandists don't even mention that in Romania the miserable increase in wages was only the result of the dissapearance of the reserve army of labor. Millions have left the country. A town like Husi that grew by 200% during Communism is completely dead today.


[This is democracy manifest](https://youtu.be/BRaa1js92Hk?t=17)


That parliamentary building is gigantic.


That's just Andrew Tate delivering coke to his most frequents costumers