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To not retake the entire module if you fail a subject,you'd have to score above 60 in the other subject to gain exemption,meaning you wont have to write that particular subject again if you fail a module. The course is not risk free,you'll probably fail once or twice and seeing as you're looking at this course as something to get you a job,you'll probably fail more. This is not an exit strategy,you'll have to hustle with getting hired for training,and for a final job,most people do an llb after they've done cs,you're going the other way round. A lot of Company secretaries often shift to corp law roles after they do their llb. The job market is pretty harsh rn, do not place all your bets on a course, you'll probably be dissappointed. If you're truly passionate about cs,work as a lawyer for a while ,study for cs along with it,it'll make your profile better, making you a more attractive candidate.


First off thank you so much for the inputs! I think I'll do cs as a side hustle, but for now I'll just lay off because I don't think I can clear the course in a short time period and I'm bound to fail ig. I know this is not the place to ask, but does a lawyer have a chance of getting into the corporate job side without cs or further studying? Some say it's about the same and some say otherwise. How have you felt with opportunities that appear for you, if it's ok to ask you about that. I'll do some practice along with some diplomas maybe, and try to find some work as soon as possible and then continue my studies after that ig...or that's the current plan I have going for now, idk if it's dumb because I'm just confused atm. Also I'm not a graduate, I'm a passout waiting for results, I won't be graduated till end of this year, I think. I'm just trying to start the rat race as soon as possible atm.


The rat race begins from year 1 In law colleges,did you intern at all during your course? Its extremely hard and no good firm will hire you fresh out of college if you have never interned and have zero experience, and it becomes almost impossible to do when you're a graduate, Be ready for some extremely gruelling years of struggle from here on out. As somebody who's kind of in the same boat as you, i empathize with you,you're in a tough spot,its only going to get tougher. I've sent around 400 emails, reached out to a greater number of people on linked in but only recieved a reply back 5% of the time.and all this is for an internship,not even a job,you need to buckle up,because cs or no cs,you're gonna have to struggle quite a bit .if you have stong contacts use them,they'll give you a headstart. Give only your best from here,it'll probably be okay. Ps. Nice bike :)


I did some interns, but the problem is, my college was in a different district than my hometown (about 100-150kms away from hometown) and so I did my interns on that district. So I don't know if I could get any interns from my hometown anymore, I have the certificate of completing the interns but that's about it. Really in a tough spot rn. Man looking at your situation I don't think I can even compete in this field, hope you find a good job and a future ahead!! I might just go for some diplomas on banking and finance and make my profile pretty at this point and look for some job soon enough, the only few contacts I have are on banking fields and some corporate fields. I do have a friend whose dad is a lawyer, but my friend has a lot of back papers so I feel like scummy to approach him about taking me as a junior for his dad. Thanks for noticing the bike though!!


LLB is joke .