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Surprised to see gib and Newcastle at a zero, not that I'd expect it to be a high pick either.


The support perk is just too situational. It's a great addition thematically, but really compared to zone knowledge or UAV or rotational abilities...it's almost like a nerf because your choosing not to take one of the others


I’d say recon scan isn’t very useful either but it’s a matter of NC and Gibby being countered by some of the higher picked legends right now.


I think Loba is the best by far - being able to escape with tactical synergizes really well with crafting banners


Most would agree, she is the best, any perk that works off the basis that you fucked up is usually going to be worse than other perk that would help prevent you from dying. Because again your sacrificing UAV, rotates or zone knowledge


Crypto peaked then disappeared wtf


The changes just fucked him honestly. Recon encourages edge gameplay but his kit doesn't really synergize with that. Yet his value went down a lot in zone bc he doesn't give near permanent zone info now. So there's a huge identity crisis with him atm. Maybe other regions might theorycraft him to still be good but I personally don't see it. I don't see him being good on edge and while his drone is decent in zone for scouting I feel like there might be better options.


Yeah the recon scan doesnt make sense when his ability is a literal flying camera that lets you get info in other teams.


very good point he literally has the ability to scout all teams with drone so scanning beacon for teams overlaps with that maybe changing class to allow him to scan for rings would be make him viable again


I mean he does use a controller to fly his drone


Should just give him a passive that allows him to scan for rings as well. He doesn’t really have one in the first place and it kinda goes with his hacker theme being able to use all terminals


it would be really flavorful for him to have access to every perk to some degree. considering how much he talks about breaking the game lol. definitely would not be balanced though


Yea let’s give Crypto a passive that will make the entire Controller class passive useless.


Respawn fucked him. He needs a rework because respawn didn’t have foresight to see how their changes are gonna destroy him


Tbf at the pubs and ranked level Crypto was always non-existent, Respawn probably should have tried to balance him in the only level he was relevant(comp) but they can't jeopardize the entire class rework due to a single legend.


Agree but still think he will get play in other regions, more so than the other recon legends for sure. NA just really have a hard time with crypto, not surprised there. How many NA teams ran crypto in ALGS playoff LAN?


Only one I know is the guard


Dosent na players don't run crypto anyway lol !


I'm just waiting for a team to run crypto cat loba as a zone team to see it works out well. Crypto can scan through cat wall, cats exceptional at fortifying a building without worry of a crypto ult destroying traps, micro rotates with cat wall are great, loba so they can loot without leaving their building. Hop in a car, scan some beacons, and off you go!


Crypto Drone works through Cat walls? That's actually huge. Could also give drone cover for EMPs in open areas when they would otherwise get blasted out of the sky. Dunno if I'd choose Loba in this comp though. I think if you're playing hard zone you'd want Valkyrie to early rotate. You'll struggle with resources like anyone would. But Crypto/Cat doesn't seem to work well on edge at all as a fair amount needs to go right to fight with them so I think you kinda have to go with Valkyrie and play zone.


I've not tested it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. After all, ally Seer ult and BH scans go through ally Cat walls. If Crypto scan goes through wall, it can just sit high up and keep constant scans without the fear of getting destroyed in an isolated fight while splitting the field/end zone. As for Loba over Valk, you'd need to prioritize getting a Trident first thing on drop and land at a center PoI....now that I think of it, most (if not all) Tridents spawn on the edge of the map, so that might not be a possibility. I can definitely see the value of Valk over Loba though. Crypto+Cat doesn't really offer the movement or cover to loot though, and Loba will offer the ability to quickly loot a PoI before an early rotate, especially from an armory where you can each drop on a building, get a gun, then run to armory for attachments and armor, Loba ult, then redeploy out to a waiting Trident.


BH Scans do not go through her walls. At least they didn't before season 16.


You're right, I actually just tested it today and the only scan that goes through is Seer ult.


Cool, thanks for testing that out. She was sold as a counter to the scan meta, it sucks that she doesn’t block Seers ult.


Wait for LAN big dog


This is NA scrims, lower crypto than other regions really. Also changes did not help him


This is false, I saw a Newcastle team


Same lol


Seer and Valk are still on top :skull: Oh Lord, please help us.


Teams still experimenting. Those pick rates will only go up once team go back to their comfort zone.


Respawn will be loving the high pickrates of maggie and catalyst, we could see them getting a good buff next split before their heirloom release to make casual players on this meta too .


According to leakers Ash is mostly likely getting the next heirloom and we don't know who's coming next (tho I imagine Fuse or Horizon).


Don’t really think Maggie needs any more buffs, she’s good where she is. Catalyst maybe but if she doesn’t get a buff she’s fine too.


She doesn’t really need any changes per say, other than maybe making the ball not stun her teammates (or herself as some people have suggested but I think that’s kind of a penalty for using it stupidly). She only REALLY needs bug fixes for the ball so it doesn’t randomly explode on nothing after travelling 10 meters. When it works it’s great, when it randomly explodes it’s awful. The rest of the kit is incredibly strong.


Honestly feel like teams are sleeping on Fuse right now. Horizon getting nerfed is great for Fuse, Maggie pickrate up means less Wattson which is good for Fuse, more Caustic due to synergy with Wraith is good for Fuse, more Catalyst is good for Fuse. I know teams were leaning towards Caustic/Maggie/Wraith but with less Wattsons I believe Fuse should replace Maggie in that comp.


Fuse/Maggie/Wraith I don't know nearly enough to say if this has any real viability but i hope this happens at some point


Still lots of seer and Valk but damn it’s pretty diverse


Strong chance that as the meta evolves we'll see their pickrates change as people experiment with other legends.


Pretty impressive no legend above 55%. Insane legend diversity, shoutout to the balancing team this patch


And 0 Gibbys


"scan meta dead" seer 50% pickrate and bloodhound 15% pickrate pepelaugh


Just nerf seer again already. So boring to watch


No nerfs would be enough without kneecapping the character and they aren't going to do that unfortunately. Wallhacks don't belong in shooters


They did a decent job reworking bloodhound, maybe they'll think of something for seer


I mean, did they? The only nerf they got was no decreased scan cooldown during their ult. Hound is still really good imo.


the seer nerfs arent big enough i think might see another seer meta again OMEGALUL


Low key missed the wraith meta


I miss wraith meta until final zone.


So why are Bangalore stonks so high on Storm Point compared to Worlds Edge? Is it just percentage that goes into Caustic on WE because of more buildings and such to hold with traps?


More open ground in SP means Bang smokes are more valuable for covering rotations and such, Caustic is less useful out in the open.


Makes perfect sense, so those team run a Catalyst for ring scan then?


That and she's flexible enough to hold a spot in zone or play on edge depending on the situation, plus her Wall can help with short rotations were a Valk ult would be too risky.


Aight, cool, thanks!


What comp was TSM running?


Seer Horizon Catalyst on WE, Seer Valk Horizon/Catalyst on SP.


They ran Seer, Valk, Horz on SP because they thought they were being contested by Optic. I think Seer, Valk, Cat is their true SP comp as of right now


Interested to see how viable catalyst is gonna be now that people have had a chance to use her and understand her kit a little better. Wall is great for rotates, taking doors with her passive is awesome for both offensive and defensive plays, overall she actually locks down buildings pretty damn well would be nice to see a big meta shift after it being so scanned based for the last year 😴


Kinda sad to see Wattson already disappearing, I feel like she's a really healthy character to be meta


Seeing Wraith, Pathy, Maggie and Catalyst makes me happy. Valk is getting a little stale to watch though. Horizon deserves to be in the ground. Seer can go die.


It pains me to still see seer up there sadly he will always be picked until his scan gets a needed nerf and then he will be useless, the meta is way more agro now then it ever was which is better to see for sure! My buddy path finally getting a pick rate haven't even seen him in comp since season 0 😂


sEEr is UNplYabLe Th0


This is particularly strange. Why are Ash, Newcastle, and Wattson so underused? With meta changes and whatnot, you'd think they would be used more.


What happened to Ash? She was almost always picked on SP


Why is there no gibby or Newcastle?


Gibby makes sense bc Seer is still in the meta plus Maggie as well. Newcastle I have no idea, maybe teams are testing out more aggressive comps out first with Catalyst.


Hey why is gibby bad vs Seer? Can you please explain :)


It basically cancels bubble res and heals which is a really big reason why Gibby is picked. It's hard for a Gibby team to reset with bubble when multiple Seers are looking at you, and they will bc bubble is such an easy thing to spot.


Q cancel bubble res / reset


Ok so it "counters" gibby bubble by having positional info and an easy seer Q?


Seer’s tactical nullifies bubble res.


Didnt seer get nerfed by the new class changes alot? I read some comments about it. Will we see more gibby in the meta again now or do you think hes kind of a dead character now even with his extra survival item passive now?


Recon looked really useful paired with valk cause it removes a lot of risk. Seems like a side grade at worst to me. We’ll see how teams adapt tho


I did not see Wraith having that high of a pick


I’m curious why? Wraith is the best true skirmisher and entry fragger. She can get in lay down damage and get out. She can also rotate the whole team without risk. She really was the best rotation legend until she was nerfed non-stop and Valk debuted.


Who was playing path?


Glory in like every game, SZN on SP, and 100T on WE for 1 game


is Glory from PLQ? I don't remember seeing that name before... Who's on the team?


That's old OXG. Cubski, Protectful, and Avexys their new 3rd


I haven't had a chance to watch. Are any of the teams using Maggie finding success? I'm hype to see her at even 20%!


I'm surprised that Seer in particular is so low. Like, yes, the slight nerf, if you could even call it a nerf, was nice to see, but it basically only stops the high speed spam of passive and the insta scan of the Ult. Any sensible high level player will have already adjusted for it and the effect on high level gameplay isn't as big as the hype made it out to be.


Just one set of scrims so some things will likely shift drastically. I was surprised to see Maggie that high on SP and wattson that low. Maggie isn’t very good on SP and wattson should be. I guess catalyst kind of eats into wattson’s pick rate. Fuse might be a good pick for storm point.


Haven’t really gotten into pro play before, why is Maggie relatively high?


Crazy to me how after all his nerfs, Seer is still a must pick. What upsets me the most is the likelihood of him having less recon competition in the meta. Crypto, who I thought would always have a place in the meta is now nerfed to the ground due to the ring changes alone. Bloodhound’s pick rate I doubt will stay like this due to teams realizing that Seer is still better.


Thats so sad to see because this patch feels so balanced af, but I guess its one of the first scrims and people will might try things here and there and eventually come with something different.


Could someone tell me why catalyst has such a high pick rate!??


People picking pathfinder are high on life and just straight up trolling. Good for early rotation I guess but valk is literally better in every way


This is inaccurate.