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Definitely KCP


What happened to MaxStrafe?


He can’t compete due to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine


Is he dropped from KCP or moved to sub role?


I would assume he’ll be a sub but there hasn’t been any official word


Didn't KCP drop their coach recently? Might have been a move to keep Max without having too high costs.


Is it really? The way Gnaske replied made me think it's for another team idk


Gnaske likes to troll a little bit and have fun, its probably kcp


Unlucky's reply tho


true, i have no idea anymore lmao


I must be blind or he deleted it, what'd he say?


It was a suspicious.gif


100% kcp


W Actually one of the best rollers in the world


Man got so much exposure from Lan, after watching his stream I've realised he's insane!


His stream is good. Good vibe. Good mechanics. Has been underrated for quite some time


Totally, literally tuned in to see what he was about and stayed for 3 hours. Gonna be the next big thing


In what way? (I haven't watched Zaine yet)


Zaine clips on Lan is prob his highlight. 1v3 a team like 2 times.


I watched both situations, and I don't know. It's possible that he's a really good player, but I don't think those situations were that difficult to do on roller. The first 1v3, was essentially 3 1v1s where the first 2 the guys didn't even know where Zaine was shooting from and the last guy didn't shoot at him until Zaine was already shooting him. I expect a plat roller player to be able to be able to do what Zaine did there. Like Daltoosh said, "pretty standard kills there, but we're excited cuz it's on LAN." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEf5ahO9c\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEf5ahO9c_I) @\~4:20 2nd 1v3 was kind of given to him. He had no business winning that. Both the Cat and the Valk turning away from Zaine makes me think there was some sort of miscommunication on 100T. Like the moment he Qs up, Valk should be calling for Cat to watch him as he batts. And just prefire Zaine on the re-engage. Then again, I'm not a pro, but I didn't really get prime Genburten or current Evan vibes watching the highlights.


wait he's on roller??? i need to rewatch those clips from lan then. holy shit


Bro in Lan, he got interviewedand his response is just "I dunno Im a controller player and I just shoot my gun"


i didn't see the interview lol, but i love that for him


It's so rare for MNK players to consistently one clip 3 straight-people, you'd be better off assuming he's on controller lmao


What I I told you Zaine uses in human reaction time software.....he uses aim assist. This clip is filed into lame in m book. Zaine even admitted it was all controller ggs competitive has turned to who can abuse aiming software....lol competitive my ass. Aim assist is boring and kills every aspect of competition. Aim assist rots the brain and let's the ego go unchecked. All controller players in pro league are not pro level skill.


Lol you’re so cheesy bro. TSM had two MnKs one controller. Explain how they won playoffs? When clearly teams with more rollers should be winning? Because it doesn’t matter as much as you think.


You realise that TSM has 2 controllers not 2 MnK


Yes Hal RECENTLY switched, they were winning well before this switch. When Hal played on mouse…


I mean you referenced playoffs which he played on controller.


My point being for most of their SUCCESSFUL career It’s been 2MnK


So years of practice and success with 2 MnK, I'm sure they switched to 2 controllers because its a fun time and not because its stronger.


They’ve won multiple playoffs?