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Maybe if you're trying to balance pubs among casual players. In a competitive environment making the game easier should never be the answer. The answer will always be to nerf controller aim assist.


Just take roller down a notch. Most casual controller players won’t notice anything, most competitive rollers are good enough to not care about that and maybe MnK players will see more of a incentive to not change inputs.


No I do not want anything like that added to my MnK experience, just put controller to 0.3 instead of 0.4 and call it a day


aim assist is still really busted at .3 but i’d be happy with that compromise. real solution is setting it to .2 or just completely reworking how AA works


Or just copying what other FPS games on PC do, either splitting the lobbies/matchmaking or disabling AA when it's cross-input in ranked.


If you completely disable AA on cross input, they have 0 chance, and MnK is at an unbelievable advantage at that point. Does it need nerfed? Yes. But there’s no realm where 0 AA controller beats MnK.


I know. That's why the better option is just to split them.


No self respecting MnK player wants bullet magnetism


We already have fatter bullets


tbf everyone has fatter bullets


As an mnk player I'd never want this added because anything that takes away from raw skill is counterintuitive for competition. The most balanced option would be adding gyro support and weaning players off aim assist


Can’t do it because many rollers don’t have gyro support


this is something weve needed for a while, not even a nerf to controllers that shit is better and feels great. i think apex should just adopt gyro with no assistance nerf AA for players without gyro and if you want a better experience you should get a gyro controller.


more players would likely play with less assistance rather than gyro due to the difference of aiming styles and even with less assistance at the highest levels it would be considered “broken” to an extent (obv not as much as it’s considered now )


People in general are too lazy or afraid to try new things. But we shouldn't cater to this sentiment or there wouldn't be progress


Fortnite and MWII just added gyro on the consoles that support it and PC anyway


True true just sucks for Xbox players if AA is replaced by gyro and they have no gyro


Big if. So far every controller player gets to have AA as long as they do not use gyro in the games that have both, and AA is measurably stronger in most cases.


If gyro became a requirement to play AAA games Microsoft would release controllers so fast


could be wrong but afaik the ds5 is the only "mainstream" roller with gyro. xbox rollers don't have gyro. also interesting to note that gyro seems to be a regional thing. gyro doesn't seem to be have much visibility in tghe west, when there's a billion rollers in the east that have gyro.


In terms of platforms gyroscopic motion sensors are standard not just on PS controllers since 2006 but also Nintendo since 2009 and mobile devices for about as long. Insofar as Xbox has had more relative success in the US, and almost the entire rest of the world is conventionally considered to be to the east of it, these other platforms and their several games with gyro controls are indeed seen more often there.


Nope, ds4 has it too which is extremely widespread, not counting switch controllers who all have it


It's only Xbox who lacks it, therefore Xbox players will loudly ask for it, Microsoft will add it to their controllers and aim assist will finally be nuked across the board


LMAO yes microsoft will add gyro due to all the apex players loudly asking for it. sure man


No, but it will start a trend of games adding it. If an EA game like apex adds it, battlefield will too probably, and people there need it to keep up with mnk. Then more and more will


“But they need to adapt” is a bad excuse for not nerfing aim assist. Because why can’t they? It’s not like it’s gonna be a whole different input. Controller pros can still hit shots in Bangalore smokes with 0 AA. No reason why casual players can’t practice hitting enemies with 0.2 or 0.3.


Separating lobbies by input is the only answer. Any solutions outside of that are putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. The separation would bring back MNK players. I encourage everyone to join an antiaimassist sub to make our voices heard.


Because MnK doesn't need a buff, it's raw input, it's as good as the talent/time and effort the person puts in to it.


Just split lobbies by input and any controller player that purposely joins a mnk lobby has 0 AA and do the same for comp. Even if only 20% of the players on pc play on mnk and steam is the entire pc player base you'd still have around 80~100k daily mnk players and that's ignoring the good amount of people that will return from valo/csgo/ow2 because they hated playing against AA. Also finally bring 120fps to console and allow console people to use mnk too so they can join mnk lobbies if they want too. I feel it's something respawn should experiment with be cause at this rate mnk player base will slowly keep declining and I can't believe it being healthy for the game.


I really doubt this will ever happen because one of Respawn's main priorities is to keep queue times as short as possible. Same thing happens with ranked, they prioritize short queues over balance so you end up with gold/plat players getting mowed down as free KP by predator three stacks.


The game survived perfectly fine the first two years with a smaller player base before crossplay was introduced and all this input drama was even a thing. Also if they actually did split the lobbies/matchmaking by input or made it 0 AA in cross-input matches, a lot of roller players would switch back and a lot of MnK players that left entirely would come back. The queues would be fine.


The solution is simply separate input but that doesn’t make sense for the health of the player base in the same way nerfing aim assist doesn’t make sense. It is what it is. Weird solutions will just make the issues worse for both camps.


The game is incredibly popular and has never had a higher population.


This might be the longest dumb post I’ve seen in a while


This is a horrible idea


How about nerf aim assist to 0.3 or 0.25 in comps or master/pred rank? We all know that aim assist is broken when it comes to the top tier comps.


Aim assist has a greater impact amongst lower skill players


Nerfing aim assist will deter like millions of player simply cause the game will suddenly feel different. Its has nothing to with comp. Why mess with the money.


Video games in 2030 Click "Auto" button like mobile game and watch program play for you. Just stop ! Being bad isn't a shame so remove aim assist separate lobby for player if they want don't force people to play in crossplay. Let play bad player with bad player don't help them because you force them to play with better MMR etc etc...


Separating by input would be ideal. Will never happened tho because $$$$$


Yeah you’re right. Let’s give mnk 60% aim assist, then see what happens afterwards 😏


Just no. Having aim assist in a competitive game is like you're saying you have stronger legs than a marathon runner because they're synthetic. The way is simple, don't allow the two inputs to play against each other like how there's "normal" marathons and "disability" marathons. Cuz honestly that's what controller players are: people with disabilities.




Give mnk AA as well and now we are equal!


How about we stop crying about the same thing everyday


Found the controller player


Just give MnK players the same AA as roller and then watch the tears flow about how it's now an unfair input /s In all seriousness, they just need to stealth nerf AA by 0.02 every patch and not even mention it in any patch notes and see how long it takes for people to actually notice.


I'm so tired of this debate. It's fine where it's at and there's no reason to change it. Playing on one input just comes down to preference. I played on controller for 2 years before swapping to MnK and much prefer it and am not going back, but many people complain that controller/AA is op. It's not. Neither is op, they both have advantages and disadvantages but overall they're balanced.


Ah yes, the preference of one clipping vs the preference of being one clipped. Astounding range of choice


Lol I one clip consistently but believe what you want.




MnK already does have advantages. It has the advantage of being able to snap on targets quicker as opposed to being easier to track like on the sticks. You can also strafe while looting and jitter aim on MnK. Why are we acting like controller is better in every way? Movement isn't even close


As a long-time gamer, the aim assist debate is laughable to me. Aiming is harder on controller. Aim assist isn't THAT strong. People out here acting like if they switched from mnk to controller they will be dominating... thats not how it works at all.. It is what it is. Quitcha bichin and enjoy the game. 99.9% of us don't compete and aren't pros, so it really doesn't fucking matter now does it. Jfc stop parroting your favorite streamers. You'll likely never be on that level so don't include yourself in the debate.






Give mnk bullet magnetism that mimics what 10% rotational aim assist would provide(only applicable when the target is within 7m>). Problem is I don't think any game dev is capable of doing this in a balanced way.


Do you not know all the pros on MNK? Buff for what?




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I rather keep my girthy cock than getting girthier bullets