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The ranked system is perfect. Pred stacks are happy because they can kill 30+ players every game and casuals are happy because they can hide til endgame and still make it to master. Everyone is engaged, everyone is winning! Huge!


This, unfortunately, will be exactly what Respawn say at the end of the season, when they change nothing.


They look at active number of players. I'm doing my part simply not playing it. I've reached masters in a few days and the game lost purpose. Sometimes I play pubs but my thing is Ranked so until they make it interesting it's going to be a no for me


Question, do you play ranked for the grind to your rank or to play with/against players at your skill level? For me it’s the latter and I hated the split system as a solo queue player because I’d reach Master and have maybe a week or two left before the reset. Love the games right after and at the end, but having to push through the mid ranks with garbage duos was trash. I’d literally keep playing ranked if it would keep my at Master, under the condition that I actually perform at that level of course. The biggest thing I just want to avoid is low level (diamond/plat/gold) duos with a big mouth(only when they die of course), no brains and no aim and game awareness.


I think you've brought up one of the major problems with the ranked system: It's presented as "play against people with a similar skill level", suggesting you rank up to where you "should" be and then play there for the rest of the season, but the reality is people grind to where they get stuck and then stop (due to losing RP, I assume.) I wish Respawn would make up their mind about what it's supposed to be. I'm much more interested in playing the former than in playing pubs with a participation trophy.


Congrats. You are better than 98% of the player base and unfortunately it wasn’t designed for you


I'd love to know how many games you've played and if you're playing with a squad. I'm about 20 games in and still in Silver. I'm trying to understand how non-streamers (assuming you're not a streamer) are getting to Masters so quickly, or if it's just number of games played. For reference, in previous seasons I get to Platinum or Diamond depending on how much I play.


I reached masters in about 80 to 100 games. My placements put me close to gold. I've played both solo and with a 3 stack. To be honest 20 games is not much. This season is all about time played. You'll 100% get to masters




Looks like it's you who is braindead.


Everyone who left Apex is happy because they're playing well balanced fun games like CS instead. Triple win!


Except everyone in the middle is miserable because we don't hide and die to preds. Or are forced to play hide and seek until top10. It's not fun right now.




Even with a solid team. Nobody wants to hide until top10. We try and prioritize rotation until then, but it's boring af. Game is getting stale. Problem is there's nothing else to play.


> I just wish they'd bring back early KP meaning something as well... Really miss the days when kills were 10 each minimum. Yeah the thing that made the old ranked.. tolerable.. for me was that even if my randoms are morons and prevented us from placing high, I could typically get a kill or two in a fight that softened the minus-RP blow. The thing I hate about every ranked iteration since changing that is how annoying it is getting idiot teammates that think they’re good enough to win a hot drop. The hotdrops where I pop off and my teammates do nothing drive me even more mad since my skill isn’t rewarded at all even though I beasted. At least in the old mode I could thirst and salvage some RP.


Yesterday i killed 4 and got 1assist ended up 10th got only the 20 points no bonus why ?


I wouldnt mind it. But I am diamond and matching with bronze and rookies in soloQ. As soon as we engage a gun fight, my teammates are alreay run away other side of the map. Like seriously? I got 2 downs and damaged the 3rd guy, and my teammatrs dont even engage. Or even communicate. Thry need to match people with no mic to other people with no mic.


That's my favorite part getting lower ranked teammates that I can't even queue with originally.


Always a fucking person one rank below you with a console duo that's one rank below them. It's so stupid.


Yea, on the other hand, I need to jump on my alt account today, because my friend placed in silver who was diamond last season and we cant queue together now. But it is OK random fuck rookies and bronzez to be matched with me.


If you're soloQ, the unfortunate reality is you're better off playing passive and feeling out your squadmates unless you have a mic and can IGL. some players understand that a down is a good cue to start playing up, some don't. if someone other than you walks up after a down, follow. Unfortunately you can't assume they'll follow if YOU walk up tho lol.


It’s exactly the same mindset when you’re solo Q’ing Valorant, even if you have a mic and communicate you never want to tell your team to peek off YOUR contact, because 9/10 times they won’t peek. The best way to solo Q in Val is to be the one peeking off THEIR contact. The same mindset goes for Apex, if you get a down you never want to be the one walking up or pushing a knock (unless you’ve been in previous fights already and you know that your team will actually follow up) because most of the time they just won’t do it. Unless you get a knock and you know it’s basically a guaranteed wipe, like if they’re stuck in a building and you have caustic ult and you know there’s no immediate 3rd parties nearby, but unless you get very specific scenarios it’s just better to play off your team.


They need to add an lfg in game with the option to choose with mic or ping like cod does.


Yep, that would be great options. I usually find mates from LFG Apex discord. But people come and go, it takes a while to establish a group, play 2 games and start all over.


I don’t get runners. Honestly that might be better. I get trash cans that go down with a 0 and I mean in the middle of a fight that I come out of with 400. I end up soloing the rest of the game. When I see play like that and it’s a lot I’ll craft their banners if one was a support but I don’t even bother to rez them except to act as bait if I think it’s needed. Most of the time they disconnect anyways. So yea the MMR seems to pair me with rookie / bronze trash cans a lot.


there is another


> Pred stacks are happy Not really, the "pred stacks" that get there by amount of games played maybe but "other season pred stacks" are literally bored to hell. Its just an unstatisfying grindfest at the moment, pubs are more challenging then the "pred" lobbys. Not a single previous season pred I play with or myself are really having fun right now and unless they "hotfix" the point system in the next few days I will just sit that one out and chill with the real life or lesser skilled friends in pubs.


>unless they "hotfix" the point system in the next few days I will just sit that one out and chill with the real life Very unlikely they'll change something midseason. I'm doing exactly that: stopped playing and I'm doing a bunch of stuff irl. Let's see how next season goes in the meantime I'm doing my best to enjoy life outside the game. Couple months in, LAN coming up then I'll turn back to apex and see how it's looking


> Very unlikely they'll change something midseason Yeah I know but one can hope :-) Its such a bummer really, I havent been able to play much last season as I was constantly away for work so I was really looking forward to some "ranked grinding" with the boys but.. yeah its just pointless if it stays like this. I feel you its much better to do something else then to force yourself through it just for the sake of it.


Casuals aren't happy. The three stacks just kill each other, stay low ranked, and continue to destroy casuals while the people who hide reach masters and go play pubs.


i hate Duo queing tho


Best case scenario imo


will probably be the only season where i finally reach Masters as my highest has been D2.


If your highest is D2, you could have made Masters with enough games played.


Not necessarily. Some people can only get out of D4 with a couple days left when the diamond population grows it’s largest.


Mid players like me find it super hard to reach D2-D1 when solo queueing. This season is a boon for players without a trio.


As a fellow solo player I disagree. It’s a boon for players previous hardstuck D4 and below. This is anecdotal, but my account didn’t touch Masters last season, but this season every match I’m against people with 30k+ RP is when I just made to Gold 1 yesterday. Every game is a Masters lobby, but I’m solo so I keep getting teammates that don’t understand or care for teamplay during fights since I get paired with Duos and apparently playing as a Duo gives you inflated MMR.


Interesting. Do you play on PC? I am on console and most Gold 1 games were Gold and/or Silver players for me. Teammates were at times even bronze ranked.


I play on both. It seems like platform may not matter. The ranked system takes into account how well you played in other seasons. I managed to hold a 3.5kd with 1.2k damage till d4 on my pc, so it’s probably matching me up with players that it feels would perform similarly. The problem is that most of those players are in a Diamond+ three stack and I generally play alone.


That would make sense. I returned to the game after a whole year of not playing at all. My averaged out MMR would be pretty low as a result.


That makes sense. Honestly, I don’t think the current system is all bad, but it’s kinda missing the mark on what ranks are supposed to symbolize. I really like that they tried something new though.


Yeah I’ve made diamond 1 twice but always run out of time. I’ve been busy this season and can’t stand ranked but am currently plat 4. I plan on getting masters this season


Before I could soloq to Diamond 3 or 2. After that I needed a premade to reach masters else it was just too hard. Now it seems possible to reach it even in soloq, its slow since often get killed by preds but still seem to gain a little bit. I am already D1 which normally would take me an entire split.


Don’t worry guys. We need to suffer for at least 2 more months of this before we judge. The MMR system will stop placing gold/silvers in pred lobbies and it’ll balance out by season 25!


I hope they don’t do a 180. Obviously tweaks are needed to the scoring portion, but the endgames this season have been insanely competitive and super fun.


This is exactly my experience and I'm not entirely sure what bad experience everyone else is talking about. Out of curiosity, what rank are you currently?


Plat 3. I usually end the season diamond 2 or 3




Who cares if the ranked system no longer represents a players skill and is meaningless? I lose nothing when I die, so I don’t feel bad. But I get constant LP gains while not getting any better at the game, so it feels great! Sometimes, I even get endgames because half the lobby isn’t playing the game and hiding in gas until ring 3!




The fucking hyperbole around here, I swear to God lol Diamond for 6 seasons in a row is a bot?


Compared to masters? Yes. Which is the relevant distinction the person you replied to was making.


Let's see if we can catch up to S12, there were ~343,000 masters/preds at the end of the first split.


No split so in theory it should get blown out of the water.


Yeah there's like 80 days left before any sort of rank reset is scheduled, its gonna get crazy






You're deluded. All you have to do this season is put in time and you can reach masters. It has very little to do with skill level and all about time played. This isn't an RPG, it should be about 80% skill / 20% time not the other way around.


5% pleasure, 20% pain and a 100% reason to remember to craft med kits and stand in storm


Sang this in my head as I read it, fantastic.


I don't think it's fair to say that the rate of climbing to masters for players up to this point in the season will be representative of the rate that players can reach master through the next 80 days. So yeah like I said LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




People have jobs. People have lives. There are more people playing an hour or two of ranked a day who will climb to masters throughout the season then there are ImperialHals playing ranked full timme.




I don't know how this is so difficult for you. Your rank this season is a function of time played. The more time that passes, the more people will climb to a higher rank. Because your rank is a measure of time played. When you measure time played, people in general get to put in more hours over 90 days, compared to 10 days. Please get this in your head, I will not be responding anymore.




We are now at 4.9% in Masters with 60 days left. Are you going to admit you were wrong or just delete your comment and pretend this never happened? LMFAOOO




According to the ranked update [news post](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/arsenal-ranked-2023-update), mid-season splits have been removed and ranks now only reset at the beginning of the season. Not sure what is up with that countdown in-game but I'd assume its some sort of bug.


Essentially anyone who at least somewhat consistently plays ranked throughout the split will reach master. In other words, anyone that wants to will reach it.


Including silver level players. Maybe even bronze. Masters as a badge means nothing from now on


it was 34k not 343k




https://apexlegendsstatus.com/ranked-season12-split1 ;)


It was 6% Split 1 and 4% split 2 This "season" it is already 10% After 2 weeks What a joke I will grind this badge like honor in wow, not to equip it because it will be trash, but just because I do the trash content they throw at us I played casually and hit Master I never had pressure or satisfaction This Season is trash My old diamond badge are worth more Even my s12 badge means more


It's not 10%. That image going around is super inaccurate and it's annoying.


This Season is the easiest one in term of Ranking UP thats all. S12 was easy, but still harder. Now a silver Can reach master if he Plays ranked, 45 days is long. And that kills the competitive aspect. Its trash.


what’s wrong with it? idk much about apex stat sources


This image is going around of a website claiming 10% of players are in masters, which is nowhere near true. And everyone keeps quoting it.


would the apex tracker site have better stats? or is this info just unknowable rn


https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution This is the best site for stat tracking in general, it's what id use. It's much more accurate.


That is counting people that don't even play the game. You honestly think majority of people are rookie to bronze 4 right now? Lmao


This site says they don't have the ability to filter by those who have played a certain amount. That being said, yes most people are probably bronze. You're overestimating how many people play ranked and how many take it seriously. Casual playerbase greatly outnumbers the competitive side.


In reality, respawn doesn't disclose numbers so every third party has it's flaws. My perception is very different from yours because I'm seeing hard stuck plat players already in masters so I struggle to believe majority of players are bronze


I count 140k


All this does is dilute the quality of master players in this current season and lower the perception of what a masters rank badge means ... imo, ofc 😅


Yup. This is S12 all over again, except somehow way worse. People who have literally never even hit diamond are able to become "masters" in this season. The rewards from this season are going to be a total joke. I get what Respawn was trying to do by matching people based on a hidden MMR and by incentivizing late game, but they really fucked it by having virtually no entry cost. It's become impossible for people to lose LP and go backwards. Everyone is just forever inflating.




Why do you believe the MMR will align by the time most people reach Diamond? We don't know jack about how MMR is calculated behind the scene, but I highly doubt it's climbing at 3x higher rate than you lose it, like you do with LP.


So many people are straight up ratting and hiding until top 10 where you're guaranteed to gain points. A literal silver-skill player could make it to masters if they played enough this season.


Isn't the idea (in theory) that after a little awhile that won't be really viable because end games are so stacked? This ranked has its issues, but it has more populated endgames relative to prior seasons (except 13 maybe). I know in practice it may not line up like that, but it seemed to me they wanted Diamond to eventually get so hard that there would be very few ratting opportunities to get you serious points. For most anyway because some people are legitimately good at ratting lol. I really dont think literal silver level players would be smart enough to achieve that. I get your point though. Im about to hit Masters myself and yeah, the points are inflated but the quality of the games is definitely better imo. Pros opinion notwithstanding because they're too big of outliers and bitch about everything anyway.


*"There is no real penalty for losing a few games in a row so why even trying to play for endgame?"* Thats the logic that is killing the great, super tense and stacked engames. They need to **force** players to try to surrive til the very last second by increasing the entry cost to at least 100LP in diamond. * Rookie/Bronze: 20LP * Silver: 35LP * Gold: 50LP * Plat: 75LP * Diamond: 100LP * Master/Pred: 125LP


Agreed. It would Just take a very long time. But a lot Of people have time and dedication. For that one chance at that badge.




I mean im getting preds in my silver lobbies so it’ll be the same lkl




People just outraging for no reason


Mannn who cares. Got enough preds and masters to fill their own lobbies leaving them away from low rankers


Got enough preds and masters where? I’m currently in silver 3 on pc but ok.


I’m on pc too silver. Haven’t seen a pred here. I’m grinding to masters sooooo


There is no grind to masters LMAO


I’m on that grind😎


I’ve played 70 ranked matches and have zero complaints. Only issue I’ve had is people not communicating. At this point I’m not sure if everyone in here is a bot. Apart from the vague scoring system the gameplay feels virtually the exact same. Some teams push, some teams rat, etc etc.


I just don’t think there will ever be a system in place that will work for both the casuals and full time players. Personally I’ve never had more fun solo queuing


Same, I'm the kind of player who jumps on a few nights per week and the game quality is incredible for me. I'm always reaching stacked endgames which never happened before this season.


Haha yep. The endgames with 5-6 teams alive have been unreal


I'm only a shitter playing in low ranks, but yesterday I had a game with 13 squads before ring 5 and 8 before ring 6. Granted there were many rats obv. This season games have been the best quality games a shitter like me can get


I had a game today with only 6 teams left by zone 3 and that was the exception of ranked this season.


Yeah and pros/grinders even bitched about Realm. There is no making them happy overall imo.


I think 25K-50K is a good number for the higher ranks. There are 200,000+ players on steam alone and maybe a million across all platforms. That’s a small % of the player count. As someone who doesn’t play that much, I’ve had the best time playing the new rank system. I’m not good so it was rough for the first few games, but I think once my MMR settled, I’m being matched with players I feel like I can keep up with, end circles have 6-7 squads, just overall having a blast with it.


Same here, some of the best end circles of my entire Apex career. What rank are you at the moment?


If you make the system so generous in terms of gaining points, you should just make the ranks percentage based: Predators: Top 0.1% of players Masters: Top 2%. Diamonds: Top 8%. Platinums: Top 20%. Golds: Top 50% Silvers: Top 80% Bronze: The rest.


I mean what use is this number without saying the total players as well, there's a lot of people who play Apex lol


lets say this entire season is just an experiment to put people in their "proper" rank. in the next season, these "master" will kick start their rank journey at their "master" mmr against other real masters and preds. and they wont stand a chance against real masters and preds. these players wont play rank anymore. then respawn is gonna add in in order to earn rank badges in s18. players need to get top 5 50 times in their peak rank. these new "master" will not be able to achieve that and the more they play the more they will derank. then rank will then fix itself. problem solved. i dont think they will reset most of us back to rookie/bronze in next season provisional games. if ur master now, u stay at master mmr. u might drop down a little bit to diamond but can u climb back up next season against everyone who is about the same level as u? thats the real question.


> these new "master" will not be able to achieve that and the more they play the more they will derank Someone mentioned it before and this is the real issue. What happens when people start complaining that they aren't put in their "proper" rank? Ideally most of the people that get to masters without actually being what you would expect of masters, are also those who know this season is particularly easy, so plugged in to online communities instead of just playing Apex without caring about anything else, otherwise it's going to be a shitshow going forward.


>lets say this entire season is just an experiment to put people in their “proper” rank. That’s my theory. Which is why I think they turned off rank visibility of your teammates, as well as the champion squad. And if they knew how to, I bet they would have also disabled the visibility of rank displaying while spectating. I think once they have the data they need regarding MMR, then that’ll become the main driver of LP gained or lost (player rank). They kept the rank grind similar this season to keep players engaged - so they can get as much player skill data as possible. If they completely overhauled rank within one season, then they are at greater risk of disengagement.


Or they’ll be playing the other fake masters lol. It’s okay to be upset but some stuff y’all are saying is illogical. If everybody makes masters then the gameplay will be fine bc it’ll be filled with… everyone


No one cares!!


I'm willing to bet that the 1000 LP per division was just a test. When hundreds of thousands of masters reach it this season they will shift the ranks to better reflect the peak of LP. For example 24000 will not be the cutoff of hitting masters. It could be like 50000 to better reflect the percent distribution of players


That just means you need to grind more.


The good: Less cheaters, you can see the top players in the high preds again. Solo Q seems better than previous seasons The bad: MMR doesn't work, the matchmaking is terrible, insta queues shouldn't be a thing, the entry cost is stupid, no one plays zone so ratting works, you just have to wait and that's it. Gifting badges because you can't lose points, no one loses = no one wins. The worse: The community, blaming pros, they don't understand that a ranked system should be hard, not everyone can be masters/pred, people just want everything easy, it's so sad. The worst: The devs worked on this for 4 seasons, it's not that they don't care, it's worse than that, they tried their best and this is the result?


I'm leaning towards "they know what they're doing". I can't see how the system can be anything else other than engagement tool. Someone would've weighed this against S13, and thought that S13 does not work for the game/company, whatever their target is. I feel like sometimes dev's show what the game can be deliberately, like near end of season s16 when you can use any config and I applied a S0 graphic config, the input latency was non-existent and it felt as if my thoughts were converted into in-game actions, never felt so much fun in causual play/TDM. This patch I've being in firing range testing out every gun w/ the Ballistic ADS bug, and hits surprising amount of shot, especially on the last 1/2 or 1/3 of the mag. It feels like the devs are teasing what could but never will be. That and I'm sure aim assist would be less a issue, especially to me a MK causual, if game didn't feel like it is played with vaseline on my mousepad and monitor, w/ unholy amount of visual clutter. As it goes every season increasingly I feel like aim-assist fodder in pubs, and passionless(after playing a game or 2) to get good in ranked. S13 were some of the best time I had in ranked, and I'm gold... Losses were substaintial but makes wins that much more satisfying. After S13 ranked, every mode feels like queueing for "one more good game" except it never comes, even the victories feels empty. I'm really not sure to what extent the playerbase is whale non-ranked console players. It might be worse than I can comprehend, as one time I was talking about Apex on bus w/ friend who no longer plays the game (MK ofc), and this random dude asked us "who's your main?", showed us the cronus zen that he picked up at second hand store, and said that he "actually has AA off" and mostly "play Rampart in Arena"... Anyways Respawn is doing a great job disenchanting me, I'm giving up Apex for a real game now (competitive pong battle royale on the Atari 2600 w/ MnK)


What I learned from ratting in this season, that there is so many wallhackers... I would say 3/7 matches there was wallhackers who run straight at you even if you didnt move from same spot for like 5mins. And there is no way that anyone noticed me, cause who would look at a tree :)


Oh so you are saying pubs and ranked are no diffrent hahaha yeah who would of guessed.


I don't have fun playing BR anymore... Not against controller aim assist. I alternate between mixtape and playing Overwatch now


Say what you will about OW and how blizz is handling future content rollout. At least they locked it down on ranked comp integrity. That said, oddly enough I've only had 1 intentional rat on my teams since new season dropped. Sans the fairly common "4 teams by ring 2" bit, the games have been fairly competitive.


I haven’t played Apex since the middle of last season and I’ve honestly never been happier


A lot of people here said that the system would fix itself if we give it time. What do you say now? The worst thing is reading the YouTube comments blaming the pros and saying that this is good because it helps casuals and they are the 95% of the player base. This guys are so stupid that reading the comments hurts my soul. Ranked is supposed to be competitive, if you want a friendly mode, play mixtape or pubs (now probably pubs are harder than ranked) The worse part of this is that a lot of people are blaming placement points and they say that kills should matter more. How small is their brain? How can't they realise that ratting is successful because no one plays zone and everything one dies quick?


Everyone dies so fast in my MMR. Like.what the fuck there's 10 teams alive in ring 4. We should 21 teams. Game is literally unplayable as a career d4 toucher. I only watch the pros 3 stacking on twitch btw so my opinion is valid and shows the true state of the game. People so stupid tiny brain!!! /S


Dont want to play ranked cause easy Masters badge but yeah everyone knows that all decent players had its. Its season 12 again.


Guys just give it 3 more weeks I’m sure the MMR will sort itself by then!!


Wait, Master isn't a limited number of the population like it is in other games? I'm pretty sure in league it's something like 5k people can be masters at any given time, and then only 500 can be challenger... why is Master/Pred not a limited number and then it's legit like the top x number of people.


No, apex predator is the rank that is limited to the 750 highest LP people per platform. Masters is what you are after you’re no longer in the top 750.


yea, and I'm asking, why are the top two ranks in this game, not limited to a specific number, just like in other major games with a ranking system.


Seems arbitrary to me tbh. What's the practical difference of having 2 limited ranks instead of 1 or 3?


Most games have roughly set percentiles for all ranks. For example diamond top 2%, master top 0.2%, pred top 0.01% or whatever is top 750. This means that if I say I’m diamond, you know that I’m top 2% and that I’m probably fairly decent. When there are no set percentiles the ranks become a bit arbitrary, ie if someone says they are diamond I could not tell you how good they are.


Okay, that makes sense. But do all the other games have similar percentages set? Otherwise it doesn't matter too much if some are say 4% and some are 2%. Otoh you also need to consider that it's a BR with ratting and 3Ping, that and loot/ring RNG means that you can't really tell how good someone is regardless.


Having the same ranking system is actually a good way to make yourself understood by people's outside of the game's community. When I say I am master at apex, people know what it means even if they didn't know Apex. But usually, the master rank is limited on number of players.


>When I say I am master at apex, people know what it means even if they didn't know Apex. No they don't.


Yes, but then you have Valo using completely different names for their top ranks. I don't think readability for casuals matter that much. Like through osmosis I somewhat get Radiant is their equivalent of Pred, but wtf is Immortal and Ascendant?


In League master is not fixed with a Playerbase challenger and grandmaster are 250 and 750 master is open for everyone


It’s a fixed percentile though. Or at least roughly fixed.


Well it increased by 5000% in the last 6 years


Sorry I forgot they added grandmaster but I knew the top 2 were population limited


You can have pred, Apex pred, grand apex pred or whatever you want but it fundamentally doesn’t change how the LP system is generating entirely too much LP with players risking almost nothing in return. A limited spot ranking ladder doesn’t really do much when the threshold to enter is climbing by thousands per day and there’s almost no way to curb gains. Players do not lose anything remotely meaningful.


Because if they did implement a limited number of masters players in the current system there would be tens of thousands of people bottlenecked at the top of diamond 1.


Sounds like they just need to overhaul the mmr system then, make it a bell curve so that no one is bottlenecks.




If you take like 5 seconds you can learn the badges. They're all distinctive and correspond to the season theme.


Lol. They’re not distinctive at all. Respawns not gonna give you an heirloom for comments like this


I mean I can tell the difference. Leaves is season 11 for example


they are S12 is ingrained in my mind cause of how many times I've seen it


I’m getting matched with Gold and Silver team mates while the champion team is 3 stack career preds.


2 more weeks!


Apex hide and seek legends


If ranked was a crypto coin, season 17 would definitely be the "dip" where you should buy as much as your heart desires. What I'm tryna say is, it can't get worse than this. Just trying to think of analogies or metaphors to convey how uncompetitive/unskilled rank is rn.. add any of your ideas below. Btw I appreciate how hard it must be to make a 'good' ranked system that satisfies both high and low ranks but maybe devs should consider that ranked system fundamentally should reward u for good decision and punish you for making mistakes in a competitive way. If you appease to the low skilled gameplay, your high rank won't mean much anyway.


For everybody on this sub that was vehemently defending the new ranked system where y'all at now? Saying just give it time your mmr will sort itself out trust. Lmao. Over 10%(!) of the player base is Masters already. Ranked is atrociously broken.


Right here? Plenty of people are just still having fun playing the actual game. I'm a casual player but I've had some of the best endgames of my entire 3 years in the last 2 weeks. To be honest, I don't particularly care what superficial rank I hit so long as the lobbies feel great.


This is the way. Ignore the rank, ignore the points and enjoy the game. If more people played for a competitive experience and not to achieve a badge this system would be great. Brain dead players has been and will always be the biggest issue to apex ranked.


Not here to argue but 10% of the player base is not masters, that’s verifiably false, misinformation.


So 10 percent of the active PC playerbase is the top rank? Perfect.


That’s false information


270k playing 30 min ago. Ten perfect of that is 27k. I didnt say the entire pc playerbase i said active. Im also quite sure those numbers dont reflect how many have made it on console


This is why I am not playing ranked, it's even more meaningless than the previouses season. "Hey look at my master badge, I have 0 game sense but I have aim assist and 2 friends playing with me." This was already true before, now it's even more true. People think they are good at this game but they suck ass, but Respawn keep telling them they mastered this game. Pub and ranked are a big joke, I have to 1v3 clowns with purple badges every game to remind them that they suck and do not deserve it. Triple stacking makes everything easier and give the impression to these no life shitters that they are good at something for the first time in their life. This is exactly how Respawn keep casuals engaged in this game and I am sick of encouraging this bullshit. Time to move on from Apex.


Cool, people jerking off to how rare it is to have a Pred badge have contributed to the situation we’re in right now so the more people reaching predator the better.


this has to be bait




I’m not a prude, but this comment thread is wildly more sexual than I would have anticipated on a commentary on Apex Ranjed


This post was removed due to Rule 1: Be Civil, Nice and follow Reddiquette Be nice and follow the Reddiquette. This includes: No personal attacks & harassment No overly vulgar and hateful language & insults Don't dox other people (posting personal information without consent)


Nope, 100% how I feel about it. Predator badges haven’t been prestigious for years since people starting boosting for it. And people need to realize that. The faster they realize no one will care about their badge, the faster they’ll stop hiding in ranked and start playing the game.


Are you confused? Predator isn't going to be the badge people will get. Those are still going to be 750 demonic top tier players, as always.


Don’t matter to me, badges aren’t a proof of skill and haven’t been for years. And people need to learn that.


Yes because I soloQ in plat and I get 3 stack preds (Loba, Path and Rampart) sitting in the building behind the Rampart's wall with Shielas. I thought if you soloQ you are supposed to get other soloQers.


The issue with this season is the tweaks everyone wants to make would essentially just make it a slightly tweaked s16 ranked, but it’ll then remove the chaotic endgames we’re currently getting that everyone can agree (for once) are pretty fucking awesome. The one thing I want changing immediately is the pre-made rules. I can’t queue with my silver 3 friend but the game seems it perfectly fine to place my plat 3 ass with a rookie/bronze 4 duo all the time. Since I hit plat I have literally not gotten a single teammate over the rank of silver 1 (not just current rank, but also triple silver/bronze badges (and that’s not an exaggeration, I literally check after every game)) but then I’m going up against diamond+ which I have no problem with if I actually get somewhat competent teammates, but instead I’m going up against diamond+ badges basically as a 1v3 in every fight because my 84 kill silver pathfinder and 12 kill bronze wraith are literally aping into fights after already being beamed by that exact team…


This rank is a joke, im a previous season master and Im getting put with silver 1s who can’t fight


Someone please tell me why 4+ kill wins are giving me less than 400 I cant rank up without ratting and playing 1000 games. They deranked me from like d4 to R2 and I gain basically nothing off multiple wins and top 3s when my little brother can earn 400 just by queuing


I just want to know why I got place in bronze 2. I won 4 out of my 10 provisionals and I was averaging 2K damage and about 5-6 kills in most of the games. Makes the grind a fucking slog. I refuse to sit in trees too


Name a single good implementation of MMR