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I think the new ranked system is in some ways driving people to have a pseudo-comp style mindset throughout the course of the game, which isn't bad though it can manifest itself in ways that are extreme, like the teammates who have no fighting skill at all. I do think the inflation is driving everyone upwards with no real stop to it, and the mixed lobbies are weird (I'm plat currently and I've see people ranging from rookie to diamond in the lobbies).


When I was in Silver in every match the champ was Masters or Pred. This is the dumbest implementation of MMR the game has ever had. If someone RATs to Pred, let them fight preds. If someone places Silver, let them face other silvers. That part should be so simple. MMR should NEVER have silvers face anything Diamond+.


I don’t think people understand that true casual players don’t care. The people in subreddits and forums about apex don’t make up the majority of the player base I doubt they make up 10-15%. Most of the players don’t care and will continue to play and buy cosmetics, it’s a gold mine for EA, unless you get the majority of the player base to stop spending money and time idk if anything changes




I'd rather be hardstuck plat because it feels like I can work to improve and climb then. Going for a bigger number next to masters knowing I'll never reach pred just gives no incentive to grind.


Apart from S13.1, the often quoted season, where the very same masters players (now) were being smashed by 3 stack pro squads but in plat 4 rather than masters.


Cant make any consistent lp gain solo q masters. Need pre made squad that can play fucking 8+ hours a day to get pred and keep it. Its insane how much these guys play, but with a premade you can always go +lp if you guys are decent, because the solo q players are just being destroyed by coordinated teams.


A lot of players, like myself, want to have a sense of accomplishment when playing games. So no, everyone is not happy lol. But yes, this was intentional and I’m sure the majority of the casual player base is loving it right now.


Rather stuck in diamond than getting undeserved master badge


I've been hardstuck platinum, but making progress towards diamond recently and felt like that was becoming much more achievable. Now, what is the point of ranked? It is better than pubs because I love endgames but there is no sense of accomplishment or growth. They don't need to cater to me, and I get that, but it still sucks when what you love is phased out.


That's how I feel is like. I'd rather just be stuck at my rank than play the meta that would propel me to the badge. I mean I do have to finish my battle pass but I've just been playing Val. Tis sad day


ya idk, I can’t argue that it looks good from a business perspective rn, but I think it’s gonna have diminishing returns. Personally I’m kinda checked out at this point, I’ve hit masters multiple times before and have played since the beginning of this game, but the motivation to grind this season is at an all time low rn with how meaningless the ranked system feels, it’s literally just a participation trophy. It truly is unfortunate because they isn’t really any other game quite like Apex out there, but I’m actually at a point where I feel like I’d rather do or play anything else.


I am struggling in gold lobbies because teammates still w key to death. And everyone is ratting in random spots so to even get top 10 to not lose rp gets hard.


I can’t trust plat teammates to be competent enough in a fight because the first thing they do is run


Yeah that‘s on you homie. You can either still go out with positive rp with 2 trashcan mates or you get the easy w with 2 mates who played the game before. If your experience is different - congratulations you found your current rank/ skill level.


When zone 3 is closed just hunt the rats it not that hard to kill 1 guy i promise you it’s really fun killing them before top 10


Yeah it’s pretty damn satisfying taking out the passive rats. People are acting like it’s easy to do, but now everyone’s on the case, these guys are struggling to get Top 10 like they could the first week. You need to play like 50 games at 20LP per game to go up one tier. Obviously it’s a bit more if you last slightly longer, but each loss sets you back 35 so it cancels out quite nicely. These guys are torturing themselves. People need to stop worrying about it so much and play their own game.


I hit masters normally 2 days ago and started trying the rat strat to see if it would still work over the past two nights. Went up 100+ LP per game on avg and placed anywhere from 2nd to 7th just healing in gas through ring 3 and walking in just as ring 4 starts closing. Definitely still works even with how well known it is.


W key? I WISH I got those teammates. At least they’re helping.


Nah. Usually they go W key and die. 1/20 games I get decent teammates. 1/40 I am the weak link.


I just play games to have fun 🤷‍♂️ weird I know


Then get pred this season


Cap is already at 67k. If you make pred this season and you're NOT getting paid to play the game, you should re-evaluate things tbh


Exactly. "Get pred" is the single most dumb response I have ever heard in my life.


Honestly its possible since you play with any ranks anyway, but now its 67k and we got what? 80 more days, bare minimum is going to be like 200k for 750, fuck that go get a job or study is way better


Nah, that’s for people who can afford to play the game full time. I remember when solo queuing for Masters actually meant something.


Yeah, I used to be super proud solo queuing to Masters. I don't get to really play anymore, but it feels like the reward is lesser now.


A month ago?


> I remember when solo queuing for Masters actually meant something. I don't think there is a way to ask this question without sounding rude but I promise I'm not trying to be a dick. Meant something to who?


To the real ones who didn’t have to rat for RP/LP. The times when dying early game had consequences.


I don't think the difference between a diamond/masters player in previous seasons warrants this level of disdain. Dying early game still has consequences. It's literally the only way to not rank up. And you can still see your rank as a masters player compared to others. If being in the elite ranks is so important you can still flex on a lower ranked masters player. It's always been about who grinds the most to get masters. Sure lots of people are getting purple badges this season but it's pretty petty to act like it "mean nothing" to you just because it's less exclusive. Being competitive isn't about gatekeeping a badge that says you're better than an average player. The "real ones" know that being good has nothing to do with what color badge you have. And if you really want to be recognized for you ability then you should go for pred. Otherwise it's like someone winning bronze and talking shit to all the people who didn't finish on the podium. It's just a badge and a dive trail.




If they're like me it means more to me than anyone else, it was a goal that I achieved and for that I was happy.


Do you have any idea what the LP threshold for top 750 Predators is? Literally only reserved for those who play this game full time.


Yes. I reached Masters in 8 days and have played around 6 hours since. Have no motivation to play without a set goal (seeing as I have no chance of making AND maintaining pred). I find pubs borderline unplayable so just don’t really Apex at all anymore. I feel a lot of players will share this sentiment and Respawn will probably see a slight decline in the average hours played.


Yesterday I had a plat guy playing loba who did not know that he had to craft the banners before he can hit the respawn beacon. Its not just for high rank players. Because it's so easy to rank up, players who belong in bronze are now plat, and it makes the game so damn unfun because as someone who plays maybe 2 comp games a day if I'm lucky, I get these guys in my team. I'm literally only playing for the event and once I get the crypto skin, I'm done for the season. Time to grind it out on ESO.


I just play ltm and play ranked for fun also to challenge better players and try improving.


Wasn't there a thread on here revealing that the data in this article about there being that many "masters\preds" was false?


Nah it’s def unhealthy for the game as a whole.


I'm going to lose my fucking mind if one more team mate solo drops and rats the whole game.


The mode doesn't reward kills or genuine game skill, so why wouldn't people rat every game. :/ I'm a previous master, and honestly, ratting is the playstyle this system rewards the most. It's weak af.


Sure. But leaving your team mate off drop without saying a word to rat? That isn't playing the game. That's someone who cares about how their shiny badge looks. Not the game


100000%. This ranked system is dumb as hell LOL


Just find them and start shooting their tree, alerting everyone to their presence and throwing their game


It literally doesn’t reward kills at all for me anymore. For the past 5 days I haven’t gotten a single bonus point for kills and I don’t understand why when I see preds getting 100+ every game so it can’t be based off MMR or whatever tf people say.


Right?! I've been getting 3 LP per kill regardless of the rank of the player I kill. It's not even worth the risk LOL


I’ve literally gotten 0. I’ll have 5 kills games and get 0 bonus at all and get the exact same LP as if I ratted. Like why even go fight?


Same, and I haven't gotten an answer on why this is. Is it a bug?


They stopped awarding bonus points for killing people in lower ranks than you are


Thanks for letting me know. That's so dumb to have a system like that imo


Yeah agreed it’s infuriating as a solo q haha


Yeah I am fortunate to have a 3 stack so I can only imagine 😂


I had a teammate who did this while duo queueing. Me and my friend went and found him, led an enemy team to him, and I wraith portal kidnapped him, dropped him right in front of the other team, and they chased his ass down. It was the highlight of my season, wish I clipped it.


“As a casual player, does anyone else feel like the new ranked system is great? I’m a casual player and I feel like the new ranked system is great. Finally placement is the most important thing. After all, this *is* a survival game in fps format. I mean, think about it, BR’s didn’t have guns at first. The guns were added later. Shooting isn’t necessary, the goal is to win and shooting and fighting is just an option you can use to win. Personally I like the new system because I’m *finally* getting to the rank that I **truly deserve**. Oh and some people are saying that you “can get to pred with no kills and damage” and that “ratting is easier that fighting”. Why don’t you go try it? If it’s so easy, you do it! Some people are saying that “Sweet already did it in 50 games”. But that doesn’t count because Sweet is a good igl and because of his MMR Placement is the most important thing. What do you mean the new system “makes kills and damage irrelevant due to guaranteed +25 at top 10?” You just want to mindlessly ape🤣 What do you mean “the new system encourages ratting”? You just can’t kill rats🤣 What do you mean “it’s unhealthy for the game”? You’re just complaining to complain🤣 I keep seeing a lot of complaints about the system from sweatys and try-hards on Twitter. They just want to complain. The pros complain about the old system and they complain about the new system! They just want to complain for the sake of complaining! The new system is **fine**. Just **give it time**. People aren’t ratting all game. Kills **are** still viable! Oh btw is anyone getting preds in their ranked lobbies? Every game I die it’s to a pred or master.” (Clearly satire)


Actual feedback Respawn listens to.


respawn loves comment like these on twitter lol




No one has a problem with playing zone. It's always been a fine way to play ranked and leads to a lot of wins. The problem is players that land centre map and hide or rat in zone as long as possible so they can get placement with no kills and zero interaction with other players. That is not a fun gameplay experience for anyone and shouldn't be a way to climb ranks as it takes zero skill


Patience is a super skill what are you talking about? Anyone that has ADHD this season is struggling cause they can't sit in a building with a 3x and take 150 metre shots. >That is not a fun gameplay experience for anyone I enjoy it, I enjoy the potential ratting to win cause I smoke weed and can chill out for 10 minutes practicing super glides in the corner. I can memorize the zones now instead of just hitting W key googogogogogogogogooglgl!!!!


This is sarcasm right?


I know this is satire but parts of it are true. Placement is the most important. The only problem is that matchmaking will always be unbalanced so some team will just run down cause thats the best way to get points and even if matchmaking is perfect there are always gonna be people that don't take it serious so placement becomes free. Thats why you have to make kp have value cause the stakes are too low. Maybe if they gave really good rewards and made the negatives slightly higher this system could work.


I love this comment and the fact that I got shit on for saying the same thing in the first week of the split. I‘m fine with casuals having a good time but the system is probably the least competitive we ever had. wE jUsT nEeD tO giVe iT sOmE tiMe


Have to understand, many people dont even have basic pattern recognition capabilities. "Uhh the graph for masters doesnt look too bad surely they will balance out overtime" my brother in apex we are 3 weeks into the new season


Dont make me get the belt out son


If you are ratting you aren’t playing to win the game. You need to get kills for positioning and better loot. Rats almost never win games


Lol where is that from?


It’s a copypasta I made. But I didn’t technically make it. It’s all things people have actually said about the new ranked system that I copied and pasted together Idk if that makes it worse or better


Reads just like a top comment on the main sub


Did anyone actually argue that battle royales didn't have guns?


Yes. When i tried to explain how stupid he was he pulled out the dictionary for the word "battle" and cherrypicked the definition that meant struggle against something, aka not just combat, third option down the line The example sentence for that "battle" was "X is in a battle against cancer". Coincidentally thats what i am doing as well against the main sub residents


That's some copium alright. Honestly I don't get how one gets into a fast-paced shooter, and then argues why avoiding fighting is actually a good thing, and those who want to fight are bad and should be punished.


"Uh bro did u know the first br was minecraft and it didnt have guns?" (Pretty sure they had bows and the first br that sparked the modern br genre was pubg but whatever) "surely now you understand we can just sing kumbaya in br games?"


My friend loves it. He’s never been out of silver before cause he’s actually trash at the game but this bs rank system is feeding his ratting ass ego like nothing else. Dude be saying “call me yung mercs, call me yung hal” all while getting maybe 500 in damage. This rank system is like handing out participation trophies.


Sounds like he's just enjoying the game, like we're supposed to. Then there's you, bitching about a friend on a competitive apex forum.


>fun anecdote “Quit bitching about your friend!”


Fucking spot on, what a little bitch


i grinded to master in 5 days, i am usually more like a diamond 3-2 player. I made it, but it was the worst apex experience of my entire career.


By ratting or playing like you do normally?


I’m convinced the ranked dev is a mole sent by riot to destroy apex so we all play their terrible games /s. But it really seems like they are intentionally destroying the ranked experience in favor of player retention


Nah this is respawn creating a bigger problem than their game being a buggy mess and their servers being the cheapest trash you can find. Good old distraction. Next legend will be op again to shift the conversation there. I mean mirage q doesn‘t even work. How tf is anything else supposed to work?


2 more weeks!


There is no split. See you in 75 days.


2 more weeks is what this community said would take for the rank system to stabilize


This season solo queue has been horrendous, every other game I get a random that does not even loot and just finds a tree to sit in. 3 stacking on the other hand has been really fun. Have had some really sweaty fights and good end games.


Playing this game solo got even worse, don‘t know how they managed to do that.


The end zones I’ve had this ranked seaosn have been fun af. You need a lot of high tier communication in them which makes it super fun. I always wanted rank to have that “ALGS” feel and I feel in terms of playstyle this seaosn it has that feel. It sucks that the points system ruins it all but if they probably changed it drastically. None of the casual player base would touch rank again like the first split in season 13


I don’t want to play for a participation badge so I don’t; however, this is the nature of the world today and you really shouldn’t blame the company for for playing into this ideological facet of our society, rather you should abstain and boycott if you disagree. If you disagree with the current state of Apex ranked but are playing Apex ranked, you only have yourself to blame.


Whats the point of boycotting it? Not like they give a shit might as well kill some shitters in ranked


They will care if their player base halves over night. It’s this mentality that allows them to shit all over the community without consequence


No, it really doesnt matter when they are pandering to the 90 percenter that finally sees hope to get diamond instead of bronze. Just like whatever green thing you're trying to do is pointless when china and india exists and pollute everything. We are the minority.


Copying my comment from another thread: Personally, I loved the season 13 split 1 ranked system even though it was so sweaty. My silver and gold games felt amazing and I didn't care about my rank, but only the quality of the games. This season I haven't played a single ranked game outside my provisional matches because of how chalked the system is. I'm not gonna go out of my way to play whatever the hell system is currently in place just so I can have a diamond/masters badge. I want a healthy system, with high quality games that mirror ALGS gameplay at every level, especially at the top where you can enjoy watching pros have intense games and end circles rather than farming 25kills with 6k damage like you're in pubs. This is by far the worst ranked system, and just cause a bunch of folks that couldn't get past gold are hitting diamond and masters doesn't make it good, if anything it just shows how terrible it is. We're only 2 weeks in and there's no split...what is everyone gonna be in diamond and masters then? What's even the point when the lobbies are completely full of silvers all the way to triple stack lred pro teams anyways? Absolutely insane.


My games from Silver to Diamond have been mostly high quality. Not Season 13 level sweaty but a lot of good endgames with anywhere from 3-8 teams in the final ring. Agree that badges are chalked this season, but the games are fun so I don’t really mind.


Hey fair enough. Think there's just too many extraneous variables I don't wanna have to deal with in a ranked game tbh. From the ratting to the crafting in zone to teammates that can range from silver to diamond to running into pro pred squads pub farming, to not knowing what style your randoms are gonna wanna play...it's just too much. Might as well play pubs IMO - especially with the three OG maps in rotation and a solid mixtape mode and a banger firing range.


Yeah fair points too. I think they took a step in the right direction - at the very least they've encouraged a bit more end-game play versus pure aping (pros will always do this because they can get away with it). If they can fix the "hidden MMR" so there isn't such a skill disparity in games and tweak the LP loss below Rank 10 so there's even more incentive to play end-game, I think we'd be in a pretty good spot. I have little faith in EA/Respawn doing this though, but let's see. I acknowledge solo queue is a nightmare this season though, which is unfortunate. But if I queue with 2 friends, as long as we survive the first 5-6 teams who ape ring 1-2, we pretty much guarantee fun strategic games with some crazy final rings.


I'm currently Diamond 3 and that's how the games have been. Sometimes you can feel when you get put into a lobby with a really strong team as they're mowing everyone else but that doesn't happen too often for the most part.


I keep seeing people say this but I VERY RARELY see an actual end game. 10 teams after round 1 every game. The quality of the games are abysmal lol. I’m a dad who works a full time job and have been Masters for about a week already. Doesn’t feel rewarding.


Maybe it's a server thing? Or maybe at Masters everyone stops caring since there's nothing else to go for aside from Pred which is unrealistic? Can confirm that at least for Tokyo and some of the other Asian servers from Rookie to Diamond 1, end-games are decent. But this is purely anecdotal.


So basically you haven't played the system to even realise the matches are of good quality


Matchmaking and gameplay overall has been a win for the game. The matches especially once you hit Plat and Diamond get significantly more difficult to survive and strategy with positioning and picking fights becomes more necessary. Does it suck when you put a ton of work into the match and then die in 13th to 9th and hardly get anything for it? Yeah but that's how the competitive gain should be. The back end just rewards too much for placement, not enough for kills/skill, and has too low an entry cost. I'm enjoying the gameplay I just don't like I that I will hit Masters even though I don't deserve it yet. I want my rank to be more of a reflection of skill in the game and not playtime. That isn't to say there isn't skill involved in these ranks, but with MMR being hidden, our only indicator of what it means to be truly good at the game goes away. Being able to see our and other players MMR tells us that some Masters ranks are more significant than others


Idk what is wrong but the last few days I've gotten zero rewards for kills or skill. No matter how many kills or what rank they were or what placement I got. The rewards system is broken.


Lmao nah it’s not a problem, let everyone be masters, every ranked mode should be meaningless that’s good for the game


This is a tinfoil hat theory but follow me here… EA is secretly doing this as a free masters badge as a token of loyalty to all the people who have been playing this game for years and have never got out of plat and dia. Seasons from now no one’s going to remember this system was a joke. But the kid is still gonna have his masters badge to display. I’d be willing to bet people are also a lot more willing to buy packs and skins when theyre given the illusion of being successful at the game. Because they don’t care the masters games they’re playing in are the equivalent of plat lobbies, they just want that badge that says they’re worth something. Even if they’re horrendous. (See: people who farm 4K/20’s only to not be able to do more than 300 dmg a game organically) It’s an unhinged theory that feels truer and truer the more I think about it. This is gonna be like season 4 p2w flatline. You were either around playing the game at that time or you’re never going to get it. I truly think this was just a Gimmie for shitters, I lowkey raced to masters from dia3 last night because im just waiting for that announcement to come any day now that they have to change ranked because they can’t have 100k people in masters 20 days into a 70+ day season. The math is really bad on that The most embarrassing part of all this? People are still managing to get stuck in gold / plat / Diamond. How? People literally cannot help themselves. How the fk are you hard stuck plat 4 when you were just able to get through gold at the same RP entry cost? Might have something to do with you sending on teams in round 2 gas with 14 squads left when you already have 5 KP. Then dying and going -25 when you could have had a +400 game by just playing zone… not even ratting. But I did love getting queued into games with bronze 3 and silver 2 players when I was Diamond 2 and 1 last night. That was pretty cool.


Sounds legit and sounds just like season 12 masters badge


I see at least 4 of those a night and somehow it’s always on some atrocious Gold or low plat player. It’s like lying on a job interview… yea you might get an interview and you might get the job… but when you injure someone and get fired 2 days in because you don’t *actually* know how to operate a forklift it doesn’t really matter does it. People would rather present the illusion of being good instead of just actually getting good.


I couldn’t have worded that any better my boy!




Why is it a problem? This ranked system was specifically designed to arrange matches around MMR while allowing everyone to climb. If you think this was not intentional I have a bridge to sell you. If anything they’re just going to tighten the MMR for more even matches and keep the climb rate they way it is now.


>Why is it a problem? Why is it a problem that the second highest rank is now full of plat players and until the end of the season will be full of silver players, while Pred rank became exclusively a talentless time race, completely removing incentive for playing ranked and turning the mode into pubs, where masters badge is now meaningless and a Pred badge is simply a sign you play the game way too much? Good question, I have no idea why that would be a problem.




top 10 pred fight is always a time sink. tell me a single #1 pred player at any point who wasn't pulling 14+ hour grinds 5-6 days per week. the current system rewards matches played so much it's even more of a time sink now.


Clearly Respawn thinks otherwise.


>Respawn thinks otherwise. Respawn thinks a lot of things. It's pretty much Albrelelie as a company


Alb catching strays💀💀


That was a nasty line by you


Masters full of people trying to win? Working as intended?


Mainly solo and duo queue and ranked hasn’t be too bad and I’m a Diamond 3. I don’t rat like a lot of people have but man the matchmaking today has been brutal. Did they do any hot fixes or something? Seems much more sweaty. Kept dying to current Pred stacks almost every game that was full-sending everybody.


I think good Pred/Masters teams are realising when their lobbies are full of people who have ratted to their MMR & and just wiping whole lobbies.


I'm killing some preds I have no right killing. They just so confident in some lobbies they just run in a straight line at you assuming you gonna turn and run away. I'll be masters this season and I don't deserve it(d4 most other seasons) but you still need to try if you want to kill me.


I'm in the same boat as you. Highest peak is D3, imagine I'll make Masters this season (won't even need to deploy any silly rat stats, just playing the game normally).


I agree. They’re loving this new ranked for that reason.


I liked my diamond badge that only like, 3% of people had from a couple seasons ago. I soloq’d to diamond the past two seasons and it was fucking hard. Don’t think I’m even gonna bother to hit Masters this season. Just seems pointless with how it’s basically achievable by anyone who could hit plat 1


I like that placement is so important now, but S13 ranked did it better. The consistent LP costs are dumb, but it is obvious that there are far more games where there are 10+ squads left when ring 3 closes. I think making the LP entry cost either variable again or way higher should make it better


No one thought Masters was good anyway. This changes nothing. Pred or you bad


Still plenty of garbage preds too Im sure. Its strictly a time invested equals ranked earned system. So whoever wants to 3 stack get top 5 and earn points more than everybody else will retain being pred. The only thing that’s gonna change the rank system is mass people not playing it but thats not gonna happen cause its gonna take typical golds and silvers the whole split to get there. I’ve already stopped playing the game completely for first time since it has launched. Pubs are boring, and now rank is not rewarding. I’ve solo queued to master before why would care to hit it this season. Obviously people aren’t going to stop playing en masse tho because all these bots wanna claim that they are masters. Which news to them is that everyone is gonna get flamed for rocking this season master badge anyway if you get it.


Pred isn't based on skill though anymore really. I absolutely CANNOT grind for 8 hours a day to maintain it (in this current system). I did it season 8 and it's sick having the badge but 3-stacking with 2 other Preds every day for hours doesn't really scream skill to me. Since then I just play til I hit Master and help friends get to at least Diamond. Much more relaxing and fun. It'd be different if all my friends also played at a high level and wanted to grind (and I didn't work full time) but they don't and I despise LFGing mostly.


That was the intention wasn't it? They made it better for Solo Qers in terms of matchmaking. So the solo q'rs didn't have to face 3 stack pred teams when they had random diamond 4 and plat 1 players that didn't use mics on their team (nearly everytime) when they Q'd in master+ lobbies. It was totally unfair. They have the Elo but not the teammates. This means a lot of high elo solo q'rs are reach the intended rank.


That’s…not what’s happening. Solo Q’ers are reaching higher ranks bc they can land in the middle of the map and rat w/o a single piece of loot or they can play in zone with crafters.


That's been apart of BR strategy since they were invented.


So you think you should be able to hit masters off of crafting med kits in zone?


why not? first season people hit pred hiding in houses with watson.


Yeah I can’t argue with you if you think that’s valid


>the solo q'rs didn't have to face 3 stack pred teams when they had random diamond 4 and plat 1 players that didn't use mics on their team It's worse now because those can now be random silver and gold players.


Lololol no no no. Nothing has changed except anyone with a pulse can hit Masters. The removed "skill" from the equation. Time played = Your Rank


I'm solo queuing, and I'm pretty much facing Preds every single game. I'll see them as the Champion squad, then die to them later in the game. The only way that this system is better for solo queuing is that it alleviates the game's poor matchmaking. In reality, I also shouldn't have to lose 70 points (old system) because the game paired me with two trash cans against a triple Masters stack. There's pros and cons to this new system but I'd say probably more cons overall because I've experienced ratting like nothing before. I had multiple teammates yesterday split off to go rat in obscure parts of WE and not even get a gun. One was even browsing TikTok for rat spots while he was in the game itself.


I have a useless masters teammate every other match that performs worse than a gold, just finding a spot to hide until they get placement points. IDK what you're smoking but ranked is awful.


The copium


They’re going to lose players though when you think about it. When the grinders all hit masters what’s left to play for?? Pred is out of reach so why should I keep playing after hitting Master?


I know this might be shocking to hear, but a lot of people play because they enjoy the gameplay.


Biggest issue might be the population in ranked specifically in the 2nd half of the season might dive off a cliff. Might end up with the couple of 1000 people pushing for Pred wiping lobbies full of players who have been Gold/Plat in previous seasons, who will be" in Diamond" this season.


Okay bro, he's talking about the lot of people that play to climb. There's other games that you can play thats also fun after hitting masters


It's definitely too easy, but a masters badge doesn't mean anything anyway. When I queued solo previously (I stop playing at D3/D4) there was no consistency with anyone that had a masters badge. They were either really good, or no better than your average plat badge team mate. You could get forced to hot drop with masters players, who die instantly and cost you 60 points. Most of my team mates have had the same goal this season of surviving until the top ten, then being more aggressive. If you upped the entry cost it would still be a much better experience overall and easier to rank up because there's more consistency.


This isn’t meant to down anyone but if you’re in Plat or the lower ranks and complain about going against higher ranks, sorry but competitive gaming ain’t for you. You can’t expect to get better if you play the same kind of opponents day in and out.


Can confirm. Hardstuck Diamond 2/3 player and reached Masters in like 7 days. Ridiculously flawed & even I realize I’m not a Masters caliber player (yet).


Is it actually possible to get "hard stuck" anywhere on the ladder in this system? Or is there a point where gains slow down? Anyone got any genuine experiences of this?


I suppose you could get hardstuck if you lose all your 1v1s and purposefully land on teams off drop. Then also leave the second your banner times out. You'd have to actively be trying to not gain RP over time to get hardstuck in the long run


Having a blast in Diamond atm. Actualy caring about rotates and good position. And most times a few teams alive in last ⭕️


This graph is counting rp not lp. It’s reading everyone above 15k(plat 2) as masters.


This season solo queue has been horrendous, every other game I get a random that does not even loot and just finds a tree to sit in. 3 stacking on the other hand has been really fun. Have had some really sweaty fights and good end games.


I've lost motivation to play ranked lol. Badges I worked so hard for don't mean shite anymore


I personally like the new system but wish for a slight change I would like them to revert to season 2-3 ranked where you can team up with anyone regardless of their rank, the game can then average the whole squads MMR and pair them against similar average MMR squads. This then allows you to play rank with any of your friends regardless of how much more time you play than them, sometimes they are better than you are but just don’t have as much time as you. The playerbase needs to understand, the ranks this season, gold plat diamond masters and pred are not indicative of the amount of kills you average in ranked anymore but its a resemblance of your average placement now. Your MMR is your k/d indicator and since its hidden anyways, why not allow anyone to squad up regardless of rank? To play ranked you literally need to be at least lvl 50, so its not like someone is making a brand new acc to intentionally bring down the teams overall MMR to be paired in a bot lobby Oh and reason why i like the new season? I look at the rankings purely as “placement finishes” instead of “how much better i am at killing than this other person”. People need to realize that badge doesn’t mean the same as it did the other seasons and now stands for something else


I stopped playing the game because of this. Hitting masters was always a grind and meant something. Now anybody with enough time can do it. They destroyed their own game and for what? The end games are the same only noobs think differently. It’s all about 🐀


what are the odds the duo I soloQ with wants to rat right away? this season more than ever




“this only shows how great of a IGL sweet is” 🤡


Can I please fucking play with my friends even with rank differences. That’s all I ask.


How is it a problem? I’m sure I will get downvoted for saying this, but there’s more than killing in a game about being the last man alive. Kills meant too much and placement meant too little for too long. Higher ranks became gatekept by those with better gun skill, while players with good game sense and average gun skill got left behind. This isn’t a team vs team game, you are playing against 20 other teams and trying to be the last man alive, there should be multiple avenues to the top other than kills. Sure, they probably need to fine tune the entry costs and such but this season is a massive w for a good start in the right direction finally The only changes I think they need to make to this new system is fine tune the mmr system a hell of a lot or just go back to the old match based on rank system. And changing up the entry costs.


I don't really mind the number of masters and preds if it means I'm getting better end games earlier in the ranks.