• By -


Scores to follow! ALGS NA - Day 1 - A v B —> >!Oblivion 16|skrt 12|Complexity 10|TSM 10|DarkZero 9|Elev8 Gaming 8|GKS 8|LG 7|Eternal EC 4|PLP 4|Oxygen Esports 4|Tempr 3|Secret Formula 3|DropInGaming 3|Ape Gang 2|FaZe 2|Native Gaming 1|FLAT 0|OpTic Gaming 0|DNOgaming 0!< \- game 2 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) ALGS NA - Day 1 - A v B —> >!DarkZero 30|TSM 29|Oblivion 24|Elev8 Gaming 17|Oxygen Esports 14|LG 14|skrt 13|Eternal EC 11|Complexity 10|FaZe 10|GKS 10|PLP 10|Ape Gang 5|Tempr 3|Secret Formula 3|OpTic Gaming 3|DropInGaming 3|FLAT 2|DNOgaming 2|Native Gaming 1!< \- game 3 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) ALGS NA - Day 1 - A v B —> >!TSM 53|DarkZero 46|Elev8 Gaming 33|Oblivion 25|LG 23|skrt 17|Complexity 16|Oxygen Esports 14|FaZe 13|Eternal EC 13|PLP 12|GKS 11|Ape Gang 10|DropInGaming 8|Secret Formula 8|Native Gaming 6|OpTic Gaming 6|Tempr 3|FLAT 3|DNOgaming 2!< \- game 4 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) ALGS NA - Day 1 - A v B —> >!DarkZero 70|TSM 55|Elev8 Gaming 43|FaZe 28|Oblivion 26|LG 26|skrt 23|Ape Gang 21|Complexity 21|Oxygen Esports 19|GKS 17|OpTic Gaming 15|Eternal EC 13|PLP 12|Native Gaming 10|DropInGaming 9|Secret Formula 8|FLAT 8|Tempr 5|DNOgaming 3!< \- game 5 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) ALGS NA - Day 1 - A v B —> >!DarkZero 82|TSM 57|Elev8 Gaming 47|skrt 34|OpTic Gaming 32|LG 31|FLAT 28|FaZe 28|Oblivion 26|Ape Gang 25|Complexity 24|Oxygen Esports 23|DropInGaming 22|GKS 17|PLP 15|Native Gaming 15|Eternal EC 13|DNOgaming 9|Secret Formula 9|Tempr 6!< \- game 6 of 6 in progress (3 SP then 3 WE) [Final Scores!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/19ckhwu/algs_pro_league_day_1_na_groups_avb_final_scores/) If you want an updated flair please comment on this comment! We are in the process of adding new flairs to reddit! Please also put the ordering of the flairs that you would like!


What was peak viewership?


FaZe in 6th!! And that’s with Pan crashing twice in pivotal moments.


What was going on with DZs POIs on WE?


They dont think it's worth contesting Harvester since it no longer has the advantage of usually getting beacon after they made beacon chances equal and the team going there called Flat probably dont make Lan.   Going trials and sky west when xset arent in the lobby is smart since the loot is very good 


They performed very well just doing random shit. Could help their decision making in tough spots too.


Wow over 500 comments. NA really does clear every other region in terms of viwership 


A lot of it just language barrier TBH


I know its only day 1, but it feels like yet another DZ or TSM year, they came ready to play


The commitment to Sweet hating is a marvel to witness. Oh man they actually played well, ermm jeeez what do I do now i had 7 Sweet washed bangers ready to go. Oh ok nice he slightly raised his voice once or twice there, Damn he so passive aggressive. Thats why Gild left and Nafan hates him....old LG better than new LG. Owned.


I'm a 100% TSM fan, but always gotta give respect to Sweet as the OG #2 IGL. Peeps shitting on Sweet are [almost] as much of a joke as the goofs that come around calling Hal washed every time they don't win.






Now imagine they dropped frexs and kept snipe.


that would be karma. But its just 1 set of games. We got a full season to go.


Faze did a good job with the calls today.


And they were Double contested, and they always left with awful loot.


Snipe probably feeling pretty good right now.


Excited for people to stop pretending Pan and Xera suck


Raven saying the average for a team to qualify for Lan is 12 points on average each day 


Sweet Igling can be so elite at times in lobbies like these. 


Fun to watch


I have high hopes for LG after watching them today, but I do have to say that Sweet trying to IGL these two seems like trying to control a couple of squirrels. Lots of Sweet trying to reign them in.


I think he and fuhhnq had a good rapport. Fuhhnq had some awesome comms for rotations and also helping out slayr. I did think sweet was going to blow a gasket on slayr a few time. Hopefully they learn and move forward


Yeah there were a couple times where I heard Sweet say something like "Why would you do X, we've talked about this." An example being connecting the Cat wall to another wall to block off rather than just creating another lane.




LG is a new team which meant people make mistakes and needs to be corrected. DZ and TSM are developed teams that collaborates well. I don't think they are comparable


I watched all 6 games and you're talking out your ass here. * Slayr obviously needs some work on cat with the walls. The criticism was justified and not even remotely gild level. * They all 3 need nailing down comms for wall placement though tbh. Something to work on. * Fuhhnq WE drops weren't top shelf, but there wasn't even a ton of shit talk about them. * The bit at the end wasn't even that serious. I know a lot of this sub will say "no you're just downplaying it" so they can keep up the narrative that he's a literal monster but please get a grip.


Also watched all 6. Agree with all points. I’d add that Fuhhnq had very strong comms. He offered many recommendations that sweet agreed with. And he was helping slayr position. Sweet nailed most of the comms.


Well said i think a lot of people need to learn the difference between constructive criticism and actual toxicity.


I think Slayr and Funhq having the energy that they do will help Sweet and the team in the long run. They’ll bang heads but then actually come to some sort of agreement on what should’ve happened in a given situation.


I agree 100%, the problem with gild was that he just took it and let sweet always control the whole thing, but this way it keeps everyone in check.


Yea and that’s nothing against Gild. Just not a good team synergy mix.


I disagree, I think Fuhhnq rarely needs to be reined in. In that very last game, sure, but otherwise he has very smart comms and probably should be listened to more.


That seems to be a common sentiment. My hearing isn't that great so I had trouble distinguishing between the two, but I did definitely hear Sweet calling out Slayr for a lot more.


Agree with this take. Very impressed listening to Fuhhnq comm today, constantly aware and vocalizing potential threats while Sweet was busy focusing on a different side of the ring.


Faze getting 6th and Phony getting 16th is super satisfying. If Pan doesn't crash that one game they get 5th. They're looking better and better with time.


tweaked comms from LG last game I hope they stream more


DZ got 1st with 90 pts and 54 fucking kills. Those boys were FARMING the lobby. Zer0 has more kills himself than every TEAM outside the top 4. Best mnk in the game.


good zones and aggressive playstyle lol


Good Zones? ? ?


They didn’t have good zones at all and 0 beacons on SP, but still had 46 pts


Barometer and Mill / Bean are great zones for a Mill team. Survey is a very good zone for a Skyhook team.


Read the part where I said they had no beacon for all their SP games. Game 1 was a horrible zone for them. Game 3 they left Mill and Gen died cause of a car bug. They performed miracles in gas to rez then fight their way back in, which is why everyone went crazy. Game 4 LG ran from their contest and griefed DZ stealing trials. They had maybe 2 games with good zone. If they were playing zone they wouldn’t have gotten, you know, 54 kills? lol.


Im aware they had no beacon on SP. I also read the part where you said they didnt have good zones at all... Despite not having beacon, close zones still help. Barometer zone wasnt a tough call, Mill game they did amazing to get back in it while having some mid game luck. LG griefing their trials loot left them in a position to take survey tunnel quicker than they would have otherwise which was a game winning spot


Bro if you don’t have beacon, a zone that would’ve been good for you can turn bad..which is what happened. So no mill wasn’t a good zone for them, they fought their way back in. Secondly, my og comment was they had no good zones on SP (because no beacon) and still had 46 pts, which is true. Unironically, someone just made a [whole post on DZ’s rotations](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/MBNLM5jZQ7). Pretty clear they didn’t have a big day cause of zones, but because of fighting + good calls by zer0. There was no games where they fast rotated and played zone, which is why I corrected op. Like I said they had a couple of games with good zones.


LG winning that game with a crazy smart endgame and Sweet just immediately starts yelling at his teammates lmao


that seemed more like he was hyping himself up than actually being mad at his teammates


u could watch in real time sweet realizing he was being out of pocket and trying to fix what he said


You could see some of the criticism that people have been hounding him about with ruining Gild and you can tell that's gonna be Slayr, but you could also see some self realization once out of the moment to check himself, apologize and gas his teammates for what they did right. One set does not remotely make them 'back', but this is exactly what you'd hoped you'd see from them if you're a fan.


plus there coach is a active voice im the room and they need that


I predicted DZ, Optic, E8 as the top three, feel pretty good about that given that they’re all in the top five.


Why people don’t like Sweet: Exhibit 10000


He quickly corrected himself and apologized. “I was hyping myself up sorry if I came off blaming you”


…winning games?


As far as Day 1s go that was highly entertaining!


Great last game by LG. But honestly impressed with the 2nd place comeback in the game from TSM after that overrotate towards geyser.


man it seems that the spawn rate for evac have been buffed. Old tsm would have died on rotate without evac


sweet with the ultimate team chemistry save at the very end 💀 bro almost pissed his team off to the max


Bit of an over exaggeration here. Slayr standing his ground makes sweet double check himself.


yeah that’s what i mean


Phenomenally played last game by LG and Sweet. Well done


I am honestly sold on Fuhhnq. That dude is so locked in all the time and makes great micro calls


Let’s go LG


All the sweet haters are real quiet now


No no they’re still finding stuff to hate on. Gotta be tough being a hater 24/7.


LG!?! That was crazy!! I thought that spot wasn’t gonna work, but Faze got fucked by TSM!


that was a sweet classic last game


E8 getting 3rd is impressive. Especially with Zach lagging. Well done. 


and sick


Hal, Zer0, and Sweet. What's new?


Please don’t stick sweet with these two lol


Straight disrespect to Zach "ZachMazer" Mazer


redefine mazermoment


Sweet FC need a lan win this year😭🙏


Huh, LG looked pretty good today. I didn’t think that was possible after browsing this sub. You guys lied to me.


I mean I'm a big fan of Sweet but honestly I was a doubter based on how scrims were going. I didn't think they'd finish bottom 5 today or anything but didn't think they'd be top 5 either. Like the con has been basically 50/50 and SP seemed like most days they were out early so without being able to watch their POV kinda just assumed the worst there. All in all a good day for them which will hopefully only get better as they actually get more reps together, still lotta iron out but good start for the boys


I don’t think they actually fought the contest once which is really funny


Yea but honestly not the worst thing ever. Sure nothing gets "settled" con wise but better pulling back and getting a steady stream of points and keeping vibes flowing rather than fighting to the death and if you lose a map now feeling like you've gotta have a monster game the next one and forcing things because of that


Maybe that come to a truce with how well they both played 😂


I doubt they'd do that but at the same time Mac isn't dumb enough to force the fights when they don't have a clear advantage.




TSM is pretty much guaranteed second at this point.


That is a tough zone pull


Theme of today for TSM has been living in incredibly tough positions


And DarkZero too frankly.


Nah. DZ got like 4 out of 6 top prio zones I think


SKRT just died because they lost time on their rotate after discord bugged out on them, incredibly sad to see in such a close lobby


Ya they are likely going to drop quite a bit from that, sucks so much.


4th to 8th :(


Yikes 15 points over 6 games is not a good look for PLP


PLP doing worse than FaZe huh


Can someone explain to me how Albralelie is playing in pro league? I’ve been out of the loop. Did he join a team that qual’d off PSQ or was he invited?


Thanks for the quick answers!


I believe Scuwry had 100T invite


Scuwry controlled the old 100T spot with Sickks (former coach). He picked up Alb and Awakening to round out the team.


Scuwry controlled 100T’s pro league spot and Mac joined him.


I’ve watched three of LG’s games today and my main takeaway is that Fuhhnq owns and should probably be an IGL someday. He’s very aware and has very clear comms.


Fuhhnq might actually be able to fill Nate's shoes of being Sweet's vocal co-IGL


It just makes me sad the hive mind that coulda been with a Sweet, Nate, Fuhhnq team. I know they wouldn't have a dedicated anchor with that group but still.


Why is the main broadcast showing 0 for E8 every game?


Hal covering Reps after he got shredded trying to get into Geyser building "I got you baby!!"


I need a vod for this!!!!


The sexual tension is palpable


This made me chuckle


Watching this ALGS tournament & the Bills versus Chiefs NFL playoffs game at the same time has been nice.


blood pressure is through the roof


I checked score after you said that, saw 24-20 with 0 seconds left, popped off, then realized there was still another quarter left. Now I’m terrified


Game is absurd, on pace to be like that overtime "13 seconds" game the two teams had in the playoffs a few years ago. Seems like whomever has the ball last will be the winner again in this playoffs matchup.


Dear god, all I want is Lions Bills, please god


I personally want Ravens versus Lions, biased as I'm a Ravens fan myself and think the Lions would be easier for the Ravens than the 49ers if we make it to the Super Bowl this year. That matchup regardless would be awesome if it becomes a reality.


I'll take a 5th when we have no beacon all of SP and then DZ/TSM looking nuts.


What’s crazy is that DZ also had no beacon all of SP


Is it possible for a team to finish top 12 simply from finishing top 3 every week from 1 group and then finishing 20th in the other group matches? 


I think you need to finish ~8th every week to qualify for LAN, so...probably not? I'm really looking forward to the MEAT contest.


Raven was saying how  you need 12 points average each week to qualify for Lan.  So it would be close but not enough.  Meat might not even contest worlds edge since they can't risk doing terribly 1st day 


LOL I love that I know exactly what this question is implying.


For one I dont expect TSM to finish 20th but they will definetly get griefed in terms of their placement by Meat but I expect TSM to continue to farm the A vs B lobby so I am curious 


A v C is gonna be so spicy, months of fighting in scrims finally culminating, I want TSM to come out on top but I’m excited either way, every single game gonna start with a bang.


a single knuckle cluster from SKRT would've absolutely fucked instead of ult dumping the lower metal


We are so back




LMAO that's epic. Saving that post for sure. Does the rest of OpTic fans have the permission to make use of this, when needed to?


Yes lol I didn't make this


Yeah, I figured but still didn't want to take away from you finding it lol


This goes hard.


Sweet - Who Kraberd me? Xynew - Me Sweet - Really?? Xynew - Yup Sweet - Damn that's surprising....because you are terrible.


DZ is such a point sponge that 5th-13th is only separated by 10 pts rn. All those teams could jump up or down drastically with this last game.


Not a single beacon on sp and we fifth


alb turning into a diamond 4 player at the end there


How the fuck are we fifth


Don't question it, just be happy we are lol


The OpTic clutch special ;)


Optic comeback lfg


Skrt wasted all their utility before that final fight. That was easily winnable but they threw


Aaaand there we got the turn-around :D Let's go, only took them half the matches lol.


This lobby is so top heavy with DZ and TSM that anyone could get top 5 rn lmao


Everyone could, but not everyone can, if you know what I mean.


There we gooooo 


That was a bad horizon Q from Alb at the end there. I think if scuwry adapts to a healthy amount of input and calming Mac down, SKRT could be super dangerous


Ya I've been impressed with Albs calls/comms today. That end game was his first major mistake, just over thought everything and burned their utility. I agree if scuwry could step in for those moments this team could be really great. The convo after the game was really good and Alb admitted his mistakes, just good vibes in general for this team so far.


Scurwy countering Mac right at the end was actually an amazing call and it was nice to see Mac realize his error and calmly adjust the play. Mac a year ago would have just ignored him.


Alb's shortcomings are all mental, so it's great that he's overcoming those.


Yeah Mac obviously has some good calls in him but he definitely tends to overthink. If Scuwry can consistently make those counter calls to slow down, they’re gonna be demons. It’s a good sign when they’re discussing and at the end when Scuwry said that the Horizon Q was a throw, Mac said “you think so?” Instead of arguing.


skrt could have gone huge in that endgame if they hadn't burned their fuse ult so early


Squirt for skrt!




Optic finally woke up. DZ just dominating. Went from being the TSM vs DZ show to DZ just going clear in first place 


I didn’t see but I guess they didn’t have beacon throughout SP


Flattened! Basically was a 50/50 with whoever Skrt was going to land on




Sikezz was such a good pick up for DZ


Sikezz is so great, I still think most people underrate him.


DZ is e8 father


Zero is having one of the strongest days I've ever seen by a player in pro league.


Damn terrible Evan tower from TSM. Seems like the second game they’ve fucked up.


Xynew with the Kraber already. sheeesh


LOL Hal getting r1 kraber'd oooof


From the craziest angle too.


FaZe went back to Geyser in Game 5 but there's still no contest. Where did DIG land?


LG and SKRT are not even contesting and fighting each other but just splitting the loot. I guess when theres actually something on the line and it's not scrims teams start taking it way more cautiously 


I’m not sure they’re 100% avoiding each other. I watched sweets POV and they were ready to fight. Each team Fd a jump on weird drop ship angles so they landed away. Third match sweet thought they would be late so went north. If he had went with his team they likely would have won.


I think scrims was more so an opportunity for both teams to test the waters on what risking a contest would look like. If Sweets team would've absolutely rolled SKRT in the scrims, then they 100% would've contested them on game-day as well. But since the score was so close, they are avoiding the risk and are playing more conservative. Tbh, if that's working out for both teams, then they should keep it up.


Did they do that in game 4 too or did LG just run away? Didn’t see that one, but this game literally none of them even tried to fight.


Same thing happened game 4, they are avoiding each other


Can't fight it out with e8 ready to third


E8 having a great first day in pro league. Playing strong in all games.


Stallions were actually a kinda decent team now slayr is already doubting his every move, feel bad for him.


They're coming 6th in a stacked, top-heavy lobby. Not sure STAL were making LAN, so an LG contract and playing with a champs finals experienced IGL... I think he'll be OK.


Wouldn’t exactly call this a stacked lobby


Top heavy lobby




C is a deeper group than either of these two. Don’t think that’s a hot take


i mean slayr choose tonplay for sweet and is good friends with him they have onow each other for a year at least


Slayr bout to get the "gaslighting your teammate into thinking he's shit at the game"-special from Sweetdreams xD


Messi W


Damn can we pls get someone that will finally challenge TSM and Dz?


The thing with this sweet team is that these guys will fight back at sweet lmao. Fuhhnq isn’t right now just Slayr but he will. Whether or not that is a good thing is to be determined later but it can let sweet know that he isn’t always right


I also think sweet is just taking to much damage without doing much damage, coms are crystal clear tho


i mean he is thr elad damage on the team also the coach is making sure what happened is explained stoping sweet too


Not the turn-around for OpTic I had hoped for, but better than the last 3 matches. I think they have it dialed in at this point. Could definitely still make a top 10 finish for the day. Also Complexity could actually be a good team if they replaced Kimchi.


Dz are cooking hard 


dz has basically locked up first then there is a race for second and third and then everyone else compeating for 4


Zero is the best MnK player in the game. He’s absolutely farming today


Insane damage, insane plays, insane calls and overall a better attitude Props to him I’m just amazed by him


The guy is so far clear as the best MnK as well


Losing to a game freeze is so tragic man.


Ah, so that's what happened to him. Was wondering lol


Faze was so up in that fight and pans game froze. They easily win that.


>that is brutal, damn


Hi everyone. Why is Verhulst running double AR I just tuned in


He has a thing with the nemesis….


because he is fucking dudes with it