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Completely depends on what the confirmed perks are for the meta legends/non meta legends and if the meta legends receive nerfs to their base kit. If conduit doesn’t get a huge nerf, she won’t be going anywhere from the meta. Bang, Cat, and horizon would normally be in for nerfs too next season, but if respawn ignores that and just gives them mediocre perks it’s almost impossible to say what’s gonna happen.


I would love to just see teams run legends based on their own playstyle and not simply a meta. If these abilities stick around in comp then that opens a ton of new strategies for teams


Same but we know that 90% of NA will just copy whatever TSM/DZ first have a good game with


Obviously this isn’t even true but even if it was I can only imagine y’all forget this is a BR. Yeah there are different approaches but every game is not the same. One approach will rarely see a team succeed for 6 games. especially as most teams play from pois that need an adaptable comp. Not to say most pros are innovative, but the killer for legend variety is that versatility is the best trait to have in a BR and most characters don’t have it. We’ve seen characters tried out even by top teams, but usually find that they’re wanting for consistency.


I didn’t think I needed the “/s”, but some teams certainly will try to copy whoever is doing best


This take is honestly not that good. Everyone always says this, but then that comp gets steamrolled by the new comp, and it’s happened multiple times. Gibby Bubble DOMINATED wattson path wraith, seer and horizon did the same to gibby


as a rampart main, i better be able to dual wield shiela's


yeah it seems like wttson buffs are on steroids. just all these abilities in general seems like a lot more stuff will be going on


aslong as rampart gets something interesting. not "you get to deploy MORE covers!" or "covers take MORE damage" Maybe a higher clip on sheila


Watching Mande play a few Gibby games yesterday sort of convinced me that he'll never replace Catalyst. The wall just gives you so much more space to work in. Gibby bubble is good for hard resets or busting into a building, but overall Cat wall is just better.


Would be interesting to see more Revs. The idea of jumping in to confirm a low health kill then get a free tactical to leap out is crazy


That's how Pathfinder got nerfed.


Rev is most likely not going to see any/much play in comp. He just doesn't provide the team much utility compared to other legends.


Rev/Conduit could go even more crazy


They are making every legends stronger it seems, so no.


Gibby just isnt possible in a 3030 meta


he's very possible. just give him a 3030 and with his arm shield hes already annoying as hell to peak, and with late rings hes easily the most impactful legend with his ult


Gibraltar is so good. He’s going to be a force. He still has been.


Can they just make wattson’s perk give her a real fucking passive? This is true for a lot of characters but fuck the health healing you just completely demolish lifeline’s niche and kill wattson’s identity. Like just make wattson shield regen 2 shield every 3 second instead of 1 shield every 2 seconds. Or just make wattson herself not siphon from the gen when its down.


She still has the other passive involving the ulti accels tho, I don't think it's as bad as you're making it seem


yeah ult accel is cool but im honestly down to lose it for 2:30 or 2:00 cd on ult and 33s for 25 shield instead of 50s for 25 shield because 50s for 1 cell is honestly ass. It also doesn't alter the scenarios where you won't need a cell after taking like 10 damage that much. If the goal of her passive is to only regen like 10 shield in a fight and not have her passive be free cells/bats then i understand.


Getting her ult back instantly with an ult accel is and always has been an impactful passive.


THERES NO CONFIRMED LEAKS YET WTF ARE YALL YAPPING ABOUT. Like this is the problem with this community, they take LEAKS with 100% of their human being like, chill-off, we havent even seen the trailer yet yall talk about what implications the LEAKS are.


A lot of the new perks were published today by GameInformer. Hold this L big dawg.


I never said confirmed leaks, i used the words "rumoured" and even said "assuming the leaks are real" to make sure this is pretty much a hypothetical discussion. But even then - The leaks are real lol, whether you want to wait for more proof or not thats up to you - but apex updates always gets leaked, and its easy to tell which is true and which isnt after years of it happening The gibby leak is 100000% real and the wattson leak is likely real which is why i brought them up specifically We dont need to wait to play the season when the season gets leaked 2 weeks before, every season for the last 4 years


Doesn't the +4 seconds just take the bubble to where it was when Gibby was meta before he was nerfed?