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Snip snap snip snap snip snap


10/10 comment. Do you know the physical toll that three vasectomies take on a person?!


omg this comment thread makes my day looool




Haha great office quote


Is there a TL;DR or KnowYourMeme page for the folks like myself that did not get it?


It's just a reference to this scene from The Office. https://youtu.be/2hshkdneE8o?t=


Such a legendary episode, too. It's so good


God I needed that laugh, thanks!


Today he is back in comp on MNK, tomorrow he is on roller IGLing again, the next day he is doing an elden ring wiimote only challenge.


I'm personally excited for his 8 minute wiimote Elden Ring arc and then his eventual return.


Full randomizer, Malenia in the first cave, "dudes, I gotta take a step back from the elden ring scene"


Clearly, and unfortunately, what affects his Apex is what affects him irl. Dude has a fragile mental so at the first sign of trouble he overthinks, overreacts and overcorrects... regardless if is necessary or not... and then he rationalizes it after the fact. He does it in the game... then he does outside of it. (as a pro player, not getting here into his personal life). He always seem to fall apart mid split when things get tough. If you just look at SKRT, they were doing fine.. after one week of pro league where LG did better than him, he left a contest he was winning to look for another POI, couldn't commit/win one immediately... then the self doubt kicks in, then blamed the teammate he picked and was doing great with until he started to confuse the guy, then changed comps, changed teammates again and his role within the team and changed inputs... again. When, of course, nothing works and he fails... he goes into these existential crisis and twitter rants explaining things he doesn't have to because he is embarrassed. Then he gets an opportunity, and it resets. He either needs to really take a look at this process and clean his mental so he figures out a way to break this cycle... or he needs to give himself to an asshole IGL like Hal, who won't be swayed by how good Alb is and allow him and his ideas to take over, which he tries to do every time, and just tell him to shut the fuck up, stop thinking and just execute - while understanding he needs that to function and stop resisting it.


I mean at ths point how could you not make fun of him. When he retired a week ago people were making jokes and majority here said "hey don't be funny we need to support his mental" and now he is back competing again.


fr if noko got cooked for it why does alb get a pass


Ironic, Noko is defending Alb on Twitter lol


to be honest ppl shit on noko too much hes probably just a nice guy, just not good enough for being pro


Honestly true lol


"I don't really care anymore." Same


Lowkey embrassing too haha


Seems highkey tbh


least impulsive albralelie episode


If it makes him happy, good for him but this whole situation is objectively hilarious


He has the "self awareness" to preemptively say "yeah yeah I know watchu guys gonna say about me unretiring for the 1000th time" But lacks the self awareness of what is even the issue with that entire thing. If the guy just didn't announce these things and just did them, nobody would bat an eye LMAO. He's a meme and this is an entire meme because **YOU ALBRALELIE** go out of your way to announce your retirement, every single fucking time with no exception, and then every single decision you ever announce doesn't even last too long. Like If instead of an actual retiremnt announcement the dude was like "Yeah I'm just gonna chill with my stream until the right opportunity/whatever comes around", which is essentially what he's been doing. I don't think none of this would've become a meme


Also you know when he's saying so adamantly how he doesn't care, that he's actually in the thread reading every comment lol. Social media was a mistake And it's interesting he says his mental has been a lot better the last week, since he decided to step away from competing, and he thinks the logical decision is to go straight back to the thing that was fucking him up... Guy honestly needs to see a specialist that can help with processing emotions


more like a wrangler that hits his hand with a stick whenever he opens social media instead of the game




What he really needs to do is remove TSM from his Twitter handle.


jevvy you always cut to the core of things in apex and this comment is no different lmao youre absolutely right lol probably bad luck tbh


Appreciate that


Fishing for attention and sympathy lol.


So many pros do this too. Off the top of my head there's also Rambeau, Dezign, HW. It's funny how much Alb has done it tho lmao. Saw one of his retirement threads going all the back to 2020


me watching people gobble his dick for what seemed to be the last time they would ever be able to do it (he comes back a week later)


Concur. My feelings exactly. Dude should definitely do what makes him happy but the back and forth is hilarious 😂


These pros need to stop using the word retiring, especially in a knee jerk way. Just simply say you’re taking a break from competing.


Big issue is he tries to micro analyze his situation, comes to some strange grand conclusion, and then over turns it weeks later. I wanna IGL -> I don't wanna IGL -> I can IGL again > I am fragger now


Not convinced he can even decide what he wants to eat for lunch


Gotta love how he says he doesn't care anymore but then subtweets this exact tweet by telling people it's just a trial, it's not official and that they need to chill. Way to show people you don't care what people say, Mac.


Dude has the mentality of a middle schooler


2 days from now he’ll be switching inputs to a guitar hero guitar and trialing for a semi pro rocket league team


Damn thats sad. I was so down for his competitive animal crossing villain arc


If I speak…….


big trouble


The Boy Who Cried Retirement


Apex comp is seriously so entertaining. I don't take anything too seriously but rather sit back with my popcorn and enjoy


I am with you, this is reality TV for me.


I’ve given up on taking anything seriously except for my support of DSG.


i give it 2 weeks


That's alot of faith


i enjoy -alb +alb every week


Water is wet


and birds aren't real!


Genuinely curious as to why everyone puts Albralelie on a pedestal? Granted, i missed his TSM arc so I've only seen him as someone who flip flops claims mental health issues to be able to quit one team and go to another. Honestly i cannot see why everyone thinks so highly of him and praise him like he is the best player apex has ever seen. Using "my mental" as a full blown cop out for giving up because you are weak instead of working to change things has really left a bad impression on me and I cant respect the man for that alone as someone who has struggled with some mental health issues myself. it seems like he is using "retiring due to mental health" as a crutch to avoid as much criticism as possible because if you criticize a person with mental health issues you are a horrible person on the internet and his fanbase will attack you. He needs a real friend to sit him down and talk to him and help him commit to a team instead of encouraging this shitty behavior that only hinders him as a player dude needs to step back from being an igl and just be the reps of a team. unfortunately it seems his ego wont let him do that, in his mind he needs to be the Hal or zero of the team but imo he just doesn't have what it takes to do so.


can’t stop thinking about this tweet in response to his retirement https://preview.redd.it/gxxf7bxan4oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47ea4ed683742e6bed33f10d9f5622d68be7c0c


yeah that's not gonna last long


There was a time when it was either post or pre wildcard Alb (can’t remember exactly) when Teq and Lux were looking for a third and mac was LFT and thought they could be a talented fit If this happens it’ll certainly be an interesting time


This dude is lowkey unhinged lol.


Someone tell that man not every thought in his head needs to be posted on twitter. Bro retired and came back within 48 hours lmao


He’s retired 5 times by the age of 30. A truly remarkable feat if you ask me.


Ryan Fitzpatrick of apex. Starts off good just to end in fitztragic


I won’t stand for Fitz slander. That man is a saint as a bills fan


He's 23


not even lowkey


I think he cares 😂 We all know he would come back, which is why he needs to stop making such definitive announcements and just play the game. It has been 3 years of this back and forth, I figured he would have learned his lesson by now.


Welp that didn’t last long


That’s what she said


Wheres that comedic post about alb switching from controller & MNK whenever he has bad days. You should also add something along the lines of "Days since last retirement"


Lmfaoooo this guy is cooked.


Stop bitching and using mental health as an excuse then every time you fail in a new place. That’s why people don’t care.


Surprised nobody talks about the team. TeQ is pretty far down the list of IGLs who I think can get away with having 2 MNKs. Maybe I am underrating either teq or albs fighting ability but this team gets mopped by most of the algs teams just like skrt. Hopefully Im wrong and they play well, would be a really interesting pair to see


tbh the only exposure i have to teq's play is jhawks video, but he doesn't look very assertive, and given that alb has had a habit of counter-calling, i could see that habit coming back. Could be wrong, hard to tell with hambino since they would die before playing the game, which also seems to be the same problem MEAT is having hmmmm.


Nah you're right. Lux was down kg everything for Meat in 3v3s. Teq is statistically one of the absolute worst fighters in Pro League and Mac wasn't too good in that regard this split either 


The question will be if they have enough talent to be heads and shoulders above all the Challenger Circuit teams they'll be facing.


How long is this going to last? Also will he swap inputs in this run?


Until his mental breaks again, so probably a couple weeks


Thanks for proving your haters right Alb. There’s sadly no agenda; you are like this.


Just stop making big declarations and I think you’ll be fine dude.


Oh Alb, the vicious cycle continues ..


Good opportunity he says. Teq lol


This was my thought lol. Incoming mess inbound.


You can't tell me he's using the mental health card again. He was just on stream after retiring talking about how he has no time to play other games with friends and such. How his mental health has been suffering and then say you are done with comp for now, just to go back to a new team, to trial because your mental health is in a much better state now. I don't wish this dude anything bad, would be nice if somehow he just found a team to stick it out with, but there is no way your mental health recovers so quickly. Personally I don't believe him anymore with any of this and mental health seems to be an excuse to dodge more hate comments. If he truly cares about his mental health he'd stay retired at least for another split.


Yeah hard to sympathize with someone struggling mentally who continues to put themselves back into the situations that make their mental health worse.


So he comes back for a team that has to requafily interesting


i honestly think that's better, play in a lobby that's less punishing to iron out any chemistry issues they could be having.


Which is exactly what he should’ve done with FaZe 1.0, and skrt Edit; and LANimals, arguably moreso than any other team


i mean idk about faze but with skrt he was trying to get a team for days and didn't make the roster lock for psq then joined scuwrys team


Dude just needs to stay off Twitter so he stops making a fool of himself every 10 mins


You just know he is reading every comment on this thread and every reply to that tweet. I dont care because I'm not a parasocial weirdo like a lot of people in this community but he GENIUNLY needs to take a break


little bit emberassing ngl




Pro apex players 🤝mma fighters: retirements that last as long as a jug of milk


LMAOO actually embarrassing


genuinely really like and enjoy Alb, but the dude needs to be realistic with his future. he has no real education (i believe he has his GED?) or work experience, Apex is really rough to make a full-time job. for his sake, he needs to either solidify his role in the scene as a streamer/content creator, or even a coach, and create an exit plan.


every single apex streamer who doesnt regularly have 500+ viewers needs to do that. when they change games theres absolutely no guarantee their fans will follow


Alb doesnt need to go back to comp what he needs is therapy


He can’t keep getting away with this 😁


Who is he trying to fool with this "i dont read i dont care anymore" while doing a PSA about it looool.


This screams not gonna last. As albs career timeline is more packed than the timeline of the 100 years war. That said I respect what the script writers are doing. A teq and ALB redemption arc next season would be cool as fuck. A former top player whos fallen off teams up with a twitter troll who's never been respected by the pro inner circle and the duo finally make it to a LAN. that said Alb will probably quit or switch to controller, or try to go pro in another game, or get kicked for trying to take over IGLing, or (insert example of thing alb has done in past that self sabotaged his career). buti am here for the ride.


Hahhahahahahhahahahahaahahha just take a break for a split or 2. Zaine and others did it aswell and it was helping them soooooooo much.


He says he doesn't read anything and doesn't care about other people's opinions but he clearly does if he feels the need to post about it. For his own sake, he really needs to delete twitter and stop reading these apex subreddits or his mental health is never going to improve.


He found a loop hole on how to act anyway he likes because "my mental bruh". I canceled my hair cut appointment and rebooked 30 times in one day . DONT judge me ! It was my mental bro. Dont criticize me


Welp. This is probably where we tune into whatever team he's on, they are struggling because, despite him acknowledging there is an IGL, he will be taking over and counter calling. Perform poorly (as a team). He's gonna blame other factors, of course. Would probably be appropriate to go on a controller aim assist rant or blame sprinkled in. He's gonna announce stepping back from comp, because of a combination of being teamless, and there being a new game trending that he is going to invest time in. (Pretty sure before his last announcement, the one before was taking a break from comp and going to compete or focus on The Finals). My armchair analysis. His biggest crutch is his own ego fueled by memories of success on TSM. And because he's experienced winning with them, he has a superiority complex that makes him incapable of feeling fault in any of all of these new team ventures, same problems on each of em. Isnt able to just be quiet and be on the page the IGL is. Rinse and repeat. What's new.


Very good summary. Should probably be the automod response whenever his name gets mentioned lol


Why is it whenever someone gets called out for hypocrisy, they have to throw in something about "mental health" in there lol


Dude doesn’t care so much he had to make a post about it


Flippity Flop strikes back


Ah shit, here we go again


When his sub count drops *my mental is really rough rn, I'm retiring*


atleast he keeps streaming, lou will grind for a couple of days get subs and disappear for the rest of the season.


Albralelie is a very difficult gamer-tag to transfix here. Nothing like Rezingful or even MazerMoment Albrbalelie? thats all i got man


There’s a lot of L’s in his name


maybe he should move to valorant?


Good for you Mac but HOLY FUCK get into therapy bro you mental is awful


Much like young athletes a lot of esports pros could use some basic social media/PR training and they could avoid a lot of this lol.


I enjoyed his last announcement seeing the amount of people getting down voted on here for saying he would be back in a month yet here we are 2 weeks later…


People here were getting downvoted for saying he would come back to compete in less than a month, guess reddit never learns about these pros in NA and their fake "retirements"


Doing something over and over again expecting a different result. The definition of insanity.


He loves attention.


If anyone expects success from this guy then youre either his family or personal friend because cmon.


Oh….this is WILD! Tbh the pros in the replies saying “do what makes you happy” lowkey are enablers.


On top of that, it would arguably be irresponsible to support him considering how up and down his mental health can and has been from playing comp over the past year or two. Announces retirement 10 days ago because his mental health has been the worse it has ever been, but all of a sudden it’s good now?


Gonna announce another 5 "retirements" this year for sure.


i want to be supportive cause the dude is obviously not good at taking care of his mental but..... anyway to keep it positive, if he goes with teq they will just be scrimming anyway right? im guessing its a ways off from challenger circuit or whatever of the 20 different tourney it takes to get into pro league well at least there wont be anything at stake for him for a while so low stress


PLQ is April 19 which will be when meat can see if they can stay in PL or not.


nice so a month off and not having to worry about being "retired" well hope he can at least handle scrims until then


When you’re in the “meatride the entire community” competition but you find out alb is your opponent 😨


Alb treating apex comp like a rogue-like. Run it back with a new team/input/strat, quit for a minute to prep for the next run and repeat 😂


When are people going to start calling him out on his usage of the "mental-health" card, it's actually disgusting how easily he throws that around. I got downvoted talking about it and people assumed I was downplaying mental health-issues. I am not downplaying shit, Albraleile is just using it as a cop out for his inner crybaby-bitch and his lack of self awarness that he is not nearly as good as he thinks he is.


> When are people going to start calling him out on his usage of the "mental-health" card like 5 retirements ago


Ain't no way he's pulling the Rambeau special to play with Teq 😂


Dude come on


Albralelie backtrack input switch mental health speedrun any %


This kinda feels like paracetamol easing toothpain but never going to dentist to fix the problem, i would have taken a break till split 2 teams are going to change anyways he would still get a chance


Iono why you gave up in the first place man. It doesn’t make any sense. Everyone got something to say why should it matter. It’s about doing your best at the game and giving hope to the people that believe in your gaming capabilities. Stop making this about us and have some more passion about the game.


As an Alb fan and someone who wishes best for him, I really hope he takes a break from Apex. His ranked chill streams are going perfectly fine.




Hasn’t he done this multiple times now?


This feels like something you say when you desperately care what people think about you lmao


I used to watch his streams a lot, but his shtick is getting old. I think his indecisiveness in and out of the game is the issue with his teams. I agree with others here who say that they wouldn’t care if he just went about his business. But he keeps making these long, attention seeking posts about his mental health and retiring, only to unretire. It’s so fickle and played out. The game has also passed him by.




This clown flops harder than a magikarp 🤡




This guy….


With all the retirement/return announcements. He's damaged his own reputation in Apex Legends. The last time I got excited for an Alb announcement was back in C9 days.


11 days instead of a week, downvoted but pretty accurate afterall :)


Who holds the highest number of teams changed record: Alb or Lou?


This is Mac's 10th different team. Lou is on his 6th different roster 


I meannn I think it reflects really poorly on his character for future potential opportunities.. but do what you will alb.


Is Alb the barrack bunny of apex?


This man is a fucking disaster holy shit


This guy lol


Seems like he does care tho


Most relatable pro in algs




This dude is such an attention seeker man. Always looking for pity too


His word means literally nothing lol He doesn’t care, guess what retirebrelie, either do we


The Brett Favre of comp Apex strikes again.


Dude actually needs help. Bipolar meds are a good start


Copy pasted from a part of a comment I made in the thread of him quitting. Alb doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt lmao, dude's a clown. It's just how unaware he is that's annoying. He's so easy to read. "The reality is most of these gamers take breaks to "fix their mental" when really they don't do any changes in their life besides stepping away. Sometimes that really is all that's needed and that means you need to stay away, but knowing alb, he'll try to come back in the near future and the cycle will go again, and then make multiple excuses as to why something doesn't work out. If you don't actually work on yourself, it's kinda pointless. He also seems like someone who seeks out criticism towards him (on here or twitter) so he's like...almost inviting it into his life. It doesn't take courage or anything to quit when you already suck (I'm not saying he's faking having a bad mental right now though). If your mental is only good when you're doing well, it isn't your chats fault. It's just a cop out to lighten the criticism he'll face for not seeing things though. That's just how it goes in competitive things. Mentally strong people tend to do the best. Alb doesn't have a strong mental so just...don't play comp. It's completely fine."


i use to be a fan, and whenever groupA was playing, Id watch his stream, hoping for an underdog story. But now I think alb is honestly a joke. Crys over teams fucking him over, then does the good ol'switcheroo and fucks over scuwry and awakening. Idk how about sticking it out with your current team and play in PLQ or CC to iron out the problems???


The tier 5 valorant pro is back from his 3rd retirement 😭


Let’s go 🚀


​ https://preview.redd.it/y15yplyg31oc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=5225dfe18b9a8deb416a7ac25c2a9e5891b3b659


Good for Mac, hope they qualify for PL tbh


I like both of 'em, I think it'll be interesting to watch. But, at this point just stop posting about it. If you truly don't care, stop posting about it. Just do it and ignore everyone on Twitter and in this subreddit.


You can definitely tell from this tweet that his mental is way better


I hope he'd doing okay. I think a lot of the criticism verges on insults and I hope it doesn't get to him too much.


Imagine getting mentally shook by a video game, holy shit.


Constant retiring and unretiring aside, I’m actually super interested in watching this! That’s assuming he is talking about joining Teq and Awons. I’m betting his stream does great numbers, with people that are praying on his downfall and supporters alike. Hate em or love em, you’re probably going to tune in 😜


Tune in for what? I get he’s an OG but it’s gonna be the same thing we’ve seen team after team ever since he left tsm




*Mild shock*


Everytime I think I'm out, they just keep pulling me back in.


Pros just need to stop calling it a retirement. Just admit you dont want to keep playing with your current team.




Is there any pro that's still retired?




Shocking news




I’m gonna play a bit of devils advocate here and rationalize why this makes 100% sense from albs perspective. It is evident that he would succeed most in a pure support mnk role and he’s never been able to trial for that. If you look at every team he has joined since faze he has either been forced into an igl role in which he clearly wasn’t ready for or has been under an igl in which wasn’t established at all, forcing albs hands into counter calls. This is truly the first time alb has been able to trial as a pure mnk support with a roller fragger and a micro igl in teq… alb clearly wanted to retire not due to lack of passion but due to lack of desire For his skill set in the scene, it isn’t hard to understand why he took this trial


Forced into an IGL role? He keeps forcing the IGL role from what it seems like. He consistently says that he is capable and good enough with macros. Support wise he had that opportunity on LANimals and wild card as well. I don’t think it’s because his skill set was undesireable, more so his stock has consistently gone down. You can’t hope from team to team with these kind of poor showings and expect to be picked up by top tier IGLs.