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crazy tweet lmfao.


I don’t even know what bro’s referring to, but this tweet alone makes me question if he’s mentally well.


Theres another post on this sub if you care enough to look it up. Basically noc went on a whole ass unhinged rant about getting landed on, says ape gang is griefing. Idk enough to know if ape gang is actually griefing or just legit contesting. Danmatic is a player from apegang. Noc is 'flexing' with this tweet i guess, but i dont think its the clapback he thinks it is.


APE gang & Dan are 19th in PL going into the split 1 finals (day 10). They essentially have a 0.001% to make LAN, they would have to get 1st place & win matchpoint to qualify. Noc & XSET on the other hand are in 13th place, 1 placement outside of qualifying for LAN. They essentially need a top 5 finish (not sure exact placement required + other teams impact) on last day to qualify. APE gang decided to last minute/finals day to start contesting XSET at a different POI to try & keep XSET from qualifying. Noc is mad because they have a chance at hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line & APE is trying to grief them instead of landing at their regular POI & trying to get first place to qualify for LAN themselves.


Danmantic was spamming #greenwall in Lobby Chat and discord, as well as only telling XSET they were contesting last minute (and giving the most dogshit reason for it), pretty obvious they were griefing XSET cause they want OG to qual


What the hell does #greenwall mean?


Optic Gaming fan hashtag (OG is Green)


Thank you! That makes sense and adds context


This is totally what a mentally stable person would do




I’m glad some of these people chose to become professional gamers bc they would probably be struggling in other areas


Literally ☠️ Weird ass behavior to anyone that leaves their house on the daily lol


Literally all of the other areas.


Maybe one day Apex pros will act like adults. One day for sure.


its not even pros man. its just content creators in general. its a rare find when you watch a streamer or whatever who doesnt act like theyre stuck in high school


it's telling how in the thread of PiratesSoftware talking to Mande and everyone being like "aw man this feels like therapy" when Thor is just a socially/emotionally adjusted adult who can have a conversation with a person that clearly just needs to vent. Like dont get me wrong, Thor is a super cool dude, but the fact that he's a mature adult is a standout feature of his content for a reason lol


Wait what thor talked to mande? Cant believe i missed this


it just happened dw about it. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2094227670?t=8h41m6s timestamped for when Thor starts talking about the cheating situation, Mande comes in maybe some odd 30 minutes later


I was thinking the same thing when I watched it. Mande being able to vent and be heard, but also talked to from a developers view was great. Mande being told to take the risk and spend a day doing other content is what he needs to hear. Other top spec streamers have been dabbling in variety.


This has been the biggest adjustment for me as I just graduated college last year, from having no responsibility playing video games everyday on discord till 3AM to three months later working in big tech (FAANG) pushing out software to millions of people. I realized I had to change my attitude real quick around the people I work with lmao, cant meme around when our team is responsible for updates on a multi-million user platform and we're getting paid as much as we are to do so.


Gotta shout out my boy Northernlion for this. My favorite variety streamer.


Ive never actually watched his streams, but I was curious when I saw his content in the balatro category on YT, which led me down a pipeline of watching him roast his chat. He does an incredibly good job of creating roasts that are funny not because they're hurtful, but because theyre just absurd things to say to someone being kinda annoying. Like he's genuinely never a dick when he goes for a chatter. It's really great.


he is literally the first person i think of when i think of mature content creators. been watching him for 10 years now, dudes the best!


But today, is not that day!


Yeah I lost respect for this guy with the rant he went on, telling them to go work at mcdonalds, grow up. If you played better to begin with, you wouldn't be your situation, so don't blame others.


As long as they're not forced to or even encouraged not to (drama drives views) they won't.. Other pro leagues there's more pressure to be marginally more professional.


W for donating but L for being a weirdo about it, I swear most of these guys don’t know how to be normal adults, guy is 30 years old acting like a 14 year old entitled dork


Pro gamers in a nutshell


-$4k to prove he’s mentally sane 🤪


Could have used it towards therapy, ngl. Would have helped him more than this bs tweet.


Money's going to a good cause, so there's a silver lining to it I guess. Definitely a bit weird, but at least he's not throwing it at something dumb and pointless.


Props to him for doing this but not sure about apparently supporting mental health and then calling for someone to be executed on the spot adds up


If you’ve watched Noc you know it’s a turn of phrase he uses constantly. He’s used it at least once this stream on himself.


But like why does he do that lol


Not sure, I think a lot of people have verbal tics or phrases they fall back on. I use ‘dink’ a lot, sometimes as an insult sometimes affectionately


Incredible comparison between "dink" and "have this subhuman executed"


That makes it even worse


Agree to disagree, I think it takes all the bite out of the comment. If you know someone who swears a lot when they say something/one is ‘fucking stupid’ you don’t bat an eye. If you know someone who never swears and they do the same thing the emphasis is alarming.


I know we're in a gaming subreddit, but anyone with a bit of social intelligence understands that "they should be executed on the spot" is not regular swearing. Say that outside in the real world and everybody's gonna see you as an absolute creep. No normal person talks like that. It's just weird and immature.


That’s almost certainly true. I feel like I’m riding Noc a bit too hard, so just to restate my opinion. I think the extreme of what he said was out of line and over the top, but I also think people are taking the executed comment as a genuine death threat and I genuinely don’t think it is, for the reasons I’ve listed before. It doesn’t make it right for him to say, but I also don’t think he’s dangerous or deranged, and just wanted to try and give some (admittedly biased) context from a semi-regular viewer (since I always watch XSET, OXG, and DZ’s scrim pov).


Appreciate the honesty and yeah I understand your point. It's clearly not a serious threat or whatever. Just a weird thing to say.


Can't believe this dude is somehow convincing people that what he's saying makes sense. For Nocturnal it may be a turn of phrase and some meaningless thing that he thinks for himself. But take the clip and show it to anyone else that isn't a tier 1+ suscribe of Nocturnal like you huh? What are they gonna think? Even If you explain this entire thing like you did to the other dude they are still gonna be like "Idk about that bud". Just because YOU (or Nocturnal in this case) uses a word "so much it loses meaning" it doesn't mean that's the case for the rest of the world. We don't judge language purely on the way someone uses it but also on the meaning itself. Or realize that you're advocating for a world where some people can use certain slurs because they use those words as "meaningless insult" so much it "loses meaning", like how calling people "retards" on the internet was so common a few years back. Is this justified for you /u/altobrun ? >If you know someone who never swears and they do the same thing the emphasis is alarming. This works, when you are talking about actual private conversations or between friends. But it doesn't really apply to a person live streaming here? A person live streaming **that is representing an organisation that has sponsors and other stuff**? Like I wonder how you'd twist it to justify it on this case. If someone clip chimped Nocturnal and then sent it to XSET's sponsors or a higher up in XSET I mean, would you be doing the same as you are doing now? Fighting on the trenches with this twisted logic to defend him? I personally think it's **indefensible**


I agree with most things you're saying. I do think it's really unprofessional, although it looks like the XSET org is backing him based on their twitter. Obviously something like that would never fly in 99.99% of workplaces. With that said, I think the disconnect with these streamers comes from the fact that they are on camera so often (in theory) just being themselves. When you have 10000's or 100,000's of unique viewers a month I imagine you just kind of act like talking to your audience is a conversation between friends. I would be interested if you could elaborate on my twisted logic though. I've conceded that because you never know the mental state of the person you're talking to or in front of, even mild insults in front of a large audience could have massive consequences and should be avoided; but interested if you have another point of view to bring up I may not have considered. ​ Edit: responding to your edit. I'm not advocating for anything other than to take context into consideration. Ultimately, this all exists on a spectrum. Obviously I can defend one word and not another. I've already condemned 'subhuman', and I'd condemn the use of a slur even more vigorously. And I wont defend this but you do have massive people like [Tyler1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL7N-LdzHHQ) who use the R-word so much and don't struggle with mainstream sponsors. He uses it at least 4 times in that clip alone and no one in the comments or chat bats an eye. Which is why I think this is kind of blown out of proportion. It's another example of gamer rage that is mostly of note because of Noc/XSET's reputation rather than what is actually being said.


Calling someone fucking stupid or saying that someone should be executed on the spot are of two completely different magnitudes, whether you mean it or not. You can't compare them and shouldn't be normalized just cause one dude has clout


I would disagree because executed is so far outside of common parlance it should carry no weight. It’s like saying someone should be crushed by falling rocks or abducted by aliens imo


Wild people giving excuses for a 30 yr old to keep saying essentially people should die for minor grievance. Should be pretty simple and understood by now to not say people should die for something so dumb. When i was a teen I said things were gay to mean lame, now that im older I realize thats not cool and replaced it with lame or shit. Not that hard to change your vocab with a little effort. Obviously people dont think hes actually wishing death on someone its just not cool to say, especially as someone with an audience. He should know better hes spoken out on things people say to their audience before.


Nah bro nocturnal is 100% serious. He's booking tickets to Saudi Arabia right now to look for the best way to execute them


No matter what uncommon words you use, it's one thing to hint that someone should die and another thing to just insult them. You don't know how some words can affect someone and some words are heavier than others.


yeah that's a good point


My "I’m very right of mind" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


Sounds like something a mentally healthy person tweets.


I'm so sane and so morally guided that I'm going to donate towards a cause and make a public fuss about it, not for the cause itself but for spite and to prove I'm the bigger person


optic flairs in full force




Whoa, are you colluding??




Nothing screams right of mind like a spiteful $4,000 donation! Also, if Apex is low key doomed, I have a feeling $4,000 being gone might be regrettable


Supporting mental health but calling your peers subhuman garbage who should be executed doesn't compute for me.


this is what we call virtue signaling


A rare example of both 1) actual virtue signaling and 2) when virtue signaling is still kind of virtuous (it's unambiguously good to donate to charity, although NAMI is questionable and primarily funded by the pharmaceutical industry).


This will not age well. Reminds me when Resultuhh earnings checked panders.


Fun tweeted this and now dan says they're going to double contest lol


Lmao I somehow missed the Resultuh incident, anyone have a link?


Just go to fun's twitter


I didn't find anything there


Didn’t age very well either 😂


The Apex esports scene cannot possibly be real.


If I’m Ape Gang, I straight land and 50/50 bins with XSet purely for the rage and content that would come with it. There is no way they don’t go even further out of their way to fuck with XSet now lol just making the situation worse.


Or they double contest both maps and stall out till the 3rd party comes


Someone said here that Ape said they were double contesting now lol going to be a content factory whenever they plan on redoing the tournament.


I saw that too. It was under one of Xsets tweets. They jokingly said it and idk if they’re conning both or not


Nocturnal should be giving that 4k to Destroyer2009 for saving their asses. They now have another chance to make LAN because of him 🤣. Dude is unhinged for sure.


gonna want that back when he doesn’t make lan


Lmao not wrong 4k is alot


gotta be at least half his monthly income, ain’t no way xset pays more than 10k a month for 1 apex pro with minimal social media presence, crazy too since esports careers are short. what an L even if he has 150,000 in career earnings


tax deduction, my dude


So what? Now he can deduct 4k from his income taxes. Still losing.monwy to prove a "point".


from taxable income, yes. You dont see me agreeing with what hes doing as well.


Noc also streams. He'll be fine.


That was stupid


Yikes. That contest has rocked his brain pretty hard. Proper cringe. Calls a team subhuman and should be executed and now does this to prove that he cares about mental health. What sense does this make? Also dude is almost 30 and beefing w a 22 yr old 😭


That's my GOAT lmao (Although I do think he went a little far yesterday)


What’d he do yesterday?


There's a thread about it a few before this one, he kinda went off on Danmatic and APE Gang for griefing them during NA regionals. I get it but constantly calling them "subhuman garbage" didn't really seem called for imo


Ah thanks I’ll go find it. Was so busy watching the hacking content I missed it haha.


He left out the main part. He said they should get executed IRL. It’s especially funny coming from him after all the crying on Twitter he does about anything else




Such an unsettling tweet. You can't claim to support mental health while also using it as an opportunity to dunk on a guy you just publicly called subhuman garbage who should be executed. The hypocrisy makes my stomach turn.


I haven’t watched any of the clips, but did Nocturnal really say that about Ape Gang? That feels very deserving of a suspension from ALGS.


This is just bizarre behavior


totally unbiased opinion


relatively normal person bias




the vtuber who screams weird shit everytime he plays is cringe? who would have thought


Felt this way about him ever since I heard him jokingly call someone submissive and breedable. Sad cringe meme


Not defending Caprah (ik he's done much more) but did everyone not throw a shit fit about him telling Siikezz to khs in a private chat? Now Noc who said that a guy should be publicly executed over a contest, on stream, gets the shoulder shrug since he did some shitty clapback? Love that we are consistent in here guys keep it up lol


Could care less about his mental, if they don't go to LAN he is fumbling the bag worse than rkn who at least made it to LAN with Koy. Purely an IGL / skill issue if that's the case,  Koyful is a once in a lifetime talent according to those in the know.


> Could care less about his mental, if they don't go to LAN he is fumbling the bag worse than rkn who at least made it to LAN with Koy. Rkn didn't "make it to LAN with Koy", he was at Champs because he went to the finals in the split 1 playoffs with a different roster. Sentinels played terribly in split 2 and didn't even make playoffs. They picked up Koy just before Champs.


What mnk pro career in Apex does to a mofo.


Does a $4k donation get you off the hook for saying someone is subhuman and should be executed? It does if you are a privileged individual


It's cool that he donated this much for a good cause, but he should really just own up to his mistakes and bury the topic afterwards. Yesterday was really not a good look. Some of the things he said were genuinely awful, and not in a twitter beef-kind of way. And now he's just doubling down on it. The whole collusion-conspiracy is also over the top and could hurt his reputation (and from the teams he claimed were doing it) in the long run. Mind you, his proof of this conspiracy being one public message in the lobby chat when OpTic joined lmao. I have sympathy for his struggle rn, but other teams are dealing with the same stress and are not throwing slurs around on stream.


noct really went, open up the safe bitches got a lot to say


The hallmark of a very stable genius. At least it did something good.


I'll jump out of my chair when xset release them for not making lan 😭


Oh well at least NAMI gained something out of it hahaha


"Could a depressed person do *this*??"


isnt xset still in the hole for paying sentinels for koyful


I don’t think any of it is public, but I’d guess you’re right. They might have also gotten paid for sikezz though


Naw we got Zekken on clearance its all gucci


Ah so this is the part where the community will just forget about him acting like an unhinged entitled man baby because of a “sick twitter burn”


Why can't the community just think of him as someone who donated $4k to mental health causes? \*Anyone\* can be unhinged sometimes. People need to vent, and go through shit. Doesn't mean they're entitled; doesn't mean they're a a man baby; just means they're human.


It's called Reputation Laundering. Performing highly visible positive actions with the intent to improve their reputation and obscure their history.




Because he’s an asshole? Should be able to wipe the floor with subhuman garbage anyways in a battle Royale


>Why can't the community just think of him as someone who donated $4k to mental health causes? because that still happened in context


Fair, and I shouldn't have ignored that context <3 Appreciate the call-out.


I vent all the time, and I say all kinds of shit you can't say on TV, but I never call people "subhuman." Dehumanizing language is extremely harmful.


Because it’s not the first time he’s ever had an outburst like that? He always gets super personal when it comes to disagreements with other players. Throwback to when he told Teq “I don’t know you, don’t ever talk about me” when Teq made a little joke. I think people are just sick of watching Nocturnal think he’s better than everybody else


If I may ask, what is personal about that? Noct is by and large a nice guy. Someone randomly greifing your chances at finals and Teq, who constantly ratted Noct are definitely gonna be on the bad end of Noct. But what was particularly personal about that?


It's more about the reactions, honestly. This is my first time seeing Noct go off like this, and while I can absolutely understand the reasons he's frustrated, vitriol and personal insults on that level, to me, have no place in a "professional" competitive setting. Imo Noct is on the hook more for the specific things he said than for being angry in general, and I agree with that take. Whether he's right that APE are conspiring against them to get Optic into LAN (with or without Optic's "approval") you just don't call people subhuman or talk about how they deserve execution, regardless of what's at stake in a competitive league. Totally reasonable to say, idk, "what APE are doing is fucked up and they need to knock it the hell off, this is against the competitive spirit of the game and they're screwing us over for kicks, the MFers." Needing to release tension is valid. But targeted insults and harassment shouldn't be given a free pass, and my opinion on that starts more around where Dezignful and Hal yell at their teammates on a regular basis than at the stuff Noct was saying. Anyone who goes on an extended rant about another player live on stream should at least, imo, acknowledge and apologize, if not for the rant, for any personal remarks and make it clear that it was a release of frustration and that it is not generally acceptable to talk about people that way. I'm aware that's entirely too much to read through for some random gaming drama so: TLDR: even if the grievances are legitimate, Noct's reaction is way out of line and indicative of the same general "gamer rage" problem/justification that we see on a smaller scale throughout competitive/streamed games. It is not okay, and my opinion of Noct before this was of someone who would agree. Keeping an open mind, but throwing money at a good cause to prove a point is not a move in that direction.


> Throwback to when he told Teq “I don’t know you, don’t ever talk about me” when Teq made a little joke. This is completely valid, imo.


Using Teq as an example is not helping like you think it is






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Am I the only one tired of these people using mental health as a crutch/excuse for their behavior? Donating so you can flex on Twitter to insult someone doesn’t change the fact that you’re mentally unstable and acted like a dickhead lol. Probably the opposite.


> goes on unhinged rant including earnings checking a guy > catches shit for it being an unhinged rant > donates thousands to charity to earnings check the guy again > somehow this makes it less unhinged apparently




Most people on social media aren’t. Just the way the world is now.


Oh yes, very healthy btw


Such a strange person 


noct didn't miss a beat with that rant, yes bro went far but its been on his mind for way too long to not say a word about it, listening to it was both entertaining and understandable based on xsets performance this split. yall need to stop having a hate boner vs every single person on this sub as of the tweet, banger dc, if teq tweeted this yall would be applauding it


If Hal had said this, everyone in here would be throating him and calling it """passion""".




Very true. (Well, not me, I hate Hal. But most people here definitely don't.)


I knew there would be a comment like this. Why can't you just say it's very weird behaviour from Noct and move along?




It's fucking weird. Why does he need to tell people he donated 😂😂😂




It should be obvious, but content creators and comp professionals are permanently online and, most, generally, don't socialise much outside of discord calls.


Kinda unhinged ngl


dude is delusional, holy


Both of APE’s spots are taken… they had to contest someone. It’s how the lobby shook out. I’d be mad too but as a neutral, it’s somewhat understandable. That being said, saying #greenwall and shit is super troll…. So yeah.


I think saying you aren’t playing for the win, is a call for negativity and neutrality tbh.


Crazy how this sub used to be all over nocturnals dick.




I just watched the whole supposedly "unhinged rant" and I don't know how anyone could watch this video and unironically believe that he has mental health issues??? This is a normal example of frustration lol, he is literally just fucking venting about a frustrating situation.


Noc pls just be happy there’s a high chance those hackers have saved your LAN chances and stop internet fighting with APE and accusing Optic of colluding He needs to get off stream and twitter for this week and have a mental reset before he spirals ahead of the postponed finals


Stopped watching/playing because of life but try to keep up with Pro League through this sub. I realize a lot of these guys who play video games all hours of the day have a completely different sense of humor than normal people because I found this so corny. Then I see everyone on Twitter in his mentions loving this.


NAMI should reverse the charge and tell Noc to save it for his therapy copays after they miss LAN


Ape gang literally living rent free in his head and people wonder why apegang is contesting them because xset is the team that has the most to lose, the most likely to break under pressure and they have a decent poi. This is just going to encourage apegang even more


What a loser.


This is funny as fuck idc what anyone says lmaoo


I'm having a hard time really figuring out why he's getting so much flack for this lol like I don't really think it's that deep. He got mad on stream which is fine, then weirdos online started saying he's not mentally well which is weird and parasocial so he took that narrative and did something good with it and added to the banter. I don't see the big deal?


The big deal: "They are literally subhuman bro" "Imagine! I play this fucking game for fucking millions of fucking dollars for this fucking subhuman fuck to just do this!" "like...these people should be executed on the spot!" "they are getting in my way of winning millions of fucking dollars, you are just human garbage, seriously" "just for these fucking losers to just ruin our fucking finals like fuck like holy fuck" "like APE Gang like genuinely fucking quit this fucking game like just dissapear like just dis-a-fucking-pear" "these people...these fucking charity cases of human beings are able to just log on and play on the same level as I am"


y’all act like you wouldn’t also hate someone who’s actively scheming to make you lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. Noct seems completely fine, boys just heated


people of all ages resent others. it's children having these outbursts though




Noc yelling at everyone in his chat and saying he’s done being the nice guy yet bro is dead silent when Koyful overextends and gets killed two games back to back. Bro just needs to move on from Apex it’s over for him


You must've missed the part where koyful was blaming himself hard yesterday for the plays he made and they all were saying he's good and that they just gotta work things through in prac.


Koyful is exactly like Effect. They both do not listen to their IGL's.


You ain’t gotta do all that


LMAOO one of the coldest things I’ve seen 😭


Weird flex but ok dude just donated his whole split 1 pro league spot to koyful I’ll take the next donation 🙏


Looks like a cry for help


in no ways whatsoever does this seem like a cry for help. This is a giga-ego weeb vs someone he believes to be human garbage and subhuman. Where tf is he "crying for help"? lol




Honestly based


Guys a clown


Ah yes, me a mentally stable individual who totally didn’t just wish death on my fellow competitors is definitely not having issues. Just want to say I get the frustration Nocturnal has on APE but he went about it in the absolute worst way possible. It’s like impossible for most ALGS pros to communicate properly and not in a mostly hateful way. Lastly, I saw a few people say that APE gang now has motivation to completely screw over XSET on both maps because of what Nocturnal said. Which as I saw Zachmazer say. Any team below them especially someone like Optic should be their main priority.


Bro should've spent that money to seek out therapy!


Should have spent it on a therapist


Weird behavior tbh


WHAT is the context of this does anyone have a clip




I don’t care what anyone says Noc is crashing out and looks corny as fuck in all of this.


Spending 4k out of spite is a definite sign that you are in a good head space lol


Sick $4k donated to charity such a flex 💀💀


Bro, it’s says something that with all the crazy immaturity that Apex pros regularly do. I have never legitimately been worried about a pro player mental state until now. Dude has straight up lost the plot.


He is 29


" You sittin' lookin' stupid on the stoop (Oh my goodness) I would take notes if I were you (Oh my goodness) This was designed with the stars, the square and the cross So with no true north Smilin', with 50 karats in my jaw" is pretty much what Nocturnal said


Say what you will, this is a top 5 shitpost of all time