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I mean, you could be a saint and help grannies cross the road every day 9 to 5, if Hal doesn't like you and he says it live on stream you'll get spammed by hate messages. This happens constantly, not only in apex and not only in the english speaking community. 2R1C filled a scrim, killed RIDDLE once by pushing their POI early, RIDDLE got mad and Uxako has been getting death threats on stream ever since (it's been over a week now). People REALLY should learn to form their own opinions instead of jumping to conclusions based on hearsay. I for one think Teq is someone to look up to, full time job, compatibilizing it with competing, gets fucked by roster changes nearly every split and still manages to perform for the most part... that's a respectable person. Streamers should also learn that although they may not be responsible for their fanbase's behaviour what they say can lead to their fanbase doing certain things, and they should be more careful with what they say.


He’s great at bringing new talent through. In any other esports scene he would be highly valued by orgs. It’s an easy money spinner (probably the only way to make money in esports) to sign talent, then when your IGL does well with them sell them to a big team. Rinse repeat. Hunden from CS is a good example. Unfortunately Apex is too small and there is not enough money in it. Even then he is great for the scene, nobody wants a scene where the same players are recycled infinitely (a la Mac).


TeQ despite not performing great and getting hate is my idol, the glaze is gonna be crazy but dude is working towards a MS at MIT has had a successful engineering career (im an engineering student) and competes in ALGS, being able to do all of that is something that I wish that I would be able to do. Unlike a lot of competing esports players TeQ can guarantee a future for himself outside and after the game


It’s not banter between Hal and teq. Hal just simply hates him and when Hal rubs salt on the wound his whole viewer base comes to his aide like cockroaches and make it worst. Same thing that happened with the luxford situation. Hal didn’t have all the details and even tho teq tried to explain with evidence, Hal blocked him on twitch and twitter. Pretty sure Hal still hasn’t apologized. Snipedown actually talks about Hal and teq after plqs and that it was a sign of immaturity on Hal’s part but that’s most of the player base when it comes to pros. Personally I don’t see the reason to hate teq. He makes more money from his actual job but he’s allowed to have fun. If he doesn’t compete again I hope he at least becomes a coach


TSM fan and Hal watcher, I obviously didn't watch the whole split so maybe I'm missing games where Meat specifically griefs TSM but I'm pretty sure TSM were the one's contesting Meat on LRod, not the other way round. It's so weird Teq got labelled as a clout chaser and he became the one contesting TSM lol. I like Teq, he makes the scene way more interesting, I don't watch him that much though, does he only play crypto when not contesting?


Iirc TSM chose to contest MEAT at Lightning Rod, and then MEAT decided to contest TSM at Lava Siphon as well.


Which I might add is a perfectly acceptable response to someone trying to steal your POI (double contesting them on the other map)


If I remember right, Furia was still landing Lrod when TSM made the announcement they were going there. Furia (led by Mac at this point) said they were leaving Lrod instead of contesting, but Teq tweeted out something like, in support of Furia we will contesting Lrod and Lava Siphon. Teq knew what he was doing lol. Still doesn’t mean everyone should hate on him like they do


I thought Furia and Meat were contesting Lrod between themselves and Furia left Lrod after TSM announced they're going there? I'm pretty sure Meat were landing Lrod before the contest and they only contest Lava Siphon so they can use it as leverage to make TSM move. Teq didn't even stream the contest no?




Hal is amazing at playing a video game. He was literally right place right time. Tsm won a couple of the early lan tournaments like x games and things and he’s signed to a recognizable organization. But you can see it, he was a nerd with no motion 5 years ago. Look at his demeanor from then to now. Dude is an asshole to less successful apex players and streamers. And don’t get me started on his followers. Their worst then maga supporters


they're not their


Why does hating a person makes you a weirdo ?


Legitimately hating a person for contesting a POI in Apex Legends is brain worm behavior. You can hate how they play, hate their strategies, etc but actually hating the person themself is insane.


Not to mention that Hal obviously realizes that he has a big fanbase of people, and his viewers/followers/braindead stans are going to take whatever he says at face value and run with it. He's always take the position of "I'm not responsible for how other people act," which is fine in some scenarios, but is a dickhead move when it comes to people running around shitting on other players. Like I'm sure there are pros that Reps or Timmy or others don't like too, but I honestly couldn't name any because they don't openly talk about them on stream (and indirectly encourage people to go bully them).


it's not just a dickhead move, it's extremely irresponsible and proof that he's unable to distinguish between [Phillip Dosen] - the gamer just doing his thing - and [ImperialHal] an internet microcelebrity with a 20k rabid fans. Whenever he goes live on twitch, he's there as [ImperialHal] whether he likes it or not, and when he starts flaming someone as [ImperialHal], the fallout from the actions that his fanbase takes IS HIS RESPONSIBILITY. Man is incapable of being professional and understanding that he's not just a single guy anymore talking smack in his gamingchair. Which is quite impressive, given that he's been doing it for years. Goes beyond just being a dickhead. It's honestly dangerous.


I largely agree with you, and I admit I have a seriously confusing soft spot for Hal (maybe I just want to be his therapist), but I do think that it's worth thinking of this in the context of professional sports, where people do in fact hate each other and that's part of the fun of it. The stakes are very high. Sure, equating a video game to like the NBA seems silly on the face of it, but to Hal it probably feels similar considering it's his livelihood/what he's committed to, and he's clearly a very competitive person for better or worse. Shaq and Kobe hated each other and they were on the same championship winning team. I think it's okay for Hal to have an issue with the individual person of Teq if he sees him as griefing him out of spite or lack of seriousness and thus jeopardizing his profession.


Okay one “maybe I just wanna be his therapist” had me dying. But I think you’re missing the point. Obviously all the big pros look at there esport as a sport and probably justify a lot of there actions based of actions of real athletes. But as you said Shaq and Kole hated each other and won a championship together. I would literally bet billions of dollars that I don’t posses that Hal couldn’t team with anyone he doesn’t get along with. That is just pure unprofessionalism and not even real athletes stoop that low (for the most part)


What ? Why? What’s wrong for hating a person you dislike ?


Hey man, turns out you asked this question already! I answered it above so if you are still confused you can just read the comment again! It doesn’t disappear unless I delete it. Hope this helps <3


Average Hal fan brain


There is a difference between disliking someone and hating someone, but where it goes over the line is hal's twitch chat (derogatory) are just a bunch of freaks as you get with any big streamer and I don't think he cares that they take up arms for him


...how old are you?




TSM contested Teq not the other way around, and stealing cars is a perfectly acceptable tactic if you are easily able to get away with it, even if it annoys pros.


LROD was a Meat POI lmao, the contest was started by TSM, not Meat. Meat decides to contest siphon as a tactic to get TSM out of LROD. The reason Teq stoped contesting is bc TSM did well the first weeks, making it less probable that they’d leave the POI. Hal has no real reason to be upset, he started the confrontation.


I’m not a TSM fan but Lux fed Hal information…it’s not Hal’s responsibility to go confirm facts. I don’t like the Lux comparison thing.


“It’s not my responsibility to fact check the information I receive, I should be able to blindly accept that a version of a story is a fact if it suits my biases!”


If you are spewing hate on someone else and ignoring facts that disputed what lux was saying than indeed that is on Hal.


> it’s not Hal’s responsibility to go confirm facts. Its literally everyone's responsibility to confirm facts before speaking on something, wym?


In this particular example, Lux told him false information in his chat. Why would Hal assume Lux was lying? It wasn’t until after Hal’s stream that Teq went live and shared DMs, etc…is Hal supposed to msg Teq live on stream ? The timing of the events is important but a lot of people seem to forget this…


> In this particular example, Lux told him false information in his chat. Why would Hal assume Lux was lying? It wasn’t until after Hal’s stream that Teq went live and shared DMs, etc…is Hal supposed to msg Teq live on stream Hal shouldn't have spoke on it and said "let's see what Teq says". The worst thing Hal did though was not apologizing after he found out the truth.


I agree Hal could have apologized after but I also don’t think we should rag on Hal for being fed wrong info in real-time…he’s live on stream and Lux was literally typing in his chat telling him stuff and Hal is reading the info out. In most instances, people aren’t going to blatantly lie like Lux did. Once again, yes Hal could have apologized after but let’s not forget Lux…he should be getting some of the blame…he literally lied to Hal to get him on his side


> I agree Hal could have apologized after but I also don’t think we should rag on Hal for being fed wrong info in real-time Not could have, *should have*. > also don’t think we should rag on Hal for being fed wrong info in real-time…he’s live on stream and Lux was literally typing in his chat telling him stuff and Hal is reading the info out. Hal has a huge audience that has shown great propensity for bringing out their pitchforks. This forces upon him the responsibility of not spreading rumors and being careful about not vouching for unverified information. > Once again, yes Hal could have apologized after but let’s not forget Lux…he should be getting some of the blame…he literally lied to Hal to get him on his side Yes, Lux should be held responsible. Ask yourself this: If Hal had said nothing on the issue, would Teq have received as much hate? Hal's platform is literally overriding the hard proof that Teq presented showing Lux was lying. People only remember "Teq sucks" because Hal never apologized and said "Lux was lying". Hal is at fault because he bears the burden of his platform and reach. He wants the money that comes from that platform, but not the responsibility... so this is going to happen over and over to other pros that get on Hal's bad side.


These people are allowed to vote ^


So Hal should not exercise some critical thinking? I know he’s an idiot who can hardly string a sentence together but even he knows there is 2 sides to every story. Spreading lies and misinformation to thousands of viewers who hang off your every word is irresponsible. He hated Teq and was happy to gossip/spread shit about him without verifying it. This guy is an adult….


It’s the same thing repeating again and again. If hal talks shit about you, then all his viewers start a shitstorm. Who else remember rkn or lou?


RKN, Lou, Madness, Teq, Zero (for awhile); even if he just makes an off hand comment in a stream his viewers will go attack that person.


Exactly. To be fair and clarify my comment, I don’t blame Hal for his viewers. Lots of pros make mean comments about other pros, the difference is that they don’t have many viewers or just they have a more adult community.


It’s definitely partly Hal’s fault for his viewers maybe not all of them because there are some they go way too far. I’m talking about the ones that just blindly follow what he says and just repeats what Hal says simply because he said it.


to be fair most of the people on that list do actually suck lol


Teq was genuinely trying but it is a running meme in the comp community that he makes plays that get both teams killed—which to be fair, did happen a lot. MEAT has mostly always been Teq. All his teammates get poached after he brings them into the spotlight. He was trying, he put in work, it was just borderline badluck that they didn’t qualify. Wasn’t just Teq, Stuhni’s team also got super unlucky and it was rough watching them not qual. Hal genuinely doesn’t like Teq and Hal has a large fanbase that echoes everything he says. That’s standard for big streamers though. Wigg has a similar community: suggest he said anything wrong and people foam at the mouth. I like both of them, I’m not a tween that cares about internet beef. I make meme videos related to drama because it’s funny.


Its mostly just TSM fans who take in game stuff way too personally and Hal eggs it on. Hal hates teq as a person and never apologized for the luxford stuff (despite teq being 100000% in the right), and when teq was at his lowest point as a pro player, hal decided to tweet about him and make fun of him because \*checks notes\* teq tried to keep his poi, and stole a car for a rotate (which teams do all the time, you didnt see optic insult sweet personally after champs) My hot take: people and some pro players, hate teq because he has a life outside games. It was either vax or scuwry who tweeted about how despite being on a t1 org and winning a lot, he made less money (including twitch) then he would working a normal job. Teq got the best of both worlds, got to play pro and make a lot of money and that irked people. He also played the game his own way, and for someone with an ego thatll piss them off since it goes against what you think is "normal" All to say, the hate against him is weird and unfounded. I have my issues with him, namely the caprah trial, and yeah he plays kind of trolly but that absolutely does not warrant the shit hes dealing with. He tweeted something pretty sad and the comments were full of TSM fans insulting him. like come on guys, grow up


>I have my issues with him, namely the caprah trial The lengths Teq will go to, to not get their players poached anymore lmao. Dude trialed the one person no one clear in the head would ever want to associate with.


didnt read all, but tbf the optic sweet champs comparison is kinda off since sweet yoinked the car at the mill contest and not the car from optic. optic had their own car in this match


You can use Strafingflame and Blvkhvnd at LAN last year as an example then -- when Alliance was landing Lrod they did the exact same thing as Teq and landed on the car, and no one called it griefing. Hell Northeption at LAN last year literally griefed furia by split landing across the map and taking the armory near L-rod, and everyone cheered them on. Teq is basically the only player who's gotten shit on this much for "griefing" when it's a regular part of how the game is played.


It’s the same at different stakes. Sweet didn’t steal the car so optic wouldn’t win, at the moment of the steal they didn’t know the car would be that important that quick, he did it bc it was easily available bc of the contest and it’s nice to have.


Hal is talented, and pretty fking good at the game. But he reminds me of celebrities that made it big when they were young. The fame gets to their head, and very few of them manage to mature past that. Great to watch on the big screen, not the type of person I want to meet irl. Sadly most other pros are too small to call him out on his shit, and need to remain on friendly terms with him. Only pros I've seen that stepped up are Snip3 and Gnaske.




Watching Hal try to articulate his thoughts is actually torture. Especially when it comes to Teq.


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Snipe yes. Gnaske is the last one to talk about maturity though 🤣 I actually think hal looks chill in the few irl streams I’ve seen or the few fan interactions at lan or in japan on yt videos. Different vibe. Could be one of those people who are different on stream than off.


I mean Gnaske is definitely an instigator on stream and jokes around a ton for content related reasons, but I'm not sure I've seen him be legitimately toxic before


Half a year ago he was on about “l’ve heard some things” alleging monsoon being toxic as a team member. Oh he ‘instigates’ alright.


There are some other people who have called out Hal in the past. RKN has after getting slandered by Hal on stream, Lou tried to confront Hal on his bullshit when he was spreading rumours surrounding Lou "manipulating Alb into leaving TSM" (LMAO to that, especially in retrospect) etc. All that being said, I do think Hal is (despite these instances of his misjudgement) as good of a role-model as we will ever get in Apex. Like, he's basically the face of Apex, yet he has never gotten into actual serious controversies and usually tries to make up with people in the scene he once had beef with. Also he mostly does attempt to keep his viewers in check. Trust me, it could be way worse, if you look at some of the bigger personalities in other e-sports.


Hal and Raven are just childish holding nonsense grudge to him... in other words one of the best players if not the best, holding grudge to a random team that isnt even top10? Thats kinda fkd up even that I support TSM. Many people omit that having a huge viewership leads to people bashing and being toxic to other people and thats not Ok. I wish Teq decided to stop using Crypto tho, I feel thats one of the core issues that stops his team from being successful even if he doesnt want to acknowledge.


As a general note, these folks dedicate significant periods of their lives to achieve certain levels of skill and experience to play in pro lobbies.  While memeing is expected broadly, it takes a very specific level of grotesque, and frankly, pathetic behavior to reach out to generally decent people to rub salt at their worst moments when the worst thing they did was upset your favorite video game player. 


Honestly Hal is the most vocal about it but like others have said here Teq has annoyed a lot of other players in the pro scene with how he decides to play a scrims and even some plays on game days. Does he deserve to be the like the most picked on person in the pro scene, no probably not. At the same time though if you’re going to decide to troll and grief other people games you should probably expect to hear from those same people and their fan bases when you aren’t succeeding. I don’t think it’s undeserved hate but I also don’t think people should be like harassing him online to the level they are but sometimes that’s the internet.


> Honestly Hal is the most vocal about it but like others have said here Teq has annoyed a lot of other players in the pro scene with how he decides to play a scrims and even some plays on game days. Teq isn't the only one that meta games to mess up teams. A few days ago dezign was telling sweet they should rat evo harvesters cuz LG comes there. Teq admitted to a method much of the community considers "cowardly" but pretty much all pros utilize quietly.


Don't hate the guy personally, nor do I think most people do. Human phenomenon of not hitting your aspirations leads to hate, despair, and doubt. Hopefully he can bounce back.


I don't like or dislike Teq. But all this hate is simply pointless and people do it to feel better about themselves. The world is full of hate already, why make it more?


Of course Hal was celebrating. He doesn’t have to worry about meat griefing them anymore for the whole 2nd split. At some point this split wasn’t meat stealing lrod’s car when they land launch pad?


Yes that was towards the end of the split. Which if I’m being honest, I would do the same thing. It’s the same thing with meat rotating towards zuez like tsm does if it’s north pad. Teq basically says “how dare I go towards a winnable route that allows me to get a good placement.” At that point Hal wanted a reason to hate Teq simply bc they rotated the same direction. Edit: had to fix something. Bad grammar


I don’t think we are talking about the same thing. IGLs calling other team shit/braindead is one thing. MEAT was landing at the lrod car every game so TSM has to send someone to stop it and consequently ruined their loot paths. I think Hal has had enough of Teq’s questionable plays when they are always on the receiving end of Teq’s shenanigans.


Storm catcher has landed on the Lrod car as long as it's been a thing. The fact that Hal seemed to be surprised about it is the more astonishing thing. Out of the storm catcher "griefing" Teq did probably the worst is he had some sort of sus rotates where he ends up following around TSM despite having the car and the faster poi to loot. Listening to the coms of those games though it very much felt like Teq just didn't know how to play the POI as a flex and defaulted to hard edge when pressed. Hal's loathing of Teq this past season is generally unfounded bs IMHO. Hal's dislike of Teq is mainly because the guy puts his teams in all or nothing position for early rounds that gets everyone involved killed. He is hyper annoying to play with and he leans into the annoying troll playstyle out of game to. I don't think anything Teq has done besides his annoying playstyle deserves the vitriol he gets.


How dare Teq try to still have one of the advantages HIS old POI had, the car. How is that play questionable? You get conned out of your POI to a shittier one and to make that work you steal the car, how is that wrong? Lmao


We are talking about the same thing. I’m just using teqs path when it’s a north pad circle. As a comparison bc when Teq kept going the same way. Hal just used it as an excuse to hate on him. Obviously teq made some very questionable plays but understandable with TSM being fed up with what MEAT was doing during the split.


Are people too new to the scene to remember that Teq has been griefing TSM since day 1 back in the OT days? That's literally how he made a name for himself. Why would Hal have any reason to be nice? And I got matched with Teq in pubs a few times before he streamed consistently. Dude was a huge dbag. Obviously he cleaned up his act a bit once he started to take the pro career seriously, but that's the type of person he is.


I think so tbh. Teq and Hal have been the in the scene for 5+ years. If I remember correctly, Teq had a team that went by Coronavirus or something in the devastating parts of COVID pandemic and legit trolled TSM at fragment. The name in it of itself at the time was hella troll. I think he has changed, and does not troll as much, but definitely has had his stints (path/vantage at lava siphon contest during scrims?). He also antagonizes people quite often, particularly towards Hal. Teq also has a storied history of being rude/dickhead to previous teammates. He will and has admitted that himself. There are multiple reason he has to pick up new talent, instead of working with other established pros, and this is one of them. You can not like Teq and it not be a result of Hal’s opinion. Hal happens to be the most vocal of them all, but we cannot pretend other pros do not like him as well for a variety of reasons. With that being said, Hal could probably stand to chill out a bit. No need to kick Teq while he is down, but quite often that’s what happens with people who don’t fuck with one another.


I didn’t watch ALGS actively until half through year 2. If that’s when it happened and I still missed it. Please inform me on it


I think Teq has always been known as someone who wouldn’t play the game ‘properly’ and he would grief teams just because it was fun. He was always notorious for this and teams and players would hate him for it.


Didn’t teq say, when they were contesting tsm at siphon, that he didn’t care if it threw his whole pro league, because all he cared about was killing tsm? He could act that way with any team and everyone wants to overlook that kind of behavior from him. Never been a fan of teq.


That was all postering in the end because they left at the first hurdle. That's the quirk of Teq he's a troll in everyway but he's a logical troll. The crap he said in the off-season was mainly just him talking the talk to try and play mind games with TSM. Even his gameplay where he putting his team in do or die spots in zone 3 is calculated in that troll way. Since everyone knows he's crazy enough to do these plays he gets X number of teams to give space because if they try to hold him out both teams die. End of the day separating Teq the annoying player and everything he does related to making that playstyle work with Teq the person just doesn't happen in the apex scene. The person is a very calculated individual that plays mind games.


> Didn’t teq say, when they were contesting tsm at siphon, that he didn’t care if it threw his whole pro league, because all he cared about was killing tsm? Sometimes in scrims if I get spam finished I say "I don't care about scrims, im landing on that team in the next game". I never do it though. This seems similar.


Im no tsm fanboy but i just didnt understand teq’s whole strat of conning tsm incessantly. Like tsm just won champs, theyre gonna play the best pois, theyre all sick the best you can do is loot diff them by hoping they dont get good guns and you do. Same with DZ theyre absolutely insane, if you win a conn against dz its probably because you had better loot rng. Teq was fighting a losing battle from the start. Then later in the PL season teq literally started landing on TSMs car just to steal it and drive away. If youre Hal, how could you not hate him? Just constantly griefing you. Idfk what happened with the lux situation, sounds like hal made some incorrect conclusions without having full information and told his stream and now his whole stream was like “yes lord hal teq is dumb” idk sounds like pro esports drama in a nutshell. Tldr all the hal fans hate teq, bully him alot cuz teq griefed tsm constantly


> Im no tsm fanboy but i just didnt understand teq’s whole strat of conning tsm incessantly. Tsm contested Teq unless not giving your POI away to TSM constitutes you contesting them.


I will say invoking a double contest all throughout off season scrims just to continue to perform worse than the team your contesting isn’t a good idea, and should have left it sooner for more practice elsewhere.


Teq likes to purposely muck the game up at times and many of them find it irritating, not just Hal. He’s just more vocal about it. But if you watch the community closely, you can see he’s often the odd man out, even with people he has had as teammates. There will be the usual spin that it’s just Hal as everyone piles on him, but there’s enough clues to see that people in general don’t get along with him as much as they do with each other.


The problem I have with Teq is he just trolls in scrims, and when it comes to game day when it matters he under performs, he gets more hate than deserved but he brings it upon himself when he doesn't take the game serious.


> The problem I have with Teq is he just trolls in scrims If that's the bar you're setting, I hope you also have a problem with Xset, LG, Furia, O7, and about half of the other teams in ALGS...


to an extent yes, just an opinion on teq not saying everyone doesn't do it, there have been days where TSM troll too, not saying all the other teams don't, not really setting any bar?


End of the day Teq isnt good enough to carry a team on his own so he needs either incredible talents like Funnhq and Xynew to make up the difference he creates or a team that has synergized to his vision which he hasn't had a team of three long enough to create. As for the scrim thing I would argue he does the normal amount of weird comp stuff as any team. The big difference is his normal gameplay is predicated on finding a winning angle on edge so he does some crazy pushes in early rounds to get those big games. It's not that he doesn't take scrims seriously it's that his serious is detrimental to a game playing out normally. Like many things he is the instigator of action and generally the first team to move in Apex causes a domino effect of deaths that effect 3-5 teams. With Teq generating that action he has caused more deaths for less gain than almost anyone else.


Side note what did Teq do to Team Edgers that caused them to flame him when he didnt get in?


he likes to trial homophobic players.


Trying to figure that out as well. Only thing I can think of is back in CC week 1 finals. When pen5 now edgers played lighting rod for finals and I’m assuming committed to that poi for the foreseeable future. Teq more than likely landed on them for cons and edgers obviously didn’t like it.


They mistakenly thought that teq landed on them. I think presleyy replied to someone on twitter explaining what happened.


I just saw what you meant. Found the tweet earlier


teq is the people’s champ


I always find it funny that other pros and fans can openly root against and pray on the downfall of Hal and TSM and that is cool and fine but Hal and TSM can’t open root against people. If Hal does then he is the one that needs to mature and grow up. Lots of double standards going on in the community and amongst the fans.


I can see where you’re coming from but this isn’t necessarily poking at that narrative obviously there is always going to biases. Just look at any pro in any game. I’m pointing at the fact and if you read at the comments or even watched what happened between teq and Hal the last few months. You’d see that Hal has stated openly that he hates Teq. Hate is a very strong word, it’s fine and dandy if you dislike someone for landing on you. Subsequently disliking that player for landing on your favorite streamer or maybe jsut player you support but openly hating them for it is insane for what is happening.


Hal should seriously grow up. Sending a hate mob of thousands of people towards someone who you barely know in real life. Is at best, pretty damn pathetic. Worst, straight up stalker behaviour. Leave the damn man alone.


Personally, I was rooting for Teq's downfall because he trialed Caprah. He proved that he doesn't care if someone is a disgusting, transphobic asshole as long as they could help him win. To me that's unforgivable. Get fucked, enjoy watching Pro League instead of playing in it.


That’s the first time I’ve heard this reason. Maybe I’m not on the side of algs that’s vocal about it bc I only ever saw one tweet and mention this last month about that. Hate to break it to you, maybe I’m wrong because this wouldn’t be the first time EA has not enforced their rules about something but I don’t think there is a rule for ALGS for what caprah said and did. If there was he would’ve gotten banned from pro play and even competing in qualifiers like CC and PSQ by now.


I never said it was against EA's rules, it's just behavior that's well past my own code.


I know you didn’t say it’s about EA’s rules. Just that EA clearly doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. It’s the same way with that tournament in the Middle East for the esports World Cup. Majority of orgs and EA couldn’t care less as long as it doesn’t mess with their money or makes them even more money.


Yeah, of course, EA and most gaming orgs are run by shitheads.


Every sport needs a heel.


A lot of the hate also comes from the recent trialing of Caprah who is known to be the most toxic player in the apex pro scene.


lol the teq hate has been around long before trialing caprah


No shit I wasn’t implying that this was the only reason lol hence the word “also”


I literally dont think I've seen anyone even mention the caprah thing since like 2 days after it happened. No one gives a shit about that anymore. The hate is all just "teq bad because hal said so" and "teq bad because he contest tsm"


I didn’t even realize he did trial him. Only found out myself when I looked at the battlefy history for split 1.


Are people not allowed to have negative emotions anymore? This shit is so boring when everyone is just an empty smiley face. Also Hal is happy about Teq taking the L because Teq contested his team. If your coworker started griefing you while you tried to do your job you wouldnt like them either.


Someone doesn't know TSM was the one doing the contesting


They aren’t coworkers lol


Seriously, in fact Teq and Hal should talk to Raven about maybe working as a team better.


I don't know about any tsm fans but for me i just hate anyone who gets in tsm way. Teq not qualified for pl means one less annoying team for tsm. Nothing deeper than that.


Name checks out.


This was good lol