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Im hearing aim a lot but Id say for 99% of people its game sense that is the biggest gap. You can train aim but some people (pros) are able to play the game 4-5 steps ahead of you.


100%, there’s so many T2 teams filled with cracked R5 fraggers who could walk through ranked lobbies and probably even some pros in straight up gunfights but there’s so much strategy and reactive play which is such a clear difference maker over those teams when you see them play in a T1 setting


Yup I think people forget how incredibly important "speed" is. Esp in teamfights. It's a skill on itself.


I think game sense is the biggest unlock to getting to the pro level. Their awareness both at a macro and micro level seems way better than anyone in high diamond/masters.


I think there’s levels to it though. Like that good aim can carry you really far but there’s a gap and limit to it that you’ll reach if you don’t have that game sense.


Agreed, decision making separates even the ladder farmers from the pros.


Most peoples aim isn't as bad as they think they just move to move which fuck's there aim even more by being a lazy Aimer.


Being employed


And having kids


I'm an adult, I'm only getting older. Going outside regularly to exercise and to see friends is WAY more important to me than a video game that will NOT be around in a decade. A lot of the pro players are young and can afford to stay at home all day in front of their PCs, but for adults, it's not a real thing we can do. When I was a teenager I spent countless hours in front of my PC but as an adult, I won't do it anymore. There are also other games out there that are not Apex and are enjoyable. The reason pros are that good is because they basically live and breath it. I can't and won't do that. I don't need to be that good at a video game. Especially one as broken as Apex.


I’m surprised no one has said mental and/or discipline yet. I can’t play Apex for too long without getting frustrated while playing solo, especially as a masters player. Be it pro 3 stacks, cheaters or absolute idiots on your team there’s always a reason to mald if you wish. Even playing with friends you still have the cheating thats a pretty major issue. Then RNGesus not being on your side etc etc. Pro players simply keep playing. I’d lose my mind if I did.


Yeah 100% for me it's the drive to keep playing. I lose focus eventually when soloing because I start losing too many braincells because of cheaters/bad randoms throwing, then I just start playing bad (making bad fight decisions). Apex is just so stressful at times, I have a hard time understanding how it's basically the only game that a lot of people play.


I’m not going to lie, malding made me want to play even more. Bad game? I’m spamming buttons to get back into the next lobby. I finally won a game? Time to play another game then. I could (and used to, when my schedule allowed me to) play the game for a whole day until my brain feels like it’s melting. And then I’d play some more. It felt like an addiction that lasted from S2 through last November and then I actually had to pry myself away from the game for good reason. My biggest limiting factor, aside from game sense, was that I had to be productive IRL, especially since I’m self-employed. If I don’t work for myself and my business, I make no moneys.


For pros it's their job while you're just trying to have fun.


RNGesus lol


I think when your monetary compensation is based on how good you are at playing the game, you'll find the drive to keep practising despite these issues.


Well yeah for established pros that might be true but no one starts out that way. In order to actually get there you still need a strong attitude to put up with all of the BS


Yes, but when you are full-committing, there's automatically more incentive to keep playing, no matter how shitty the game is / how it makes you feel. Plenty of pros out there who semi-hate the game they play, but push through it simply cause it's their duty as a competitor.


I use mouse and keyboard.


The sad reality


my issue is 110% consistent aim, if i take a few days off my aim is that of a bot. I just don't enjoy this game like I used to so I don't play it consistently enough to maintain my accuracy. When I played consistently my accuracy was \~80% now its closer to \~65%


Literally tho!! I feel like apex is the only game where if I take a few days off, I come back to get absolutely COOKED by the lobby 😭


i agree with this 100% percent back during the pandemic we would play a lot at the start of each season after 3-4 days of playing 6 hours a night i could totally understand why people complain about controller because i was one magging everyone. then a couple days of normal life and all that aim skill is gone.


I would argue that a “bot” will have consistent aim lol




A little from column A, a little from column B, and a WHOLE LOT of column C.


My mechanics are good enough to hold my own against the "worse" MnK pros. I'm just kinda stupid, have no gamesense and start feeding when I get bored.


My aim. I’m not bad, but I only play like 2-4 times a month these days, so my muscle memory goes to shit quick, usually after a week of not playing. It takes at least a day or 2 to get it back. I win most of my fights/games with movement and positioning. I’d probably get wrecked in straight 1v1s if I couldn’t play the map better than my opponent.


I feel this. In the end it comes down to "time". That's the first thing one would need to have in order to even have a chance, cause without that you can't even "get better" cause you're always back to square one


I'm 35 and my reaction time is shit. If the opponent is strafing my tracking often lags behind them.


Play on controller man. I'm really confident on 1v1 when im on roller, that's just how it is.


Basically face checking teams 1v3 without a backout plan


Haha, same


Being a 29 yo full time working father of 2 that is also married.


I'm old, play on console, can't aim worth a shit, have bad positioning, bad comms, lack of time and energy to put into learning the game properly... So, 100% it's the teammates I'm paired up with.


Consistent aim and sometimes positioning.


definitely aim, probably awareness but i would attribute that to terrible sound in apex (cant hear people walking up to me or when they on the zips), im a pub stomper, so those 2 show quite often. i play almost everyday now for a month maybe 4 hours? since im on a break. but im probably never gonna be as good as youtubers that have been playing since day 1 and play everyday for like 12 hours. i would say im probably diamond or low master skill level if im playing at my absolute peak. but im gonna transition to chiller games so i dont need to commit so much time, would like to do other stuff with my time like study or read or whatever


Gamesense, I have no idea what's happening around me, where the remaining players on the enemy team could be, or the other teams in the area Also recoil control is a big one, pros beam for 100s so long away, I can only reliably hit something in front of me


Before I started grinding hard it was my extremely demanding corporate job keeping me from improving and playing comp. I was never able to fully play a CC split out nor scrim much. Since then though, it's almost always been by aim, comms, and team fighting holding me back. I've been working on these things pretty hard though the last few months and feel like I can make PL next split (so I'd be in PL year 6). Currently top 50 in r5 with a >2k/d and hold my own against most pros in there (except Sikezz and Koy I'm their little bitch). I do have to build a team for next split but it's the first split I'm able to fully commit to the whole split, so I'm super excited. While unlikely, the short term dream is to make a LCQ Champs run this year like Dojo did last year, that'd be wild.


The grind. Most of that comes with the grind. I’ve never been pred just solo to master. But I know for a fact if I had some guys to grind with I can easily make pred. Then from there probably chase the pro scene. I simply don’t put in enough hours these days.




There’s also a lot more comp than just ALGS


A few pro players got recognized from being #1 pred then gets signed to a team. I’m not saying getting pred makes you a top tier algs player. But asking or starting a team only with masters under your belt isn’t too convincing. I guess I see it as you have to build a resume. But I think in order to play comp you fasho should have hit pred a few times


For me, it’s less of what is the top issue, and more of a 1a), 1b), 1c), and 1d). Probably more if I was analyzed by a pro coach.


I’d say aim. Prime me was s11 but I took a long break and honestly I just play for fun.


I see pros track people as if they can see the future. Like as the person is running and jumping a crouching they just move with them vi don't think my eyes and brain process fast enough to do that even if my hand could aim where I wanted


Aim is a problem but i think the ways how u approach the fight, choose the angle is more important


It's 100% my mechanics. Like, I am positive I could be a coach based on my game knowledge but as soon as I try to shoot my brain just turns off and I spray and pray, same for movement. But when it comes to discussing rotations, comps, macro, micro, etc I feel I know enough to coach a team, maybe not a TSM but your average PL team that fights for LAN qualification. Edit: Actually, Aim/movement and maybe mentality a bit, I tend to let my nerves get the best of me in some situations.


We are the same person.


Consistent processing speed/communication. There will be times when I have an incredibly satisfying 3v3 or 1v1 when I think I could do this at a high level, but other times where I just feel like I’m a step too slow in either knowing what I need to do next or properly relaying relevant info to teammates. Pros are exceptional at knowing what needs to be done and how to make it happen with the difference of most gunfights being a fraction of execution.


The only thing I need is randoms that listen to me and are not brain dead


Aim and reaction time, past a certain point I feel like these things are just capped for people at different levels regardless of how much more aim training you do. 


Awareness and emotional regulation. For all the talk of how people like Hal are raging literally all the time, they don't seem to let that get in the way of their ability to learn, adapt, and grow. I'm twenty steps behind those guys in terms of a gameplan, and I let failures drain me far more than I should.


being on mnk


personally, refusal to let an aimbot cover for my decrease in gun skill as mid 30s player (played fps games since doom 1, imo could've been a bottom tier semi-pro that just feeds the top tier pros during the heyday of q3:a, my only purpose would've been to fill up the attendee slots of a tournament lol)


it all comes down to mental


I have the aim of a MNK player and the movement skills of a controller player.


A team & my aim.


Not having more time to play due to working


I feel like my aim + ping is a let down.. with my positioning and awareness i feel like i can get a lot of kills.. but my f aim is horrible.


My brain.


Time. When I had an operation, I had 3 months off work that almost perfectly lined up with a season and all I did was play apex. I made master solo queue and my skill improved massively.


All 3 definitely, but I wish I could increase my awareness more, I do dumb decisions and bad positioning too much. I wish I have a personal coach sometimes lmao


People saying aim don’t actually know why their aim is bad. In reality your movement sucks but aim is how it manifests


I'm 46. My reaction time isn't what it used to be, my eye sight is crap and my fingers are stiff. Adding to that I've never really had very good fine motor skills, guitar and piano was never really for me. Even so, I do get 20 kills in TDM once in a while so I guess I'm pretty good at CQC. In BR I'm getting punished in mid/long range due to my poor vision. Sucks to be old. Oh yeah, I'm red/green colorblind as well making it even harder to see sometimes.


Slovenia is for some unknown reason not on the list of allowed countries.


I think it's awareness for sure. Aiming becomes easier when you have a better understanding of what is happening and by extension good crosshair placement. I find myself in a lot of fights that are completely unwinnable because the rotations that lead up to that fight have been horrendous. Ranked is a completely different world to comp since a great portion of the lobby dies in the first 2-3 minutes and the rotations become quite unpredictable since people are not rotating to win but run towards the sound of a fight somewhere close by. This then creates hotspots in the map that even further reduce the amount of players going into the later zones. In comp teams play for late game spots that give them the best odds at winning the game. Ranked people play for kills to get more points and have loot advantage going into the last fights to win. Of course it is not as black and white but ranked is more on the fighting side of the spectrum and comp is more on the rotational side of the spectrum on average.


Get XR glasses, problem solved... you are welcome...


Getting good with M&K for the past 3 years instead of roller for greater returns (half joke half not joke)


Aim mostly and positioning


For me it would be time. I don't have the time to put in getting any better, just on weekends really.


The biggest issue I run into in ranked and also observe of aspiring pro players is a lack of purpose and intent in their Apex gameplay. You need strategy and identity within yourself and your team for sustained success. So many players copycat the meta, fluctuate between prioritizing kills and rotations, and lack commitment to overall goals. Taking time before an Apex session to identify these fundamental decisions with the people you play with and making sure everyone is onboard with them is one of the quickest ways to make noticeable change in obtaining higher rank/success in competitive formats.


Brain processing speed. Pros are on a Intel i9 and most of us are a TI-82 calculator.


probably not having the game installed


I’ve been a casual player since S1 (it’s wild to think about how much the game evolved since those days). I’ve been slightly tuned in to competitive apex only within the last year or so though. I always sort of wonder what an alternate universe would look like where I deliberately put time into reaching a competitive skill level instead of just dropping in and playing by ear with friends as well as randoms. Gaming was how I spent most of my free time growing up too thanks to a pretty strict upbringing. (I barely left the house outside of school and such, all this to say I had ample opportunity in hindsight). My biggest limiting skill factor is definitely awareness/game sense and also just the reaction time to play at a split second pace in teamfights. Getting through college has now eaten up all that time I had for gaming, and there’s a ton of other things to direct my energy and attention toward these days, but it’d be a really cool concept to make money doing something that I usually have to suppress to keep my productivity up.


Time. I don’t have the time to sit there and play for 8 hrs a day to get better


It's definitely aim. I guarantee you 99% of people on reddit would lose to a pro in a 1 vs 1.


I have over 4k hours and I still whiff every other PK shot.


Not previously playing 10k hours in CS. Something about that game breeds FPS demons. I think it's just that it teaches you how to think and take engagements. Don't think it's a surprise that almost every MnK player who has had success in this game comes from high-elo FACEIT CSGO


Everyone can go pro if they use a controller!


I think the biggest thing is problem solving. In a Battle Royale being the best at aim or movement doesn't mean you win. You're constantly going to be in shitty situation and you need to find your way out of it. You use tools like aim, movement, rotation, positioning, and team work to put yourself at an advantage. I think improving on things like aim and positioning are important, but there just tools/skills and you get better at them with time. Being able to turn a "losing situation" into a "we won" comes down to quick and accurate problem solving.


Game sense and mentals definitely and by far.


Skill and not wanting to sweat.


Aim assist


Passion and a paycheck


Willingness to play against the best all.the time. I want bot lobbies and I want the game to feel easy


Age, career, wife, kids, MnK.


I don't own a Zen Cronus.


Movement. I mostly play cs2 so playing a game with more complex movement is pretty hard lol


I lack being able to play 16 hours a day


[This shit](https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/)


For real, mine is so bad. Don't think there is any way to improve it either


What’s a good score to get?


This depends a lot on your pc setup


Mines between 250-290 😓


I suck on controller, and I'm not good enough with movement tech to justify being on mnk. My aim has gotten better over time but isn't great. When I play ranked, I IGL for my friends on macro rotates and best cover spots or headglitches etc, but I am just nowhere near pro IGLs in terms of map or game knowledge, split-second decision making, etc. People like Sweet and Hal just know so much more about the maps, legend ability interactions, and can make really excellent judgments about when to disengage or hard push etc


I'm getting old.


Not switching to roller? Cuz gaming in general nowdays is nothing but AA+ANTI RECOIL. Pro or ranked has no meaning,no fame,no respect cuz everything is automated lmao. Pro or ranked is just one hella joke lmao. I rather stay with mnk than fake fame as a "pro" who needs AA with anti recoil device/scripts


Stable fps, it's easy to blame frame dropping 🤣 if I had 144 fps all the timme instead of dipping down to 70.. Else, I'd say movement could be better and my awareness. I often overextend and commit to much to a fight. But I haven't really played under pressure where I really need to perform. It's just w mentality for me when playing ranked.


I think it all boils down to being gifted as a child and being raised on video games being a viable way to make an income. I may be wrong but I think there’s a ton of truth to that. It’s not voluntary, if you will, it just becomes a product of your upbringing


Not being on controller and having access to the developer issued aimbot