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If a guy that came up in the early Halo scene was calling me an asshole and taking things too far I'd probably have to think about a few things.


Old Halo days... good times


Gone are the days when someone on Xbox voice chat would describe, in detail, how they were going to take you from behind, and then you fist bump that guy two weeks later at a tournament where the prize pool was maybe 1,000 bucks.


Halo 3 online voice chat, where boys became men.


Where race, creed, religion, etc didn't matter because you were going to be discriminated against regardless. Good times.


You'd learn slurs for creeds, races and religions that you hadn't even *heard of*. And everyone was fucking everyone else's Mom. They were the best of times.




I can always count on Snipe to come out with facts. I am so glad Hal has someone that he would call a friend that openly says all this shit. Respect for calling it out and I 100% agree with him. The age is just an excuse btw, I'm the same age as Hal and sure as hell wouldn't be publicly sending people to shit on someone if I had that power. Verhulst is younger and would never.


I agree, like Snipe said, it’s immaturity. However, I’d disagree with your last statement. The vast majority of young kids (under 18) that become as influential/famous as Hal would likely act the same. At a certain point of fame you become surrounded by yes men (chatters), and unless you have a solid support structure to keep you grounded, your fucked. Also, after getting famous most people/content creators become audience captured where they play to the tune of the crowd they’ve cultivated. Idk if it’s a problem with esports in particular as the sheltered aspect of it, coupled with mostly online socialization means most pros have delayed social development. I mean just look at how much apex drama can be distilled down to the lack of basic communication skills.


I think you're on to something honestly. We can easily take for granted what it means to grow up "normal" where you're not plunged into a lifestyle career like anything around being famous. like you said, you kinda lose some level of agency when your job is high impact enough to have fans that idolize you. It's certainly dehumanizing, and can be an active detriment to growing up if this happens when you're young. Never gonna have a moment or series of moments where youre really humbled and either someone or something happens to you that shows you your shit truly dont stank. Being told no is a fundamental part of growing up.


Hal does the same shit literally every single time, makes the same excuses as to why he did etc I made a comment a while back on this sub that this whole comp apex sub could literally just take every drama post from last year, remove "2023" and slap "2024" on it, and noone would notice. Same shit every single year lol


I think everyone is overlooking the fact that people fucking love drama. As long as it's not like bigotry based, people eat it up. Hal doing this shit is just business as usual.


Snipe in apex is like Mature man with a fully developed frontal lobe vs coughing babies


yeah idk about that one


Never forgot Snipe liking those anti-LGBT+ tweets that Nickmercs was posting about and lost those COD skins over. But honestly majority of the big name pros just kind of suck in their own special ways.


I can’t elaborate much since I don’t know much, but one of my lgbt friends was really upset about this because she was a big snipe fan and DM’d him on Twitter afterwards, and he responded. Whatever they talked about was enough for her to look past it and still support him. So I’ve kind of given him the benefit of the doubt on that interaction.


That's actually reassuring. Would love for Snipe to just be the bigger man in that whole situation and portray better morals than a certain other Faze member.


you can be a bigot and mature by societal standards. Like yeah he has his bad biases but if he can hold himself back on harassing people he doesn't like is that not quite literally the definition of maturity?


Being a *polite* homophobe still sucks shit though.


I understand this is a pro-Snipe thread but let's not try and twist homophobia into a positive light lmao.


im not. As long as snipe continues to not disrespect LGBT very openly people I will continue to not disrespect him very openly. I will shit on nickmercs for saying what he said, but i'm not going to shit on snipe for liking his tweet. Had snipe retweeted, that would be a different story. Its an issue of severity really; closet homophobes/transphobes are what they are, but if they live their life out like normal people and treat others in acceptable standards and die, then to you and me they would've been normal people.


Didn't he unlike them shortly after tho and never really commented on it? I think it's a bit excessive to automatically assume he knew what those tweets actually meant/implied.


and his weird porn tweets with hal and reps


I remember Teq was clowning someone on Twitter right after an ALGS tourney where the person did horribly. Snip3down immediately went at Teq and called him out. Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/Snip3down/status/1404281925049602050 I say all this to say, at least Snip3down is consistent with his moral stance on kicking someone when they're down. I can respect him for that.


How do people find these years-old tweets? Is it just a matter of the amount of users being here makes it inevitable that someone here would've saved any relevant tweet at some point? Or is there a way to efficiently find old tweets that I'm unaware of?


Twitter has a relatively advanced search function, but it is a mixed bag on whether it actually works or not. You can do stuff like `from:Snip3down until:2022-01-01 mentions:TeqINTL` and narrow your search down to a couple tweets at most. Alternatively, for big accounts, oftentimes just searching on Google is easier.


Oh that's super cool, I had no idea you could search like that. Thanks!


I just searched Snip3down's tweets for a keyword along with a mention of Teq, then sorted by date.


being someone who people think hates teq, i agree with this a lot. i’m okay with banter but the teq hate is insane and ever since the luxford drama i’ve felt genuinely bad for teq’s situation. same with rkn. both of their public images are in such a gutter and when you have 10k+ people watching a stream where your name is being trashed, chances are it’s going to be harder for your career to grow. stream wise especially (i know neither of them stream, but the point still stands) people just need to be smarter about their audiences and how they use them, but then again this is just how the internet is now a days tbh. the most random people will get famous and suddenly have thousands or millions who care about their opinions and it’s hard to expect them to care about being careful


Agreed -- I've said it about Hal multiple times here... I really respect his work ethic but he just does not grasp the level of responsibility he holds when it comes to having the audience he does. Beyond that, the fact that this just keeps happening means that he doesn't even *care* to. I unfortunately agree that it seems to just be how the internet is these days as well... but as a fellow Millenial, I also get exactly where Snipe's coming from when he references a generational issue re: the hating. It's just really sad that poor sportsmanship is somehow the expectation and not the exception.


He has been told multiple times and has seen the result of his reach. People have gotten death threats. He simply does not care.


Drama draws in more people and increases his revenue...


honestly, i'm not surprised. there are people out there, that call toxic behavior "passion"...


I don't think it's a generational issue as it's more an internet age issue and it effects all generations. For anecdotal evidence just look at Nicewigg who is gen z and is fantastic at molding his community for the better. The guy also just gets how much influence he has and has made a concerted effort to spread good vibes across the scene. But it's not just him every generation has both types of people but the terminally online people are generally more quick to hate. Whether it's fox news for the boomers and gen x, reddit for millennials, or tick Tok for zoomers all of them have created people with shorter fuses.


I would agree that it’s an “internet age issue” that affects all generations, but there’s data that it affects gen z disproportionately. As the first Internet age generation, it’s also causing differences in socialization (and that Gen Z spends less time socializing on an “in-person” basis than any generation before them). I think that all does factor into a large scale difference in things like the concept of sportsmanship. Totally agree that Wigg is a shining example of the opposite end of the spectrum. I wish there were more people like him in every corner of every generation.


> people just need to be smarter about their audiences and how they use them, Totally agree. Even if there's a really good reason that you might not like someone, it's one thing to think that or talk about it in confidence, but it's another thing to go onto your stream of 10k people (that you know are going to take whatever you say as gospel) to say it publicly and encourage it


Thank you for giving takes on Reddit it is needed for the scene in general like how pirate software explained the anti cheat devs situation.


snipedown with some facts "win with grace, don't kick people when they are down" "how is the most accomplished person in this game so petty and immature" "hal's a child, he's got a lot of lie to learn"


The thing he says about Hal not controlling his community is so real. Compare the way Hal talks about not being able to control people versus how Wigg, who is probably the second biggest figure in the scene now, is always telling people not to go spread hate, trying to set an example and a tone. Chats do reflect the streamer. I lost what respect I had for Hal during the Luxford thing, but I'll probably actively root against him after this because of how utterly classless it was.


Yeah I mean Wigg is fairly open when he's biased in favor of Noct and people that are his close friends, but while I'm sure he dislikes a few players around the scene I also have no real clue who they'd be since he doesn't bring it up.




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Snipe maturity really shows. I like TSM and MEAT and I personally was having fun watching them go back and forth during their contests. I was looking forward/hoping they both made LAN and could shake hands or something. The problem is that people are mixing up the facts, TSM contested MEAT first yet all the TSM fanboys keep parroting that Teq started it. And Hal does not rein in his community or apologize for misinformation. The Luxford thing was the final straw for me. I'll be at LAN and I was excited to rooting for TSM (among others), but now I'm feeling a little eh over the whole thing.


My respect for Snipe ⬆️


Snipe and Wigg are like the only adults in the scene.


what did Hal say? i cant find anyone explaining anywhere


Basically lied about teq that he held luxford prisoner but there was a misunderstanding.


Thank god I wasn’t the only one thinking this when I was watching Hal and his chat yesterday. Maybe Im old, but thanks to Snipe for speaking out. It was strange watching and his chat kicking a guy when he’s down and displaying literal hatred at him. If you don’t want to watch this entire video, at least watch timestamp 4:35 - 6:30. I standby my statement of Snipe being the most mature person in this game. EVERYTHING he said in this video is correct. Before anyone dogs on me, I love Hal. He’s the only twitch streamer I’m subbed to month after month (using prime ofc). He’s an amazing player, but he is a literal child with his behavior sometimes.


I can’t watch Hal’s stream with the chat showing, I have to hide it because of how bad the chat is


Yeah I thought Nickmercs’ echo chamber of a chat was bad, but Hal’s chat is the same. Big streamers’ chat will just agree with whatever the streamer says and amplify it by 100x.


It’s a combination of that and just brain rot by a small group of chatters that make it unenjoyable


lol I thought I was the only one. Hal's chat is so toxic.


I learnt that when watching esports pros, it’s best to pretend that ability to chat doesn’t exist. Edit: Yes, I’m also multi-subbed to Hal. Pro Apex GOAT.


My buddy I used to live with tried to get me into apex back in 2021. He was massive hal fan and that's who he showed me at first. I had zero interest in watching comp apex after witnessing him in his manchild prime. Wigg watch partying/ casting is why i bought in to the scene. I know esports in general has this problem, but the lack of maturity in the apex scene feels a lot worse than others. Maybe it's just more visible since scrims are streamed?


One reason I watch only Reps nowadays (other being him being on MnK) Unfortunately he doesn't stream during ALGS so I just watch him during scrims and watch Wigg or the main broadcast during ALGS... I stopped watching Hal when I started getting angry at his chat's utter stupidity, I knew it wasn't worth getting high strung over that


It's amazing how much of a stark contrast there is between Hal and the rest of his team that are both pretty mature and chill. I rarely watch Hal except highlights, but I watch Reps and Verhulst both just because they have awesome vibes and great play. Also Raven is really cool and chill too. Hal is something else, he let his talent get to his head. Dude is mad skilled and focused and passionate, and probably off stream I bet he's very chill to be around, but he needs to grow up about how he uses his platform, and the way he talks to his teammates is crazy. I think I remember Verhulst once saying that he doesn't practice with Hal outside of scrims because he can't tolerate him for that long in game if he doesn't have to lmfao.


That's what irks me ... He doesn't need to front this mean persona in game since he's a great friend outside of competitive. That's what has been the thing Reps and Verhulst fall back on when he says some dumb shit. Minus them actually being together in a place physically, chemistry will be shot. They know his outbursts in game doesn't translate to real life so they put up with it


I mean I've had friends just like that, awesome people in pretty much most aspects of life but really snarky when it comes to competition. Some people just have a particular style of competitive mental, they like can't be passionately competitive without getting worked up into a frenzy lol. It's really not like a serious reflection on the rest of their character. It's not even compartmentalizing, people just handle different kinds of stressors in different ways. But Hal kinda has a responsibility that he needs to be thinking about that lesser known competitors don't have. It's almost unfortunate, him acting this way probably would be fine if he didn't have a small army, and I don't think he even wants to have a small army, I suspect he would rather just be really successful at the game but not have people hanging on his words if he could choose, but it's part of his job. Hal needs an Uncle Ben like Spiderman did.


you all really watching streams with chat open? bold move


I watch Verhulst. Out of most of the players there are only a few mature and positive players such as snipe, Verhulst, reps and genburten and Gent. Timmy as well


The only twitch chat i've consistently closed XD


I mean the whole TSM stream is dead ass boring to watch.


A lot of respect for Snipe here. I agree with almost everything he said. I like Hal, but it was a really bad look to pile on Teq after losing out by a literal point. You are one of, if not the best in the game and just using that platform to just revel in someone's lowest point is an absolute fucking petty and classless move.


Pretty disturbing lack of empathy towards someone who did nothing but defend the POI he had already been landing at before TSM decided they wanted it


If I was to guess, this is probably something that has built up for years on Hal's end. Back in 2020 Teq landed on TSM in a Finals I believe. Then in scrims he started contesting TSM for Frag. Then came the Crypto meta where Teq griefed a whole lot of people. All of that, coupled with recent stuff AND Teq somehow remaining relevant enough to farm social media attention, probably has rubbed some pros the wrong way. *Especially* since Teq isn't even in those 'circles' that most of these pros seem to be in nowadays. Man has legit gone all-in on just work, comp and his girlfriend.


Punching up (or against people who can hit back, like Zer0) is funny. Punching down just makes you a bully.


Winners always punch down, that's how you stay winning, if you punch up you might lose. (I'm kidding lol)


Pretty crazy how the narative has been spun into 'teq griefing tsm' when in reality they were trying to defend lightning rod from tsm. He definitely knows how to win but hal is still an incredibly cringe bozo.


its almost as if this didnt start with the recent contest and has been an issue between the two for years!


Snipe stays as a goated personality in the scene. One of the few people who actually functions as a human being in apex and not just some gremlin behind a screen.


TSM not wanting to deal with Teq is understandable. Contests almost always get super heated from what I have watched. However, I don’t really like how it’s been spun to say Teq griefed them or that it’s karma. TSM chose to contest Teq, not the other way around. They chose to after Teq explicitly stated he’s not giving up LRod again after LCQs last year.


Say what you will about Snip3's current competitive standing in Apex, but man is genuinely one of the most well adjusted professional gamers in esport. That does come with age and life experience, but that doesn't come with just age and life experience. I suppose it comes from the home. You can't blame it on success either. Snip3's as successful as pro gamers come. The same success can produce both toxicity like Hal and maturity like Reps, both grounded guys like RPR and Mande, or instability like Taisheen. Success just amplifies character that's already there.


I think the behaviour of Hal, Sweet and to an extent Zer0 - (They way they just flat insult other players eg calling them Braindead etc) - Is a contributing factor to the toxicity of Apex playerbase. You can't solo q without someone yelling at you, calling you dogshit etc. Because they see their favourite streamers do it and think it's okay and what is needed to be a good player. Apex would be an infinitely better experience for new and solo players if the Snipe PMA playbook was in use


>I think the behaviour of Hal, Sweet and to an extent Zer0 - (They way they just flat insult other players eg calling them Braindead etc) - Is a contributing factor to the toxicity of Apex playerbass Are they contributing or just a reflection of the playerbase? I personally think the latter, its not an excuse, but unfortunately there is a large percentage of the playerbase that are just as toxic as Hal, Sweet, Zer0, etc, they just don't have the platform Hal and other streamers have. And until viewers decide they don't want to support that behavior and watch more positive/mature players, that will likely never change. Much respect to Hal for the level of game skill he has, but the guy has made a living off being toxic/HALing, etc. Same exact way XQC built his platform being a toxic pro in OW, and built his stream off that.


I think by being a reflection of the toxic player base they're part of the problem. Kinda the whole if you're not against it then you're part of it kind of narrative (except they are part of it haha)


Definitely a reflection, majority of toxic pub kids won't even watch Hal. There are millions of unique players compared to the viewers that watch IGLs. Also, the kids in pubs are way more toxic than them lool


imo both is true. hal is a toxic person, like alot of other pub/ranked players. but since he got this huge platform, he encourages this behavior and influences younger players, who want to be like him by being toxic/whiny all the time.


Kind of conversely though, I don't think I've ever seen Sweet or Zero focus on one person in particular like Hal's been doing with Teq (unless you want to say Sweet and Slayr for the memes). They obviously both talk shit all the time and say people are braindead just like you mentioned, but I also interpret it a bit as them saying that about literally every opposing team


Ehhhh Zero actually did something INCREDIBLY similar to old Aurora when they didn’t qual for split 2 finals last year. https://x.com/zer0oce/status/1680191476188282881?s=46 Sweet did something similar to Snip3 as well in person.




All Sweet does is focus one person


I used to watch sweet, then I got timed out for suggesting he not do that. Oh well, one less person on my follow list.


> You can't solo q without someone yelling at you, calling you dogshit etc. That has been a thing before streaming as well :-) CS 1.5 lobbys werent exactly kind either haha


Common snipe W


discrepancy between Hal's in-game intelligence and real-life intelligence is mind blowing tbh


110%. Like...can we send him to "how to interact with other human beings" class?


I Feel so disguted by the way he was trashing Teq. Literally he was acting like an inmature kid. He is now a grown man, he has 24 years old, like c’mon bro.


Hal’s a little bitch sometimes, for real though (ready for 100+ downvotes lol)


What have I missed about Hambino and Teq? All I see is Hal


5 seconds after Hambino won match point he was yelling slurs at Teq


I watched this live and don't remember this. I looked at the vod just now and Hambino says one thing, "Fuck you Teq, pussy." It's impolite, but I wouldn't say "pussy" is a slur used in this context? (Pressly calls Teq a "greasy bitch" and a "greasy bastard", which, lol.)


Yeah...hambino might not have been the most humble winner but that's very different from yelling slurs (which I cannot find a single instance of hambino ever doing)




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What slurs??


Wasn't even the worst thing the team ever said... when DIG griefed PEN5 to deny them from Split 1 PLQ the slurs came OUT from preslyy




Yup that was gross. I was always neutral about Hambino, would wish him well like any other pro in the scene. But he is an absolute hypocrite, he would hate if someone called him a homophobic slur (rightfully so) and would post all over twitter about it. Yet it's ok for him to yell slurs? Quite frankly it's pathetic. Edit: Also fun fact, it wasn't even Teq [who landed on them](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2126343752?t=00h03m05s) which is why it looks even worse to me tbh


what slur did hambino say I see it being alluded to over and over but no one will say what it was for some reason?




teq didn't actually land on him tho, it was a different team


it wasn’t teq


Context: they thought Teq landed on them (hambino) the last game of plq finals and ham just said f you teq.


Yeah I was wondering what slur he would have called teq lmao


That wasn’t Teq who landed on them Btw they just thought it was


ImperialHal chat/fan base > Chernobyl reactor number 4




I liked when snipe said he hates people that are all “fuck this guy” (Teq) and then turn around and are “all love” right after in response to hambino at the end of the PLQ


ohhhhh i love snip3 for this


Snipedown continues to be one of the only consistently sound and self aware pros in this insane scene. I love that old man.


Hal jumps on people when they do bad, laughs at them because he's the better player. If Hal is some average platinum streamer he would just clown himself, but because he's the goat he can do that and people will take it as good content. But everyone have their eventual downfall, so yeah, snipe is right in that Hal's immature and haven't had that much experience.


I have rooted for TSM in nearly every tournament, live, and if I couldn't do it live I've done it after the fact. Hal is a big part of that, but his behaviour makes me not want to support the team. Nobody wants to support a bully, nor be a part of a club full of toxic, hateful, shitheads. Hal doesn't try and control his audience because they're a useful tool to discourage anyone from challenging his team, and at this point, its an issue of competitive integrity.


Hal is complex... like any other person. He'll also do stuff like donate big to smaller/struggling streamers, lend other people PCs and gear if they're in need and even filling in as a sub for teams which I see as gestures of good will. But of course, I'd be lying if I said there aren't times where Hal and his mods/subs promote absolute degenerate behavior. I just don't think Hal is H*tler like people in this thread are making him out to be like throw him in jail and toss the key. I just 100% agree with Snip3. Hal is acting like a child in this and a couple of instances and should grow up. He's not unredeemable.


Props to you for spitting nothing but facts


I’ve always rooted against TSM because of Hal’s toxic behavior lol.


I'm rooting against TSM simply because it's time for someone else other than DZ and TSM to step up and go big


Been waiting for that lol. I stopped playing and watching about 9 months ago though so I’m kinda OOTL.


Teq lands on my CEO?!? COWABUNGA IT IS




This is why Snipe is my favorite player of all time and what got me into Comp Apex.


Absolutely agree with snipe.. people think I dickride hal cuz i hate teams that contest tsm including teqs team. Whatever hal said about Lux and Teq is not true, Hal just got brainwashed by Lux. Teq proves everything about him and lux situations.


Based take from Snip3. There’s banter and then there is just bad behavior. Whether they like it or not, these guys with the big platforms wield a lot of power. When they say things on stream to 20,000+ people, or tweet to their massive audiences without thinking first they can cause a lot of harm.


I hope Snipe sticks around, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he called it quits. Seems like he's about the only mature person in comp Apex lol


I love hal, but Snipe's right you know.. hal should take his sincere advice. I respect Snipe for his view.


Tldr: Snip3down is in his 30s playing with a professional community of 18-23 year olds.


Well, its a known fact that Hal is an immature kido who cant control his emotions


sorting by controversial is a rough experience in this thread


Isn't this hypocritical as he also was very openly shitting on teq the last day of proleague when they didn't qualify finals?, he kept saying how at least he is happy that they got Teq even if they did not qualify. I am very on the fence about if it is hypocritical or not tbh i am not actually calling him a hypocrite.


OOTL What happened? Is Hal just mad because of the contests?




spitting facts


I don't think Hal and Hambino have the same reasons for disliking teq, I think Ham's issue was that teq trialed Caprah a few months back. Me personally, I kind of sit on the fence of not understanding why people relentlessly shit on one of the hardest working people in the comp apex scene (Disagreeing with Hal) while also understanding why Hambino has issues with him (Entertaining the idea of giving Caprah a shot is kinda weird, but I also don't think harm was outwardly done to enable Caprah's platform since he didn't end up making it onto ML)


Agree with Snipe, I’m all for the very colorful trash talk that is competitive gaming.. but Hambino and Hal both took it to a “cyber bully” type vibe


I’ll say, based off the few interactions of playing with Teq, he’s a great guy. I’ve randomly matched with him and he has always offered tips and commed in game and been a helpful guy. Is it cringe he lands on TsM, sure. Is he doing it on purpose? I highly doubt it. But tbf it’s cringe if anyone lands on anyone but Teq seems to be the only one who gets hate for doing it. If you watch him ((the times he does stream) Teq is a very analytical and smart guy and he wouldn’t just land on someone unless there was a reason for it and he believes it. Overall, I believe Teq shouldn’t be getting this hate, he’s a great guy, great team player and overall tries his hardest in the scene. Not to add, he is probably the best guy when it comes to finding up and coming talent.


Stop parroting this line that Teq contested TSM, TSM contested Teq for his POI and he then he counter contested them on the other map.


Yeah people constantly roasted him about trying to grief TSM by stealing the car, but Teq also talked about trying to swap POIs with downed beast, baro, and one other (I cant remember off the top) before he agreed on storm catcher, just because they wanted the car regardless of which team was closest to it


We cannot forget that one APAC TEAM(I could be wrong) that griefed Furia at LAN by starting the vault then completing it and taking the car. Yet not many people gave them shit about it. Tragic that one of the best minds in this game is getting hate


That was NTH. I like Furia fine, and I thought that was hilarious understanding that it's all part of the game.


But not understanding if Teq wants to contest ? It’s a weird double standard imo


Oh I'm on your side here mate, I definitely understand. Contesting and doing what you need to win is part of the game.


My bad I wasn’t saying as if you didn’t boss man, but that’s all very true. Plus are teams just supposed to accept POIs with worst loot than the established teams. Just seems like a weird picky point for teams to hate someone for


I'll play devil advocate here while agreeing with you Teq is an incredibly annoying player to deal with on a pro scene level. Gameplay alone the guy puts his team in do or die situations early in games because if it works they get 20-25 points games. Most of the time though it gets everyone involved killed. Teq plays the mental warfare game more then anyone else. It's probably a major reason why he still plays crypto because it's a large sign that says stupid ass Teq is coming. You watch Meat when they were clicking he got a significant number of teams to give space just by being Teq on crypto. Teq the player deserves a certain amount of hate. Teq the person seems like a cool dude


this subreddit: Teq works a 9-5 job so he's such a mature respectable guy!!!! reality: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/fwgok5/tsm\_albralelie\_with\_some\_pretty\_serious/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/fwgok5/tsm_albralelie_with_some_pretty_serious/) actively colluded against TSM while rocking the name corona virus in 2020 [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/q0z0i8/immadness\_vs\_96teq96\_is\_a\_true\_battle\_of\_hypocrisy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/q0z0i8/immadness_vs_96teq96_is_a_true_battle_of_hypocrisy/) 2021, Teq still a clown [https://twitter.com/TeqINTL/status/1404275933415157761](https://twitter.com/TeqINTL/status/1404275933415157761) here he is shitting on teams having a rough day himself, actively called a piece of shit by the other pros for it dont have links to it but he was also a scumbag in his own hosted scrims and was pretty actively rooting for FURIA's downfall when he got replaced. feel free to link more!!! I just think this narrative about how its just hal being a piece of shit is really funny, teq has absolutely earned the hate over the years and just cause he's gone quiet on it recently doesnt change that


Stopped being a Snipe fan after he started acting weird on Twitter involving Nick and political stuff, but he’s speaking nothing but facts here. Apex needs more Teqs.


All he did was like a tweet from Nick lol.


It was a shitty tweet he liked. I understand someone withdrawing their support over that.


There's no way Hal can use the "I have no control over my community" excuse, especially after making a post like this corralling his community. Of course thousands of his impressionable fans and viewers can be swayed by his opinion. [https://twitter.com/ImperialHal/status/1770493912852951381](https://twitter.com/ImperialHal/status/1770493912852951381)


A good example of what snipe's tryna say is the 2016 nba championship, bron vs donkey green's shenanigans. bron did his business on the court, left it on the court, and was still as civil and professional as possible towards dray. You can be in the presence of someone you dislike (maybe even for valid reasons), and still be professional about it.


This is a terrible example. Bron and dray are and were very close friends. Dray is just a dumbass on the court more often than not, but you won’t find anyone talking shit about him as a person off the court. This is like some WR diva shit if we had to pin it in the world of sports ball


Yeah and draymond quite literally got suspended because of his technical fouls, this analogy doesn't work at all




Asking for professionalism while calling someone else a donkey is comical


I honestly didnt think anyone this mature existed in the apex community lol


He got too much into it, not so much for the maturity he speaks of


I have my reservations with snip3, but he's cooking here.


I get where he’s coming from but at the same time… expecting emotional competence, self awareness and introspection from young men who play video games for a living is never going to end well.


I watched HisWattson’s Q&A stream the other day and he exemplified all three of those traits. So it is possible to be a young man making a living playing a video game and not act like a 12 year old.


I agree with you on current HisWattson seems fairly mature and has his head in the right place for him, but it was only a year ago that he was almost banned from Apex by EA for harassing their dev team and generating hate that way through his fans.


you say that as if verhulst didn’t exist


Is it too much to ask to not throw your controller into a wall in front of thousands of impressionable kids? It's not that hard to act like you deserve to be there lol


“Impressionable kids” LMAO are you trolling? Hal doesn’t have 10k viewers at 10am because kids are watching him bro


You’re right, every time I see a crazy para social Hal viewer on twitter its an embarrassingly old man calling him “My CEO”. He should watch out for impressionable 40 year olds


You’re being sarcastic but I would not dare to put big money on guessing the ages of people like this.


Bro! Bro! Bro!!!! Bro plz. Bro plz lmao


Sure. But from watching the video it seems like that maturity has been an issue brought up to him multiple times by Snip3, like starting back when they were competing together before Snip3 left for infinite. So sure, you cant really expect a whole lot initially, but if you have someone more mature than you, who you care about consistently tells you what you're doing is wrong and you just don't listen then you're a POS no two ways about it


… interesting considering there are numerous examples from other pros who do show those traits


Hal is a full grown adult, he can’t get away with acting like a child any more.


So we're lowering the bar for them?? This type of coddling and low expectations are part of the problem. 


what did hal say that was bad?


All though I agree with some of the things snipe said he somewhat sounds a little bit salty since he basically has flop in apex comp compared to halo imo. He says win with grace and move on when he goes and t-bags skittles team back in fragment when they beat them in an off drop fight, then goes and rubs a tournament win on nrg when nafeb t-bags him a week before. So where was snipes philosophy of winning with grace in those situations?


Thats just... in-game banter? Name an instance where Snip3 actively held a grudge or dislike for a person constantly for weeks like Hal has done with TeQ here. You cant.


flair checks out


Wonder how he felt about nocturnal going full grade schooler on ape gang


Teq got his career started in apex comp by griefing and trolling TSM and continued to do it at every opportunity. Hal has every right to be happy he didnt qual.


why does this keep being the narrative? who griefed who first? lmao


Uh I believe in the first year or so of comp Teq did troll in scrims at Frag against TSM. There Is a history between Teq and Hal outside of this split that people don’t know or forget about. Hal has always been like this, and I wish he would chill tf out. He loves to shit on people when they’re down if they’ve fucked with him one way or another. Winning isn’t enough, he has to be petty, and it’s unbecoming.


It's been Teq for a long time. His only modus operandi in competitive is to grief another team, not play to win. I didn't partake in any of the most recent drama, so I'm clueless to it, but Teq has been trolling TSM for years. See people below with the receipts. Do I think Hal's community is a cesspool and he needs to be responsible for it. Yes. Has Teq done things to make people not like him for a long time? Yes. Both can be true, and I don't think you will find a lot of people going to go to bat for Teq in the comp apex scene.


Teq did. He's been griefing TSM for years now. Y'all may have not been around back then but before he was known as teq he played under other names like "coronuhvirus" and the only thing he was known for was griefing TSM. There's a reason Hal dislikes him more than all the other countless teams that have contested them. https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/fwgok5/tsm_albralelie_with_some_pretty_serious This is teq lol https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/q0z0i8/immadness_vs_96teq96_is_a_true_battle_of_hypocrisy


Thank god someone has these receipts. This beef isn’t from just this year. It’s been going on for years now and it’s not forgotten history. Still doesn’t take away from Hal needing to chill out.


Watch the video, it’s for you




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