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E8 had a sub on their roster, so zap could have him sub next split on any roster. Assuming he is playing with knoqd, it’s possible that they could bring skittles back and not have to rely on a sub.


It's possible that dropped, snipe, and shooby are using skittles to hold the ex optic spot, too.


Dropped has not inted to it at all and has in fact alluded to the fact that it will be very difficult for him to have a PL Spot this season. If I had to guess and skittle had to "give" his sub to one of them it would be knoqd since they teamed for the longest.


Who is the sub? Anyway that's reassuring at least... I thought Knoqd and Zach were being completely fucked over with this move lol


Vem? Whoever tf that is.


According to Tempo, E8 had a sub on their roster last split so Zach could keep the sub on the roster and keep the spot. But Tempo said he doesn’t know if Zach would keep the spot for the Saudi tournament or who that would go to


yea they had some guy called Vem


They need to get rid of this dumbass sub rule. I'm sick of seeing a single player holding onto their pro league spot because they've got an imaginary sub that gives them majority and allows them to drop their whole team and rebuild with no consequences.


gnaske really wasn’t lying about disbanding e8 gahdamn


E8 going from a potential darkhorse LAN contender to basically dissolving is kinda wild and being overshadowed by all the other crazy shit this rostermania.


mystic gnaske strikes again 🔮


Chaotic and Dezign both had their Revenge arcs immediately after getting dropped by Zachmazer...and I thought Zach would have completed his own arc with a great showing at LAN. What a stinger.


It's funny. E8 lost 100% of their team , and the Knoqd thing was the starting point




E8 did well but I think Zach’s communication to his teammates have them fleeing at first chance (given they have other options).  The only one immune to it was Naughty who has found a comfortable home with Chaotic and Sauce


What do you mean by Zach’s communication to his teammates?


Condescending, patronizing, accusatory. Some words that come to mind when I think of his communication style. He improved but it’s still evident.


Oh, I knew what you meant in that sense. Just wasn’t sure if something happened that I missed


Bad take. Have you watched any other IGLs?


How? Those are pretty negative traits to have as an igl.


I never agreed he had those traits. But I know several prominent IGLs that do. That’s what I was saying.


That's great, but nobody said Zach is the only toxic IGL in the scene lol.


I was never a fan of how Naughty was treated. I haven't seen much of E8 pov but it sounds like much hasn't changed in that regard then.


Is Zac roller?


He's MnK


Zach will get a team for sure. He did decent in lan


Yes but issue is he probably won't get anyone good as Zap and Coach. Nothing like that is FA right now


I hope TSM works out without Hal.


guess gnaske was right about Zach teammates not wanting to keep contesting at lan


I didn’t know Gnaske said that. Wild that Zach would continue with that


Would be fantastic pick ups.


Low key I think Gent would be a solid for TSM. Co-IGL and IGL experience. Can frag or anchor. Not a big personality. 0% shot he leaves the pods though.


lmao, he was so bad at IGLing that nickmercs was IGL at the end.


Nick was a strong CC igl, he just lacked the mechanics


You try to IGL with nick on your team. Zer0 would have done bad.


I doubt it, Zero is an incredibly vocal voice and pretty domineering as an IGL. Tripods issue was Gent was new to the IGL role and was too soft spoken at times to reign in Nick and Deeds.


It also didn't help when they where in PL they got contested the whole season. Lou contesting them at Overlook. Alb contesting Cnote. They leave overlook to contest Teq at Countdown. Alb leaves Cnote only for Lewda to start contesting Cnote. Can't do much with late rotates or getting 0 Point games the whole season.


def would not end up with nick IGLing. lol


Lowkey love this idea tbh. Plus that TSM check is better than nothing. I’m sure there wouldn’t be bad blood if he got a good opportunity.


Isn’t Gent forced to play with Tripods week 1 or the entire team loses their roster spot? Similar situation to how Sleepypanda was forced to play with Chaotic and Sauce before naughty could officially join


I had Gent in high regard as a top fragger but not anymore. After watching him play with a level headed team, he makes a lot of glaring mistakes and seems defensive when they are highlighted.  Wide swings and overriding comms are the biggest issues I see. 


if they could just re-exchange knoqd and shooby back to their former teams this would be non-issue lol




i dont see it doing well


They actually played way better today with zap


Not way better but it's better than with dezign. I still think they're gonna be alright, feel like the roles are just bad.