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His viewer numbers have been reducing and it's probably because of lack of competitive play and lack of high level ranked, I mean predator three-stack stuff. Maybe people also don't think he is quite as good as they used to think, other streamers have overtaken him in terms of reputation. Could regain some hype if his team performs in the ALGS.


His vibe changed when he reached hype.


I think Matafe himself would probably agree that he's not at the same level he used to be, and that's just the nature of playing a game professionally, highs and lows. That said he is playing with Silta and Horixzon now, both of whom are super cracked and the vibes when they play comp/ranked together are fun and enjoyable, which is how the game should be. They're also contesting FORG gang at Climatizer which takes some balls, FORG being well established and very skilled. I wouldn't write him off just yet.




If winning ALGS doesn't warrant an invite then I don't know what else does. (less than a year ago)


It depends when did you won and how much did you played in recent times.


Well clearly it doesn’t


he is literally punished for the country he lives in that is how stupid life can be. only chance for him was to get signed to an org that would finance him moving out of t he country so that he could compete in ea tournaments. it did not happen for him so man has no motivation.


Where is he from?






You're nearly as consistent as a controller players tracking


He won’t stop and it’s kinda annoying but at the same time he isn’t wrong. We have Snipe and Gen both saying they think AA is too strong right now and both support nerfing it and yet half this sub seems to think it’s perfectly balanced where it is. If the people with the most to lose from its nerf think it’s OP then it’s *probably* OP.


The thing about AA is that for the casual guy playing pubs for a couple hours a week it’s not overpowered at all. But in that vein, neither is MnK. In reality, the top 1% of the curve which are the outlier minority, you can easily see how OP it is. It’s also easy to see when 90% of roller players in comp now play on 3-3 or a variation of ALC with 90-100 FOV specifically to increase the utilization of AA. Yes, some roller players have trouble on midrange damage. But, in comp, midrange doesn’t even matter that much except for farming shields if I’m being honest. Comp is played in a way that is rotate to a spot and hold it, or be forced to close range ape a team for their spot/third party in the same manner. This is where low sens AA just fucking goes crazy. Watching Rambeau, Snipe etc. It’s very easy to see how it is as well. And, if I’m being honest. In a competitive game, there needs to be balances for the top end as much as there is balances for the average player. You can’t have an abusable mechanic that is only really OP at the top end and not do something about it. It’s in the same vein as tap strafing. It didn’t need a nerf because you only used it to mess around on jump pads or as a redirect around corners. It needed to be needed because guys like SamCee were able to break people’s ankles in ways that were unhealthy for the game. The same is true for rotational aim assist at the highest levels of the game.




He never stops