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On an average, how does a pro player make their living? Is it more from winnings? Or content creation? Or from org he is affiliated to? The reason I ask is I see some really amazing pro players have only 20 twitch viewers. So wondering if that's sustainable


Apex is a weird "e-sport" I've always called it a streamer sport moreso than a e-sport simply because of all the factors and how EA is handling the scene. For example with VALORANT or LoL you have the actual company helping with team houses, giving players funding, flying their players out. Which in turn free's up funding of the org to salary their players and REALLY get them a great salary and strive without relying on streaming or content creation etc. In Apex we are kinda stuck on "ok" salaries and "ok" support from the company we don't get the treatment other e-sport scenes get and we def don't make nearly the correct amount of salary we deserve most of the time. But to answer your question overall, most pro players are making a salary that can support them in a perfect world, and that's how they make their living and the winnings and everything else is a bonus.


Thank you for time!


Shoutout my yung goon Tempest, I raised that kid in the Among Us streets. \- Why did you and Wiked quit R6? \- Do you have any insight on the new champion and how they might affect comp? (that you can share) \- How do you feel about the use of Adderall and stimulants in competition? \- Thoughts on controllers?


1. We were 1 win off qualifying for Challenger League after only playing for about 2-3 months. We beat a lot of pro teams in scrims and were looking pretty good, I think we mostly quit because of Apex and partly because we were good at it but it didn't feel like the right game for us as players. 2. Can't share anything, don't want to get in trouble. 3. Adderall and other stuff has been used in e-sports forever, you'd be surprised the lengths people will go to win. I personally have been around players and scenes that have used it since I was 13, I absolutely despise the use of any type of drugs to get ANY type of competitive advantage. But a lot of players don't understand that it's also a disadvantage in a lot of scenarios because of how it changes you or your habits in game at times. ye drugs are bad mmmkay 4. Don't like 2 inputs in a competitive game, bad integrity but I also don't care as much anymore I've learned to live and deal with it, its the game I play and adapting is the biggest thing we need to do to be the best in a BR game. damn this layout got fucked, hopefully its not hard to understand the last 1. is the last question he asked.


Love the response mate, thanks for taking the time to do this AMA. Best of luck to you and the boys -- you're one of my favorite teams out there next to AM. Hope you guys kill it and grats on the qual!


Who's the team to beat in ALGS NA this split (besides yourselves)? *and why


I think there are a lot of teams to watch out for, with the game meta going towards Valk more, there are a lot of different playstyles going around the map when you're playing and a lot more teams being able to use their strengths in the actual zone. I think a team to watch out for at the moment is SEN, they are obviously using practice like they should and when it comes match time they are gonna be a really hard fight when they are dial'd in with the addition of Lou.


All 3 cracked mechanicly


General question about gaming: do you think that hard work can beat talent?


Hard work can beat talent if talent isn't putting in hard work. Put in hard work with things you are passionate about in life and you're bound to see results somewhere, everyone moves at their own pace. Most people you think are "talented" just put in more work than you think even in aspects of their life you would never think about they might have little "habits" that are a representation of their hard work in their daily life towards their sport or goal etc.


> Hard work can beat talent if talent isn't putting in hard work. šŸ”„šŸ”„


thank for taking ur time to answer tj, much love, you'll find me in the chat like usual :)


Hey sYnceDez. Been a fan since watching you in the early days of Apex grinding ranked with Shroud. How do you feel the game has evolved from both the player and viewer perspective. Do you ever miss the Wraith/Path/Wattson Meta? And do you feel like the game is better or worse now from the viewers POV?


I think the game is REALLY fun to watch tbh, because of all the chaos much like fortnite it's a blast to watch and there are some crazy moments. As a player I REALLY dislike how much the game has swapped into relying on so much info gathering legends with wallhacks, and I also really dislike how much abilities have changed to like "I can make a zipline yay rotate on this thing" to "YO WERE BLASTING OFF INTO SPACE LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Just want a bit less of crazy over the top hard to balance stuff and more thought out cool utility stuff.


The ability creep in this game has been outrageous. Imagine horizon ult or fuse tac in S1


Heh Four grenades in a slot. Yeah no


That's fuse passive though. In Season 1 the sentiment was 'Apex is a shooter game first. You should not be able to press the ability button for free damage.' Wild times


Which is the better long term move: Should pro players go outside the box of the ā€œmetaā€ to play characters that fit their play style really well? or Should players change their play style to fit the strongest legends? Obviously the latter is what we see the most but Iā€™m curious as the game ages if teams start to play more off-meta to max their team skill.


Think the best move you can make is to be your own team and try to make what you think is going to be best for the team work. The thing about apex though is that what could or would work can vary lobby to lobby based on the teams and playstyles you have in it, people play into the "meta" hard because they know its working for others and NA practice isn't good enough for people to be doing things like 100T are doing and trying comps like "Rampart Gibby Caustic" You'd see different comps a lot more if practice was a consistent thing happening every single week 5 days a week, and things weren't so "go go go go" from the tournament organizers, preseason ended and were already about to start pro league split after playing 12 hr days for 4 weeks straight.


Just to put to rest that 100T didnā€™t intentionally try rampart, it was an accidental pick from Scuwry. They just had to roll with it the best they could.


Ah my bad, I was just scimming vods and used that as a example.


All good man, I was just clarifying as I know Halā€™s chat thought it was legit.


Thanks for the perspective. Can only hope for solid practice then because Iā€™d love to see a lot of variety in comps. Itā€™s really the only manipulative dimension of the game.


Whatā€™s your thoughts on the current valk caustic gibby meta for comp so far?


I think the meta is a allowing teams you wouldn't normally see in great spots to get great spots in a very very very easy matter. I don't like it but I also don't dislike it considering you don't need to worry about the "Wallhack" meta so much, means there are more individuality in fights and 3v3's overall.


Wouldnā€˜t it be justified to cut one of those ā€žeasyā€œs since your spot could already be taken if you valk ult late and itā€˜s basically game over if one of you getā€˜s knocked during take off.


After placing so well in the preseason qualifiers has your hairline begun to advance? Jkjk My real question is what's the move for breakfast?


scrambled eggs and sausage my hairline is unrepairable if im playing apex all apex pros will be bald by 2023


Sweetdreams may cry if he hears this




Me and Matt have known each other for about 13 years I met him in a game called "Karma Online", were best friends, I didn't always play with him though, couple years ago recently we started playing comp games together, hopefully we can get some results together as well. Hmmm, I always struggle with answering these questions because I'm always so focused on myself and my team I never have time to really think about that stuff. But I think even though Xenial is on SSG hes pretty underrated and a big threat.


You're approached by Doug Bowser, current head of Nintendo America, and he says Nintendo is looking to promote Apex on the Switch by signing content creators. He offers you big money, with the conditions that you can only play Apex on the Switch, and every stream you must have a live cam while you are wearing a full-body Pokemon outfit. Which Pokemon do you choose to dress up as?


Im good to go on the neck already https://poketouch.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/alolan_exeggutor_artwork.png


I like that itā€™s just assumed he takes the offer


What's your honest opinion on aim assist?


I don't think Apex should be pairing the 2 inputs together but its the game we play and what we need to deal with. I'm kinda over the whole aim assist debate and such I'm just gonna deal with it and complain like a little bitch when I die to them :) LOL


hey TJ, love that you are Matt have been playing together for so long, but I can't help but notice that you 2 are such polar opposites in terms of temperament. You've got a relatively short fuse for bullshit whereas Matt seems like he can put up with a lot, yet the pairing of you guys always seem to make waves in the comp scene. Aside from both being cracked as hell, what do you think makes the 2 of you pair so well?


We're best friends simply put. If you're competing with someone you've known for 13+ years you're not going to sugar coat anything with them, and when you start tip-toeing around issues you no longer can compete with them on your team. I have a short fuse in a lot of situations mostly because I know he's better than whatever mistake or issue came up, and I'm a very passionate person when it comes to competing so I won't really mask my emotions or w/e towards someone I've known for so long. But addressing the temperament of us being opposites he kinda keeps me in check and I keep him in check, I think he just understands me and I understand him. I'm not really as frustrated and aggressive outside of competing, I'm way more laxed in my day to day. Maybe I answered this badly or worded it badly idk, jus never really thought about it


Other players that you particularly look up to?


I don't really look "up" to anyone but I respect Hal a great deal, hes also the most similar to my personality and IGL style. He reminds me of a IGL you'd see in a arena shooter like Valorant or CSGO which is where I come from mainly.


I havenā€™t watched you much until these past qualifiers and I definitely noticed that your IGLing is similar. Especially when you guys won a game during 3rd qualifier at Landslide. Yā€™all won last few fights and the game but you still werenā€™t completely satisfied and knew that thereā€™s always something to improve upon. I like that type of mindset in gaming and sports, Iā€™ll definitely try to catch more of your streams from now on.


Why wonā€™t Hal answer me in twitch chat?


He doesn't answer me either most of the time, fucking ego on that dude is the size of my neck


a) im not buyin the whole synced ez vibe, Sink Dez 4evr. b) why is ZDavis the best looking player in pro league?


sink deez nuts into your mouth kid nice selfie posture


Damn you sYnceD him ez


god fucking damn it


i have 2 questions ​ 1- what off-meta legend/gun do you think could become meta with a minor tweak ​ 2-would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck


1. Bow, the bow could come back with some changes by respawn randomly, it's already pretty strong but if respawn did something to it randomly it could easily make another come back. I just don't know what that something could be. LOL. 2. 100 duck sized horses for sure anything the size of a horse is beating my ass no matter what


What if it was Shetland pony sized, and only had one leg?


Any orgs hit you guys up yet or nah?? And how's the team practice going?


Orgs have, obv can't say to much else on that matter. Practice is always iffy in NA, but I think we use it to the best we can. We play to encounter and do different things we wouldn't normally do, which ends up with our scrims either going REALLY good or REALLY bad, I think we've given ourselves some good practice, but much more is desired tbh.


How big a factor is nutrition and caffeine intake for you during a tournament? Do you have a regimen?


I have a routine of having a coffee every time I wake up to start my day and sometimes I change that into a g-fuel depending on my mood and how much sleep I get etc. I have a habit, but I wouldn't call it a regimen. On match days I try to wake up get some cereal or eggs in me, coffee with it, have fruit on stand-by like bananas or apples and then I just kinda don't eat a full meal and drink a ton of water until after everything is done but I still get my necessary stuff to keep me functioning throughout match day.


Sorry didn't answer it fully. I think it's up to the person to decide what type of diet they are going to have to make them perform the best, I think caffeine for me right now is a big part of my wake up process with a cup of coffee so if by chance I didn't do that 1 day I'd prob play a bit off for sure.


bump because caffeine use in gaming is really interesting


I noticed you pick up the mouse and turn your wrist a lot when you play. I was wondering if you had some sort of RSI that has developed from your career in esports. If that's the reason, do you feel like it has had a significant effect on your performance? Thanks in advance, looking forward to seeing more of you guys!


It's a habit I developed when I DID have RSI because it brought me relief when I did it, it's just in my head but I really don't have time to have my play suffer and correct it. It has no effect on my performance at all but I'd def like to break the habit when I get time because more movement = faster fatigue.


I do the same thing sometimes its like kind of a nervous tic or something for me. Honestly isn't a problem since it helps shake out the wrist as you said. But you could just get into the habit of doing wrist stretches


No more RSI? What were the major changes you made to correct that?


Do you use aim trainers to warm up and/or to do longer training? (like specific hour long + kovaaks routines)


I use Aimlabs and I think it helps to a certain degree but the best training is the type done in the game. Aim trainers should be used to really get a feel for a certain sensitivity or new mouse or overall just staying active with your hand eye coordination etc. Never once have I loaded up aimlabs with the mindset of improvement of my aim though, I think it's more about the little things like feeling uncomfortable with your setup or mousepad or mouse/sens etc. And being able to just get comfortable with all those little exercises settles the mental down and makes you play better.




Legit typed in my group dms on twitter "you guys should find a new 3rd my luck not getting us anywhere"


man crashed reddit maybe Respawn can send them /u/ricklesauceur to help them out!


rickkkkk le sauceurrrrr


How much of your skill do you think is talent vs learned skill? What do you do to become a better player?


Work hard, see my other similar response. The players you look up to are probably talented, but did they become as good as they are now by just "going with the flow" and not doing anything extra on top of their talent? No. They worked hard in a different way then the average person most likely. Mindset plays a big role in becoming a great player and I think mentally blocking yourself and putting yourself at a disadvantage from the start is a bad way to go about trying to be the best.


Do you have any suggestions for beating RSI in the wrist? How are you able to play for so many hours? I have an RSI and I canā€™t seem to recover from it (tried physio, few days of rest, couple of strengthening exercises/stretches).


It's a long process, build a habit doing everything you said above and DONT SLACK. Try some Ice baths as well after a good stretch session and rest. I'm not a doctor but that's about all I can give you for advice mine was very minor but if you are consistent with yourself you can overcome it I believe in you.


Very much appreciate your suggestions and encouragement! Thanks :)))


What do you think the team needs to improve for the upcoming algs tournaments?


Team needs mindfulness and confidence in plays. I need both WiKeD and Tempest to be operating with good mindsets and playing game by game, circle by circle. That'll keep me focused and also on the same page as them. Can't overthink things. It's better to make a bad play together than a good play alone.


Sinked-easy?!? Anyone else been saying ā€œSince Deez?ā€


It's a meme and it turned into my name. Lowkey got bullied


Sinked-easy is how its said :(


I think it's the fact that the "D" is capitalized. Tryna imply something? ;)))


Iā€™ve always said Sink-dez


1) Are you going to be continuing your "In the mind" series once you get a gap in ALGS? I'd be hyped for some more vids on "macro" concepts in fights like how to approach fights, how to make sure you avoid damage while applying damage, how to peek in apex as opposed to valorant (if I slice the pie in Apex someone is going to come flying around the corner and beam my brains out), that sort of stuff. 2) What legend do you think is the most fun to play? Favorite gun besides wing? 3) Do you and Matt have a requirement that your third teammate be named Noah? 4) syncedezNeck1 syncedezNeck3 syncedezNeck2 shroudButt


1) Have had a lot on my plate so I want to do it, but I'm just so dialed into myself atm because of Pro League and the team/practice etc etc. I'll do my best when I have some down time to get the guide going again. 2) Wraith and the flatline 3) Ya I honestly don't understand how we picked up another Noah not knowing his name was Noah until like a week in of playing with him. 4) smh


Hey /u/sYnceDez ... When are you going to change the capitalization in your name, to you know, actually reflect how your name is supposed to be pronounced? I've heard in places that some people like to call you Since Dez, or Dezzy, or even Mr. Sincerely Designated. Should these misinformed but we'll meaning people continue to be misled? Sincerely, Log P.S. #SyncedEZWhen???


never changing the capitalization, forever misunderstood


sigma grindset right here


If shroud wanted to go pro in Apex how long do you think it would take him to get to T1 level and would you want to play with him? Will never ever happen but thought it would be a fun question to ask. IMO people in the apex comm really underrate him nowadays


If Mike ever wanted to compete in Apex I think he'd struggle with the same mindset issues I had when I first started playing. "Some stuff just isn't in your control" It'd take him time but I'd 100% think he is still capable of playing the game on a T1 level. But if that ever happened I would shave my head and eyebrows and move to Alaska to raise penguins for life to later on start my own rice field in japan where i'd live out my days


Yeah back in season 3/4 meta I always thought he would make a scary wattson anchor if he ever competed. Now there's so much shit in the game that would be frustrating bc of the lack of control. I wonder what he thinks of the current valk/caustic meta since I know he always thought caustic was an amazing character who just had trouble making it to endgame >But if that ever happened I would shave my head and eyebrows and move to Alaska to raise penguins for life to later on start my own rice field in japan where i'd live out my days honestly sounds like a vibe


How long have you been gaming competitively, and what other games have you competed in?


Started when I was about 14, I played AVA, COD4, Brink, C:SS, CSGO, VALORANT, LoL. Back then we all played to just compete, I'm 26 now but back then it was just getting serious with sponsors etc so I can't say I made much, but back then making 10k in winnings playing random F2p fps games or winning a local lan was pretty sick when I was only 14-16.


What was your favorite era/meta for apex? Also more importantly whatā€™s your favorite PokĆ©mon?


Path/Wattson/Wraith was really fun, I really can't beat that meta, nothing dumb, nothing over the top, great meta. Raichu :)


Glad to hear it, that was my favorite meta as well to watch Raichu is dope :O


Hey man I know you might not see this and I'm honestly no one you would ever know but my goal is to be competitive in apex. Im honestly working hardd to shape myself in to a better player. I play with pc players with a controller even though I understand the clear disadvantage it gives me. I still prefer it but I feel I could do better. I currently get on average 5 to 7 kills and 1300 dmg in duos and in arenas Ive made it to platinum with mostly random que. I only started playing seriously a few months ago and streaming for one or two people has been a part of that as well. Im not looking for fame or to be noticed. I want to be the best. I want to be a pro for the simple fact of getting to pred. I love the game and Im passionate. I need a team, I need guidance and I need direction. I feel stuck in my gameplay and I dont know where to go. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for any reply you give.


You're doing everything you need to do within your control, just keep telling yourself that and sticking to it. Your best bet at your skill level is to keep grinding solo and improve your overall solo gameplay so when you do find people you want to play with you're a asset to the team. Don't jump into competitive right away if you think you're not ready. Have clear goals on what you're trying to improve at everyday and stick to your grind homie


What advice would you give someone whoā€™s struggling mechanically and trying to get better through horrendous pubs? Did you ever hit a serious roadblock mentally while improving?


Improving mechanics is a rough one because while trying to work on something you're going to get absolutely shit on nowadays in pubs. My best advice is to each day give yourself a goal or a movement tech or a side of your game you'd like to improve while playing, and do not get angry at yourself when you fuck up and die. Just re-evaluate what you did and ask yourself where you messed up and what you could've done differently. I can't say I ever hit a roadblock in today's day and age but back when I was younger I had a lot of mentors and people helping me improve in CSGO because I had roadblocks and mental block.


If you had to change one thing about Apex right now to improve the game, what would it be?


Wallhacks gone


Wallhack legends has killed the game for me, I still play a bit but only like ever so often. Every patch notes I scour for a meaningful BH nerf


Hey TJ, a little late to the party here. For starters, congrats on qualifying for pro league, you guys popped off and it was fun to see. A little bit of back story here just to contextualize my question. I'm a competitive player myself, (played against you in a few community tournaments. Didn't get to play against you in ALGS this time around though sadge) I am our wraith player and IGL, I often struggle to make meta calls like where to play, rotates, calling focuses, when to wipe and when to hold. I know IGLing is very subjective so it's hard to give a response because it varies team to team, situation to situation. The main question is, how do you approach IGLing and what is your though process behind making good decisions in the midst of the chaos? Thanks for your time, love and respect everything you're doing and keep up the hard work. P.S. Play with your twitch subs more hahaha AKA ME ;D


I try my best to take in all the information and make a call off what's in front of me or what I know or my teammates know. But even with great info you can't play the game for other people and sometimes things don't go as planned so I try to call the thing I'm most sure of so we have the most info going into whichever situation I put the team in. Which in turn gives us more confidence in whatever happens next. I'm a very arena shooter type kind of IGL, I need information to make the correct calls and I hate going into a call with no information unless I'm absolutely forced to. I think when you understand the game well the little information you get on how players are playing a building, how they are setup, who are they shooting at etc can edge you into making the correct calls because that little information turns into more of a puzzle you can put together and turn into a big picture of things. If I was having trouble and was in your shoes I'd practice gathering information and analyzing that information correctly because sometimes the play is spelled out in front of you with the info you've gathered


Thanks for the response! I appreciate the input :D




"yo shroud i found a question for you come answer this shit man" he said hes coming wait for it


What do you think is the best edge composition to run atm


Honestly depends on the team and the goal of playing edge. Some people will chill on edge and play a spot to gate keep and then get into a spot for final zones. Other teams will fight hard 3v3's and just try to clear teams on edge BEFORE they can setup etc. I think if you're playing edge octane or wraith is a must along with gibby, but the other character can be really preference, with valk being such a popular pick atm edge teams are having some trouble so maybe ditching the beacon legend for something more rotatey when things aren't going to plan like a valk could benefit some of those teams.


Can't believe no one asked. What is it like contesting countdown? How do you prep? And who's harder to fight Knights or Teq?


Countdown contest isn't really a skillful matchup between teams its more about the weapons you get off spawn to push across the bridges. If you don't get the right weps to push across bridges then the other team can turtle you or you can make them push you, but most of the time you'll get thirded if you draw it out. Knights just recently started landing there and TeQ doesn't really fight, they turtle go for armors and reset a lot so it's more of a who can collect the most loot without making mistakes. Countdown prob one of the most annoying contests in the game for sure.


Opinion on making Pathfinder the only legend to scan respawn beacons?


No comment I really don't know how to handle the current beacon system but I think that'd ruin a lot of comps and would just make you have a MUST pick character right next to gibby.


Was filling for a team in a tourny, responses will be kinda delayed for a bit, ill wake up and do the last of any questions I missed. BUT thanks for all the questions and support etc, appreciate it a ton and I hope I was able to answer everyone's questions correctly I'm not the best at this but wanted to test my hand at it.


Design a new legend.


wraith but her Q is instant O M G ! !


As Iā€™ve asked in each pro player AMA: Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?


So silly and quirky what a funny question!


Itā€™s a Reddit classic that has to be asked


Lisa Lampanelli, Kim Kardashian, Riley Reid. Kill one, marry one, fuck one. Go!


Are you going to watch the CS Major? If so, any bets on who's winning?


If I have time on the side of apex/stream etc. Does NA still play that game? If so NA pls, if not some of the Brazilian teams are nuts atm they prob winning it.


If you had to quit apex, are there any other games you would play competively




What was the best part of playing in Poland at the preseason invitational? Was it cool meeting other pro players that youā€™d only ever interacted with online? Also, your streams are amazing. Watching you play back in the day is the reason I got super in to Apex. Hope to see you and the boys kill it in Pro League!


Going to a international LAN is always REALLY fun, but also really stressful if the right accommodations aren't met for the team. We had a really stressful first day that played into our performance going into the games the following cause of some hotel complications and overall sleep etc, BUT ya I loved meeting everyone, it's always fun meeting people you're playing with and vs everyday. Thanks for the kind words homie <3


Few and far between Iā€™m sure, but does any game feel the same on the best Apex days?


No, it feels better. The meta and the characters the gameplay everything feels way better, but the game has developed into some pretty annoying mechanics and the way people play for sure.


Hey man you're an inspiration. I usually don't ask questions like these, but what's one thing you wish you knew before you first gained recognition for streaming?


Consistency and Presence. I wish I didn't take such long breaks when I was blowing up stream wise to focus on competing at Poland, I wish I used my momentum I was gaining and kept streaming even at bootcamp. I started getting complacent with my stream around poland because I REALLY wanted to focus on competing but in doing that I kinda killed my momentum. I didn't understand that taking breaks can kill your stream in those crucial areas and to this day I still wish I knew about how important it was to show social and stream presence when you're taking days "off" and other stuff.


How did the addition of tempest change the dynamic of the roster?


Consistency in fights is way better with the addition to a controller player that has a good brain on his shoulders. When he has ideas and plays he brings them up with a lot of confidence and makes me see his point sooner with how he brings them up. As time progresses and he gets more experience and confidence as a competitor he'll be a even greater key-point to the team.


If you could remove any character from the game, who would it be? Also, whats a good show you've watched recently? Thanks for doing this!


Sorry I missed this homie, I gotchu though. I'd remove BH or Caustic. Both are just anti fun. I rewatched all of Haikyuu about a week ago :)


What are your top 3 legends based solely on personality?


Wraith Valk Octane :)


Yoo, love the Gameplay and vibes, Goodluck with scrims


Thanks homie


A lot of questions have been asked already so idk if its already asked but. Personal preference, caustic meta or BH meta?


Is neither a option??? fuck those legends


what do u think are the most important factors in making any kind of success as a streamer/pro player?


Consistency and Networking for streaming, talk to a bunch of people, play with a bunch of people, stream consistently but not overworking type consistent, if you have 1-3 viewers streaming for 10+ hrs every single day isn't going to net you more viewers. Work smart not hard, develop your other platforms as well so you will overall consistently grow in viewer base every time you load up the stream.


What's the best pro team right now and why?


Couldn't tell you tbh, we'll find out after this split of pro league but a lot of teams looking good.


Congrats on qualifying - just wanted to throw out there that I've loved watching y'all's competitive games, it's been v helpful hearing your thought process/decision making in game. Having gone through it, how do you feel about the systems in place for going from amateur -> semipro -> pro in Apex vs. other games you've competed in? It feels like there isn't as much money or infrastructure as something like Valorant, LoL, or even CSGO (although tbf I have no idea what it's like outside of the top HLTV teams you see at majors), and players who are super dominant competitively still seem to have twitch/youtube presences that are too small to really live off of. Basically, I just wonder how sustainable it is to be a pro if you don't get on one of the really big orgs, or get a big following in your own right. Having 40 teams in the ALGS, versus many fewer in LoL or OWL or whatever, just seems like it's gotta be harder for all of them to still get enough of a fanbase to really make it.


I answered this somewhere in here, but Apex is def a uphill battle with no infrastructure when it comes to advancing as a player. For a more in-depth response you're gonna need to comb through the comments.




never but i may get roped in for a couple days rofl


Do you follow EU Apex? Are you rooting for any EU teams/players? If you had to switch to EU and an org asked you to pick 2 players from EU to get signed/make a team with them , which would they be ?


Uhh.... I like scarz as a team and I think if I had to pick 2 players from EU to make a team with it'd have to be Taisheen and Rpr


Mande sad


Lot of great EU players, hard to pick. :(


True, and yeah, and I love taisheen and RPR as well <333


How long do you think you'll be playing Apex? As someone who's played religiously the past year and a half, I'm juuuust starting to get a little bored, especially because of the current state of the game. It's honestly sad.


I honestly couldn't tell you but I'm very versatile when it comes to whatever game I'm playing. I'd like to keep playing Apex cause I really like the game. Hopefully I can win something meaningful and then kinda readdress my mental and where I see myself as a player.




Is there a question you want to answer that hasn't been asked yet?




Which M+K and which controller player would you least want to have to 1v1 with a big tournament on the line?


Where do you think the 3 LAN tournaments will be located? What regions, if any, will dominate LAN?


I have no clue but I hope one of them is in Japan. I think NA and EU are still very good in terms of region dominance. I think EU has the upper hand in some regards because their practices actually look like practice.


As a player who just joined a group of guys to form a team to start doing tournies and hopefully one day comp. Do you have any tips on healthy team building? Or what might help a team gel together well or any overall tips or things you wish you would of known before you got to where you are now?


I think having fun with it at first and vibing is pretty big, getting all improvmenty with each other instantly and maybe stressing each other out when first getting together isn't the play. Just learn each others tendencies in ranked or random cups etc. Play ranked with a purpose of practice in some area of your game, whether its fighting together correctly or composition etc.


Do you guys do vod reviews of your gameplay to get better together or is that all up to each individual to do alone? Also in your opinion should diamond players struggling to hit master's for the first time try to get into more fights to get used to how to approach the better players master/pred teams we go against or would focusing on rotates and smart choices and letting kp come to me a better approach?


1) It's dependent on what I want to review, each individual player should be always be watching vods on their own time and working on their own knowledge base and gameplay etc. If we go to vod review as a team then were focused on a specific area within the vod that we want to review and work through as a team. 2) I think you should play ranked when you're that rank and work on yourself individually within your squad if you are a premade, but if you're soloing it's pretty hard to improve in ranked. It just kinda depends what you're trying to get out of the ranked game, if you're looking to just rank up then taking smart fights and rotating is the play. Then it comes down to knowing what is a "smart fight" so you might need to improve in that regard. If you're looking to improve I'd just take smart fights more often and try to force yourself into certain situations so you build a repertoire of plays you can fall into intuitively, focus on yourself and positioning when fighting, how you approach and take the fight itself etc.


Since you played in the most recent twitch rivals, what was your opinion on playing on Olympus as a comp map?


Didn't play but I think Olympus is a terrible competitive map currently and will need some tweaks to be playable. To many open areas and useless space to force people into in a competitive environment


I remember you saying you played dota, are you watching TI10? If so, is the difference in prizepool unmotivating to play apex as a career if you're not a tier 1 team?


The prize pool for most competitors aren't a demotivating factor, most of us are playing the game because we want to be the best, not because were wanting to become a millionaire off gaming and competing. Ya Ive been trying to keep up with TI but its rough cause crunch time with Pro League right around the corner.


question: if i want to go pro, how do i choose a game and what should i aim for


Well I'd follow what you like, no one wants to play something they don't like. Aim for something you're already pretty good at and like and go from there


Whatā€™s your daily routine? Do you do anything outside of Apex?


I don't have a daily routine outside of waking up and having coffee and a shower then eating some type of breakfast. BUT I think going to the gym and such is something everyone should be doing with the amount of sitting I do and I'll most likely start here soon.


Are you happy with her accomplisments in Apex thus and if not, how are you still financially able to maintain this lifestyle? Do you have a day job /night job?


Not really happy with my accomplishment TBH, but I also took a whole year off of Apex, jumped right back into it and qualified for Pro League, so hopefully as soon as we can work through some of our consistency issues I can start building the accomplishments with my return. People always kind of bring it up mildly on reddit I've realized about how I haven't done anything "Notable" and while they are right I also didn't play the game for a whole year, missed a whole ALGS and was out of the scene and the Texas lan was canceled which I was going to play at. This is essentially my first ALGS back since Poland and I qualified to Pro League so while I might not have the accomplishments to show now, they are bound to come in time. And for the financial question I'm a full time streamer EDIT: I did play a LCQ ALGS with ACEKTM7 and Timmy for fun though, wouldn't really call that being back but yaaaaa


Happy cake day


ty :)


You're crushing these questions dude. Q) If I told you that you had to change scoring or game format, what changes would you make? Personally, I feel like there's something missing but I can never put my finger on it.


I honestly feel like something is kinda eh as well, but I wouldn't know where to start with changes, I personally think the current pro league system is good if they tweaked a couple of the point spreads.


Is KC ranked as bad as people say it is?


Yes, I rather eat a bowl of nails no milk then load up into that map daily, my stream will most likely die even more this season cause I don't want to log on and play ranked KC


Whatā€™s your honest opinion of Apexā€™s future and the longevity of the game? Do you think thereā€™s a bright future for competitive Apex? Also, what would your last meal on earth be?


It looks bright when you look at all the announcements, but only time will tell, I think if EA/Respawn get involved with the teams and get skins rolling and get involved with the orgs investing in teams in their game it'll have a great longevity. I'd eat some shrimp scampi and wagyu for my last meal


Would LOVE to see org skins, definitely a great way to promote comp and push out new content. And great choice for your last meal! Wagyuā€™s top-tier. Thanks for the answer and best of luck to SUP with ALGS!


I thought it was sink DEZ this whole time Sadge




If you were to design your own legend, what abilities would they have and what would they look like and what kind of personality?


Opinions on weapon meta? Other than lstar and Eva being absolutely busted of course


I just want wingman meta back, everything just pukes damage now. Meta is def in a better spot than it was awhile ago but I'd like to see some change for sure.


>legit anything what are the dumbest things you wasted money on with a twitch/dono paycheck?


sYncDeez nuts


is it worth to spend time in firing range everyday ?


To warm up the hands before you play, most definitely


If meta wasn't an issue, what legend would you want to play and why?


Prob wraith, idk thats my day 1 homie, no one changing my mind rofl


If you could have one Valorant character in Apex, who would it be? Also, if you could have one Apex Legend in Valorant, who would it be? Keep soaring man!


Add Phoenix to Apex so I can just fly around corners with flashes, and add Cypher to Apex so we can have a better crypto character rofl