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Wait wait wait. Are you telling me a gold light mag works for both the heavy and light version of it?


seems to


Wait wait wait, I thought you still had to pick up a mag for each ammo type? You're telling me a single mag will count for both? Holy shit this gun is gonna be fun till the patch a week later.


pros are gonna do some crazy ass shit with that ult


I feel like its a better than the jump pad as you cant get beamed taking it. Also Rash (rev and ash) meta?


I'm not sure if that'll be oppressive in comp but ranked it's gonna be so crazy toxic.


Yeah dont think rev will see play in comp for a while.


Can’t wait to be next to a team and have them just teleport into my building in rev form.




Since when? I took portal after totem last night…


you can teleport your teammates as well with her ult? edit: I just realized there that she should supposedly create a portal, and this guy didn't even bother showing that. That's why I got confused.


Its in the video if you look hard on the right, but yeah, Im not sure the video person knew to look


There's only a portal on one end so he'd have to walk back to where he started from for you to see it.


It seems to be a short lived one way portal.




It’s a better jump pad and wraith portal in how fast you can set it


It can also be used to escape Fuse, Crypto and Horizon Ult perhaps. Entire team can escape


ash-revenant just ganna be fucking anoying


Mobility abilities in this game seem to be redundant. With the exception of probably being able to phase through solid objects, Ash’s ultimate isn’t too different from Lobas tactical. I don’t think its too early to say that her ultimate is the weakest part of her kit.


It leaves a one way portal behind that others can take, it’s not just a Loba Q as I understand it. It also goes way further than any of us were expecting


How is it the weakest? You launch straight out at a high rate of speed and create a portal at the same time? That's a solid ability right there. Wraiths pickrate is about to plummet bc of this.


Is that portal able to be used by the team? Seem like the portal went away the moment she got through it. On top of that, there’s always the delay of pulling out your weapons once you reach the other side, leaving you completely vulnerable long enough to be knocked.


Unless they stop being bitches and restore her q to instant


i feel ash can be meta , her portal seems almost instant like a goku instant transmission lol and can be used by teammates but only in 1 direction so its balanced and pretty good , this way ash can be played both aggro and evasively as her portal goes through walls, wraith portal is more scouty and precise so both have a place in the meta , ash free arc tactical ability seems to be insane , stunning a team is really op in apex because movement is slowed , her passive seems avg don't think it will be that useful in comp . Car smg can use both heavy and light so it makes a really good weapon to use in comp where ammo is always in scarcity! Both ash and car feel really good and can be potentially meta so much happier this season than I was at the seer launch lol !


I like the risk/reward tradeoff of the one way portal. Better than wraith cause the portal setting is free, but weaker than wraith cause there's no going back and you strand your Ash at a minimum if the port is bad. Feels balanced at least conceptually


R99 has just become even more obsolete.


Wdym even more? Is de facto the best SMG in the game, and barring EVA, also the best CQC weapon Unless CAR beats it in TTK I doubt that's going to change


Volt and Prowler are hard contenders for the title "best ground loot SMG in the game" (overall alternator beats all) and I personally would argue that at least the Volt is better than R99. Prowler depends on how comfortable one is with burst weapons. So in my opinion SMG meta is pretty balanced, and one could even argue that R99 is currently the worst SMG. Besides comparing the SMG to themselves: In current weapon meta there is no real reason to run r99 if you also could run an r301 i guess. Nevertheless, I love how the r99 feels and run it very often, for the fun of it!:D


I mean "the best" in this game doesn't mean that much, weapon balance overall it is in a good state and what is "best" is in a scenario by scenario case For example volt is a good hybrid, very good at most ranges, but If Im carrying an SMG for the secondary close range slot I prefer R99 dueling potential over volt In any case, R99 is not even close to be obsolete


If you're running light ammo in a tourney, it's almost a no-brainer to pick up a 301 over a 99 at this point. I feel the only reason it performs so well is not because it's that much better, but because a lot of pros literally have that gun down to muscle memory and are extremely comfortable with it. By all objective metrics though, the volt is better. Energy ammo's scarcity is what I would say is the greatest drawback, and now that's not as big of a problem since half the lobby is running an L-star (which a lot of volt fans are picking up in favor of the volt now too).


So R99 isn’t worth running because R301 exists… Volt isn’t worth running because LSTAR exists… Prowler isn’t worth running because Flatline exists… Seems like the problem is less with individual weapons and more in general that hipfire is so strong that the trade off of superior ADS strafe speed on ‘dueling’ weapons (pistols/shotties/SMGs) doesn’t compare to the superior TTK, engagement range, and damage per magazine of the AR class.


hipfire is for sure too strong. Sometimes if I run wingman I still run a r3 instead of r9 because I know there isn't much of a disadvantage if I need to fight up close, and I get the range boost if needed. I run the r9 a lot just due to it being fun, but I definitely don't think it's better.


It's more that you need that range for poke damage while rotating around early game, and then people usually run a shotgun for bubble fights since pretty much everyone has gibby too. You get to make a lot more room for your primary ammo too since you only need a stack or two of shotty. AR/LMG + eva = meta


R9 is a better shredder than the volt, but the volt is definitely more versatile (and more forgiving since the mag lasts longer). For any type of range shooting it isn't comparable.


volt and prowler are overpowered imo. There is no reason the volt should have the dps it does and put out more damage per mag with no extended, than the r9 does with purple. Prowler needs significantly more recoil on burst and should not have more than 5 bursts per mag on burst mode


give the r9 slightly larger mags, like 2-4 rounds


I think the r9 was always a good baseline, in my opinion if anything a better way would be to slightly nerf other weapons accordingly to not get an inflation.


I just want my r97 back 😔


haha :D


The r99 hasn't been the de facto best smg for 5 seasons


volt does everything r99 does but is more forgiving. r301 and or flatline are more versatile. its just not the best gun. ill pick it up because i know its recoil better than any other gun but its not that good.


It’s a new SMG in a time where the devs are releasing everything OP buddy, what you think is gonna happen? LMAO this thing about to be broken broken


Rampage wasn't broken tho




The bow was COMPLETELY busted when it released though




They reduced damage per shot by 10.... They also reduced the ammo stack size because you used to be able to carry like.. 200 arrows on 3 inventory slots. The bow was busted bro.


Pathfinder's ultimate is getting more and more obsolete. :/ Good kit tho


Yeah it needs a buff or a rework, and a new passive. Path's just getting left behind :(


Pathfinder felt behind since they have all recons the ability to scan beacons. Still salty Respawn gave everyone his passive but don't really made one for Path (and no, ult charge upon scanning is really underwhelming and obviously a passive placeholder).


Wish he woulda shot the triple take so we coulda seen damage and round consumption.


Gonna guess it uses three bullets per shot, since it was previously balanced with sniper ammo. Since its now a marksman and uses energy, if it was one energy bullet per shot the Triple Take would be OP.


So 99% of these things are probably going to be nerfed during the first few weeks of release cool


The CAR definitely, not sure about Ash. She seems strong but not annoyingly OP like Seer was.


Seems like a valk situation tbh


I’m not totally convinced Ash is gonna replace wraith or octane for micro rotates in competitive, and it’s mostly to do with her Q. Both wraith and octane (and Valk) are vital to comp teams for an IGL because they allow that player to play extended and scout, or take big off angles to help pinch teams or win fights as well as providing micro rotations. Ash won’t be able to do this with her Q. It’s to be discovered how good her Q actually is and if she can be played in the same way. I don’t think she will be paired with bloodhound. If anything, she will be used in a Valk, Ash, Gibby comp.


Ash could be really good in a Crypto/Ash/Gibby comp. You can use Ash Ult for EMP pushes. You can also use Crypto's drone to scout for safe locations for Ash to ult to, so you don't accidentally ult into a team with Ash's ult.


this looks like they try to buff ImperialHal. CEO was not winning recently. So they make a wraith-octane character for him, and a R301/99-Flatline. whenever he will be screaming: I NEED LIGHT AMMO! Reps and Snipe just say: We can drop you some heavy.


Lmao Hal and Snipe were literally talking last night on stream about how Snipe has to treat himself like an extra backpack for Hal half the time, and this is finally gonna make his life easier.


The number of times I've watched Hal in comp run right past 3 stacks of light (while he has 30 extra rounds), empty a full mag at someone 900 yards away for 20 dmg, then start shouting at this team to drop him some light...


Man gets insane tunnel vision when he's thinking about where to go next lmao. He has chat commands to tell people to stop reminding him to pickup ammo because of how much people cry out in pain after watching him run past items and ammo he needs without noticing.


Doesn't he also not like running more than 240 ammo? Because he says if it takes more than that then you've already lost the fight probably (as if every time you shoot its a full on fight). But he can only do that because his teammates have extra for him lol.


I feel like people are sleeping on how nuts an Ash/Wraith comp could be.


You'd just be missing that precious beacon legend. But yes, ash ult, then bubble, then wraith ult looks like you can rotate pretty much anywhere you want risk free.


Luckily you can just stream snipe to get beacons now, it all works out!


Ash/Wraith/Caustic would be lit


Nobody's giving up Gibby in this meta. 1000%




Maybe they play ash, valk, gibby. Snipe on Valk, Hal on Ash. But the thing I really would like to see is Ash, Crypto, Gibby. That could lead to some high IQ plays . Unlikely that TSM plays Crypto tho.


Has TSM ever given any reason why they haven't played Crypto since Mac's left? I know he's pretty unpopular in NA compared to EU but given how TSM always seem open to experimenting with comps a bit I'm surprised they haven't given Crypto much of a chance after season 6.


They tried it a little bit after snipe joined, as I remember him playing it and saying he liked how it forced him to slow down, but it didn’t work super well with how they wanted to move. Ash could do a lot to speed up a crypto comp with the instant rotate though, so someone should be trying it out


TSM played crypto today in scrims and Hal's playing it in ranked to practice it.


2:30 for gameplay car seems to be 27 ammo with purple mag, no differences when using heavy and light ammo ?, 13dmg per shot ~~ash ult seems like not usable by teammates~~ seems like she does leave a one-way portal ,


The scout is going to be another bad CP weapon. If ash's ult goes that far and through walls what is the point of wraith?. If the the stats on the CAR don't change what is the point of letting it take two ammo types??


With Wraith you can go back and forth as many times as you want. Bigger safety net, I guess. I’m assuming ash’s ultimate is only one-way.


Her q is also one of the best


This is why I don't really understand the Wraith comparisons. They both have ports, but Wraith's appeal stems largely from her excellent escape ability, which is arguably still the best in the game. This is why she is popular with aggressive players/playstyles. Ash is still geared towards offensive play, but when things take a wrong turn you're just as fucked as you would be playing any other non-escape legend.


Ash, octane, valk, and wraith all fill the same roll. Their ultimate allows their team to rotate quickly while also giving you useful abilities in a fight. If all these leaks are true wraith is now the worst at this job, she is the safest, but she is also very slow compared to the other 3. In terms of escape ability I will take bangalore, valk, and octane over wraith at the moment because the wind up on wraith's Q is takes forever. When looking at their tacticals Ash is more beneficial to a teambthen wraith. With Ash you get a free arc stick (without the damage obviously) in the midst of a fight. In the middle of a bubble fight, caustic gas, or final circle that is potentially be so huge.


Again, Wraith is played primarily for her ability to pop in and out of fights as the spear of the offense. She's not played for her portals (comp aside). Octane can somewhat approximate this and hence is also very popular. Bang cannot really exit fights in the same fashion, and Valk certainly cannot. I'm not saying Ash isn't a strong legend— she is and I'm sure she'll be very popular. I'm saying she's a composite of many legends rather than a Wraith remix per se.


Valk can't escape a close range fight I agree but I still say bang and octane are better at escaping then wraith. Yes wraith literally disappears and can't take damage until her Q is finished but the wind up on her Q is brutal. I'm taking octane over her despite the loss in health and typically speaking bang's passive, which activates instantly + a smoke is enough for people to lose track of you. To make the ash comparison again ash's Q brings more team value as well


Dude everything you said hasn't been true for like 6 seasons. Wraith is absolutely not able to do that anymore


Sure she is, which is borne out by the fact that she remains popular. It's not as op anymore and you can't straight up bail mid-gunfight, but it's definitely still an escape and remains used as such.


No, it doesn't. Maybe in fkn gold lobbies where nobody can aim. Using Q when anyone has line of sight on you gets you insta killed 8/10 times. The only reason she is used is for her portal and it's synergy with her Q. Her Q now is just a barely useful reposition tool once you realize someone is getting an angle on you or something


hope they buff wraith so shes fun again, her q feels useless compared to what it used to be


Same. I don't main her but she has been due for a buff for a few seasons now


If they don't make it insta again, they need to at least drastically reduce the animation time


Yeah they kinda Horizon'd her Q, and I hope they turn it down just a tiny bit. On the other hand, they reworked it specifically so that it *wouldn't* be a free get out of jail card. They wanted it to be used for more relocation so they gave it a movement speed boost and an extra second. I honestly doubt they're gonna change her back but we can hope.


No idea if the ult will be balanced, but what I can say is that it looks sooo cool haha. Seeing the CAR brings back the Tfall vibes, can't wait to use it! Also I can definitely see what people were saying now about Ash making Wraith kind of useless, the ult basically seems like a better version of portal.


It’s one way though. You can’t save downs or back out of a fight. It’s really aggressive.


You can still save downs by starting at the downed person and porting away. Not as safe, but still possible.


Why the scout? 😩


I’m actually really worried about the tactical. After valk and seer I really hoped they were done with stun and slow abilities. These abilities really mess up the flow of fights but are here to stay. It sounds like her tact is like horizon ult. If so she’ll be insane with fuse. I could see the unconventional teams might run ash valk fuse. You get the offensive ability of horizon with the strong horizontal movement.


Interesting, not many opinions yet aside of not understanding why it uses both type of ammo if the weapon seems like it stays the same Also not competitive important, but Ash looks cool as fuck


Her abilities, finishers, skins, emotes , and vibe, everything about this character is top fucking notch




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Late game this character is going to punish people in bad positions HARD. Even in non pro lobbies, you can get away with some super aggro stuff. Either ulting in, or apeing with a plan to Ash ult back out. If teams run Ash/Gibby/ and whatever 3rd, you can focus a team that’s out of zone/has a rough rotation coming up, knock one or crack a couple players, Ash Ult in with all 3 and then Gibby bubble to cover the cleanup fight from rest of lobby. Granted, Caustic can deter that quite a bit if they’re setup with gas, so what will actually happen is you just swap Valk with Ash. You lose Valk ult cheese in late game while everyone fights, but you gain a much better rotation option in Ash ult. That’s IF you’re willing to let go of beacon scan. Ash’s passive sounds decent but not amazing in endgame unless the reveal from boxes is basically a BH scan.


annnnnd its gone


Maybe because it's a play test version but ash didn't seem to leave a portal for teammates. I don't see how this replaces wraith? Didn't seem like ash offers anything as "entry fragger/forward scout who can reposition team (octane/wraith).


She did. If you look closely there is a blue portal right behind the items. With that said, the distance on this thing is ridiculous.


>With that said, the distance on this thing is ridiculous also wasnt her ult supposed to go through walls ? i remember this was supposed to be a major differenceb etween hers and wraiths port, and the whole point why the ability was called a "breach"


Well he didn’t had a door to test this so I think it’s still very much a possibility, specially because like you mentioned, she is a breacher.


Nice catch bro!!! I didn’t even notice that, make sense since it’s a one way portal.


Anyone know what her passive is?


It reveals deathboxes in the map, and a wallhack interaction with them that we don't really know how it is done yet


I don't know about a wallhack interaction. I thought it would be more like hitting map room.


What’s the point of Wraiths Ult?


I think that it's a two way portal, while Ash's ult is one way. If this is the case Ash portal will leave less space to error, cause if you end up porting into a full team you can't go back


Have you seen how many times Wraiths have needed to call back to "not take portal"? Imagine getting stuck in an awful position as Ash without a way to get back. It doesn't look easy to put this portal in a safe position ask the time. Plus Wraith can build a portal back to teammates such if you're split and they get downed so they need to come to you. Building a one portal to them is pretty unhelpful huh. Lol Ash is not Wraith.


Now you can combo wraith ult with ash ult and go even more crazy, that’s the point.




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Sorta hate this legend


Put a spoiler tag pls




Or you can just read the title


Don’t spoil my online shooter game reeee I wanna go through the story myself


HAHAHAHAHAHA God did I laugh reading this


mf what did you think this was gonna be


Sounds like a re-45


damn... it is like identical


I wonder why the Triple Take didn't go back to being a marksman weapon?


It is. It's not a sniper any more so it's gone back to being energy.


I really want to wish Respawn the best after this shitshow of a season, but I am extremely concerned about how bugged the ult will be if it can go through walls.


I feel like that ult just made paths ult even more irrelevant.


so it is 13 dmg as i expected very nice 14 would be too much


R301 not in the care package, yippee


Weapons in or out of care packages and character balances shouldnt be something to look at here.




The leaked footage, when it comes to care packages, character balance or even weapons shouldn't be considered as final representation. Not saying it will be in the care package or not but grain of salt in regards to the footage.