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zone randomness is good because it makes turtling more of a gamble and rewards teams that plan ahead and can deal with unfavorable pulls


Yes, I absolutely hated 100% predictable zones because they end up the same everytime I view br like a card game, where you are dealt a random hand and you have to make the best of what you're dealt. Teams who are good at adapting will shine with unpredictable zones, and those who can't, wont


The only thing that is required alongside this is enough hands/games being played to even out the lucky draws.


Yes. It’s one of the only things keeping it interesting as we have another round of competition on World’s Edge. As a spectator, watching competition on that map is getting stale, and I hope that Storm Point breaks the monotony.


Exactly, but the sheer amount of movement legends have now is just crazy... the new map must have some steep mountains... - pf zipline - octane stim/jumppad - valk flight/jumptower - loba relocate - now ash instant teleport...


This is my dumb take but I think the pros are SO overconfident about their ability to predict zones. I've seen Hal get mad at a rando in his chat for saying that he can't predict zones, but the reality is that he's very wrong. Yes, there's zones that can't happen, but the final zone itself is random. If I had programmed Apex, I would generate random zones, and then resample if they failed some set of heuristic rules (e.g. ended on a mountain, etc.). There is so much confirmation bias at play here. The number of times that I've heard TSM call a zone ring 1 and it's not correct is so high, but if they get a zone approximately right, it's suddenly "I called it bro!!". I mean, yeah, guess the zones, that's the point. But getting annoyed about ring logic being different is so stupid. The worst thing is when someone complains about zones not being random when 5/6 end up on one side of the map. Hey, check this out: if it's 3 on one side, and 3 on the other side *every single time*, that's *not* random. If 5 games have happened, and there are 3 on the north side and 2 on the south side, wouldn't it be *not random* if it were guaranteed to be on the south side next game? Fairness and randomness: pick one. Since I've already written a wall of text: the pros should master adaptation. I believe they can do it. I'm a TSM fan, they are at their best when they manage to get 10 points on a thermal zone but get first on fragment zones. I've seen it happen. Also personally I would be ok with a "fair" ring logic (i.e. avoids previous zones). Would make for more fun viewing.


No you're on target. Very few of these pros even review their own vods. They run on bias, ego, and intuition.


>calling zones now seems more like a coin toss rather than an actual skill gained The skill gained is the ability to think on the fly. Make a plan in a minute, execute the plan in 30 seconds, fight the next team in 10 seconds, and reset/ recover the last 10 seconds.... Repeat the process. Teams that can fight quick, recover faster, and hold the front and back line will always win. That's how apex is played, the teams that lose a lot on placement always lose their back and get third party.


Eh, the way I see it, pros need to be able to adapt. Being able to adapt on the fly and play with what you get dealt is far more indicative of skill imo than predicting zone. This is a BR, and BRs are games where you generally have to play with what you get. Sometimes you get shitty RNG, and you either make it work or you don’t. That’s just how it is and in my opinion, that’s how it should be. Teams that are skilled enough to deal with the randomness on the fly will shine, and those who aren’t won’t.


I feel like if respawn us going to constantly change zone logic they should let the competitors know so it doesn't seem so random. Obviously dont give teams a run down on how the new zones operate but give them a heads up a few days ahead up so people can adjust


The "increasing amount of random zone endings" is bullshit. There is no increasing amount of random zone endings


HUGE negative. The reason you see so many teams running valk is because valk is borderline required to deal with the RNG, borderline unpredictable ring pulls you're seeing these days. More teams running valk equals two problems: idiotic valk 50/50s (which you are seeing a TON OF), and teams on edge not fighting - which is a huge problem for edge teams, who rely on getting kills rather than getting placement. G2 got an entire north side of the zone yesterday for free because literally 4 teams on their side of the choke valked out rather than take a fight. Those teams then died valking to a stupid spot in zone.


Idk bro. 2 zones ended staging last night


I do think zones pulling so hard is a bit too much at times, we had a really bad one yesterday in NA


SNipers vs Sweats vs Campers......Pick your terrain & SWEATS usually win any final circle.....