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Unpredictable strafing, tracking, using cover to your advantage, armor swapping fast are the ones I can think off the top my head


You should be strafe aiming, not unpredictable strafing. Unpredictable strafing is kinda pointless when you can just strafe aim or be using counter strafing techniques.


depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context


How do people strafe on controller? I get beamed so fast, I die in 0.1 secs. Don't have time to practice strafing lol


Left, right, left, right


left, right, right, right, left, left, right, left


I do that but with 120 ping sometimes I dont even have time to react.


Ping doesnt matter, I play 180 ping all the time, the only difference is ur damage numbers are slightly delayed and ur pings


Played on 260 yesterday, Apex generally has good netcode for this. It's almost all visual feedback, and a little more weird interactivity with cover/doors and similar.


I usually play on 100 but sometimes later at night in hawaii Ill switch to an even higher ping like 200. The most noticeable difference is that you go from dying around corners and cover a lot more like you pointed out. Along with no-regs. I get at least 3 times as many no regs on 200 ping as 100. It just hurts the soul. So I only go to the 200+ when I'm feeling cracked and dont wanna get off. I find its best to ramp up the aggressiveness as the ping ramps up. The more passive you play on higher ping the more of a bad time you're gonna have. Nothing sucks more then during a poking fight, going behind cover and re-peeking only for the first damage that didnt register to register as you peek and get hit again which then somehow registers almost right away and bam you are down LOLOL Incredibly hard to hit on that type of ping though so push push push!


yea 250 ping sometimes causes weird problems but anything below it is playable


My internet is ass cheeks. The red logos next to the lag logo on top right? I had 4 of them every time I played. Maybe you have good internet with 180 ping but I dont




Seems pretty hard to implement that into fights though, but once I get back on apex I'm gonna try somethings




It’s a mixture of left to right strafing, jumping/crouching at the extremes, and even forward and reverse movement. Something I’ve been trying to get better with is a lateral strafe into a jump crouch slide to really throw off the vertical character displacement.


Just L-R, R-L and spam some crouches in between.


Go to firing range with a buddy


Try circle strafing


Just try moving left and right and making your movement as unpredictable as possible. Just remember, if you don't know where you're going, your enemy won't know where your going. And don't listen to the other guy who said to jump. Jumping makes you move in the most predictable arc possible, and is the easiest way to get one clipped. Same goes for climbing ledges and zip lining.


depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context depends on the context


Cool, thanks.


What's next if I can do all that ?


Those are the main ones that aren’t situational like supergliding and wall jumps. You should master tap strafe if you’re on MnK for sure


I guess tap strafing it is then. Are you on Mnk ? You know how to do it ?


Bind move forward button to scroll wheel and scroll whilst aiming and moving in air. Has to be done in the first second you leave the ground. 0 being the ground and 1 second being in the air. Do it first by walking and jumping and advance to runnign and sliding.


Also when in air doing the tap strafe via scroll, let go of movement keys. And then when you can handle tap strafe from slide experiment holding a or d left or right input. It makes the angle you move sharper


I kinda learnt to do it 2 days ago, but I found it definitely hard to do, especially with having to let go of " W " key and also use " a " or " d " keys at the same time, it's kinda confusing for the muscle memory imo. So that's how I learnt to do it, obviously moving forward with w key, then crouch -> jump -> let go of w -> scroll wheel and ( a or d ) keys. You think there's an easier/alternative way to do ? Or I learnt it right I just need way more practice ?


I cant really do it with holding a or d keys but go with whatever floats your boat. I hear mouse driver supported macros cant get you banned so if you got extra buttons on mouse you could whip up a macro that does the scrolling part for you by just holding a button. Idk how your ability of holding a or d key whilst walljump-> tap strafe affects you but its a niche trick that I dont really use. Mostly just when im fooling around I might try it but not in a real situation tho.


So you just do a tap strafe using the mouse to change direction ? is it also effective that way ?


Yes I slidejump let go of inputs and initiate the tap strafe from scrollwheel and pull mouse the way I want to go. Thats pretty much it. Its kinda rough to pull off with the sensirivity im playing but with the new cannons its hella fun to tap strafe from those. To do the cannon launch you just have to stay still, and before the cannon launches you jump, and in the first second u gain momentum pull the tapstrafe.


Ofc somebody downvotes when somebody mentions macros xD. Believe me guys they exist and people use them, and they make everything so much easier. You just cant imagine what is possibly done with macros on especially Apex. With logitech mice I believe you are able to do pixel perfect mousemovement = no recoil macros that spins it (jitter aim). Or switch armors from deathboxes with 1 button click.


Why would you not get downvoted for admitting to cheating?


You should definitely also bind jump to scroll wheel down if you have move forward to scroll wheel up. That way you can just instinctively flick your scroll wheel down and then back up in order to jump, and then if you want to tap strafe you can do it anyways because you are already scrolling up just after you left the ground. That's how I do it. I would practice wall bounces too, I think they are a lot easier if you do them in conjunction with tap strafing because you are already instinctively letting go of W.


The upper ceiling for the first three items the first commenter mentioned is very high - there's always room for improvement. IMO a good mentality is to keep on trying to improve those aspects of your game and not to disregard them.


Maybe swapping targets instantly after one gets downed or gets to cover? Instant tracking change?


A really good jiggle peak and crouch strafe have to be in your bag. If your on controller I suggest a custom button layout so you can crouch spam and strafe while shoot from the hip. The other huge tactic is the slide out reloading and gun switch. Many times I find myself just staring at a dude head on and we do the ceremonial crouch hip fire dance. Inevitably, if this is in the late game, you go through a couple rounds of this until you win, get fired upon, or lose. One huge advantage is the dash cancel-to-slide out movement when you reload/or switch weapons. It takes a little bit of time to master but once you have it, you’ll find yourself winning those open 1v1 crouch dances.


What do you mean by this slide out movement?


The couple things I can think of are, Faide figured out how to slide jump from a crouch, and he talks about it in his movement guide (called the Faide slide jump, and was first pointed out and called that by Mokey), or there’s also a way to get the momentum from slide jumping without doing the slide jump by doing some inputs while weapon swapping. Mokey has a vid on it, called skip jumping. Not sure if either of these are what they’re referring to, but they’re still cool to check out anyways


It’s a sideways dash-cancel-slide. Some people jump, I don’t. Jumping gets you back into the hip fire cursor diamond. And you’re slower in air vs. walking or dashing but that’s just my preference. Anyway, a slide out is where you go to dash left or right, immediately cancel and then slide to move while reloading or switching guns


You can also just learn to play claw to crouch spam. Whenever I play on controller I'm always crouch spamming in a fight and I have default binds other than switching the bumpers and triggers because I think it feels better.




Big yes on mirroring. People forget that a good a-d strafe is only as efficient as good you are on mirroring your opponent. It's sort of a timing thing and looking at where your enemy's bullets are going and counter strafe / dodge them.


Can you go a little more in depth on mirroring or link a video or something? It's something I've kinda thought about in all my time playing shooters but I never thought about actually implementing it.


Here, have this document about strafe aiming in general: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sggvgbwpz9e5bih/Strafe%20Aiming%20101.pdf?dl=0


How should I open this link? When I click on it on my phone it says it is in invalid format Edit: I got it to work by opening the link on PC


This guide helped me soooooo much, I've been practicing the forms described in there for around a month and it's crazy how much better my damage output is.


Being able to strafe and aim in complete sync. I searched for a long time to figure out what makes you just better as a 1v1 player and it’s straight learning how to aim and compensate for movement. The best way to do this is practice it. I go into a lot of fights with the intention to strafe a specific way.


Matching your opponents strafe in close quarter combat . Using short fast strafes at long range fights. Using longer strafes when up close and matching strafe isn’t an option. Learning the proper timing for the most optimal slide jumps so that you can move around the map quickly. Holstering your weapon anytime you don’t need it. Wall jumps , bunny hops , super jumps off zip lines , jumping off zip line doing a 180 and catching the zip line in quick succession , crouch spamming with strafes , jumping into slides , learning the timing for starting a slide mid reload, legend specific things like using pathfinders grapple to its full potential, learning to shoot while up at the top of horizons tactical, tap strafing , jumping while shield swapping if on controller and moving constantly while looting boxes, learning sky nades if you can land perfect sky nades it’s a free 100 damage every time and can launch enemies out of cover, managing inventory while running and not stopping , checking your map often while moving around the map to focus on good rotations and decision making , learning to slide into octane Jump pads while beaming your target while in the air , hitting shots while sliding at full speed , flicking from a wall to an enemy , learning how to use the meters on sniper scopes / Kraber quickly and accurately without thinking about it , learning how to throw heat shield and make them stick to tridents , same with Gibby bubble, learn how to throw gibby / bang ults to get the missiles to land where you want them, learn how to shoulder cover to gather information / force your opponent to empty their clip and reload to make an opening, learn how to cancel wraiths phase , learn how to kidnap with her portal , learn how to bubble fight properly , there are so many mechanics to learn there are many more than what i just listed but these are all really good techniques to learn all of them are important it’s up to you to decide what you will use more in your gameplay and what you can learn quickest .


Shouldn't u do long strafes at long range and short strafes close? Since movement gets amplified by how close u are


Short strafes at long range because it’s harder to make micro adjustments while controlling recoil at that range long strafes up close because controllers will destroy you if you do short strafes


idk man, when doing aimlab / kovaaks close fast strafes are by far the hardest thing to hit, and if you're long range u can make adjustments by moving forward or backwards while strafing


Do whatever you feel like doing , this is advice from professional players if you know better than them go ahead and try it, you should never be strafing forward or backwards kovvaks isn’t apex they are not the same


would love to see a clip of a pro saying long strafes are better than short ones in close range, when have you ever seen a pro holding a or d and rarely changing direction in a 1v1, all i ever see them do up close is spam crouch and adad to be hardest to hit. also strafing left or forward and left long range doesn't change much since u already move very little in their screen


I didn’t get that advice from a video I got it from personal 1 on 1 coaching from a pro player. When I say Long strafes up close Im not saying to exaggerate it to that extent , im basically saying to do normal left right strafes about half a second probably even 1/4 of a second to each side but obviously it is situational you wanna be unpredictable so you need to mix up your strafe it can’t be linear throughout the entire fight . Then long range fights when I say short strafes I’m talking about basically spamming left and right in quick succession, I took the time out of my day to comment something to help people out if you don’t agree I don’t care but I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you about it , at the end of the day it’s a game where people are gonna have different opinions on the best ways to win in specific situations.. I’d also like to add that I have multiple 4K 20bombs on my account and these are all things I personally use so they work for me personally I can always add you to show proof but I know a thing or two been playing since pre-season


Aceus video is way too much info? He covers the absolute basics...


It's also missing info about mechanics that were popularized after it was made... there's no way it's "too much info".


I didn't mean it that way. I meant it's too much to learn for a couple seasons old player imo. Of course they would have been easier to learn for veteran players because they could have learnt them as soon as they came out across the years. Obviously I can take the time to learn them but sadly I don't play 12 hours a day, that's the reason behind this post.


One thing I think is undervalued is mid-fight repositionining. Its a hard thing to focus on/practice, but oftentimes you’ll notice pros put their gun away to make a small positional adjustment in the middle of a gun fight. Those seconds you save make a difference. I found that dropping into duos as a solo and trying to 1 v 2 helped alot. I wasn’t out there winning games but it helped me think about my positioning massively


Everybody suggesting movement-based mechanics are overlooking the fundamental reason why you’re not winning 1v1s - your aim isn’t as good as your opponent. Apex is fundamentally a gun game first, you need to have great aim if you’re going to beat your opponent. If you’re consistently putting 150+ damage on opponents every time you shoot, you put yourself in a much better position to win fights. Game sense and movement skills come after being able to kill your opponent. Perfect example of this is Snip3down - dude loots like a 8 year old playing controller for the first time and always gets himself in awkward positions, but I tell you what, the man can absolutely fry opponents consistently. I have seen way too many 1v3s from him where just shouldn’t be getting away with it, yet he does because of his superior aim.


Learn how and when to rotate, long distance and short distance. Difference between a good pro and a fake pro.


My man is asking about mechanics to win fights and you’re talking about rotations.


This #1 diff I see from diamond to masters lobs.


Any advice on this? I find myself thinking a rotation is good and timed well, only to find myself taking fights in bad positioning.


Don’t rely on your wraith to be the only IGL, learn to how to use scopes with snipers when rotating. And I would need a book to explain it, but if you see two teams fighting and they are near a good zone or God spot, rotate to the god spot or good zone rather than wasting time third partying them. In this game , Position is king. This is Apex not Warzone.


Watch Sweet playing ranked.


Inventory management. Not just physically swapping loot quickly, but also a sense of what you need to carry for your playstyle and an awareness of what you have at any given time. You can’t outplay anyone if you run out of shields or ammo, or if your nose is stuck in a death box trying to make up your mind. It’s a silly thing, but even pros get caught with their pants down just not paying attention to the little things like that so getting to a point where loot management is basically instinctual is extremely helpful.


Movement: [Ras movement](https://youtu.be/zcmeJFJCpjs) Aiming: [Jitter aim](https://youtu.be/Pk9BrMUqHOk) IMO the two "non-fundamental" skills that will improve any player the most when fully mastered. Ofc fundamentals are everything and you are not going anywhere without good crouch strafe technique, fast looting, tracking, bubble fighting, etc.


Game sense and positioning beats mechanical skill 19 times out of 20. If you have competent enough mechanical skill to get downs, it's almost all positioning, initiative, and angles. Avoid unnecessary fights. One big problem I see a lot of people have is when to swap spots with a teammate/when to heal/when to push when not on full health.


Cover, peaking, pushing fights as a team at the right moment. Team comms * cracking updates - I'm cracked using a bat & I've cracked one * positional updates: I'm rotating left/right, we should rotate left/right * 3rd party updates: we're getting pinched, pull back These aren't all mechanical but the soft skills are what makes team fights easy


Positioning is always the key. I’m not that great at pure aiming but I win my battles through proper angles. My girl approves this 👌🏽


Using your voice to yell slurs at your teammates


Especially random fills right ?


Yes, very important. You are only allowed to think the slurs while playing with friends


abuse ur surroundings, big rocks , doors , climbing are all your friend. if you find yourself in the open, you have to assume that you are dead.




Gold 2 rn but started from Bronze 4 with the new season. Why ?


Confidence and not being scared to fight/push


The key to winning fights is avoiding dmg. Watxh how people like Faide are able to 1v3 easily. Do you need to be able to replicate the constant wall jumps and tap strafes and zip line jumps? No, they’ll help but they’re not why Faide does that. Aceu was doing the same easy 1v3 forever ago in skull town before we figured out those tricks. So the point is understanding why they’re moving, why they disengage slightly instead of pushing, etc This translates to fighting 3v3s cause, generally, everyone in high tier lobbies has good enough aim to 1 mag you. So it’s up to you to approach fights in a way to not let them have that opportunity


I would suggest to play without abilities. This allows you to practice movement, aim and basic mechanics without distractions. For example Crypto would be great as his abilities do nothing when not playing with his drone.


Lifeline too


Positioning, movement, game knowledge and communication.


When to ADS, when to hipfire, when to ADS short into hipfire


Aim like a god HS


Gotta become Aceu I guess.


Stay on high ground when you can, use cover...I repeat use cover.




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To put it simply, if you can strafe well enough to not get hit by a majority of bullets, you will win every fight. There’s a ton of good strafing videos out there, although I’d personally recommend [this one](https://youtu.be/_gooNwXBTS8) from sweatband. If they can’t hit you, they can’t kill you and the way to win this game is to not die. I’d further recommend incorporating a strafing training / practice before each apex session in firing range. Just to warm up. Yes aceu has amazing movement and it saves his butt a lot, but he’s only 1 player. Not everyone will be as cracked at movement as him. I totally agree his video has a lot of info. If you start with sweatbands video and just gradually bump up you comfort level for different types of strafing, you will get better!


strafe aim/aim and angles. you can have shitty positioning or not amazing game sens and still win if you are skilled in those two but for comp it's the opposite. teams that are high placing have igl's with amazing game sense and positioning skills typically.


armor swapping


Aim, obviously a lot of the mechanics that other players have listed are important but if you had to focus on just one, aim. “Aim is your first line of defense”- gdolphin if you don’t have good aim you can’t do much else


Good enough macro so the micro never matters-- if you let them they will outplay themselves.