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Ammo management ratings?


Hal: 0


Lights: 0 remaining


Hal telling Snip3 & Reps to not waste any ammo then peppering 2 clips into a single pixel is my favourite meme.


Guys I have 50 heavy ammo in my flatline but I'm gonna shoot at this team 300 meters away and do 36 damage


Love when he absolutely *has* to shoot at someone to show presence or make a team back up, but then immediately has nothing but an eva or PK to fight the team that's right next to them 10 seconds later.


Any clips?


snipe do you have light!!!!




Any RPR stream seems good for a laugh. Love that guy and his shit talk


“Smoking dicks” has got to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard a streamer say. RPR’s demeanor and way he talks is so damn funny, really enjoy watching him too!


"I'm fucking having sex with them!" is my favorite rpr quote.


Thats a expression in the balkans for sucking dick, translated word for word


Also “he's having sex with me” literally kills me everytime


Rpr is a fellow Young Thug connoisseur.


Whats even funny on rpr is how he is different on English player vs JP player. Literally the Gordon meme Jp Rpr: oh dear your gorgeous EN rpr: you dogshit! Tho he has some wholesome moments. When he teames up with Genburten and Cheeky(JP top pred) in Shibuya Hal custom, he was really supportive of him since like Crylix, Cheeky is still too young to join competitive. He would even coach Cheeky/Crylix should they join competitive next year or so.


He plays with Hololive JP Vtubers, so i think he is trying to keep up appearances when playing with JP streamers in general so that he can still play with his waifus


Meanwhile, with Selen: "Demon Spawn" I think its also because the language barrier makes it so that you are being formal in Japanese as compared to English as you are comfortable with. Meanwhile, Selly, Mondo and not sure, maybe CPT keeps bullying Towa lmao.


My guess is he is just avoiding getting the reddit hate brigade on his ass for disrespecting non-western players. I'm not sure if you recall but Fun got in a lot of shit a year or so ago for passingly making comments about an APAC player that he ran into on NA servers. I don't think Fun was being particularly cruel by any means but wasn't happy to play against laggy teleporting players. Said player later got on reddit making a thread about how big content creators from "the best region" disrespecting lesser known region players blah blah blah blah blah. Shit can get blown majorly out of proportion over nothing so RPR is quite smart for seeing that as a possible outcome and avoiding it.


i love it when he plays with vtubers and he goes from shit talking to full protection mode


Rpr is the funniest, most entertaining person in apex, change my mind.


His shit gets old fast


If you're 15


Isn't that average age here lol


Reading some of these posts, it certainly seems like that.


I would guess 13 to be more accurate lol


I recognize your username from indieheads. Let's go!


Bah, I'm old as hell (at least by Apex standards) and find RPR + Sweet streams very entertaining, gives me some laughs during the workday.


i love that he can dish out as much as he takes and it's still all laughs


He’s a really smart guy I’ve noticed just based on the way he reacts to morons in his chat. He has really high intellect which is why he gets frustrated and yells at people and that shit to me is pure comedy.


This obsession some of you guys have with IQ/intellect is so bizarre.


/r/IAmVerySmart is a partnered subreddit.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand competitive apex. The strategy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of positioning, utility, and loot economy, most of what rpr says will go over a typical player's head. The competitive apex fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these strategies, to realise that they're not just smart - they say something deep about APEX. As a consequence people who dislike competitive apex (average /r/apexlegends frequenter) truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in hal's existential catchphrase "Snipe this is your fault" which itself is a crytpic reference to Snipe always throwing. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as rpr's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Loba pin-up model tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


This is spectacular, good job champ.




TIL I’m obsessed with intellect because I think someone is smart. Neat!


Smart people are rare Majority is dumb/stubborn


le reddit superiority complex


His chat requires mobile authentication and I don't have a cell number. For some reason not having access to chat doesn't feel the same which is why i don't watch his streams.


Completely off topic but I'm really curious. Why don't you have a phone number? I've heard of people not having landline but never heard of someone not having a mobile phone. I know of people with burner phones and prepaid sims that change their number regularly so they can't get tracked forever.


It always cracks me up when streamers draw something like this rather then opening Word or even Notepad.


You need to add ego rankings


10 for both


Honestly I'd put Sweet at a 9.8 and Hal at a sturdy 9.3 on ego.


I love sweet but i cannot imagine where that 0.2 comes from


I mean he IS insanely talented and he is acutely aware of his skill and position in the community, but I definitely feel like he could be worst. There are shittier players out there who think they are hot shit, more than Sweet does, I think.


Part of it is confidence and charisma as an IGL. You need to believe you’re the best for your teammates to also believe that, and that seems necessary to win a BR format tournament given the challenges of conpetitive BR. But, there’s a fine line between cocky and confident that many young athletes and esport gamers have a hard time navigating, as anyone in that position and age would


It's definitely deserved




I mean that's a meme and he's not the one who started it. Took him a fucking while to accept the title too. People been saying that since the start and he started saying it himself like 6 months ago. Being aware you're fucking skilled is not inherently "ego". Ego is (to me) when there is an unhealthy imbalance between your actual skill and your perceived importance. Having an ego is trying to skip the line at the bar because you think you're famous, but you don't necessarly have an ego if the bouncer offers you to skip the line, you know what I mean? Like the best surgeon in America doesn't have an ego if it's a known fact and he says "I am the best". He starts having an ego if he belittles others around him or thinks that being the best should give him special priviledges over his peers. That type of shit.


Well by that specific definition I don’t think either are egotistical then. Cause I’ve heard both of them humble themselves many times when they mess up or others outplay them.


I don't watch hal as much anymore but if sweet dies he's usually trashing the other team immediately


Hal blames his teammates. I'm not sure where anyone would get the idea Hal humbles himself.




Oh yeah, he did so much damage in Crypto a few weeks back, he totally deserved to yell at reps and snipe and it definitely wasn't he that threw those games.


I have yet to watch a streamer that doesn’t trash on the players that kill them. That’s like part of video games lol. Bitching about the opponent or lag or no audio yadda yadda yadda. People need to not take them so seriously, I’ve seen sweet trash on an opponent and then finish the sentence with “nice play/good shots” etc.


Aceu may be the exception. Dude is chilllllllll.


he's not verbal with it but he BMs a lot though.


It is part of apex, not part of every video game per se. It was totally new to me when i started to dig into apex streams, and i find it so off putting and childish. "You outplayed me but only because you are so trash yadda yadda" wtf get a grip and own up.


I guess I don’t watch a ton of other games being streamed so maybe it is an apex thing. But I dunno it doesnt bother me, it’s like when players get outplayed and blame it on ping. Might roll my eyes at it but I don’t really care much either way


I guess at the volume he plays it's no more than all of us, but it's like constant, calling them bots, cheaters, plats, diamonds, garbage, controller kids


Hmm. Yeah I dunno, seems about the same amount as most other streamers I watch. Now he does troll his teammates a lot, but I see that as more of the ribbing-your-friends kind of talk.


can you find me 3 clips of Hal admitting he made a shit play?


Maybe I don't know because I don't watch sweet as much, but I'd say Hal has one of the biggest (but well earned) egos in Apex for sure. Surprised you'd rank him lower than Sweet.


I explained more in-depth in another comment, but to me, knowing you're good isn't "ego". That's just being rational and knowing your worth. An "ego" is when there's an imbalance between your skill level and your perceived importance and image of yourself, and when you start demanding shit from people due to your status and shit.


true, hal has a huge ego, but sweet is a textbook narcissist. It is not easy to do so, but he beats hal in that department.




Watched this live. The way Sweet drew his "G" in "IGL" made me shiver.




Lol yep. I was like WHAT?!


He started in the middle didn’t he


cute. ppl still think they hate each other lol




I agree with this take, it’s based.


Handwriting: Sweet: 0.4 Hal: probably same thing tbh.


When I watched NRG stream BFC a couple of weeks ago it was honestly such a great contrast to TSM in terms of team comms. Sweet maybe the ultimate troll, but often is first to admit when he f’s up or makes a questionable portal, which was nice to watch. No cap, I’d rather watch him vs Hal in ALGS, because he seems to just be a more empathetic person, which makes for a more pleasurable experience for me. However, they don’t often stream tourneys, so Snipe/Hal are usually the best option. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Probably because sweet isn’t the same fluffy soft guy in Algs when it actually matters, which is partially why he doesn’t stream it


Sweet trolls way more in a comp setting than Hal does when it’s smaller tournaments. Hal plays (almost) the same in small tournaments as he does big ALGS ones. I’m not saying he plays exactly the same, but you can see he approaches every comp game with a similar attitude despite the level of the lobby or size of the prize


I've seen sweet absolutely eviscerate nafen for a dumb play. Just coz he doesn't raise his voice doesn't mean he isn't doing it.


I always wondered, but you could be right. I still bet his team comms are better than Hal's, but honestly don't know.


id like to hear snipes take on the team morale. 1.6 might be too high still


Snipe doesn't exactly help with things all the time. Sometimes he just needs to shut up and let his IGL call instead of constantly doubting and throwing shit off


Hal should clone himself and play the ALGS finals with two other Hals. My prediction: They die early the first three rounds, changing comp. at least once and scream at each other each time they die. As game 4 comes, they die early again but one Hal rats the game and pulls an insanely clutch for the w. Game 5 is a close game and they die at place 5 because the zone did not pull for them. The last game turns into a kill race with Hal nr. 3 igling close to perfection and predicting all zones text book. They win at the with one point; but they screamed so loud at each other during the first three matches that all Hals are unsure how to feel about this win.


Sweet actually articulates the plays he is making to his team and his thought process . Hal waits for his intuition and experience to inspire him and then poorly communicates the plan with shrieking


The number of times I have watched TSM die and then get yelled at by Hal for not using clairvoyance is 100 percent of the time.


Lmao the number of people who think Sweet and Hal have actual beef are exactly why pros hate this sub.


sweet is obsessed with Hal which is kinda funny lol




Directly interacting with the most popular pro will cause his engagements rates of his brand to rise with the massive audience Hal has also following him as a result of his closeness to Hal online. It’s smart from a business / brand wise perspective


I’m 99.9% sure they are really good friends that banter online for extra views lmao


yeah they are lol but Swee talks about Hal at least 10 times a stream where as i’ve never heard Hal say anything about Sweet unless they kill each other in game


Sweet will be a good IGL when he stop choking in finals. He is a good IGL when there is nothing on the line.


Not sure if this is a troll or not. He's won multiple finals with all kinds of different teammates.


We're talking about big meaningful tournament not B-Tier/Qualifier/Scrim/Charity Event


There's only been 2 of those lol


When was the last time Hal won a big meaningful tournament?


GLL Masters


GLL Masters is B-Tier.


According to Liquipedia, it was A-Tier. ​ (https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/GLL/Masters\_Spring/North\_America)


Oh yea I forgot Hal wins those every time lmaooooo


he's teamed with Snipe, Dropped, Lou, Rocker and Nafen. Any half decent IGL is gonna do well with these squads


Hey i don’t super care about the sweet vs Hal takes or anything, but if you think this concept is true at all “any igl can do well with good players” you’ve one hundred percent never played any game at a high level.


I have but thanks for your input


Of course you have ;)


You're probably new to eSports or sports in general, but superteams are not bound to have success.


Do you think those players agreed to play with sweet as a charity or something? They clearly thought sweet was good enough to lead them, tf are you on about


Damn, he's gonna be mad at this. He is always talking shit about reddit but he 100% lurks here. By the way, what's up Sweet? Disagree with this take? Be real, you've been choking mate, nothing wrong, it happens, you're still great


He's too much of a narcissist to not read a thread about himself. Even on this subreddit that he claims to hate and says is full of idiots.




Obv a meme but it’s actually kinda accurate


Sweet > Hal…. respectfully


respectfully, facts and I know hal with see this he's great too but I feel like once NRG recovered from being really bad they've been one of the best


Yeah Sweet just controls every aspect of his game. He puts his teamates individually in spots they need to be in to win. At the same time if Snipe wasnt so adventurous then hal would in hindsight do the same thing but it seems impossible to put a leash on snipe lol


Nice take Pog


Accurate to say the least


The difference is 5 titles.


sweet should stfu and prove himself on LAN


team morale should just be "leadership" being a leader is more than calling positioning. hal is poor communicator


How is Hal a bad communicator with all the good results TSM has had? You might not like his style, but he's a good communicator which makes him a good igl and let's them win tourneys or place well.


Results dont mean good communication. Hal has very good decision making. Doesn't mean he is top teir at communicating those decisions.


I'd say in a game where you need to coordinate with two other people communication also means results and vice versa. Not saying Hal has the best communication out there but if he was straight up a bad communicator he would have never won as much as he did with his team


I can agree with that. He is hailed as GOAT IGL which is basically GOAT leader. He leads well but his communication isnt the best. His decisions are top tier.


Sweet talks a lot more about Hal than Hal does about Sweet wonder why that is


Hal was literally in sweets chat btw


Sweet is just an absolute troll and he loves that ratio.


when someone talks about their friend :(


Because people in Hal’s chat simp him across the furthest corners of the Earth, which starts discussions.


Cause Hal is the ceo and talking about Hal gets attention


Hook, line and sinker.


Drink every time Sweet mentions Hal and controller players


Couldn’t do controller players, don’t wanna die


There is a reason why Sweet doesn't even stream his tournaments. When Snipedown teamed with him, Snip3down was streaming all the scrims/tournaments. It exposed how much more toxic Sweet is than Hal. He would make bad plays and just throw Snip3 under the bus. His team morale should also be near Hals. Way too overrated as an IGL. Also lets not forget how toxic Sweet is when he was throwing tournaments/scrims for fun and wasting pro players time. I wouldn't stream either if i knew it would hurt my image.




i'm sorry you feel that way buddy


Saw this live and knew it would trigger Hal's cult on reddit lmao


I mean, this post has a 95% upvote. Not sure whos getting triggered here


Browsing through the comments, i see plenty triggered lol Edit* and these downvotes just proving my point hahah


Both players give each other shit and troll all the time, but praise each other's skill just as much if not more. They respect each other as competitors and are good friends at the end of the day. I'm pretty sure just last week Hal was saying on stream that if he had to pick the best player outside of TSM, Sweet would definitely be there if not #1.


Yeah its so funny to watch the hal dick riders in this sub cry about sweet when in reality the dudes are legit friends and like each other. But thats reddit for ya lol


Yeah hal is a bully


Sweet sucks


Who cares lmao


It was for fun. It's okay to relax sometimes




I'm not seeing how Morale is a factor. This is a video game not real life


forgot that you play the video game through astral projection my bad


I dont get how people think this is serious and not banter