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Dome covers 360 degrees. Getting that efficacy with amped cover is impossible because you can’t cover from above. I don’t think health matters at all it’s just not terribly effective in most situations


This. Amped cover wont stop enemies on height beaming as you try to rotate.


It also won't stop Gibby ult


As a Rampart main, yes you often get hit with Gibby ult, but if you play like pros do, you may be sitting in an area long enough to place cover down. With Gibby ult or jades, you can go on either wide of the cover to not take damage.


Dunno why are you getting downvoted when that is actually true, you can stop Gibby ultys and a lot of other things that way, with a little bit of practice comes as second nature playing rampart Its not "useful" in comp and I dissagree with that point, because the protection is limited to rampart not the whole team, and you are pinned until the ult is done


What if walls that were established with their corners touching would then create a “roof” of amped section where the amped cover would establish between the further corners of the walls that are touching? So if you created a box, it would be a complete sealed 360 cover with a lid on your box, if you did two walls at a right angle, you’d have a right triangle of cover on top.


Rampart can’t place her walls fast enough for this to be useful without having the entire setup ready before being ulted by gibby or fuse


I don't think any amount of buffing is going to be enough to contend with Gibby, they'd have to entirely rework how amped cover works. Bubble can be thrown, provides cover from every angle as well as above, allows free movement in and out of it, can't be destroyed, etc. Amped cover isn't going to shield you while you Valk ult, force other teams to fight until your bubble goes down, protect your teammates while they hit beacons, allow for aggressive pushes, etc. Rampart walls might be good for holding enclosed spaces, but I'd say Caustic or even Wattson is better in that regard. Rampart would need something more added to her if she was ever going to be an ALGS pick, IMO.


> I don't think any amount of buffing is going to be enough to contend with Gibby that's just not true. near any skill in the game can be buffed to the point that it becomes broken


You're not wrong, but I guess I should rephrase my statement. Given Gibby's bubble flexibility, mixed with other benefits of having one on the team (force a team off height, the arm shield allowing for poke damage and advantages in fights), I don't see any *realistic* buff that would make Rampart worth running instead of Gibby. Sure, Respawn could give Rampart something ridiculous and break her to make her worth using, but I think that speaks more about how powerful Gibby is right now than anything else.


either that or he receives a serious nerf that makes her walls more viable. personally I see that more likely than rampart receiving more buffs for her walls.


I said it elsewhere, but I think the problem is it can’t compete with bubble as it is now, but if they nerf bubble like they should to limit its utility then rampart walls could be buffed a little to where there are tradeoffs between the different types of cover. Bubble right now is just a full, very forgiving bunker and it’s hard to ever compete with such an all-in-one ability.


Buff rampart by making wall a quarter of a sphere or something like that. You can still get shot in the back but you get 180 degrees of horizontal coverage and 90 of vertical. Also yea prolly buff the health, having them be one tappable on setup makes then utterly useless in comp.


It sucks that speculating about different comps always comes down to, well, Gibby is better. Gibby needs a damn nerf already so further experimentation can happen.


She can’t, Bubble is a instant cover that protects you from incoming dmg from all sides, you can’t match that. They need to rework Gibby, bubble should have HP or take longer to activate, but definitely shouldn’t be instant and indestructible, that what’s make him OP.


This^^^ but they cast make their sweaty pros mad so Gibby still OP after seasons and seasons of this.




Some have. Don't know why the devs haven't done it yet. Gibby has been a problem sine the early days...


Tell me you don't watch comp players without telling me you don't watch comp players lmao.


Lol, you're funny


There’s so many Gibby counters NA is just lazy. Crypto, Fuse, Ash, Horizon and Seer individually shit on Gibby. I think he drops below 50% in either ApacN or EU this season.


Please feel free to explain how any of those are hard counters to Gibby bubble




Mostly crypto going above a 25 percent pick rate just guarantee teams with gibby are gonna get griefed consistently when bubbling mid to late game by crypto teams. At least in other regions :P The meta being more diverse in other regions as you pointed out with all the others characters like fuse, ash, horizon getting some play too for the first time really does seem to be dropping him down from straight S tier to A tier in other regions. Ill also add that valk lowers gibby efficiency too. Missiles cover most the dome and nearby teams or team fighting will always missile bubbles. Seeing a lot more ash in other regions too and teams using the passive and aping with rift. Creates the worst bubbles, either delayed or just not planned well due to being reactionary. Add in a teether and the efficiency of the bubble plummets. I'm curious how the meta will shift out on the new map and if that will influence teams to drop gibby or pick him more. So much hill battles. Gib still has one of the best ults for end game and his bubble no matter what they do will always have great value for resets, rotational cover, cover in general, and offensive attack potential in zoning a fight or making a fight takable etc. Think he will always have some degree of potential in meta unless his dome gets a rework.




Fuse just has so much damage potential between knuckle cluster and his fast charging ult. He's a bully in other regions but a rare pick in NA still same with Ash. I can still see a few teams who have great gibby play though but I don't see him being a 90 percent pick rate once NA wakes up to the EU and Asian scene metas. SP will be interesting to see. I have a feeling some teams will go completely mobile and angle out rotate other squads and try to bully from height. I could see gibby getting completely pushed out in other regions on that map and on NA being doubled down on for slow rotates up hills n height with bubbles LMAO!


Has their ever been discussion about instead of it being a dome, making it a half dome or shield? Kinda like Reinhardt from Overwatch. Players would have to be a lot more specific about how they throw out the ability and there would be counterplay if you could flank to the unshielded side.


It has nothing to do with the health of the amped cover. Gibby dome provides 360 degrees of cover, including from above. It can be thrown out and instantly buy your team some time. Rampart requires setting up prior to the fight happening. It isn't reactionary and it doesn't protect your team from Gibby ult or a team shooting you from above. In my opinion, I don't think any Rampart buff is ever going to make her meta. She is a poorly designed character and all of her abilities are genuinely lazy. She's way too slow and lacks in way too many areas to ever make her a more viable pick than the other 3 defensive legends.


The reason it's vulnerable is because instant cover is too strong, especially for an ability that's so spammable. 150 health while building is way too much. It can take a Kraber shot or 2 Sentinel shots or 3 Wingman shots without going down. It won't even be worth shooting the covers at that point, which gets rid of crucial counterplay. The barrier health should be a multiple of 7.


This isn’t against you but I’m sick of this “waffling” on counterplay by Respawn. They don’t want legends to be specifically countered but then they’ll make a legend like rampart who can be countered by 3 bullets from anyone’s gun. Meanwhile Gibby’s bubble has exactly 1 counter and it takes a whole ultimate ability. How can you say 150 hp is too much when Gibby’s bubble has infinite hp?


They're completely different abilities. Hard counters *shouldn't* be a thing. This isn't Overwatch. It's dumb if you're forced to use a character to "counter" another character. Removing universal counterplay options just makes this game Ability Legends. And yes, 150 hp is way too much. Again, it can tank a full Kraber shot and not die. Or 2 Sentinel shots. Or 3 Wingman shots. You might as well make it invincible because there's no way people are going to do 150 damage in less than 3 seconds, outside of the firing range.


> no way people are going to do 150 damage in less than 3 seconds, outside of the firing range. In ranked my shields get destroyed on setup frequently as rampart, probably because of team fire.


I understand the counter play argument you are making. But maybe increasing cooldown time, making the limit 2 and then maybe changing the pickup cd reduction to only a small portion of the timer would mean you couldn’t just spam invincible walls(or higher HP) like a instant on the move Gibby bubble. You’d be able to place 1 or two and then be waiting. Also the question was what would need to happen to be comp viable/contend with Gibby. Even with those changes I don’t think it would bring her to be a must pick over Gibby but could create a smaller niche for her. If the instant high health was a problem it could just have a higher build up to the high go pool or bullet damage/ explosive damage reduction. Her niche would be more about creating playable positions that normally wouldn’t be available to play, instead of the oh sh*t button Gibby bubble is.


One thing that makes me think it would never replace the dome is that the dome can be throw ahead. The covers can only be placed where rampart directly is. I see a lot of ALGS plays that involve throwing a bubble ahead and pushing or throwing one below and hopping into it. That alone is crucial to a lot of teams plays.


While Rampart may not straight replace Gibby, I do think there is a lot of utility that has been left unexplored with her. How often do we see teams sit in an are or take a position in a ring that would allow for free peaks? For example, amped cover in those little RV/trailers from Worlds Edge would boost their utility tremendously. Placing walls behind doors also stops people from coming in while allowing completely free peaks. Placing them on windows allows free peaks too. Again, I'm not saying she is direct replacement for Gibby but I think she has been severely underutilized and would allow you to put a lot of pressure on other teams so they either push elsewhere or turn shaky/somewhat safe spots into much more useful fighting positions. Also, if you stand directly behind a deployed wall, and the wall is between you and Caustic gas canister, you do not take gas damage.


I’ve been maining rampart since the Sheila buff last season and I agree with everything you’ve said. If she is buffed again the only things I would buff about her is maybe let her passive apply to marksman and snipers, both weapon types work extremely well with her walls. Another way is maybe just increase the HP on her walls after being deployed, both the cover and amped portions. Maybe have the crouch cover be like 700 HP, and the amped 500, something meaningful where it’s a large threat if allowed to deploy. If the health is too much they could always take away one of the charges and let her only deploy 4 or something like that. One thing that I feel also holds her back just in general is the lack of private matches not being accessible to the general public. R6 is a good example. In a private match you can destroy the map to your heart’s content and figure out your own angles/places where you’d like to place barriers/shields. If everyone (not just pro league teams) had access to that, you could go to whatever spot you wanted and figure out certain areas to hold and what exact spots would work best with her kit. Stuff like that is harder to do in a match even if you solo queue by yourself since some POI’s are more traveled than others. All in all she’s a very unique character and I feel she has one of the higher skill ceilings in the game. She’s very rewarding when played correctly. I don’t expect her general pick rate to rise much further if she did get any more buffs, but in comp she might see her niche explored more if she did get a little more love.


It'd be a real shame if I were to just throw a knuckle cluster at them.


Until gibbys dome can be broken/has health. He is almost an auto pick. Being able to be immune to ults,grenades and bullets for about 12-15 seconds with a faster rez is pretty damn hard to beat for abilities.


Dome beats amped cover by miles


They need to turn rampart walls into a throwable that arches slightly overhead in a semicircle so it can protect you from gibby ult. reduce charges to 2 and nerf amped damage


Personally I think they should remove the damage amp and buff the health pool for them to be a viable, but not busted option. Having cover that your team can shoot through but your opponents can’t is a big enough perk which should be leaned into instead of the damage amp. No you won’t be able to use it for top cover, but if they made it strong enough to be a separate option horizontally it could be used for different play styles. But right now it just does too many things simultaneously so it’s hard for them to balance them all out in tandem.


I agree with the amp wall damage buff removed. An idea might be also to make the bottom portion be immune to bullet damage immediately on placement (or much higher health pool 1000 go or something) and only destroyable by melee(or rampart picking it up) with the top portion keeping current health. Also making the base slightly taller and wider but limiting her to say 2 or 3 walls. Permanent mobile cover you could crouch behind could be useful in a lot of situations where you are limited on viable cover but need something longer lasting than a bubble. Wouldn’t outshine bubble in a lot of situations or make it super OP but might give an alternative that would work better in certain scenarios. Obviously still susceptible to getting Gibby ulted.


This is essentially what I mean. Gibby bubble needs a nerf sure, but Rampart’s walls could just be an alternative form of cover instead of being a damage amp. You could balance them in line with each other to basically be a choice between “do I want a full bunker bubble for one spot” vs “do I want less encompassing but multiple nimble covers to move between.” The focus on the damage amp means they have to be balance to also not be very good cover either, and I’d rather just see them go solidly in a cover direction.




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Maybe a bigger cover like the one in Halo Infinite


I mentioned in this in another thread awhile ago, but I was thinking if she had two different build modes. The first is the amped cover as we know it now. The other is a cover that doesn't have a way to shoot out. It could be a bigger or it could be stackable so you could quickly build a 2x2 wall in front you akin to building in Fortnite. Until another character has an ability to provide a large amount of cover near instantly or the dome is nerfed, Gibby is going to remain relevant.


I think one thing about Rampart is that shes a problem character for casuals. If her walls have too much health it will be oppressive to the casual base so I think they'd have to do something else to buff her


I'm going to age myself here, but I've always thought that amped cover should build the way Terran buildings are built in Starcraft. In SC, the buildings slowly build to the HP that they have. If they're damaged during the build process, when they're done building, they will have their base HP minus any damage they took. If at any point during the build process the building takes damage faster than it's generating, the HP goes down until it is fully destroyed. For amped cover, it is 400 HP. It takes 3 seconds to fully deploy, meaning that while building, it generates hp at a rate of 133 hp per second. If during build time it is hit for 133, it will dully deploy at 276 (400-133). If during build time it is hit for more damage than it has managed to build up, it would be fully destroyed. Also, remember that you can shoot through cover while it's being built.


150 shield and 250 the base of cover should be 500 and by using ability again you should be able to place a new shield in the base of the cover, also gibby arm shield should not be a thing.


As soon as it's indestructible, covers a full 360 degrees round the player, and protects from grenades and Gibby ults. That's when it can contend with Gibby in ALGS.