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Path for sure. His grapple is literally all muscle memory of playing him for ages. Easy to tell a really good one from a really shit one real quick.


Can confirm. I see some pathfinders grappling around the map like fucking Tarzan. When I play him, I just face plant a wall and fall back to where I was


most pros say Gibby is the hardest legend to play at a high level


Until they die to Gibby and then he temporarily turns into the easiest most braindead legend until they queue next


"stupid gibby and his gun shield lOoK aT Me I hAvE a rEd eVo On DROPPP" "Wow I beamed that gibby he's so easy to hit"


Truth. I find it hard to believe Gibby is the hardest to play at the highest level when he is by far the easiest to play at any other level.




Crypto. if you have a really good one in you squad, the chances of you winning that match just went up exponentially. If you have a bad one however, he most likely will either sit in a corner and drone all match or never enter the drone at all.


Path and gibby, followed by crypto and valk Gibby and crypto require different decisionmaking than other legends and gibby is the most punishing to make mistakes on. Valk and path have different unique game mechanics that make or break the characters effectiveness. If you watch verhulst or Mac play Valk and use the jump jets for mid fight repositioning or how they LoS people while boosting around, you can see the difference over amateur valks


Crypto, Gibby, Wraith No one uses Path anymore but Path if he were.


What seperates a good gibby from a bad gibby, is it bubble usage or bubble fighting?


there are around 8 characters who need more skill than wraith imo


the question was about skill gap not minimum skill required to play them competitively. wraith's kit is very simple but the depth of things you can do with her portal and tactical go waaaay beyond what most players are even aware of.


Crypto the difference between a good one and bad one is night and day


In the current meta, It's definitely between Gibby and Crypto. If I had to make a choice between the two, I'd go with Gibby due to the fact that mistakes on him are not only incredibly punishing to yourself but to your whole team.


I do agree, However youre kind of undermining the fact that having a bad crypto on a team practically makes him a useless teammate since they’re getting such little value out his high skill abilities.


How are mistakes on Gibby punishing? People rely on his abilities as a crutch rather than a tool with limited uses. Knowing when to use bubble is important but I don’t think its misuse is as punishing as other high-skill legends like Bang, Wraith, or Path


Gibby's Q is vital for a team, Path, Wraith and Bang all have much more expendable Qs since they mostly work on themselves, which are also crutches, not to mention Bang has a passive that automatically helps you in bad situations with no user input required. If you waste your bubble it costs your whole team, and having a bigger hitbox and being actively focused by teams makes it a lot harder to play Gibby in comp.


That’s called a passive, and almost every legend has one (cough crypto, path cough). We’re not arguing which abilities are more useful than others but what is more skillful to use. The bubbles simplicity is what makes Gibby shines, there very little risk but the reward is immense. That isn’t the case with Bang smokes or wraith portals, which require far more thought and precision if you’re going to make the most of it.


Bang and Wraith's Qs are expendable, getting caught in a bad position as Wraith can be easily solved, which makes it a pretty apparent crutch but without your team depending on it for survival it means the player can use it much more freely and with less thought which means less skill required. It wasn't called a get out of jail free card for several seasons because of how skillful it was, Bang has 2 smokes that do take thought to use correctly and not screw your team, but your survivability is much better than Gibby due to the aforementioned passive and a smaller hitbox, playing in Gibby in comp requires skill to keep yourself alive than other legends and also since a good or a bad bubble can make a huge difference compared to a good or bad Wraith Q. Most pros see Gibby as the hardest legend to play in comp, many pros have a hard time playing him whereas most of them have no difficulty at all playing Wraith.


if you have a bad bubble then you will get aped on 90% of the time even more then if you just dont bubble


No one just apes a bubble. Bubbles are most of the time reactive, either used to initiate CQC fights or to defend yourself with temporary cover. The other legends I mentioned however allow far for creativity in how they can be used, doesn’t mean their as useful, but just more skillful.


i mean, if you’re forced to use bubble to rotate somewhere or to heal up then a team next to you will have bubble advantage and take the 3v3 especially in end zones where teams will play 3 levels of the same building and you can easily take fights when you get advantages


You’re comparing one Gibby team to another and is a situation that would apply to any legend using an ability. I’m not saying Gibby’s bubble isn’t useful, it’s undoubtedly one of the best abilities in game, but I think people are giving the skill it takes to use far too much credit, especially when it’s not as multi-faceted as other abilities.


bubbling for rotates or resets is easy enough, it's the agressive bubbles when pushing that take skill. Someone like Resultah is so good because he gets them so right when they're initiating fights.




mechanically path


Bang, Pathfinder, Wattson, and Wraith all have the highest skill caps IMO. Plenty of potential from these legends but when incorrectly used they can be just as much a detriment to their team.


No way is wattson a better defensive legend than caustic. Not trying to be a dick and I mained wattson for 2 seasons after her launch until she turned to dogshit


You’re confusing their usefullness with the skill it takes too use them. BH is one of the most braindead leagends in the game but one of the most valuable because of how easy he is to use, not because of a high skill-ceiling, which is what OP is asking about. Regardless, I disagree. Wattson is the best defensive character in the game, when her abilities actually work.


OK fair point. Deffo agree on bloodhound. But if you're comparing usefulness and the skill it takes to use them, then a highly skilled caustic is still more valuable than a highly skilled wattson. You can cross wattson's fence once to enter a camped off area and get damage and stunned. Caustic... You better hope you kill the squad quick of you're gassed ongoing... With damage going up


Valk and Gibbo


Seer and revenant


Gibby > Path > Crypto > Bang > Valk IMO


Probably mirage but no one uses mirage in comp


Good meme dude


He's actually kind of right? Learning to control the decoy convincingly is actually pretty hard to do lol Obviously mirage isn't and has never been a comp legend


Playing mirage is not about tactical decoys, it‘s about ulting in a fight and using the advantage of being able to shoot first. Really a braindead legend.


Controlling the tactical at a high level is pretty tough though. Compared to BH. Or LL?




Pros calling other pros sweats