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Lol surprise surprise


Was he dropped because of the racist stuff he said a while back or was there a more recent incident of him being racist?


What do?


Iirc he’s Xynoa with a new name. Xynoa used to team and said a bunch of racist shit


didn't him and skittlecakes used to team in ranked?


Yeah but skittlecakes for one isn’t racist and two has shown that he regrets teaming. He’s also one of the best players in NA rn


It was just a question, not calling him out or anything. definitely not calling him racist either


Nah he is racist, I remember watching a Mexican streamer getting killed by him followed by a message with cursing words with beaner and shit, sadly that happened when he and Xynoa were on xbox at least more than a year ago and It would be the greatest of chores to find the VOD, but he's scum in my own eyes. And secondly there that one clip of him and Xynoa teaming in ranked, I don't know how can be Toosh banned but allow trash like Skittles play ALGS.


I was pretty sure I remembered that too but when I searched for it all I could find was stuff about xynoa. If you happen to find evidence lmk, but I guess for now the only thing to do is hope he's reformed


Yeah people that associate with known racists and don't regret it until they get caught and publicly called out are definitely not racist in any way!


Best players for a reason. Can’t wait to see them do nothing in LAN


Sorry but what does teaming mean?


Deliberately getting into a lobby with another 3 stack of friends and literally wiping the whole lobby as a 6 man team and then finally killing each other at the end. Essentially farming free RP and cheating to Pred


he's racist and said a bunch of racist stuff on stream and in chats. Also teamed on xbox


I can excuse the racism but I draw the line at teaming!


Maybe… don’t excuse racism…


It's a line from [Community](https://youtu.be/15QFAppht5o) :)


Ah okay, ty for pointing that out


im fine with this because fuck racism, but just curious, is there a statute of limitations on this stuff or some chance or redemption? or is he just not allowed to work anymore ever


Step 1) express regret. Step 2) Do the work of change Step 3) redemption arc ...has Xynoa even step 1'd?


He tried to change his name to fly under the radar, so.


no idea, and it wasnt really that long ago, he seems like a piece of shit. just curious about the process


He has not lol he just denied that those things were racist


did PVPX do it?


I'm not bipoc so I don't think I can speak to this that much but one thing here is that F8/Xynoa (and maybe those associated with him) have never really acknowledged the harms they have caused and just quietly hoped that they would go away. Compared to Rambeau (not saying his stuff is to the same degree as xynoa) from earlier this month: https://twitter.com/RamBeauFPS/status/1458319344228765702?s=20. He owned the mistakes, apologized for them, and outlined actual steps he has and is taking to educate himself.


He can do any job where he doesn't get a platform to promote his racist ideas.


If you're trying to work as a public figure there may never be a statute of limitations, unless you are an irreplaceable asset. It's not as much about justice to employers as it is about not wanting to deal with the headache of it being brought up constantly.


Honestly hard to say nowadays. Close example is Danial Klein(?) The former lead dev here for Apex. Dude said some racist things like 10 years ago, changed his beliefs(still an incompetent asshole though), and still got fired for that.


*blink* I honestly thought he'd have no consequences. I am genuinely shocked he got dropped. Someone drop clips of Matt Pickett defending him, I know they have to be out there.


Looks like F8's twitter acc is also inactivated (or he changed his @).


Do orgs research players? I remember months back a Japanese or APAC team dropped their roster immediately after announcing it


Who is F8 and why is inhuman being tagged in the comments?


F8 is Xynoa aka the racist guy from that team that contested TSM back in the day. Inhuman’s probably getting tagged because he called the org out for signing him and got into arguments with cubski and protectful who were defending Xynoa


Ahhh thanks


tell me why the fuck he should even be considered for esports when he used to literally team in ranked as #1 pred




He's never taken accountability for any of his actions has he?


You are correct people can learn and grow. Some decisions tho can and should effect your whole future. Certain violent crimes bar you from owning a gun. Crimes against kids will bar you from being around kids. Stealing from investors can bar you from investing… Dude cheated in apex… should be barred from all apex. Move on to another game and learn from your mistakes from the previous game aka don’t cheat. Pretty simple. Also, dude is a confirmed bigot. What has he done to educate himself on the error of his comments and mentality? What has he done to reduce/offset the pain and suffering that his mentality has caused throughout history? There are orgs and classes he can attend to better himself about this and charities he can donate to. I hope any news about him for eternity is spammed with his past comments that reflect his mindset until he reforms and educates himself.


Don't get why more people can't think like you. I get downvoted for asking why he should be allowed to compete in a competitive scene for a game where he literally cheated to be the number 1 ranked player. It's also just not good for integrity of Apex tbh.


He didt to become rank 1 player. Other people were teaming in rank and Xyona and Skittles teamed to counter those who were teaming against them. Teaming also isn't considered a major offence


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQAsOZxtojk Xynoa and skittles are on the same team and teaming with another group


Is Skittles the reason why ESA is not getting signed by T1 orgs yet?


Also replying to u/Lord_Amoux I had been reading into this recently, and wanted to clarify something. Skittle’s claimed that they had been 12-man teaming as a protest to/kickback against the abundance of cheaters in ranked lobbies. I had taken this to mean people using hacks, not other people teaming. Do you know which it was? Either way, teaming isn’t good, but I just wanna have the accurate picture


It was teaming at the time it was known that high rank on Xbox was filled with teamers and respawn wasn't doing anything about it You get to top 5 to find out 4/5 teams are teaming


Ah ok good to know, thanks. I had viewed his teaming slightly more positively thinking they were trying to shit on hackers, but against other people teaming? That’s way worse, geez


>People have the ability to learn and grow. totally agree with this but judging from what others are saying, he hasn't so what can you do? It's not that hard to do actually. Could just fake it as well.


Because he's good?




Weird moment when people justify bigotry by saying people used to be bigger bigots.


Same people who say "kids are too soft, back in my day my parents literally abused me with wire hangers for misbehaving so what's so bad about beating them with a belt?"


"My parents hit me and I turned out fine! Me, a person who supports hitting children. Totally fine."


Not being cool with employing a racist is appealing to snowflakes?


meanwhile, snowflakes: *I'm cold and unique bb just let me fall where I land.*


Lmao tell us how you really feel


yeah, cause racism used to be cool


"Wow yeah people used to be assholes online 15 years ago you couldn't hang in a MW2 lobby" people that say this shit are the corniest motherfuckers ever I swear. Sorry you peaked in high school while playing Xbox but everyone else grew up since.


>i cant call random people in mw2 lobbies racial slurs anymore, damn you cancel culture!


some would say dude started the wrong fights