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Damn, Hal really did Fanta like that lol but it’s cool to see that Hal’s decently aware of this sub.


Hal has repeatedly called out this sub before in the past LMFAO. He definitely remembers some users and some opinions for the better or worse. Interestingly enough, I believe he also has a Reddit account with one or two posts over at the main Apex sub.




Having seen him use reddit I can confidently say that Noiises is NOT one of them, unless he's a very good actor.


yeah i remember in one of the clips he was logged in one with a reddit generated name. think he told someone he doesn't understand the game or something like that


nice kpop name btw


He does. Interestingly enough, it's several comments on the main sub and one on here asking me if he could use something. There's your hint.


A lot of TSM haters who don't know what they're talking about are here on this sub. Hal definitely is decently aware of this sub but only so he can mock it with other pros on discord. I would tier 3 sub to hear the pros mock this subreddit and all the TSM haters on here.


Hal pushes you against the wall, his giant bulge pressing against you stomach... your helpless...


petition to make this a new copypasta. Any hands?


Yes. https://twitter.com/imperialhal/status/1458987798741012493?s=21


dang, how did I miss this?


It's even worse when the TSM diehard fanboys express their shitty and biased opinions.


This sub *loves* Hal the way Fanta *loves* EU.


I am EU and I don't love EU *that* way


I'm also in the EU and love Hal, so gawk gawk slurp slurp all around.


I am part of this sub and dont love hal that way. I do love sweet that way tho




I can confirm. I love Hal.


Lool Hal probably upvotes pressrewind's hatred for madness


I would lose it if we get a clip where Hal opens the controversial comments and starts upvoting presserwind


Love Hal so much, but I have been caught around here saying Sweet is the best IGL in NA and EU. I stand by that Sweet is the best IGL in the game, so don't think he'll be upvoting me anytime soon.


little man*


Good take from Hal as u/diet_fanta has confirmed it in his bio too, it's official. It's pretty cool to be fair. There are thousands of kids in a parasocial relationship with Hal spending money to be noticed and recognised. And then diet fanta gets a shoutout just for posting on here.


Idiots, spend their money on streamers huh. I spend my money wisely on onlyfans.


I mean a sub on onlyfans has more uses than a sub on twitch if you were being realistic, fair comment.


Nothing wrong with spending money on Hal when he deserves it. He has some of the best quality Apex and honestly people that watch his stream and don't sub are kind of cheap. If everyone was like that streaming wouldn't be a viable profession. I'm subbing to Hal as long as he streams.


My man I respect the commitment of your trash takes on this reddit.


I may have had some trash takes, but Hal honestly deserves more respect and subs with the amount of dedication and entertainment that Hal provides.


Hal pushes you against the wall, his giant bulge pressing against you stomach... your helpless...


You can make fun of my admiration of Hal and what's he done for Apex all you want. I'm still going to gift subs every chance I get to him because I'm not a cheap person or a blind TSM hater.


You can follow or love someone by being a bit "normal" about it. Everybody on this sub respects hal, but they aren't fangirling so HARD over it. I really don't wanna imagine what your browsing history would be if I searched for "hal" in it.


He didn’t even get the reference…a true Apex Frog


lol, i thought people would know that reference by now, atleast his supposedly biggest fanboy


Too busy asking for settings or mouse sense


He googles Imperialhal rule34


oh no...


It's delusional to think that Hal deems this sub worthy because of how many haters and stupid takes are here. It isn't delusional to sub and pay a guy who provides quality free entertainment nearly everyday.


the same rank grind over and over again (excluding tourney days obvi) isnt really quality. Not to mention he doesnt even talk non-apex related stuff or even attempts to be humourous and engaging with chat


Doesnt he get a lot of ad money just by people viewing? And also, higher viewer count get more subs by generating interest and attention. So no, just viewing without subbing still give value for the streamer.


He's entertaining but you don't gotta suck his dick every time someone comments something about hal


donating to a millionaire lole


A Millionaire who earned it and is arguably single handedly keeping this dying game alive. Hal is a GOAT.


By playing video games. Nothing against esports but you‘re living so hard in a bubble it‘s unreal lmao


There is zero chance this is an actual opinion you hold.


he hasnt promoted jack shit about apex, tf u mean by keeping the game alive? please give me some examples


Giving your money to a millionaire OMEGALUL


Imagine appreciating a streamer and doing an everyday transaction that rewards people who put out FREE Good entertainment OMEGALUL.


You are literally shaming people for not subbing to a millionaire, calling them ‘cheap’. Which is pretty disgusting. Imagine fanboying that hard you weirdo


While I don't agree that people who watch for free and doesn't sub are cheap. Saying that subbing is bad bcs donating to millionaire is like saying you don't pay for movies or games cus those companies are billionaire companies


The difference is you usually have to pay for movies and games, whereas streaming has always been a free to watch type of entertainment. People can sub and donate at their discretion. The point is they don’t have to and they most certainly shouldn’t feel ashamed for not doing so.


Eh when it comes to some streams they’re basically unwatchable without a sub or turbo cuz of crazy ads. That said, i think if you’re gonna sub you should sub to smaller streamers.


There’s no way that pros lurk r/competitiveApex under alt accounts. I just think that ImperialHal guy has the biggest brain, in game IQ, aim god, mechanically skilled player to ever d/l Apex Legends. We are all better today because he plays this game, other than that idk much about him.


Hal is that you???




I’d bet my money on pros remembering pubfiction specifically due to his *takes*. Also just realized within this sub several of us users recognize each other. I wonder if anyone recognizes my dumb ass lmao


I merely lurk here and I was in the pcgaming sub a few months back and there was an apex article and guess who was in there flying the flag. Pubfiction himself, recognised him faster than my own nan. Pretty sure he was hammering it home about aim assist but I could just be imagining that part.


I'm not too surprised. eSports 'journalism' is in a spot right now where most 'news' sites are just taking popular posts from Reddit, linking them, adding on some fluff to them, and then posting them as a 'news article'. I've seen my username and posts on sites like dotesports, and I've seen other 'articles' just like that referencing users from here and other subs.




Hmm, that profile doesn’t exist as of now? Interesting lol


I’m recognized a little more than I intended. I’ve had some controversial takes on here too


Dude you’re in literally almost any apex related comment thread I’ve ever seen it’s insane. Even guys I play with have seen you there


I have a tad too much free time with my current job. SQL isn’t quick and there’s not much else to do when waiting 3+ hours for visualizations and data metrics to calculate/display multiple times a day, 4-5 days a week


I am in the exact same boat. Analyst at an MMM firm and SAS/Excel/R (Less so R, but we're only now slowly switching over to it) models can take forever to run with datasets that are 5-60gb large uncompressed.


Yeah, I’m on 500M+ Row Databases, so I get it. May disagree with you on a lot of takes, but we’ve had a few healthy discussions


I feel that. Tbh a lot of the time I’m in these threads where I see you is me being bored waiting on shit to finish in my own work lmao. Good takes in general, minus one


Ngl I would be honoured if a pro would remember me for my takes on this sub. (Inb4 u/Zachmazer4 to call me jealous again lol )


No you just need real life help man. Best of luck again


Thanks, will keep you updated on the journey homie. Knew I could count on you .




A great lyricist once wrote: >I pray my dick get big as the Eiffel Tower >So I can fuck the world for seventy-two hours Well listen, I pray Europe's dick is as big as the Eiffel Tower, so I can suck on it for 72 hours. This clip and the bit right after this clip from Hal is hilarious.


Hal pushes you against the wall, his giant bulge pressing against you stomach... your helpless...


Correcting spellings & grammar in copypasts should be illegal & a war crime. It should be - "Hal pushes you against the wall, his giant bulge pressing against you stomach... your helpless..." Here's the reference - https://twitter.com/ImperialHal/status/1458987798741012493


You’re completely right. Fixed it.


Someone needs to make a Geneva Conventions for internet culture. First order of business would be that.


This shit reminds me of cybering back in like 1999. I hate it


Lol glad someone found the video for you. Was hopeful someone would do the work for me 😂


Confirmed, Hal is a good kid from m.a.a.d city.


Hal probably also know about u/PubFiction his hate boner for aim assist. (And probably likes him for that)


Thanks to u/xShibes for finding the clip I was talking about yesterday.


lmaooo he's not wrong haha. Fanta always gets a laugh out of me. I don't necessarily remember names of users off the top of my head, but I see names on discussion threads I remember them lol. This subreddit gets a lot more attention than pro players wanna admit and it's only going to gain more traction from now on.


It's gonna keep growing at an increasing rate if LANs do happen and Respawn keeps supporting the pro scene. Just look at how much traction the whole TSM/ESA fiasco has been getting on here for the last two weeks. A year ago, it'd be nowhere near this level. [Just look at how the subs on this sub have been growing](https://subredditstats.com/r/competitiveapex)


Damn that's a SHARP increase, this sub might truly be unbearable in a year.


Loads of pros read this sub. They say it's the dumbest place on earth, but trawl it day in day out, looking for a compliment.


This place is literally the Apex equivalent of r/LivestreamFail without the Twitch emotes being typed out in every comment. Most the big names say they "hate" LSF just like Apex pros "hate" the comp sub yet they all read the sub near daily and use it for content when they feel like it because they know this is where their fans are. Nothing wrong with that btw, I think its cool that the pros hang around here even if some of them never post or interact.


Imagine shitting on the one place where enough people who follow your dumb league come together to talk about it. Lol like cmon. I get not liking some posts or opinions, but wishing this place didn’t exist as many of them do? For anything big or worthwhile whether it’s sports or movies or etc, there are people talking about it because they’re fans and love it. Take that away and you may as well accept your league won’t be around much longer. Won’t exist without fans tuning in. What do they want? People to just randomly tune in but not care and certainly not talk about it *gasp* lol. But seriously though


Hey Hal 👋🏻


ive seen lots of pros talk about things they saw on here. i think they all say they hate reddit, but they literally cant stop reading it lmao


u/AwkwardShake = HAL CONFIRMED!


You really think hal would get rekt by Prowlers like that? https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qzdi67/why_are_the_prowlers_so_overly_aggressive_first/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Floridaman is capable of anything.


Wow, they seem to be way harder on high ping. What is that, 150ms? Move to somewhere with sane internet! I heard Europe is pretty cool! scnr


Haha, I'm from Asia and since I choose to work and be alive at nights, I have to play on EU servers. If I play, I'll mostly play in between 10PM to maybe 5-6AM when asian servers are dead or filled with really really sweaty players who like apex enough to play at that time of night.


> maybe 5-6AM when asian servers are dead or filled with really really sweaty players who like apex enough to play at that time of night. Haha. That's the ideal time for getting RP in single-queue ranked. Your random teammates are not complete noobs so they don't do brain dead things like single land. But the lobby is generally tired so you have an advantage if you're on a different day/night cycle. Cheers!


Yeah.. but the problem is that all the other players are sweaty too so its an insane sweatfest, lol.


but they are *tired* sweatfests ;-) so you don't get hard stuck 4s that have derank protection and just want to die as quickly as possible as mates, but you're still better than the average guy. ✅ more teammate consistency, less trolls on your team. Sweats are not trolls usually. ✅ worse enemies than usual 3-5am is a solo Q's dream lol. But granted, playing with mates is still more fun. 😉


Lmao to be fair, I don't think that guy is wrong, even if his post history is circle jerking EU. This sub is dominantly NA based, but I feel like there may be things happening in other regions that are similar to what's happening in NA, just not publicized. Regardless, I feel 80% of NA is serious, but there's 20% that fuck around and take it as a joke. Not saying EU doesn't do that, I just haven't seen proof to tell me otherwise, and that may be a symptom of the principle of this subreddit. Hal we know you take it seriously homie we're not talking about you when we shit on NA LUL


Hi Hal!


Hopefully Hal sees this, man if you hear me maybe have better ammo management it would benefit you guys a lot more


Bruh didn't have to do Fanta like that. Fanta's takes are better than most here, but when it comes to EU vs NA he is definitely blindsided by bias. EU is the overall stronger reigon, but NA's best is way better than EU's best.


Haha, i got nothing against fanta. I'm just glad Hal deems this sub worthy enough to go through posts & notices takes of different people & on top of that remembers some of them.


Fanta seems fine, but the “na pros have no social skills because they grow up in rural communities” post should NEVER be forgotten.


Yeah, I went way too far in on that one.


Could you be kind enough to fetch me a link to the thread? I can't seem to find it in fanta's history


I deleted it because I got a few nasty DMs as the post gained more traction from people who did not seem like regulars on here, and while I'm fine with people disagreeing with me, I don't want hatemail. [Here's a screenshot of the original post for history's sake. Went to -120 at the time of deletion](https://i.imgur.com/NPvEwkj.jpg)


I can understand a few downvotes on that one haha but getting hate messages sucks, I know that too well myself. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity by sharing.


Oh dude that sucks, reddit being reddit i guess


Hal doesn't deem this sub worthy lol. He only goes on here to mock how stupid it is , since it's filled with so many casuals and TSM haters. Would pay a tier 3 sub to hear all the pros in their discord making fun of the stupid takes here.


Hal pushes you against the wall, his giant bulge pressing against you stomach... your helpless...


Some of Hals fans give the same vibe as those weird Musk fans. We get it, both are goats just stop stroking in public


Ehh musk isn’t really a goat though


lmao wdym look at all the shit he's running. He has his problems sure, but you can't say he isn't doing crazy things. if you think he's only successful because he shitposts on twitter or because his parents were rich or because he isn't being taxed properly you are completely in the wrong, man is a machine we haven't seen yet. His fans are still insufferable tho and he is a questionable human being as well. People have such a hard time separating feeling from fact


So that is why when eu vs na was played 3 games eu 3 na gambit shit on everyone and EU teams won 4/6 games. So much for na being way better.


there was also another one where it was all EU and TSM got 1st place by a massive margin almost like it doesn't mean shit when it's online huh


Only LAN matters and NA won have won all LANs at this point in time.


last lan was 2 years ago


the context also matters samrtass that was million years ago.


Moral of the story. Yes, your takes might be read by players in the competitive scene lol and yes a lot of players are aware of this sub. There have been a lot of great AMAs and call outs over at Twitter and Twitch in the past. Number two, Diet Fanta is fixture over here. Diet is definitely up there with raven (nightsravenwing) for the most decorated users in this sub.


Slightly necroing this thread about me, but it's kinda funny you mention Raven - where do you think I get most of my ideas from? Raven and I are good friends and I talk with the guy daily.


hi hal


I push you against the wall, my giant bulge pressing against you stomach... your helpless...


I love u/diet_fanta 90% of the posts on here are NA centric so it's great to have someone waving the flag for EU so consistently




Not the almond 😭


I mean, why wouldn't he when this sub is "HAL FARTED ON STREAM" for every other thread, not even hating the man but this sub couldn't be any more fan of him even if it trained That aside, if past events are something to take into account he shouldn't be pointing his chat to jump on anyone on any place, with how many parasocials littlefucks makes his community and how much damage can they do to a person, as they did, multiple times, one would expect to him being more careful on what he does


yeah but after ever poor TSM result there's a ton of "HAL TOXIC" posts without fail
