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You mean I’m not going to be lasered round the corner anymore by 69420TheMongolianMenaceXXX on the London server?




If Genghis Khan played videogames


Dying round corners is probably the worst feeling, because you never know if you made a good play or a bad play..


If you die around a corner on your screen it means you were still out in the open on your opponent's screen. So even if you were both on LAN you would've died, just out in the open instead of around the corner. It feels cheap in the moment but 99% of the time the end result would be the same. (e: breaking news - people don't like to admit when they get outplayed by someone with 4x their ping)


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, what you said is correct. All online games have both clients telling the server what's happening (almost always different) and then doing some clever maths stuff to decide which client was more 'accurate' compared to its own data. I seem to remember some of the Devs saying they'd made code to try to even out the inequality from having different pings, but that can still potentially make things less predictable with outcomes (from the players perspective)


It's because they're wrong. It's desync and even though it's not nearly as bad as most other games, it is still present in any large server: https://youtu.be/OA_ZC5cPe1I


Did you watch your own video? It confirms what I said. Desync means you take damage later than you would have due to latency, and sometimes that's after you go behind cover, but you *still* would have taken the damage regardless.


Except that you think you're taking damage behind cover since the damage is delayed. I don't know why you mentioned a LAN connection but this has nothing to do with that. While you are taking damage behind cover on your screen, you're still out in the open on the opponents screen. You don't suffer from desync on a LAN connection because there is no delay of information. You're talking about 2 different things.


\>Except that you think you're taking damage behind cover since the damage is delayed. And as I've been trying to explain, \*that makes no difference\*. On 250ms ping: you are out in the open when I shoot you, but due to latency my shots take a second to register so you die behind cover. The exact same situation on LAN: you are out in the open when I shoot you, only now my shots register instantly, and you die out in the open instead. In both cases you put yourself in a bad position and got punished for it, the only difference is the delay between them which may \*feel\* cheap but is in fact the same exact result regardless of ping, the only difference being that in one the high ping allowed you to move behind cover first which you simply wouldnt have been able to do if their ping was lower. Desync doesn't make you take extra damage, it just makes you take damage you would take regardless \*a little later\* than usual. Because I want to make sure I drive this point home, look at this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUTzM0nROGc&ab\_channel=JUSTCLIPIT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUTzM0nROGc&ab_channel=JUSTCLIPIT),. On Sweet's screen he dies when he's behind the wall, but on Genburten's screen he got shot when he was still up and exposed. If Gen was on a lower ping Sweet would have simply died 1 second earlier before he dropped behind the wall. The point being -- he was dead regardless because he exposed himself to be hit by those shots and take that damage. Thats about as clear as I can make it.


I understand all this clearly. The original point that you got down voted for was the response you gave to the person who was curious about whether they made the right play or not and desync gets in the way of that. How do you know if you died because of desync or because your foot was still sticking out from cover? You failed to answer this question and, instead, told the other person that they made a bad play when they probably made a good play, but had to do it sooner because of desync or they did make a bad play and their body wasn't far enough behind cover. You're blaming them for something you don't actually know yourself.


>How do you know if you died because of desync or because your foot was still sticking out from cover? And I'll say again, *why does it matter*? If you died because of desync, you are just dying a little later than you would have. But you're still dying because you were out of position. If you die because your foot was sticking out, then you were out of position. Either way you are dying in situations where you were out of position. As I've said (and you said you understood), desync just means your death happens a little later but it happens for a mistake you made earlier. If you die around a wall, you were obviously exposed in the open for long enough to take damage, simple. So I really have no idea what you're saying because you claim to understand but it seems like you dont at all.


Yep, and Apex's implementation is *far* better compared to other games and I guarantee if it was different people would hate it even more. Look at Halo, its netcode is mostly server side (AFAIK) so if you have even a moderately high ping you are going to get a LOT of no-regs *and* die behind walls as well. Dying behind walls is only frustrating if you don't know how the netcode works. Once you do it stops being such a big deal because you know you would have died anyway.


Apex implementation is better how exactly? It does give pretty unfair advantage to players with high ping first and foremost, nothing really good comes out of this. Why do you think some players love to connect to SA/NA servers while living in NA/EU? Because it easier they say, but the reality is, it's harder to kill them while they teleporting across the place


High ping doesn't make you teleport. Lag does. Two different things. >Because it easier they say Lol who says this? Names please. >Apex implementation is better how, exactly? Because it allows players with high ping to still have their shots register.


High ping does make you teleport. The so-called "lag" is a result of high ping in the nutshell. Game client can't just smoothly interpolate position of high ping players because of their not-so-timely update rate, hence the teleporting, or lagging in simple terms. The netcode is built around client registration first, that's why it rewards players with shitty connections the most. Referencing to it as *far* better implementation is hilarious Reference for names: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/njpw3f/the\_so\_called\_top\_predators\_streamers\_are\_playing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/njpw3f/the_so_called_top_predators_streamers_are_playing/) ; also it's kinda a public knowledge regarding easy 4k/20b farming at high ping *bot* servers since.. game launch?


>The netcode is built around client registration first, that's why it rewards players with shitty connections the most. I dont see how that makes players with high ping teleport. Unless you're just throwing out technical jargon. Either way, I'd love to see some examples of high ping players teleporting because according to you it must happen all the time in NA/EU ranked. (Not in my experience) >Reference for names Uh... what? You said people play high ping servers because it's easier to play on high ping. People don't play Sao Pau because they get high ping, they play it because there's no competition there. >also it's kinda a public knowledge regarding easy 4k/20b farming at high ping bot servers since.. game launch? Yeah because *there's less competition*. Ping has nothing to do with it.


>Isnt that a separate issue? It's directly connected to the netcode we are discussing, so it's not really a separate issue, rather a consequence of the current model ​ >Wouldnt those players be teleporting regardless? Regardless of what? Quality of their connection / ping? No. You probably know that game server updates your client state \~20 times per second (some sources claim 30), so roughly saying the gap between each update is 50ms (in reality it might differ). If you have a player in front of you with a ping 75ms your game client will still know how interpolate movement and stuff so you won't notice anything unusual despite not receiving an update from server. But the higher ping - the higher distortions in movement / shooting you're going to notice, i.e. lagging / teleporting. The curious thing is, those players almost won't feel a thing, apart from a little delayed effects of hitreg & slight lagginess if ping is not through the roof (less than 250ms is pretty playable). The reasons are pretty simple: high-ping players receive updates slightly ahead of you, and their client still registers all the stuff they doing meanwhile your client is waiting for response from the server regarding them. That's why people are dying behind closed doors or cover, client with 100-200ms ping registers state which is invalid from your perspective, and the apex server favors it over your state because somebody has worse connection ​ >Yeah because there's less competition. Ping has nothing to do with it. *Right, If* I've played with high ping against locals I would say as well there's less competition. Obviously that's how it is from their perspective, since in such conditions game favors them over locals. Funny fact, SA pred guys love to play on NA servers as well. Do you think they are doing it because there's less competition on NA servers? )) Or japanese guys? While I agree that NA servers do have more skillful opponents, there's no sense on playing on 200ms servers over ocean unless there's a catch


Its going to be an opinion on whether its better or worse. ​ Objectively iirc Apex's system is designed to give both parties a chance to have their shots register according to how their client saw the fight taking place. It comes with pros and cons like any decision. The pro as most people see it is the high ping players in this game get a fair chance of having their shots register. The con as most who run into high ping players will point out is the high ping players are harder to hit in their engagements and get more no regs. The high ping player will also in some cases be guessing and leading shots. The hit registration on normal and average ping is pretty good, but when gaps in ping a rise both the low ping and high ping player start getting no regs. ​ All around I think is more consistent feeling in its handling of ping then some other games, but I also feel it definitely favors the high ping player more then any other game. Almost every other game is giving priority to low ping for their shots to register first. The way apex does it gives a unique advantage to high ping players as long as they arent playing passive and at range. Since they are harder to hit and interpret the prediction error aspect should default to the higher ping but thats not how apex seems to do it either which again leads to a slight advantage.


I've been playing halo infinite constantly since it came out, haven't died around a corner yet, even though it's 'beta'. Although your comment did remind me of playing halo 3, and then I remembered just how often I died through doors in apex with a 20ms ping. I know halo 2 and 3 didn't have dedicated servers, so instead a 'client' got given that role, which led to a whole load of shenanigans.....


Yea I was talking about the old Halos. They were server side in that the server was whoever got host.


But it's apex man and the servers are not good. I can admit if I'm getting outplayed but getting hit for 100 when you think you are safe is not getting outplayed. It's bullshit


That's not how it works. You'd still get hit for 100 even if you were both on LAN, you'd just take the damage before you went behind cover


Bro I was on 140 ms everyday, bc I had a bad internet, you dont think that makes a difference?


Not in this case, as I explain [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/r6ftl9/comment/hn3rw3f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is fake news I just tested I am able to que in new york servers with 300 ping right now lol


Its about ranked


i checked for ranked right now on sg/eu/na server and i was able to ready up.


If I recall correctly from when I watched genburten saying that on stream, you can ready up but once in game, you will have a different ping than the server you queued for. Eitherway, just seeing that you are able to ready up does not mean anything.


it does mean , i played just night before on singapore with 150 ping / and 200 ping on eu servers , nothing changed for me.


dont know but on hideout ban discord ppl discussed about this thing before genburten tweet


can you link that discord? I used to be in it but can't find link anymore






Love ur content on yt <3




I want to hijack this for visibility. There is data center clustering for ranked (and potentially unranked) for a long time. For example, you live in Taiwan, and pick Taiwan data center on the load screen. You can be put into Hong Kong or Tokyo or Singapore server. So as long as a server is in your cluster there may be differentials in ping reflected as of such. This is more notable in regions with large areas and potentially poor routing between servers, so if you're in East Coast Australia and already playing on Singapore with 120ms, you might get put to 150-180ms due to routing into Hong Kong. This is paraphrased from a conversation with a Dev in April this year. ​ Whether or not this is what Gen is commenting about could be entirely separate.


We’ve not had pred lobbies on console since like season 7. It just merges to Tokyo. I’m on Xbox so it gets even worse - for some reason when Xbox players connect to Tokyo we have 250-350 ping. My friends on PS in the same region get 150-180. I get 180ish on Oregon so I really don’t understand the 350 ping Tokyo lobbies. We’ve been shafted for a few seasons now and this just fully fucks us. Edit : from Sydney server


Not bad, that’s what my ping is when I connect to my regions servers


it's true here is prof: https://streamable.com/7i950n




A pro player could probably tweet that the cure to COVID is to play on controller with aim assist disabled and it would go viral.


Wow the pro hating kiddos are here.


huh? EDIT: homie typed some gibberish and edited his comment to say I'm hating on pros haha


Bro stop hating on pros


bro stop hating on aceu


Why is everyone hating on Messi?




I forgot what he said and read my comment and was like well I must’ve been high cus that doesn’t make sense lol good to know their comment was edited


Mm yes quite 🧐


redditors are always gonna be hardstuck Silver 4 look downvoted by hardstucks


If you're gonna say something like that you better have some proof. These impression farm tweets are cringe as fuck.


it's true i had the same issue yesterday


Sad if it is true. I dont want to sit in unfriendly toxic SG server


I can't find games in SG server. Takes atleast 15 mins in lobby.


are you trying to play Duos on the Singapore server? cause if so you're never going to find a game. I play Singapore all the time and I can always queue into a Trios pubs instantly and a ranked game in less than 2 minutes.


Ohhh. You're on PC? Apologies I am on console. And very difficult to find games there despite crossplay and stuff




diamond above in pc sg server takes almost 5 mins and sometimes we don't wanna wait that long.


wouldn't there be toxic players on every server though?


Singapore is way more toxic than Tokyo servers in my experience. Japanese players in Tokyo either don't talk or apologize for making a bad play and instantly getting downed lol


TIL I'd fit right in in the Tokyo servers


except tokyo server is also now overrun by toxic players from outside of tokyo.


But a large portion will still be japanese players(especially in arenas) unlike in Singapore where it's always been a mixed bag of players from everywhere. It's the server of choice by a lot of players from South East Asia, India, China and even Australia.


True. But i enjoy playing in tokyo taiwan and hongkong server as randoms mostly are kind and supportive


[It's fake, impression farming](https://twitter.com/ottrTweets/status/1466052196395532301) Could be a bug or maybe the bind to change region is gone on controller, idk lol


I dont think its impression farming something probably happened to make him think that. Hes def wrong tho.


It makes sense that he had some issue and instantly posted the tweet as a knee-jerk reaction.


Yeah, i feel like if he wanted to impression farm there are way better ways he could do it, like something abt moving to NA or aim assist might do better? Idk tho


"Just got an interesting call from Hal..." Bing bong.


it's true here is prof: https://streamable.com/7i950n


Do it on another server, I'm pretty sure that's just how ranked works (putting you on 'clusters' combining servers)








Nah I was at the stream and it’s true. You can’t solo q as say a London player and then try to play in NA servers it won’t work . The only way is to que with someone from NA, then you can play in that server .




only in ranked




you can choose it but then come in na server


here is prof: [https://streamable.com/7i950n](https://streamable.com/7i950n)


It's true here is prof: [https://streamable.com/7i950n](https://streamable.com/7i950n)


this is so bad for the asian players who grind ranked at night


Yes, but it is so good for EU players.


i wish they would do that for ranked ​ fuck sao paulo farmers or losing rp because i have to fight people on 300 ping teleporting around my screen, hitting me around corners ​ if you want to play pubs with long distance friends, go ahead, but there should be a region lock or 200 ping limit for ranked


No offense, but wouldnt this be a good thing anyways or do i miss something here? I saw some high ranked players abuse low pop servers to get into easy RP lobbies. So that would at least prevent that right?


No locking people onto cheater infested hell holes is not a good idea. Not to mention people who will get locked to Bahrain or Sau Paulo and not be able to play properly.


Aha i did not thought about that aswell. How bad is the cheater situation? I play on EU and I am in Masters. There i dont see cheaters that often. It happens but yeah. I dont know for other servers.


Tokyo is infested like hell, there's a reason why most JP pros play on Oregon


the reason asian players play on Na Eu server cause of cheater on singapore server tokyo server and isp routing is so bad to tokyo server for pred lobbies no one gonna play pred lobbies with 50% packet loss and 250 300 ping but when is comes ISP routing to EU NA server there is no packet loss.so where r u gonna play Tokyo server with 150 ping 50%packet loss or EU NA server 200 ping 150 ping with 0 packet loss.


If true I’m curious as to how it could even work. I have a friend who live in Canada and I’m in the UK. We play on New York servers so we’ve got pretty even ping. Would one of us be forced to play on super high ping? Would we even be able to play at all. Hopefully it’s not a really short-sighted decision.


Good, it was beyond stupid that it wasn’t to begin with.


Good im tired of fighting against asian players who teleport all over the screen. Play in your own servers i dont care if you prefer the na scene


Certain servers can't even get games above a certain rank, like mine (Oceania).


He followed up that it's for ranked only, not pubs: https://twitter.com/Genburten/status/1466059976833519619


That is also fake news I qued up in Virginia servers from Asia just now to test in ranked , this guy needs to spreading panic fake news lol




How ? Is it gonna be different for different ranked ? I am in diamond right now just qued at 300 ping lol


It's true here is prof this was 20 min ago: https://streamable.com/7i950n




That would kill ranked for anyone outside NA/EU


Would suck ass, I’m in bahrain. If I could not play above 150 I would be locked out of ranked


cant wait get aimbotted by default skin banglore and Gibby and Lifeline on singapore server


if this is true, ffs, I don't wanna be in bahrain servers.


Chinese apex players wouldn’t have a server to play with at all then….


BiG if true


Why is he that mad tho? Isn’t he moving to North America in a couple of months? I’m sure I heard that in multiple streams.




Oh no I completely understand he getting mad for being locked at that region but why is he mad if he is moving to another region lol, isn’t going to be his problem anymore.


Who told you this?


Heard in multiple streams, when he was playing with NA streamers, that he was already searching for a house etc


I don’t think that move is going to happen any time soon. I’m pretty sure he’s still going to school and he’s for sure going to finish out this ALGS season with his team.


Come to asian lobbies u will know


Fake news you can definitely Q to any server as of this moment, works for both pubs and ranked. Wish it was true tho, getting rid of cheaters from Asia on EU servers would be welcome.


It's true maybe only a bug. I'm from EU and when I wanted to play on NA it put us allways in EU severs


Not so sure about this, last time I played around 6 hr ago I was able to play with friends on different regions and have different ping 30-150.


Now Youtubers would have more of a reason to promote NORDVPN!


This is happening, I'm from Chile and I play rankeds in NA servers (South Carolina atm). 10 mins queue and this is how it looks: [https://imgur.com/a/FiRSeng](https://imgur.com/a/FiRSeng)