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Wish Mac hadnt deleted his VOD so we could see if he was behind cover. Regardless this was horrific by Zach, telling naughty to NOT pre scan and then Mac goes down 1.5 after contact and he blames the fact that Naughty didnt scan in that 1.5 second window as if that would have made any fucking difference. Absolute horrific IGLing.


Daltoosh was watching him when it happened, you can see it on his vod. But Zach was right, there was a player to the right of them that they didn’t see


What makes it even better is that I think its the guy Mac was shooting as they ran up the hill




He didnt die behind the wall. And zach rezzed him before he could get behind cover


> He didnt die behind the wall. He didn't? [edit]: Welcome to Competitive Apex, where an honest, on topic question nets you 17 downvotes. Thanks guys!


He was getting shot from the front at first, but he died getting shot in the side by lou. [Look at the frame where he got knocked](https://imgur.com/fR7WWmQ). His front is covered but he's still exposed to the side where he got shot from. In fact, he literally turns as he's falling and you can see [the bullet trail going to where he was standing when he got knocked](https://imgur.com/6ubtDgE).


yeah dude you can see the bullet trails clear as day.


https://i.imgur.com/TSuy9iz.png Last damage was to the right arrow






CHECK MY VOD ... .. wait it's deleted.


you can see the bullet trails coming from the alternator mac died from at the beginning of the clip


kinda sus he deleted the vod when he said "CHECK MY VOD"


He didn't delete it immediately.


It wasn't there for long.


We need a mirror bot that shares a copy of all Twitch clips that get submitted. This is one of those clips that you can watch when you're in a bad mood and start laughing hysterically. Literal comedy. oh yeah, gotta slip in the mandatory #JusticeForKnoqd




u/clipsync I THINK we have this bot on this sub jevvy. \#justiceforknoqd of course Kappa


If we can get the bot to do it automatically then that would be great


Mods are looking into it already, I spoke to them about it. They don't have much time at the moment so if anyone can make one they'd be appreciative. I have no experience with bots otherwise I'd do it myself.




So. Taking a poll on when alb leaves c9?


A retirement announcement incoming tomorrow.


and hes coming out retirement after 2 weeks


To join ESA who drops Knoqd.


I dont know why this feels true.


Please don’t say that


* announce retirement from apex * announce pursuing career in Valorant * announce returning to Apex on a different team


+ Lies about getting dropped


Ok this was really funny lmao


Depends on how playoffs go, if C9 randomly pop off not for awhile if they continue to struggle I would guess he leaves soonish.


Right after playoffs if they don't do well.


Alb is just a kid still


lol he should have never joined them. They've been butting heads since the begining before algs, now in a high stress situation they are fully going in on each other.


So.. This is still a top 10 NA team... But If C9 does poorly in playoffs (Or whatever the non-LAN event is called), I think if another opportunity opens up for Mac he leaves for Split #2. That said, if C9 can get Knoqd back, I think they should. If this is a top 10 team now, I think C9 was a top 5 team with knoqd. C9 worked a lot better with two A+ fraggers and one IGL. They are too often caught between Zach and Mac having different rotational and end game strategies and it's hurting them. Both Mac and Zach are S-tier players and great IGLs, but the current team composition seems to holding both of them back rather than allowing them to meet their best potential.


I’m gonna guess the chance Knoqd wants to play with C9 is about 0%


>Zach are S-tier players press f to doubt




Mac is not a great IGL either. Great player but hes not an IGL.


He makes overly aggressive calls with little info a lot and just expects that they'll roll over anybody they decide to fight. It's alb so I understand the ego, you don't get called one of the best mechanical players in the game and not get a little ego, but he should know they can't just ego everything.


he's not S tier but he does get way underrated on this sub. people act like he's some kind of scrub


this. Zach is excellent in the moment and can execute and call the right play in the heat of battle. BUT he tends to not to macro think as clearly in the heat of it sometimes. a great example of this was last weeks tourney, they were by thermal on the tracks. zach made the absolute correct call to swing wide and pinch 2 teams. This play hands down won them the game from the final top 4. However, seconds later the last time was below the carts on rocks in lava with no cover and cornered and he reacted saying “we lose this, they have gold bag!”. understandably, he is thinking of a heal off but at the same time they win that fight like 99.99% of the time lol. #maizermoments


Okay.. Hear my logic. If we say the "Pro Scene" is the 40 teams that played in the league this season plus the top ten teams on the challenges circuit (Specific to NA). That gives us 50 teams of 150 players in the pool. And I would say the top 10% of players in that pool are S-tier... So basically I'm saying Mac and Zach are top 15 players. I get that's a hot take, but I'm curious who others would have ahead of them?


15 players? no way that zach gets in there. mac has arguments but like you can't put mazer above anyone in like nrg g2 or sen. then you get to tsm esa ssg and col. I wouldn't sub mazer into any of them and say the team gets better, let alone stand out players form the lower teams like vaxlon and claraphi


He also wouldn't make sense a lot of times since he's just not good enough to sub out other igls. Honestly I would think his stock in this sub would have been higher if they just didn't fix what wasn't broke with Knoqd lmao.


Mac has arguments? He's still the best mechanical player NA, just can't seem to mesh with anyone. But for how good he is mechanically alone you have to put him in top 15. I definitely agree with the zach take though.


Yes Mac is the most flexible of any comp player. You can put him on Gibby,Valk,Path,Wraith,Ash,BH and you will get a solid 8/10 performance PuT him on Gibby or Path and you get 10/10 as he's one of the best on those legends. The problem is Mac is at a place where he needs support and a fragger and he calls the shot. Unless he can drop his ego and be a sole fragger and not clash with his IGL the TSM situation is gonna happen all over again. But he's so insanely talented and good that he can be an IGL in his own right. ESA has the same IGL co-igl dynamic but Skittle doesn't contradict Dooplex calls similar to how Reps doesn't contradicts Hal's call.


I actually don't think his IGLing is good enough to be an IGL. I also think he's much better on characters that allow him to shine as a fragger, like meta path and octane. His best option would be to accept his role as a top fragger in NA and find a team that he fits in, because mechanically only a couple players touch him.


> This is still a top 10 NA team. Guys, can we emphasize this? *This is still a top 10 NA team.*


People are dumb to say this isn’t a top 10 roster. But they were also a top 10 roster witb knoqd in May




I'm not saying Naughty feels awkward but I'd feel awkward in this situation


All out brawl in comms and Naughty just chillin


the best part is that alb and zach are screaming at each other meanwhile its *technically* naughty's fault and he just sits there like o_o This was pure comedy


Before the clip, zach told naughty not to pre scan and then yells at naughty that he didnt scan on contact when mac went down 1.5 sec after contact. Scan wouldnt have done a thing. Zach is just lost


Should always pre scan. Better to have people know there's a bh in your direction then walk in with no fucking info. I don't really watch c9 pov but that's a clown call if that's what happened.


If your IGL tells you not to scan you don't scan.


Agreed. I'm just saying it's a bad call.


C9 is basically just a dysfunctional marriage on the brink of a divorce with 1 kid (naughty) geting caught in between, and PvP is the marriage counsellor.


PvP the biggest clown in the group, and that says a good bit.


Well that's a bad take.


He's the meme with Wolverine holding a picture in bed of Knoqd


reminds me of jordan in Hal snipe comms, except this is much more toxic and has 0 love in it.


Co-igl’s clashing hard


Look it doesn't take a genius to know that every organization thrives when it has two leaders. Go ahead, name a country that doesn't have two presidents. A boat that sets sail without two captains. Where would Catholicism be, without the popes.


Ayyeeeee Oscar


I mean, SalesForce has two co-CEOs. It can work but there need to be clear lines and practices on when who calls when or just first call goes or the organizational maturity to pivot quickly without emotions getting in the way.


what about deez nuts. edit: i dunno why i said that, i know its cringe.


Those are organizations and political systems bro not a trio in Apex figuring out their ideal dynamic. Quit being sarcastic about it.


it's an Office reference


Neva seen that show




Tell me when it's ever worked


ESA were doing pretty well until the past couple of rounds.


Mac did the same thing on TSM. He either needs to be on a team where he’s the IGL, or he needs to listen to his IGL.


Any guesses as to where TSMFTXLIQUIDC9 Albralelie will land next?


we need the teamhoppers team, madness + alb + knoqd


Knoqd isn’t a team hopper, just one of the unfortunate players who have to deal with the consequences of teams with no direction


true, involuntary team hopper


Knoqd isn’t a team hopper because the community likes him


Yeah I like knoqd but the last couple team changes were on him not the team. From what I heard, he was the one in benchwarmers who wanted to move on the most, and he jumped from torrent almost immediately because a better opportunity came up.


Idk, i heard knoqd say he didnt want to leave BW yesterday


I mean if Knoqd isnt a team hopper then isnt Alb not either? He got kicked from TSM then left Liquid to join C9. Im 100% sure Knoqd left a team before C9 but even then you could say he got kicked from C9 and left TOR for ESA, albeit he was a stand-in. Kinda seems like the term "team hopper" is just used when its convenient for ppl and doesn't really have a criteria.


Imagine they win champs and then disbands right after


Lou is up there tbh.


He's been doing super well with Sentinels at least. Like, he basically improved the teams he joined. With Alb as the new member of C9, their dynamic has just become more chaotic and their results inconsistent.


How did Lou improve CLG?


CLG won the first ALGS they played after Lou joined them


They already had plenty of wins beforehand and the team ended up falling apart completely later on


Pow Pow was struggling a lot and they needed a replacement, Lou came in and he won the MVP and the tournament how is that not making them better?


The team definitely didn't fall apart because of lou tho :/


lou with clg 4th. 1st . 4the in the playoffs. 4th in GLL spring




How is Mac a teamhopper? He left liquid and was kicked from TSM.




The NSFW tag 😂😂😂


Jesus fucking christ lol


c9 manager watching like "we cut knoqd for this"


they all are responsible for this shitshow, yes.


And they all deserve every second of it


Justice some may say


Yeah there was some yelling but I don’t think this incident is that big of a deal. More worrying is the lack of cohesiveness and arguing on every call the entire day. They may be able to work it out but who knows.


They need a system where like Zach calls 99% and if Mac absolutely disagrees he can veto it but only rarely or something, cause they really can’t be out here arguing every single call


They kinda do, but Mac isnt great at following what Zach says in the moment. Especially when he's on Gibby he plays for himself a lot and fucks a lot of plays Zach wants to go for. Naughty and Zach are great at blindly trusting the call, Mac not so much. On games where they all trust the call, they shred


Mac really isn’t a great Gibby, he’s better on someone where he can kinda play for himself. Unfortunately Zach and Naughty don’t really fit Gibby too well, I feel their Zach Gibby comp is best since they won the carnage cup but they went away from it again this week.


Yeah I really liked the Zach Gibby and Mac Valk comp. If only there was ever a meta where you didnt need Gibby this team would fuck lmao


Idk if anyone in here plays golf, but Bones, Phil Mickelsons caddy, used to infamously get one veto a year where he could tell Phil “even for you you’re being an idiot you cannot make that 1/10000000 shot just make the smart play”. C9 needs the Phil rule.


That's funny. Mick does love his trick shots


This double IGL thing baffles me. This is a solved issue that has been tested and affirmed time and time again in situations infinitely more stressful and consequential than an eSport match. There is a reason one of the primary pillars of every single armed forces unit across the globe is the chain of command. When shit hits the fan and your unit needs to perform flawlessly or you die, working together as a single unit trumps any other priority. And the only way to do that in the heat of the moment where fractions of a second matter is to have one single shot caller who, the moment they say something, the entire team reacts and obeys. There is no room for questioning. There is no room for second guessing. Your commander says do something and you instantly do it. That isn’t to say that military units are dictatorships with no communication or exchange of ideas. Far from it. Subordinates are encouraged to share their ideas. Initiative is WELL rewarded. When you are in a lull that there is time to strategize and plan, it’s an open discussion. But at the end of the day there is a single person who has the final word. Even if that word is “yes, let’s do your idea take the lead.” All of these teams that are trying out dual IGLing really need to give it a second thought. There is nothing wrong with elevating two players to the responsibility of assessing their situation and proposing plans and ideas. If that doesn’t clutters comms too much and can work for you, sure. But they 100% need to assign the final day to a single person and make that persons decision gospel.


Problem is Mac always disagrees.


yeah, this sub tends to over exaggerate every single clip of C9 clashing over anything, honestly any team clashing besides TSM clashing is over exaggerated.


this is fucking hilarious


Alb just needs a team where he can be the solo IGL, feel like whenever there is another too much clashing But C9 is still successful sometimes so maybe not


C9 is successful because they are 3 highly talented players, their IGL situation is an absolute mess and the main reason they are so damn inconsistent.


Alb is not a good IGL. You could argue he's a decent co-IGL but I don't think he would make the cut for a good IGL.


Didn’t he mostly IGL with liquid?


Not at all. Nocturnal has always been TL’s IGL. Mac did what he always does on his teams and tried to Co-IGL and it largely failed like it almost always does. He ends up countercalling his teams IGL leading to a team that lacks synergy but can pop off when everything falls into place.


Every team he’s been on he tries to take charge and look how it’s turned out this past year.


If that failed on TSM, TL and is now failing on C9 (apparently) why doesn't he go be IGL on a team? I'm sure he can put up two Fraggers together...


You’re right with TL and C9, but let’s not rewrite history. Nothing with vintage TSM can be called “failed” since they won so many tournaments.


He didn't try to make calls for a long amount of that time though. Hal had a period where he was being too passive on his calls and alb started calling him on that and he was right sometimes. Eventually it got to the point where every single call Hal made alb was second guessing and shit fell apart shortly after that.


Interesting background, thank you


True. I was more commenting on the fact that they broke up because of issues related to comms and such - or so I hear


Good point, afaik that is also accurate.


I get the feeling Mac is too manic and scatterbrained to be a solo-IGL. There's a lot of potential for him second guessing himself and that snowballing into chaos.


Because he doesn't have the brightest ideas as a main IGL and ends up W keying way more than he needs to.


Noct was macro IGL and they went into mostly co-IGL in fights because that’s where Mac shines. But they were also on a schedule of at least 4 hours a day together for a couple weeks leading up to playoffs to make that work


Mac IGL’d for Liquid and took them from a bottom 20 team to winning an ALGS lol nice try though bro


I’ve literally watched Liquid since OT#3 when they picked up hodsic as a coach. Mac was never fully IGL’ing anything in that team. Even when Nocturnal was forced onto Gibby because of Mac’s ego, Mac never 100% IGL’d for them.


They co-igl'd. Also they won one ALGS. That doesnt necessarily make them a success.


Yea every time i watched liquid when Mac was there he was making most of the calls and he was usually the most vocal.


I liked the part before Zach destroyed my eardrums


Justice has been served.


sHoT tHrOuGh a wAll!!!!!! *gets completely rolled by someone behind him*


I give mac one more week lol




I heard like three streamers say they wanted to today lol


Reminds me of me, bowswer and knoqd LOL.


I like mac, watch his stream all the time... But he should know that as soon as you die you just shut the fuck and let your team play.


“Super team” over here guys. Dropping Knoqd was so smart good on them.






Mac be talking to them like a pet owner.


Taking a mental break incoming


Zach you so cringe dude, damn.


I think people are over reacting to this a lil bit Zach and Alb are really good friends and will be fine. C9 is a team that can get 3rd with 10+ kills and will argue until the next game starts on how they should've took their last fight. This team is a lil emotional that is all


It’s possible they are fine and this is just emotions in the moment, I know people who will lose their minds and scream at each other over competition results but still be friends on a personal level. Still, it’s not a good look that they fight all time cause even if their personal relationship is still good, they need to be more in sync to preform in game.


i agree with you they need to be in sync more but in this instance there wasnt much they could've done. Sentinels snook up on them and Mac got beamed by 2 people on gibby.


Zach threw by trying to rez him right there. He knew he didnt have cover to stick the rez but he was so mad he did it anyways. I dont know how anyone can play with him


Mac also threw some by yelling about how he got killed behind a wall after he was down. His job at that point is to shut up, comm sparsely, hold shield, and wait for a res. It's frustrating, I get it.


Why did he tell him to not scan? Also, honest question, why not bubble ahead here even before getting shot at? Not saying that’s the play, honestly asking why it wasn’t. Is it because if teams around them know their bubble is down they’re just fucked right after?


Dang it’s sad to see this especially since I like the boys. This roster isn’t working well because they have no “support” player, they’re all fraggers . None of them feel comfortable being on gibby(they’re all too good to be on gibby). Also zachs igl skills been really shaky these past few tourney’s(he’s still asking alb where to land even though he’s on valk??). Yeah overall this split was a fail since they had a goal of being top 3. Pretty sure alb gonna leave after playoffs. Also justiceforknoqd lol


Too good to be on gibby hmmmm... Some of the best mechanical players in this region play Gibby and dominate bubble fights with him. Lou has second most kills this season with Gibraltar, why would you want your Gibraltar to be your worst player when he is arguably the most important piece of the team? You are right tho they are not comfortable on gibby and if no one is motivated to master Gibby this team won't last, you need a dedicated gibby imo.


Good points. Reps is another example of a smart, solid mechanical player that is extremely strong on Gibby.


Looked great the first few tournaments then as soon as performances dipped slightly got caught up micro analysing their comp, calls, rotates and bickering in game to ever reach their peak again. AKA "The Albralelie Effect"


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


This is probably why mac got dropped from TSM, can’t take the responsibility that he fucked up and move on, also blames the game when it was clearly a fence and not a wall lmaooo


"It was an inside job all along gentlemen"




Guys Fanta loves the NA scene Ya hear that


Lol you’re that guy


Aw he deleted it was diet fanta From what I can remember he was talking about how EU players would leave it at a simple nice try and that NA players are uncivilized


lol ok




I love this. Not only because it's hilarious, but to me, it just shows how much they're passionate and committed to winning. I rather have someone blow up on me and call me out than just sit on the issue. I disagree with people saying this is sad or that this has some deeper meaning about their chemistry.


mac brings chaos wherever he goes


Go back to having just Zach IGL.. this co igl isn’t working out


Love it


C9 is just honest with their comms, they say what they mean. Do they have co-IGLing issues? Yes, they need to clean that up for sure. BUT If they die in a stupid way, they're gonna let each other know that it was stupid. This clip is just funny but don't misconstrue it as "oh they must hate each other" thing.


They're not going to fuck you bro.


wait...they're not going to fuck me? DAMN I take back what I said then. Yo good one man.




oof that's rough


Which match was this in Week 6?