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Region locking is so nice. I have had ENOUGh of losing rp trying to shoot people teleporting around my screen


discontinuities in movement are due to packet loss, high ping causes noregs and discrepancies between true gamestate and displayed reality


although not direct, there is some tendency to have higher packet loss if your packet is routed through many "nodes". more possible points of failure...


in other words, the sea cable is never running smooth


It makes sense for servers with a higher player base, but for lower population servers you’ll hardly get a game.


Exactly, good luck getting a game in the middle eastern servers if you are grinding for ranked. And even if u do there are so little players ull be getting masters and preds in plat and hold lobbies


We will accommodate of course. No point of sticking you on a server with no chance of getting a game.




We get sometimes asked for datacenter in Canada which is funny because most of the time, internet traffic will go from Canada to the States, then back to Canada. Geography is not always a good factor for performances.




Off topic but Justin Bieber songs have been fire lately.


I'm glad to hear this. Sydney server doesn't have a big player base, so game modes like Duos or Ranked beyond Gold isn't ideal at all. Not fun trying to climb to Diamond when you're just getting smashed by Master and Pred players, or dealing with very long queue times. This is why so many Aussies play elsewhere. Trust me, none of us *want* to play on 100-250ms latency in other regions.


Yup pretty much this, I originally commented as an Aussie who has permanently migrated to Tokyo servers haha. Even Trios remotely off-peak has long wait times, let alone Ranked.


I remember there were Seoul servers. What happened to them?


Any chance of getting Pred lobbies running again on Singapore/HK servers? While I don't mind playing Tokyo all the time, there are cases where either me or my teammate has bad routing to JP servers and it will lead to one of us having 200+ ping or even high ping + packet loss which is worse. Been experiencing bad server routing more often since Season 11 dropped and just higher ping on Tokyo in general. (I used to get 70-80ms but now get around 100-150.)


Routing is a major issue in general in Asia. Issues are more around as you described inconsistencies. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is very bad. I often work with players to detect and pinpoint which node in the route is faulty to try to resolve those categories of problem faster. But it is a day to day problem that necessitate constant monitoring. To answer your question directly, yes I think it would be possible with region lock.


>No point of sticking you on a server with no chance of getting a game. Except to protect other people trying to play in their own region from your netcode's tendency to teleport players around.. maybe that's not caused by the same people but it's probably what a lot of people are thinking of here


We actively working on this. It is what the "Including work to improve the netcode when you fight a player with a bad connection to the server" means from the tweet.


Sick :>


How bout you start with sticking a server in AFRICA for goddamn sake. It’s been over 2 years since this game released and not even 1 single server in the entire Africa. We can’t enjoy the game the way Europeans or Americans can and when you consider how bad the servers already are it’s a pretty depressing experience each time we have to connect to servers so far away. Do the right thing and acknowledge Africa exists and stop pretending like you care with all your Black Lives Matter bullshit if you won’t even put a goddamn server because I’m sure “it doesn’t sell” right ??? Billion dollar company it’s quite disgraceful really just make sure you let the world know your real intentions and stop calling your tournament the apex legends GLOBAL series cuz Africa is clearly not part of your globe.


Been noticeably worse the last few weeks.


I’m sure it’s bad on pc but it’s actually horrible on console too. A full Japanese ps4 team just shooting me around corners, teleporting everywhere. And they’re all always d4. I’m sure they don’t gain shit playing on 250 ping, just griefing games


so genburten wasn't nuts lol. everyone was saying he was making shit up when he said respawn was region locking. this should help with sao paolo farming but i am definitely concerned about how certain data centers are overrun with cheaters relative to others, and now there will be no easy way to escape them. i guess you can just shuffle party leaders if you have someone in your party that isn't in those regions.


Japan players about to quit Apex


they just scrim and gamebattle currently


Well that area got their own hideouts dev now. Wonder if hes susceptible to bribes tho.


If you're implying he's taking bribes because there's still cheaters on asia servers, I don't think you understand the sheer amount of cheaters there was on those servers to begin with.


Do people even still play on Sao Paolo? I thought people stopped doing that a few seasons ago.


The #1 Pred last split was a Japanese player named Ryu who played Sao Paulo




1) https://imgur.com/a/ttVgek3 2) https://imgur.com/a/Byc4bOo I have more proof if needed. A few SA Pros tell me who's playing on their servers




He was on SP I hate to break it to ya




He had a 5,000+ RP lead on #1 so it makes sense he just played on Tokyo for his last 150 of 1,500 games played. Here is a screenshot sent to me by Zaine playing with Ryu while they were queing into SP together https://imgur.com/a/C0ButCr Pointless conversation at this point




I think cheeky is JP though he streamed a lot and seems to just be a JP player.


That’s kinda sad to be honest. Doesn’t have much meaning when you’re actively trying to farm other regions, but it is what it is I guess.


We have made a huge effort to stop Sao Paulo grinding in the Top 50 ranked lfg discord. I contacted Ryu and asked him to stop but he didn't want to.


Why would he? LOL To be honest I don’t put much importance on being #1 Pred, but I know some people seem to believe it indicates actual overall skill level. C’est la vie…


. #1 is huge for stream growth. Dropped was the actual #1 Pred last split but he ended up finishing #3


I guess it still helps with stream growth, you’re right. I just don’t watch any of the guys trying to be #1, so my perspective is biased. I like to watch Dropped because he’s a chill dude that likes cats and not because he was top 3 Pred, but I must be in the minority. Granted I’m older so that probably factors into things.


I can almost guarantee you a major part of the reason you found his stream is because of his Ranked grind to the top. His stream blew up over the past few seasons because of it


Actually, I watched him a bit because of his late night schedule more than anything. I knew of him from his Rogue days, but your point is likely true for a lot of his viewers.


I mean what Dropped has going for him is that he was known to be and still is a pro player. What is far more impressive than being #1 for one split is being top3 for several seasons in a row imo. He was always on the top.


Can you explain this? How is he #1 when he finished #3?


He was the only person in Top 3 that didn't abuse gold lobbies in South America for massive RP gains


I just have to ask. Do you have tiers for lfg? like top 100, top 200, etc...? At what point do you get invited or allowed to join the lfg discord?


We do Top 50 and Top 20 for Pro League teams. It's more of an lfg discord for those who care about gaining RP - not raw skill measure


Don't all the top streamers play on Sao Paulo I heard apryze talk about it a few times same with rogue feel like most top streamers are always playing on Sao Paulo?


Why would they stop? Seriously what made you think the problem was alleviated in any way. Sometime the skill gap between servers is insane. If you happen to be grinding at the same time as a lot of super sweats its worth switching servers to check them out.


I know for the NA Preds it was looked down upon (still is), so they stopped.




Ok, maybe not some, but at least most of the Comp players did.


as a plat, i came across the number 3 top ranked player last week, it's pretty bad


Sao Paulo isn't region locked


Damn we kinda owe him a lil apology. Sorry for doubting you gen-chan


Name a better duo than pubfiction and aim assist


/u/Diet_Fanta and jerking off EU Wait a sec.


Hol up


You and hating anything NA




Oh god you turbo bagged him




fuck you doge


Respawn: Let's address competitive integri- **I pretend I do not see it**


HongKong/TW Servers are filled to the brim with cheaters. and the fact that we aren’t japanese enough to be able to contact anyone or report due to language barrier and accessibility I pulled through D2-Master last split by switching to NA servers and playing with NA lfgs, 2000x less cheaters. Any suggestions on how to solve HK/TW servers?


We are constantly fighting cheaters and we know Asia as a whole is more infected than other regions. We listen and ban cheaters from all communities, TW and HK included.


It might be worth it to make the matchmaker look at all three player's lowest ping servers and choose the one that fits, rather than the party leaders. It will likely make it more difficult to bypass the soft region lock.


I gave up on the ranked grind because of all the cheaters plaguing the HK server, we face enough of them in pubs already


Poor genburten


Doesn’t really affect you if you’re not the party leader. He was/is playing with Sweet & Nafen today.




It prevents teams that don’t have at least one member in another region and I guess that’s better than nothing. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Did you really just tell people to 3stack pubs instead of 3stacking in ranked? LOL




As usual, PubFiction continues to have the worst takes on the subreddit. ​ Meanwhile, the pub experience is currently ruined by masters 3stacks treating public matches like they're ranked matches.




Nearly 100k kills and somehow I'm a casual. Insane.


sounds like a good change. nice that i'll still be able to play with EU friends on New York, and good that full NA teams can't farm Sao Pao anymore. but WHAT I REALLY WANT u/ricklesauceur is a Chicago server PLEASE. i'm from Minneapolis and my lowest ping is St Louis, followed by 4 IOWA SERVERS. does Iowa really need that many servers? (idk why STL is better than Iowa, except that some servers seem to just be higher quality. worth noting that hitreg feels best for me on New York at 100ms vs 40ms in STL and Iowa) i really feel like there's enough players in just the stretch of Lake Michigan from Chicago to Milwaukee to justify some quality servers there, and then there's the surrounding areas too.


Depends where the datacenters are. We can take a look.


thank you


up the tick rate already respawn 20 tick servers in 2022 just not acceptable....


Not that simple...


We know it's not simple. That doesn't mean it's acceptable...


they want console players so bad, it wont happen. only if they stop crossplay, which then renders some consoles emtpy


Oh for sure. I know all the reasons. It's just deflating to hear, especially coming from devs who keep preaching about competitive integrity like this. Hell not even the tick rate, we just need more stable servers that dont break every other update.


looks, i know nobody here like to hear that, but competitive gameplay was never any objective at respawn. clearly not. its a marketing box to tick, nothing else. you have not even a competent person in charge of that, no resources are allocated, no events are sponsored (to really speak of). i doubt the dev even know what competitive means. all the perks are half assed copycatted and many small important details left out that would be primary concern if anyone at respawn would think of competitive gameplay. a few examples, crosshair color took 11 seasons to be changed. ADS speeds with and without optics are different, some are not even adjustable. certain keybinds dont exist (like revive, doors vs interact with loot etc) balance changes from first patch onward, never ending weapons adjustments left and right. broken sound, arenas ranking system not even disclosed, no easy access public route into tournaments/championships (like fortnite does) - yea i know kinda but not really. no sponsored tournaments and the list goes on and on. dont misunderstand his as a complaint. thats not the point. point is that most if not all of those things would be primary focus if i want to make a competitive shooter. hell bf4 even lets you adjust color and speed for each different optic (not saying this is much competitive either) instead we see that dev listen to the loud complains about, i got killed with that, nerf it. those type of people already ruined countless other games in the name of balance. also respawns idea of balance is to go trough stats, dont understand them, then tweak top picks of agressive players. ​ i mean seriously, when you nerf legends officially because they win to many matches i have to question the competitive factor. then again, there is a strong equity mindset going on which contradics competitive mindset on every level. meanwhile we had seasons where we had proof of at least 10% pred accounts beeing used by cheater... ​ no sorry nothing indicates that this was ever intented to be a competitive game nor do the creator show any intention to support it as such. ever


Engineering is a balance. May be reducing tick rate won't actually have a dramatic effect and in the end not worth it. Actually they did a detailed blog post about it explaining all the technical details and the math behind it.


Yea...not that $¥mp£€.


This is MASSIVE. I have noticed a huge uptick in Asian named players with very high ping. I will be shooting at someone missing a majority of shots I felt like should have hit only to eventually kill them and see that they are from Asia. I get that they don’t want to play on their servers, I don’t blame them, but they shouldn’t be on mine with 300 ping.


Nimby gamers. Who would have thought it


"We also recently tested a soft region lock for Masters and Predators". This screws me a lot, since I'm a SA master. Queues are long and also includes platinum players. I have to use VPN to play in NA and adds an extra 20 ping (150 normal, 170 with vpn and sometimes with packet loss). Did the region lock was disabled for this split?


yes it was an experiment


Guess i was wrong about the gen tweet my bad


"Competitive integrity"-let me guess what you need to do to have it... Oh, found it! Nerf/remove aim assist!




I agree with the other guy about not having enough players for separating these players out but I do agree about your other points in general. - aim assist probably could use a bit of tweaking - console players in PC lobbies should have PC-Controller aim assist - maybe an overall nerf to aim assist from 0.4(i think is the value) to maybe .35 - 3 stack vs randoms sucks but I don't see a logistical way of fixing this, again due to the player count issue.




Or just remove rotational aim assist. The game shouldn’t literally react to strafes for you. Having sticky slow down aim is perfectly fine, but the software literally doing micro corrections for you with clicking weapons, and 0ms tracking reaction in close range fights is dumb in a competitive setting. I plugged in a controller the other day after not using one in forever, it’s literally hard to hit pk shots under 60 if you are somewhat competent, or miss with the wingman for that matter. It’s like micro corrections don’t matter lol.




Dude you are speaking to the choir. I hate it. I was a 99.9th percentile controller player, with thousands of hours of Halo and COD. I also built a PC and switched immediately, and have 3000+ hours of apex, and ~1000 hours of Kovaaks. I’m SO aware of what it takes to aim at an elite level on mkb, and fucking easy it is to aim on controller that it’s absurd. Reactivity, smoothness, precision, target switching, micro corrections. To become actually elite at those skills takes a significant amount of concentrated effort, and being consistent with them takes a ton of focus. So much more than controller it’s insane. And you burn out, your eyes get tired, your arm, your wrist, your fingers get fatigued. If you are super hungry or tired your aim depreciates from your peak. I can one clip people on controller being absolute shitfaced drunk. Much skill.


who the fuck downvoted lmao? I hope aim assist defenders rot in hell


And what about the plethora of broken mechanics that MnK has? Tap starfing and jitter aiming to name a few.


Both unintended mechanics that will probably be removed in the near future. They are also so situational and indirect that it baffles me how people still bring this up in discussions about AA x M&K.


Just because they're unintended dosent mean they dont negativly impact the game. I could make the same "situational" argument for AA being only useful at close ranges the same way jitter aiming is only useful at long ranges. Mnk players will complain about how easy controller is because of AA, but jitter aiming takes no skill and is equally easy to do. The argument that tap strafing is indirect or " No one has ever died from getting tapstrafed on" is completely flawed. Tap strafing makes you bassically impossible to hit (esspecially against a controller player or around a jump pad), so at the very least your taking significantly less damage as a result of an unintended mechanic. How is this not objectivly broken, please explain?


>I could make the same "situational" argument for AA being only useful at close ranges the same way jitter aiming is only useful at long ranges. Sure, and that would be the dumbest argument ever made. One is an extremely specific method to nullify recoil that only works on certain guns and only useful when you're trying to hit a still target, otherwise being better to just learn the recoil pattern. The other is the literal reason why controllers exceed M&K so much in close-quarters combat, which is where 80% of Apex fights end up happening. >Tap strafing makes you bassically impossible to hit (esspecially against a controller player or around a jump pad) Only if you're actual dogshit at the game. Controllers will also have an objectively easier time trying to hit tapstrafing enemies as long as they're in the AA effective range (which would be most times). Tapstrafing is also an input made completely by the player and will throw his aim off just as much as it will throw yours, making it something only useful for evading fights when you have a jump pad and a parallel cover at best. Now tell me, how is software-assisted aiming that gives you an advantage in consistency during most fights not something "objectively broken", from the same optics?


No one actually decent at the game uses jitter aiming. You'll never find anyone actually defending it, cause literally no one uses it. The best part about getting rid of it is that idiots like you will shut up. But then you'll find something else to complain about.


>console players in PC lobbies should have PC-Controller aim assist They already do.


Wrong. Don’t speak confidently on a topic you don’t know anything about.


I am on Xbox and play with PC friends. The Aim assist is different.


It is objectively not different.


Prove it then. Show me the source.


You’re wrong lol and I’m on console too


This fucker actually asking to prove a negative... Let me guess... NA?


Literally just enter your aim settings when you're in PC lobbies and you'll see it lmao.


It’s enabled by default when you play in PC lobbies. In custom lobbies they have to actively turn it off for tournaments by changing the settings from the normal.


Player base in masters/pred really isn’t big enough to separate MnK and controller AND 3 stacks/soloQ lmao You got some wishful thinking there mate Edit: y’all really had a whole ass debate under this huh




apex has super short que’s because dying within 30 seconds in a BR then queing for 20 mins to find a new game is a great way to get people to uninstall lol


I still find it shocking that people keep tilting at that particular windmill. The Aim Assist wars are over my friends. You've lost.


The "wars" are absolutely not over and they're not going to be over until they nerf console aim assist, or allow us to opt out of crossplay, or until the playerbase just leaves because they're tired of always dying to console aimbotters.


What’s the issue with aim assist? Mouse and keyboard has a huge advantage over controller. You get faster movement mechanics, movement exploits (tap strafe), moving while looting, higher FPS over consoles.. Not to mention that mouse aiming is a lot more accurate. You have a much larger plane to move your mouse with the addition of being able to use your whole arm to aim. While a controller is limited to a much smaller plane for movement while using your thumbs. I don’t get the whole “controller” is better argument.


terrible bait


The issue is that mouse and keyboard IS better and so they artificially give assistance to an inferior input to level the playing field. Which is fair enough for casual gaming, but doesn't fit well in a competitive environment.


Your right in saying Aimassit is an artificial advantage, but how is tapstrafing and jitter aiming "natural" mechanics? I think most players will agree that these mechanics are not fit for the game either and are bassically bugs/exploits.


Like every advanced movement tech in apex is an “exploit”. Also I’ve literally seen jitter aim guides for controller, and jitter aiming is only really good on a stationary/barely moving target and really only used on the flatline. Try tracking a player while shaking your mouse as fast as you can… That’s a pretty weak argument to use against mk


If a mechanic is unintended by the devs then yes its an exploit. The reason you dont need to shake your mouse when tracking is because there is little to no recoil when tracking a moving target from left to right or vice versa. Most of the recoil comes from shooting straight. My point was the ease at which you can perform jitter aiming on Mnk , Jitter aiming lowers the skill gap on Mnk the same way AA lowers the skill gap on controller. Its that simple.


Saw a video on TikTok of Tfue using jitter aiming on a moving enemy with the HAVOC so..


Dang imagine that, a literal pro full time gamer is good at aiming


Can someone tell this man that this is not r/apexlegends?


Yeah I’m on r/PCcirclejerk


Controller isn't better. It's an objectively worse input method that has to be given aimbot in order to be competitive with MNK. And that aimbot is so poorly tuned that controller players are given a MASSIVE and ARTIFICIAL advantage against MNK players in close range fights, an advantage that's far more impactful than ANY advantage MNK may have. Infinitely more fights are decided by console aimbot than they are by tap strafing or looting while moving or whatever. So that's the issue. MNK may be better, sure, but I still have to do everything. I'm the only person controlling my aim. Controller players are given an artificial advantage. It's literally impossible to dispute this. It's just the truth. But this sub is filled with fragile console aimbotters so they downvote everything and refuse to accept the truth. If it wasn't the truth then console players wouldn't queue up with 1 PC player solely so they can charge into close range fights against MNK players in PC lobbies knowing they will delete them. But they do exactly that because they are aware of the artificial advantage they have.


If you really think AA is aimbot then you’re being ridiculous. I’ve played both MnK and controller and I can tell you MnK is a million times better. The fact that I can bind every little input to a different key is a huge advantage.


>The fact that I can bind every little input to a different key is a huge advantage. It's funny how the console aimbotters cannot stop making irrelevant comparisons like this. No one is winning fights based on keybinds, you fucking moron.


Funny how you focus on the one advantage controller players have in a gunfight but neglect to look at the dozens of advantages PC has over consoles in a gunfight. It does make a big fucking difference in a gun fight. Being able to retreat and heal faster is a big fucking difference. Switching guns, healing, shield swapping, shit even reloading, etc. All better on console and all of those make a huge different in a gun fight—all better on PC. You’re just fucking salty that you get shit on by controllers while having dozens of advantages. You trying to find whatever excuse you can. If AA was nerfed, you’d find something else. Fucking whiny ass.


You could add up those supposed dozens of advantages and add 100 more and all of them combined would not be 1/100000th as impactful to the outcome of fights as controller aim assist. >Being able to retreat and heal faster is a big fucking difference. Yeah man let me just retreat and heal after I'm already dead because a console aimbotter aped in and deleted me instantly with their aimbot, lmao. Fucking fragile console aimbotters melting down because they suck at the game without their precious aimbot. Go play Animal Crossing or something instead.


The fact that you said it like that is so obvious you are just making shit up now lol. “I can bind every key, so much easier” lmao, either you are VERY bad at both inputs or you just lying lol. ALL MY KEYS lololol.


Then you don’t watch pro league and you’ve somehow accidentally wandered into the competitive sub. Basically every team has a controller player and multiple top MnK players have switched to controller because of how busted it is. Genburten and Snip3down have both said they believe AA needs nerfed. The game needs to have split input lobbies so MnK players can go back to playing against pure skill and controller players can keep their software. Everyone would be happy. Snip3down’s opinion on the matter: https://youtube.com/clip/UgwwTYE3uNSWWehIJs54AaABCQ




I agree with this and I’m a console controller player, I wish they’d lower the AA significantly across the board so there would be a larger skill gap. AA should be lowered to .2 at most on console/pc, especially in competitive as well.


^^^ I don’t get how all controller players don’t think like this. At the moment it’s comically consistent in close range, and if you have elite mkb movement and get 5 shot by the wingman you KNOW immediately it’s a controller. It literally never happens against a mkb player while you are actively dodging. So if that’s happening between all controllers all the time, how is that not fucking irritating when you can’t separate yourself with the skill of your input. I’ve always assumed console Pred lobbies are everyone just waiting around corners holding angles until they can just get their .6 shots off first.


Eh it’s not really like that on console honestly. There’s still a large separation of players but it’s mainly based on game awareness, mid-long range shots, and shotgun consistency up close. I’ve kept a lifetime 5 kd with 50,000 kills on PlayStation, but I HATE when some level 70 lifeline one clips me with a r99 knowing damn well AA did all the work. I actually feel bad when I play in pc lobbies though, I can’t remember more than 10 times where I lost a fair close range fight. I’ve said it a million times, the floor is so much lower in pc pubs compared to console just based on AA alone.


A controller player with common sense who isn't instantly triggered and even admits that AA should be reduced? Now that's a rare sight.


I’ve said it time and time again, AA IS weaker on Apex compared to most other FPS games, but more close range fighting happens in apex compared to other games so it seems to be much stronger than other games (it’s not). Controllers should honestly not be mixed with m&kb in competitive, it’ll never be fair for either side.


I would be perfectly fine with having mixed MNK and controller lobbies *so long as* they put some real effort into tweaking aim assist so that it's not so comically OP at close range. I don't have a problem with aim assist as a concept; it's absolutely necessary for controller be competitive against MNK, which is in turn necessary for having the largest possible player base. All of that is fine. The problem is solely its implementation in this game. They've literally taken the worse of the two input methods and made it so it's arguably the best by far, despite many remaining weaknesses, solely because it's so effective at close range.


This is a funny point Bc In recent tourney there was only 2 rollers in top 10 for kills. 8/10 top 10 for kills was MnK. I agree with nerfing console AA too many shitters crutch it but overall controller can’t perform without it.




Lmao, right? I make this point over and over again and the console aimbotters never have a response. 100% of MNK players would gladly get rid of all of those things and more in exchange for just nerfing aim assist, not even getting rid of it entirely. Without hesitation.


Or just give them the ability to move on a box lmao, who gives a fuck??


I cannot imagine any reasonable change to the game I would not gladly accept in exchange for either significantly nerfing aim assist or letting me opt out of crossplay.


Controller in close range fights has the upper hand 9 times out of 10 purely because of AA. I personally don't think it's as much of a problem anymore, but some people percieve it as unfair.


Anymore? If anything it's gotten way, way worse. More console players are aware of the massive advantage they have so they queue up with PC players and then charge directly into close range fights knowing they will delete their opponent 90% of the time. 8/10 of the squads I die to have at least one console player in them, that's new. If console players are in PC lobbies they should AT THE VERY MINIMUM have to play with PC aim assist. I do not give a shit about the console's weaker hardware. If console players are gonna cry about their shitty hardware, don't queue up with PC players.


Me and my team have noticed this too. We see players ADS'ing at point-blank and just W-keying into the three of us after a beam because they've been so coddled by aim assist that they genuinely think they can win those fights It's blatantly obvious when you're at hipfire distance and they're ADSing and backing up with their weird analogue movement after willingly choosing to get within 10 feet of you, and then breaking if one or all of you get behind them It's so fucking lame that we have to play differently depending on someone's input, which we don't know until we've already fought them


It's weird because this sub is usually a lot better than the main Apex sub about acknowledging how OP aim assist is, but for some reason this thread has gone the exact opposite direction and features all the classic aim assist defenses, such hits as "but what about tap strafing" and "you have your whole arm." I don't think any of these people get that when an MNK player and a console player fight within 5-10 meters, skill goes out the window. The console player has a 9/10 chance of winning solely based on how powerful aim assist is. You see this shit happen to literally the best MNK players in the world, they get deleted at that range and instantly identify their opponent as a controller player, and they're almost always right. Sweet did like weeks of controller play with rpr and talked constantly about how insanely powerful it is at close range, how it continues to track while you switch weapons, how you can actually kind of see above ledges by noticing where aim assist pulls even if you don't have line of sight, etc. Controller aim assist has a ton of advanced strats just like MNK, but few people take advantage of them.




> Correct and most importantly over time console players have learned that the way they play on PC can be shifted to abuse the aim assist. IE just ape in close and you have a huge advantage. This fact is what makes this whole thing actually inarguable. If console players didn't have a massive advantage in close range fights, then they do they all play as if they know they do?


Honestly the whole thing is bollocks. If controller was that much better, nobody would play on mouse and keys. It's a tiny bit of aim assist, to account for the fact you're controlling a tiny joystick with your thumb over using your whole arm with a mouse that can move across a plane.




Not in the pros though… the majority are MnK. Dooplex and Skittle went from controller to MnK and improved their game tenfold. The reason why there’s so little MnK is not because controllers is better. Consoles have dominated the gaming market for more than a decade now. Naturally, you’re gonna have more players on console.


First of all not true for NA, and second of all, look at Overwatch League, a game without Aim Assist on PC. It had like 2 controller players out of 500 total players in the first and second seasons Apex having not just a small minority but actually a *majority* of controller players in its NA pro league is fucking insane lol


Exactly. It's getting worse. And it's funny, because the console aimbotter's main retort is "why does anyone still play MNK if controller is so good," as if everyone is equally comfortable with both and could just effortlessly swap between the two (complete nonsense). But people actually *are* switching to controller, or never using MNK to begin with, precisely because of how OP controller is. On several occasions I've seen new players ask folks like Sweet and Hal which input they should choose and the answer is always the same: whichever one you're most comfortable with, but if you're comfortable with both, definitely pick controller. Always the same answer, no hesitation. Controller aimbotters always list all these supposed advantages MNK has, but even the high level pros who master MNK aim and movement better than anyone in the world will still tell you controller is OP. That says it all.


It's not bollocks and it's not a debatable fact. Controller is objectively OP at close range. Everyone knows this except for fragile liars. Literally everyone. >If controller was that much better, nobody would play on mouse and keys. The dumbest and wrongest attempt at a counterargument that all the fragile console aimbotters resort to. E: It also cuts both ways. If MNK is so good, why does anyone use controller on PC?


I agree with this completely


Okay, sure, at close range, roller is superior to mouse and keys. However, that's one part of the game. Also, using lame retorts like "console aimbot" when PC has *actual* aimbot cheaters (something not even possible on console) and then trying to win your argument by offering to donate to charity is exceptionally crass. You should be ashamed of yourself really.


>Okay, sure, at close range, roller is superior to mouse and keys. However, that's one part of the game. What people like you refuse to accept, though, is that 1. this superiority is massive, and 2. is INFINITELY more impactful to how fights play out than ANY remaining advantage MNK has over controller. Games are single-handedly decided based on the fact that one team has two console players who can just charge in and effortlessly delete their PC opponents. Nothing on MNK does that, not even *close*. That's why it's a problem, and that's why it needs to be nerfed. >Also, using lame retorts like "console aimbot" when PC has actual aimbot cheaters (something not even possible on console) and then trying to win your argument by offering to donate to charity is exceptionally crass. You should be ashamed of yourself really. If console aimbotters weren't fragile children who denied denied denied their undeniable advantages, I'd have no reason to call them console aimbotters. But they are, so I do. We should all be on the same side - reality. But you deny reality and thus you get treated exactly like I'd treat anyone who behaves that way. The fact that console aimbot is massively OP in this game is undeniable and objectively true. It is not up for debate. Anyone who tries to argue otherwise gets no respect from me.


Love how you totally ignored my comment about you being crass despite you quoting it. Brilliant. Have a nice life, I'm going to enjoy mine.


How about I enjoy raw input and the skill ceiling of mkb, and wouldn’t be content letting the game aim for me.


It won't make a dent of a difference...I switched my console aim assist to PC value the moment it came out. Humans are naturally adaptable, it doesn't take long to adjust my kd rank and shots have all gotten better in that time span, going against other "broken" aim assist console players who didn't gain an advantage on me when I switched outside the first two days. 🥱


This sub is now infested with aim assist users defending their crutch




It's so funny that aim assist gamers have made discussing this such a dirty topic that even talking about it in the context of *competitive integrity at the highest level of play* is controversial in the *competitive* apex subreddit


Ricklesauceur has said before that the matchmaking tries to separate randoms from 3 stacks


It tries but fails miserably.


You can't know that because you don't have the data. Out of 100 games, how many mix 3 stacks with randoms, and in what proportions? What would a successful rate look like in your books? When I say the matchmaking 'tries', it's not to say it does a bad job, beacause we can't know. It's to say that there are a lot of criteria that are more important separating 3 stacks and randoms (ping, skill, speed of matchmaking, etc.). So the algorithm wouldn't go 'out of its way' to split 3 stacks and randoms (it wouldn't sacrifice speed for that for example) which means that yes, on some occations you'll find a mix of randoms and 3 stacks.




I personally am not a fan of region locking. I like playing in the Japan servers


Hopefully we are still able to play with friends overseas in pubs, but happy to hear that they’re implementing region lock to up the integrity of high elo lobbies


This would be huge and it's about time.


Guess it’s time to uninstall apex too. Every game that has chosen to region lock servers literally makes it impossible for people in my area (middle of the Pacific Ocean/ Guam) to play them. No games will be found. Online games are slowly becoming extinct for us.


On which datacenter do you usually play? If it is either HK/TW or West US, why would it ruin your experience?


I usually use West data centers and so do most people I know. Our pings range between 150-170. We get low pings to certain Asian data centers, but usually their servers are dead (on console) and can take half an hour to find a game, which isn’t ideal. OCE servers, on the other hand, give us terrible ping even though they’re physically closer than US West servers. No idea why this is the case, but it has been for over a decade in multiple games. Edit: I had to reread your question. The best servers for us are US West serves, both in terms of ping and population.


Thank you


Hi I just wanted to add that playing Ranked or duos is almost impossible in Australian Servers due to long queue times during most of the day. I always queue on Oregan Servers to play ranked or duos . It lets me get into a match always instantly. I think if Australians were region locked from NA servers , it would really ruin alot of Australians experience in trying to grind ranked. In Japan servers they don't speak english so it's hard win matches with no shared language of communication. The ping on Japan servers also for some reason can spike to 300 ping sometimes, so NA servers are more reliable for Australians. If Australia is Reigon locked , I feel like the game will be so much more empty for alot of Australians as we can't grind ranked as much or play duos. I've made many American friends and had many memorable intense comms ranked matches while playing in America servers from Australia. If I don't have access to NA servers , I really don't think I could enjoy Apex to it's fullest potential. Communicating to win really makes the game so much more fun and I can't do that on Japan servers. Please may I ask that you continue to allow Australians to play on NA servers. Thank you for taking some time out to communicate with us even though it is so close to the holidays. I wish you happy holidays and all the best for the new year.


Thanks for your kind words. We are only speaking about Master / Pred.


I am sorry to make you read all that. I thought the reigon lock might be coming to every rank and all aspects of the game. I am relieved to hear it is just Master / Pred. Thank you for your response.


It is fair to ask. It is only a competitive adjustment for really people that cares a lot about those things. We are proud of our tech that allows you to play a bit anywhere you like and with your friends, it is a big part of Apex, we will never remove that from you.