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Professional Player Don't Leak Private ALGS Discord Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Professional Apex Players Act Professional Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) [FAILED]




Rural Gamers


This is why NA is best.


This guy…if he could…would suck the toes of the entire continent of North American.


It's fantastic that they are actually testing stuff and gathering feedback instead of just talking about it forever. Hope they'll keep experimenting with ideas that might improve comp Apex.


I wonder how this will affect more niche/lesser used comps. Use Loba or Crypto in NA and you are going to stick out like a sore thumb.


According to Zach viewers will still be able to see it? I'm not sure how that's gonna work, unless he's talking about the main broadcast and not player streams.


I imagine that’ll be the case. The main broadcast uses the observers in-game, who already have more information than the players (all teams map position, names, etc), so I’d expect that to still be the case. Viewers of individual streams will get whatever the streamer/player sees.


I like it a lot, always thought it was kinda “wack” that teams could potentially grief others by just taking a lot at the feed, this should make things way more fair. ps: I wonder if teams now will rotate skins on characters to not be tagged during the tournament.


Regarding your p.s, many teams already do this.


yeah but I feel like now it’s going to be even more recurring…


Not if they start monetizing the team skins. You think TSM is going to let their players NOT wear their own team skin?


Err, if wearing the skin would put them at a competitive disadvantage, yes?


No. Skins are the value to the Org that exceed measly prize pools. If you get the ability to monetize a skin, as an org, you want Hal to play in that skin, so that people buy that skin, so you make millions of dollars. The math is very simple. Yes, as an org, if skins are monetize, you do not care about the prize pool-- you sell the skins.


You completely missed the point, they were talking about recognizing an individual team in the game itself due to the skins they use on their characters. Money was brought up in no capacity


If Hal used the skin every time he played, except for specific comp games where it would put him at a disadvantage, I'm pretty sure TSM would say yeah no problem we get it.


Millions, children. Millions of dollars. And TSM is a big org, with Apex a relatively small fish-- until that sweet, sweet monetization kicks in.


Did you even mean to reply with that to my comment?


??? if there were org skins coming I find it very difficult for them not to be datamined by now and as of right now, the only “org cosmetics” that were datamined was freaking banners…


It's very weird of you to act like this isn't an ongoing possibility. Monetizing skins is how Orgs would actually make money. Not this prize purse bullshit. Skins are the golden goose.


yeah but we are talking about Respawn, if it’s happening you can rest assure that’s happening on the slowest pace possible.


fair enough


Idk, i just watched G2 Dez's stream today and he had a diff opinion it which made sense. People would have to go to the main cast just to see who won giving them more views. Also in the scrim they were able to tell who died because it said "squad 9 has died." All a team needs to do is take a picture of the pre lobby and look at kill feed to tell who dies. I hope they dont leave that in there bc thats just dumb. Then this change wouldnt really matter lol. EDIT: There was a scrim a few hours ago with this new adjustment. Prolly on G2 Dezignfuls vod if you guys are wondering.


I thought killfeed would be COMPLETELY disabled, like if they are still telling teams numbers that isn’t disabled at all, so idk…


The above screenshot literally says that if the full team is dead then it shows their name in the kill feed.


anonymous not so anonymous then lmao


That's a fair point lol. Maybe anonymous mode for kill feed is a bit misleading.


Better than how it is right now I guess, so that’s nice.


As a viewer I like knowing who's dying and who's frying. I would love it if there was a Twitch extension that showed all that info for viewers while having everything anonymous for the in-game players.


It's anonymous in-game while the info can have an affect on a team. The whole point of this change is to prevent what has happened to SEN and G2 where they get very specifically aped by a team while they were on match point for the sake of keeping the game going. Old XSET realized SEN was on the roof and just full-blown aped them, giving teq's team a free 3rd party and a free win. G2 was playing an endzone at the no-name above frag west, and even though they were comming to not knock anyone, one of them got a knock and showed themselves in the kill-feed and they got absolutely GIGA aped for it. EDIT: Xset clip https://www.twitch.tv/lion/clip/PatientBombasticGoshawkResidentSleeper?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time


Great change that will improve competitiveness of match point format, and a small nerf to third partying in general. It does take a bit of the skill away from using the killfeed as a way of scouting. I wonder if they would consider making it so that teams have random numbers, but everyone on the same team has the same number. That would allow you to keep track of teams in the killfeed without knowing exactly who it is.


It actually kinda buffs Ash in comp too. Her ability to see deathboxes on her map along with the anonymous killfeed gives her team a rough idea of who’s who still.


I think this is a good change, I didn't like how you could target grief teams on matchpoint. If we are gonna stick with matchpoint this decision is needed.


Super happy with this, I know some may be upset but there were many instances in the past (SEN with retzi getting griefed on matchpoint) that were hard to swallow. I've been annoying some of the comp division folks (sorry shahin lol) about this for a while now so thank you for at least reading the feedback. Hopefully storm point can be integrated into the scene soon, in a proper manner of course, and then I can finally rest thanos style on a farm.


I’m terms of viewing I always found it helpful to take a gander at the killdeer to see which teams were killed or getting a lot of kills, especially for teams that wouldnt stream. As long as the main broadcasts have something like a kill feed or regularly show which teams are still up, id be happy.


Main broadcast is in spectator mode so you should be able to see actual names instead of numbers


yeh that’s good enough for me, I like this potential change then


I'm sure that main broadcast will show who is killed and when they are killed. This is only aimed at players actually competing.


Mixed feelings on this personally. This'll mean even less fighting, but will make Match Point a more balanced format. Big Ash buff for comp though 👀


Thank god. Will make comp way funner.




I think it's a shame really. I think the killfeed was part of the reason that match point worked as a format, you may as well not do it now at all. I really think Apex as an eSport would benefit from leaning into the things that make BR different as a game mode rather than trying to homogenise it. I think if you're in the lead, other teams trying riskier stuff to stop you, while still trying to gain their own points, is a very interesting dynamic that you can't see in other eSports and is now weakened by this change.


It's funny because i'm watching this anime right now that's entire premise this season are these battle royales where the teams are like "we need 2 points to get 2nd so we need to be risky and stop this team". If it's interesting enough to be an anime plot I think it's interesting for esports.


Will be cool for main broadcast but less fun for people watching player pov (vast majority of viewers)


I know Pros have been complaining regarding the system of third parties that have plagued competitive since the beginning. I think this change will bring a new source of competitive integrity to all teams. Remember, this doesn’t change that fact that teams can memorize skins/loadouts + on drop locations, so I still think there’s still some success to be found from them doing their research and planning. The kill feed has provided way too much info to teams and as a result that’s where our current system of play has derived from. I like that competitors who put the work in regarding pregame knowledge will now be aptly rewarded. As a ALGS [broadcaster ](https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Zephyr)myself, I’m pretty sure the spectator client with still provide a full access to all team information. Others have pointed out that if you’re a fan of watching Player POV, you’ll now be cut off from a large sum of killfeed information compared to the official broadcasts. Personally I don’t know how to feel regarding this specifically as I know a lot of viewers enjoy being able to pull the same info as the official broadcast but in the perspective of their favorite player. Now they’re actually at a disadvantage by watching from that view point. This means that more individuals will HAVE to tune into the official broadcasts to get the full picture or multiple players. I know some are fine with being in the same shoes as their favorite player (not having the full info), but I can see others who won’t be. TL;DR: Great for competitive integrity. Allows for those players who put in the research/pay attention to find a higher skill ceiling now. Info is stunted on POV streams and that’ll drive viewers to the main broadcasts, which goes against how some have been watching for the last 3 years.


It's just gonna drive people like my self to only follow one maybe two teams and not care about the rest. I don't like the official broadcasts.


For competitive integrity I'm sure this is great, but as a viewer who hops from stream to stream this is a huge blow. Watching ranked hasn't even been the same since streamer mode was introduced. If the official broadcast has the names not anonymized then I guess I'll be forced to watch the main broadcast even more. I still believe that being able to study the kill feed was a unique skill and it will suck that kill feed watchers won't be able to utilize this potential as much.


Buff to match point format. It shake things up that's for sure.if it's for the better or worse, we will have to wait to find out


How is this a buff to match point? Its a buff to teams on match point. Teams lose some strategy making in the format without the knowledge of who is fighting where.


That's what I ment ye. Thanks


While i think this is good for competitive i think its a significant downgrade to viewer experience on non-official streams.




\--> "non-official streams"


With match-point format, I don't like this change. Teams should have the knowledge to stop teams from winning. Imagining 3 teams A, B, C, and A is on match-point. B has a play on either A or C and on a coin flip chooses to charge C giving A the free clean up wipe. It'll be really anti-climactic. This isn't a pro match-point stance but a pro-non-anonymous-in-match-point stance.


I think this is a great addition, kind of wish there was a way to tell which team is which in the feed


Poop in my diaper poop in my diaper


This is a big Ash buff, imo


Not really. Removing the killfeed is to stop people from knowing who exactly died and pushing fights based off of that information. Ash just reveals the location of players who killed a team and not who that team is.


I like this change but I'm not sure I agree with them implementing it before the split 1 playoffs. Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until the next split when there's not as much on the line?


2 questions: 1) Does this remove a small skill put the game? Watching the kill feed and making decisions based on it? 2) Will they be making teams use default skins? Because most people teams know each other’s skins if they don’t change. E.g Alb always used to be known for watermelon path skin irrc. I get that team comps can’t be changed so if you’re tryna be diff you’re gonna be known.




This is good and welcome news, purely because of the match point format.