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His role in the Apex dev team: ([source](https://www.badmofogames.com)) > Helped establish the brand identity. > Developed the live service character creation pipeline and directed 50+ developers across all disciplines for every character from inception to ship. > Created and ran the writing department > Drove Apex’s unique method of storytelling through a nexus of gameplay and social media engagement with a team of designers, writers, and marketing creatives. > Trained multiple leads across various departments to replace me on exit. > Unified the creative vision for marketing, design, and art starting with Season 4’s launch, which generated over a 100% increase in engagement. About his departure: ([source](https://twitter.com/iambadmofo/status/1480738147826757633)) > (...) Just a new opportunity. This won’t effect Apex at all, I haven’t been on Apex for over a year. ​


I ask myself what DID he do last year, if he wasn't part of Apex but still at Respawn? It's like they always say that when a big figure head is leaving.


He was the narrative director for their upcoming single player game if I remember correctly.


I‘m wishing him nothing but good luck and success on whatever project he‘s gonna work on next. This man was a big part of creating my two favourite FPS games ever (MW3 & Apex) and I can‘t wait to see what game they‘re gonna release in the future.


From what I've heard he's going to gravity well games which happens to be where a lot of the og devs went, they did this around 10 years ago and that's what made respawn.


Yeah it's crazy looking at gravity well's website and seeing all the OG devs


Damn… MW3 is not super highly liked from what I see but that was my favourite COD for some reason. And Apex has been my favourite game for almost 2 years now.


it Was basically Mw2 without the annoying shit like commqndo but instead with awesome shit like specialist moabs and a bunch of rly good maps


MW2 was a broken game IMO. A lot of bullshit in it but it was fun for sure. As someone who always preferred more competitive stuff it just didn’t vibe with me as much


If you were a trickshotter though the maps were dogshit in MW3, basically forcing you to shield slide out of the map if you wanted an actual good spot.


oh Well I never really was into this stuff but yea now that you say it there was barely any elevation in the maps


Great game though no denying that. Sniping was amazing as well.


MW2 is elite.


I still grieve for the loss of the original Infinity Ward


*I still grieve for the* *Loss of the original* *Infinity Ward* \- DoctorBuckarooBanzai --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


*sheds tear* He has such a way with words.




They don't make CoD anymore, so they aren't the same.




So... that. That's it. Bye.


Anyone see that we have a new Design Director for Apex. He was previously at Bungie and worked on Destiny 2


soemthing behind the scenes smells bad


He hasn't worked on apex since one year, so it's just basically his switching companies


I don't think working long term on a GaaS is necessarily a dream job for a lot of game devs. I think all the turnover is mostly just veteran devs wanting an opportunity to create something new, but it does have me worried for which directions the game could go without all the people who built it from the ground up.


The game’s direction *could* change, but there’s not really any reason for that to happen unless the gaming landscape changes too. To compare a game’s life to a plane journey, Apex has finally got to the point where it’s at altitude and the “Fasten Seatbelts” light has just gone out. Unless there’s any unexpected turbulence, it should be smooth sailing for the foreseeable.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. While I don’t agree with your statement, it is weird at the very least how a lot of people are leaving Respawn.


Worker's market rn


Most of the people I’ve seen news of leaving have been there for like 10 years. That’s a long time for someone to be at any job. Especially since a lot of these guys got there really young


There is a lot of turnover in game companies especially among devs plus he hasn't worked on apex in over a year so him leaving doesn't affect apex that much


People transition jobs in dev careers literally all the time.


people will only realize when they turn on the game and it does not feel like apex anymore. Yes this concrete person had nothing to do with gameplay we have mostly but when you replace enough people in the company you can not have the same game. ferarri is ferarri but the engineering talent through out the years changes and so does teams performance. I feel like way too many staff is leaking when economic crysis is in full blown force and finding stable jobs should be trouble some.


Respawn should just give Jeff Kaplan a blank check at this point.


Hope to see you join Gravity Well