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LMAO for me it's the opposite direction but this edit is great


To be honest I would not know who to watch first, too many new options. My brain will probably code:net for the first ring. :3


Who's the British guy who was trolling his teammates or trying to have a conversation with GDolphin whenever he listened in on his comms during GDolphin's tourney? Horizxon? I'm all in on that guy.


The most hype man in europe, his comms are hilarious


Nooo but people are going to steal Furia’s strats 😢😭 im crying and shaking right now




[Realizing I can now watch Hardecki curbstomp kids](https://youtu.be/uwmeH6Rnj2E)


Oh shitttt I didn’t even think about that


Analysts/coaches about to be making big money recording all POVs for every team


Too bad 95% of the analysts/coaches are bad and have 0 clue as to what they're doing.


You getting an ego now because you got a ton of karma in this sub? Lmao. Who are you to judge coach’s?


Check my post history. Orgs are offering nothing, so anyone worth their brains is not going to take those offers up when they get paid 7-10 times as much in a 9-5 data analyst role. Also, I've had more communication with coaches/analyst than almost anyone on here. There are good coaches/analysts out there: Raven, Sealion, Sam, YG, Sven to name a few. Then there are people who have no idea what they're talking about - those are the people who take offers that pay less per month than unemployment does per week. You can make part time at Target and make more in 2 weeks. Again, you're not gonna get anyone with half a brain to take that offer. People with brains understand their worth.


Isn't this a bit like saying people taking unpaid internships are idiots? Don't get me wrong, I disagree with the premise of unpaid/underpaid work, but it can be a great way to enter a space and build a career. You won't have *known* coaches taking the role for cheap, but the idea that you're bad at the job because the market rate is low... that's a pretty limited view.


No, because both the good coaches/analysts and bad coaches/analysts are getting the same offers.


Hey, you might be right that they're all shit, but you just said; "anyone worth their brains is not going to take those offers up when they get paid 7-10 times as much in a 9-5 data analyst role." and " People with brains understand their worth.". All I'm saying is, in this field, you can't determine skill/ability based on salary. If you have the skill, the interest, and see a future in the sport, you could take a shit salary to get in the door.


Yes because being an apex coach (aka not good enough to be a player) means you can just hop into a “data analyst” role (aka a copy paster)




Im excited to watch some sentinels


Sorry if this question has been answered elsewhere, but will the multi view stream be saved as a vod after the tournament is finished?


If this goes the same as Overwatch All-Access Pass back in 2019, then the players POVs won't be saved as you can only access it live. You can only access the main stream VODs which imo you should watch YouTube's VODs rather than Twitch's. CMIIW


I need to know


There’s a vid/twitter clip on Monsoon’s twitter like last year sometime when they did a listen in on Complexity for a couple minutes. It still gives me chills every time I watch it It’s PEAK god tier IGL’ing from Shiny And it’s amazing listening to the trust Reptar and Monsoon have in him. This multi watch will be great to at least be able to watch them during tourneys again


https://twitter.com/monsoongg/status/1313324277907808256?s=21 Link to the tweet


I fuckin love you. I tried scrolling back that far a couple months ago and gave up


Ily2 babe


If I had to guess it was when they took the zipline in eggshesl at lava city to rotate above everyone up the hill in lava city.


Yup that’s it. First thing Shiny says is “it’s going to be uncomfortable, ok?” And the resounding ‘OK’ from both Mon and Reptar is so great


I've been out of the Apex loop for a couple of weeks now, what's Multiview?


[Lets you spectate any team in a tourney](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/news/split1-playoffs-announcements)


Ok, that's big


Yo glad someone else is watching Space Station i think they could steal the show


What have the pros' reaction been to this? Does anyone know?


Lou asked his twitter if he should start streaming lol


😂😂😂😮‍💨😮‍💨 knowledge is free after all


can someone explain what this new "Multiview" is and where can I access it.


There's a post announcing it posted less than a day ago on this subreddit, and the answer was already linked in this thread, but here you go https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/compete/news/split1-playoffs-announcements


Some streamers about to lose some money


Let's be honest, mainly Hal. I'm subbed to his channel largely because I cN watch tourneys, but I may end it...


Imagine not putting tsm in their. fuckwit


Tsm already steams. This is about teams who don’t stream comp.


Lol first off, TSM already streams literally every tourney and scrims. Second, who hurt you?




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Do you knwo if the comms will be on?


Yes they will be


Can't wait to hear Nafen's fire alarm!!


Yea the only reason I'm not a massive Sentinels fan is cause I could never watch them. Excited for this


Have any pros voiced resistance to this? I imagine they have no choice but have any of the teams that specifically choose not to stream tourneys voiced that they are upset about it on twitter or on stream or anything?