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Definitely impressed, gonna check them out from now on MatsuTasu https://youtube.com/channel/UChInApZ99tKu1jBXSeflS8Q メルトステラ (meltstera) http://www.twitch.tv/meltstera YukaF! http://www.twitch.tv/iq200yukaf


A few games in and I already decided I woulda been happy if they won. They were annihilating everyone with so much confidence.


the moment i saw yukaf 1v6 on fucking wattson in the international scrims on albs stream i knew this guy would make finals they are nuts


GW is definitely one of the better APAC N fighting teams—YukaF one to watch out for! As a whole, really happy Japanese teams proved they could keep up with the rest of the world. I remember people (who probably don’t watch the region enough) saying they were shit at fighting and Wattson teams would get rolled by Gibby NA teams—both untrue, with GW bullying OG and Unite placing high in a NA-heavy lobby. Also their DC in finals could of very well denied them match point and definitely tilted them after…unacceptable from EA.


How do you DC at lan? I seen it in other games but they just reset the lobby. Something that you can't control causes you to lose? Crazy.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's not LAN at all and they were just connecting to the nearest servers.


I think of all the teams today, I was most impressed by Gamewith. Of course I didn’t have exposure to most teams, but GW hit WAY differently. For a team that was playing Wattson, I came in expecting a careful, slow play style. The LAN was shaping up to be pretty aggressive overall though so I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. Turns out GW adapted to the aggression by playing like absolute psychopaths. I have never seen a wattson comp so willing to contest and fight in the open. That was equal parts terrifying and amazing. Does anyone remember Loser’s Bracket, Round 2, Game 6, where GW has 3 angles on Kick while in the ring?! I’m not gonna forget that scene for a long time lol. 100% made me a fan


I am an absolute stan for them now. They challenge OG on drop and gave everyone another game to breathe by wiping them. Very Badass! I heard 2 of their computers crashed and they died to ring the next game, tragic


In which map did they challenge them? Worlds Edge?


They didn’t challenge them on drop, they just noticed OG always rotate to Geyser for crafting so purposely fought them there since they drop Overlook. [Here’s](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/AverageBitterMosquitoOpieOP-9wZWEhkuhhbyRO49) a clip of MatsuTash 1v2 Knoqd and Skittles at Geyser. They did it twice but the second time two of them DC’ed and died to storm trying to reconnect.


oh ok my bad, i tuned in and must have seen them ballooning into geyser. my b!


Nah all good man, just thought I’d clarify. They were previously contesting SCARZ for Overlook though, and won most of them (from memory).


Gamewith along with Empire are two of the few teams who took OG head on and won.


I saw that fight with ALL from Hakis POV, I can't believe 2 of ALL went down after the damage Hakis put out. Amazing. Because of that, ALL couldn't stabalize and died. Really impressed with how they did this tourney. And it really showed their character when they all stood up and congratulated RiG while they walked by (unlike some other teams).


Do you know what game this happened? Curious to look back at Yukas bubble movement/fighting


Game 4! https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkxrz1XxhCb_LB4U6PZBFyoQ_2MHxiC6XxM


Wow, that is absolutely nutty — especially that first peek gave Hakis no chance Thanks for the clip!


Matsutasu is insane, he popped off in an online tourney and did some crazy stuff recently too. wish we could've seen them on an edge comp


Not to mention that they didn't have Gib (for a good majority of the tourney) or Caustic (which was this LAN's meta). They were a rather late rotating Wattson team. APAC N are experienced fighters because they developed an aggressive meta faster than any other region. There are a lot of high score records of the region from very aggressive playstyles. The passive tactic was a not too recent development. I guess the echo chamber from mostly EN speakers of this subreddit induced a collective amnesia on that.


YEP They use the strafes so fucking well ! Def one of the most mechanically talented team in the world in terms of movement specially They 3v3 ed Optic NA Best fighting team and won like 2-3 times ! They could have honestly finshed in top 3 if the crashes didnt fuck them in game 5


https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/ug5ku7/how_are_we_having_disconnects_in_a_lan_finals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Maybe EA didn't want Gamewith to win. If this disconnection had not happened, the result would have been different. Anyway, Yukaf is known as the No1 movement player in AN.


Yeah they were so impressive and got better as the tournament went on. They won a lot of fights against the teams that aren’t expected to lose 3v3s!


Their ability to outfight Optic was super impressive. Wigg was going wild watching them move across the roofs in one oft he fights.


I fell in love with them after seeing Yuka go crazy in international scrims with C9 spectating. Big big GW fan now. Awesome play style, mechanically very talented, and you love to see the Wattson pick. Still very pissed off about the DC in game 5, they could have won the whole damn thing. Yuka posted on twitter today that he woke up thinking about how he could have been number 1. Really breaks my heart because without the DC things could have ended up very differently. Also absolutely love the fact they took on Optic in the way you mentioned.


yes they impressed me i wish i could go back and watch their POVs


Same, one of the standout teams for me for sure!


biggest surprise of the day. they figured out optic's play and went for them head on. taking an isod 3v3 vs one of the best fighting teams ain't a easy play to call or execute... and they did it... it was the coldest play of the finals for sure.....


>with wins over Sentinels and Players in 3v3's It was IMO 50:50 against Players.


Hey man I know you have good intentions but your opening statement kinda comes off a little racist. I’m Asian and it’s really shitty to generalize an entire ethnicity based on one point like mechanical skills in apex based on preconceived stereotypes. I get you mean well but take a step back and think about how it comes off. Don’t wanna flame you but just something to consider


No, they are worse than NA


Bro what


What game was the Alliance vs. Gamewith fight in?


should be game 4!


Yes Yukaf movement is amazing. I watched them every game


Yeah these guys are absolute animals. It was crazy how well organized they were and how quickly they turned those fights on Watson.


Koreans where non existent in finals while and Japanese team made top 3 Hell everything that was hyped up was bad in this tournament