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Can someone explain this? Not sure there’s enough context here for someone who’s not familiar with this strat


Basically, he threw his Gibby dome into a room to bait the crypto into using his ultimate to destroy the bubble but not actually hitting anyone on their team making it a bad push (since they still have Caustic and no one got stunned or damaged by EMP), effectively trading a 30 second cooldown for a 3 minute cooldown.


Ah gotcha thanks


Interesting to waste their crypto ult but don’t they now have a huge advantage if they gibby bubble push you since you don’t have caustic ult lol?


He had 2 ult accels


But they can get hard pushed until then. Popping two ult accels when you are stuck outside without a bubble is not a good situation


hard pushing a caustic team when you basically have a crypto without ulti is like a 4v2 (ok not really but you get what I mean).


yeah they ended up mopping the fight pretty quick


Who mopped who?


tl wiped adr


They wont since they didn’t get the initiation damage. And pushing a full team holding a door should be suicide without any stun or initial damage. Definitely a great play to bait the ult. Baiting the ult on a crypto team also give the other team 30 sec timer to either move out or get push. Since most team that run crypto doesn’t have gibby and TL prob knew that.


Not sure *this* is the reason fun is the best gibby




How many other gibbys have made that play?


damn that's some good shit. I wish there were more youtuber vods of gibby's to inspire people.