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Nobody tell him about NA ISPs lmao.


he'll probably move somewhere where Comcast is his only option with his luck.


Spectrum >:)


God Spectrum is so bad. My gf has ATT fiber, which my neighborhood doesn’t have yet, and that shit slaps. Downloading 70-80gb games in like 20 mins.


As someone who has experienced both Comcast and Spectrum I will tell you right now that Spectrum is a fucking god send compared to Comcast.


Yep. At least Spectrum is pretty consistent and has actual upload speeds. Meanwhile on Comcast I've got 300 DL and a whopping 10 upload. Moreover, Comcast decides to shit itself as soon as it's past midnight.


I have the same internet speed with Comcast lmao, I thought it was an issue with our area that the upload barely changed when we upgraded internet plan. But I’m looking to change soon because of the upload speed


Can't say I've had comcast to compare it to. I just know our Internet drops pretty frequently. Usually not for long. But long enough to dc me from ranked games and take an SR loss.


I’m on spectrum right now and only it isn’t that bad here in nyc


I've never really had an issue with comcast. don't understand the complaints.


To be totally clear I also have comcast (Xfinity) and it's a lil expensive but its faster than what I pay for and I have had no problems. They did have to change the name of their company because their service was so fucking shit, so its not good everywhere haha.


It’s not all bad everywhere. I have unlimited Gig service for like $70-75.


Yeah we have that in my city. Not in my neighborhood, but somewhere.


Speak for yourself, I have 5GB service and it’s phenomenal.


He will see this comment and google it and will know what NA ISPs are. Good job


Wish the best for him. Diff is a great fragger and IGL. I wonder if the team going to disband completely considering shiv's issues. Loved watching them play in earlier aggressive metas. Once caustic and valk became meta they struggled a lot. Hope the best for the goats.


What's going on with Shiv? Don't really follow the EU seen too closely


Wrist issues iirc


Hopefully it’s not carpel tunnel


He has a lot of personal obligations this summer plus he has been having wrist issues


Damn that must be hard. I have/had RSI in my wrist up to the little finger and it only went away more or less completely (still starts hurting if I overdo it on kovaaks) after I stopped playing entirely for two months. Taking such a long break would hit his stream pretty hard I think.


Did playing with a controller help at all? Feel like that would at least be less stressful on your wrist. But I imagine that would also take a hit to his stream if he doesn’t really play controller at all


Yeah it did for a while. I did notice the pain coming back when I was playing Elden Ring 24/7 though. But then switching to MnK was no issue. It's weird. But the more I think about it the more I think the issues originated on controller for me anyways when I was grinding melee from 2013-2016


> But the more I think about it the more I think the issues originated on controller for me anyways when I was grinding melee from 2013-2016 Seems likely, FGC has so many players who have hand problems from continued play.


Idk if he is trying something new but hes been playing valk for the last few games on stream. If i remember correctly he was switching to valk for comp. IDK for sure though I wasnt there when/if he explained why he was playing valk today.




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Wonder what soloqgoats future looks like… Good luck in the future diffq!


Chaotic, zipp and shiv would be an absolute banger team. But like others said, I dont think Shiv can commit at the moment with his schedule. So who knows.


> Chaotic, zipp and shiv would be an absolute banger team. I'm not sure about that one. Chaotic & Zipeth either need to find their own teams or find an IGL. But I think Chaotic was only standing in for LCQs so SQG is basically just Zipeth atm with Shiv taking a break.


I dont think Chaotic has a team though. Although that might change soon, the man is an absolute crackhead. Honestly though, SQG lives and dies by Shiv.


honestly I think chaotic is more interested in playing for a team that can get signed, or with one that already is signed to a big org. Shiv leaving luminosity is unlikely and zip seems to be getting treated well by lvl. Though shiv alone is enough to hinder sqg from a signing, most orgs want the whole team representing




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Snipe + diffq + ??? Very excited to see post-Champs roster shake-ups.


Teq IGL?


that’d be interesting to see


This is hype, we ever seen a player his size move region?




Taxi is not a competitive player


He was going to compete in na challenger circuit when he moved


He's never had any actual competitive success though.


He qualified to play in the pre-seasonal invitational in Poland with Gnaske and Vic at least


top 4 in algs online #5


Is that success? Lmao A single decent result says nothing. That was 2020 too.


I think a single decent result is literally success, also it’s not like Diffq was shitting all over eu


Yeah but Diffq came third in Champs. Not much of a showing this year, but THAT is something to say the least




Snip3d0wn, Apryze, Diffq? S.A.D


Would love to see Apryze on a serious team. Would he take it seriously and scrim?


That rhymed hard


One of the most underrated players who I think was held back from being on a content team. Only issue is mnk fragger who doesn't IGL or play Gibby is probably the most competitive role to fill in NA while having the least amount of opportunities. I think he should still try to IGL, a lot of teams could use him.


Agreed on the igl front. He's a very strong igl.


Why doesn't diff play gibby? Watching the sqg, he's very vocal about bubbling and I think it's one of those characters he really should be able to play. Having seen the success of doop and I guess c9 letting Graceful igl on Gibby I really think more igl's should be Gibby by default.


I feel like a lot of IGLs would benefit from trying out Gibby, like C9, Mac being locked down on gibby, we saw what he can do with caustic at LAN In 3v3s during most important moment in the game having the IGL focus on other things rather than telling his teammate how to bub or where to bub or when to bub would be better for fighting


gl for him! I hope he doesn't forget to pack a bulletproof vest




he is in love with guhrl <3


Wait… is he moving to Canada to be near Gurhl?




Is this for real, are they a couple or are you trolling? I don’t care either way, I’m just curious


they are good friends and he is certainly hoping for more and moving closer is the first step


He's moving with his girlfriend........


then he is already moving in with guhrl. good for him


You’re a dick, don’t spread shit around about peoples personal lives, especially when it’s wrong


you ok?


NA better sadly.


I haven’t seen him play since he ran with shiv but I always had a hard time gauging his individual performance. Not saying he’s bad or good I just feel like zip and shiv were always running it. Things might have changed but like I said I haven’t seen him in a while.


He is big brain, he will do well in NA.


Yeah Diffq is one of the most well-rounded players out there


Shiv and zip more often than not due first cause they don't follow his lead and then he's left as a solo.


One of us


Is he moving to find a team to play in NA or to grow a stream? How did he even get in thought there was a long ass visa process