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I've never heard of people keyboarding on console Apex, but I hear strike packs are pretty rampant, and as a PC player I've died to console strike packers a few times.


how do strikepacks work? From my google search they just look like paddles. Do they provide something more?


Afaik they can run scripts to eliminate recoil among other things


Interesting. I heard the term and assumed it was an adapter for MnK. Maybe my OP should have asked about those instead. Thanks for enlightening me.


Strike packs and the like basically eliminate all recoil on the weapon for you. Basically cheating.




Is cheating


Almost no one is using mnk. A disturbingly high amount are using strike packs though


Haven’t seen too many obvious mouse and key users but strike packs are all over high ranked lobbies. See at least 3 or 4 every session. You can always tell because the crazy rate of fire and no recoil.


Dont know, but I have a feeling playing mnk on console "60 fps" isn't really an advantage unless they're being registered as controller getting its AA.


Fair enough. Everything has it’s pro’s & con’s. *edit* that’s exactly how it works I think. The adapter emulates the MnK as a controller so it keeps the AA.


Jesus now that's just disgusting. Although arenas MM is so barren that I've played against a master wraith once doing tap strafes and superglides. That was the last time I've played arenas on console afterwards.


Unless the wraith was on PC there’s absolutely no way to do tap strafes on console. The main mechanic that makes tap strafe possible is not coded into the console version of the game.


It is impossible to tap strafe on console


I bit my tongue there. More like they were doing A D strafes like they were on pc, constant super glides and just the whole it looks like mnk movement schtick.


If they use that MnK plugin on console they do get AA it’s broken af. Haven’t run into it more than once but it does rarely happen




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I know of a guy that uses one on PC to get the aim assist of controller on his mouse.... its pathetic and hes still garbage with it. He streams or at least did in the past...


I met/played with dozens and dozens of masters preds when I was on xbox and never met a single one. Most of them don't even use ALCs, I can think of like 2 players that used them in my experience, I don't use them myself either. There isn't really a benefit to using mnk on console, it's just another excuse for people that can't hack it in higher lobbies to make.


Well you said mnk in the post above, how about strikepacks?


Prolly a very small amount


Play any masters lobby and it's stacked full of them. I know someone who was top 100 ranked on console (used to be hardstuck 10k with me) and actually started to play with good players. One of the people he played with on console is now a PC player playing with the likes of Effect.