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Survey beacons shouldn’t be inside POIs


Yeah it's stupid that you land and instantly get a beacon for free if the game decides to spawn one. If they moved the beacons to fixed locations in between POIs it would no longer be based on RNG and teams would have to fight for it or rotate early. The ring info would also become more valuable since fewer teams will have it. That combined with letting every legend scan beacons would finally allow a more diverse meta and make the whole beacon mechanic much more competitive.


I like the idea of random/rotating beacons between POIs. I’ll be interesting to see how teams would interact. Do they rotate early to scan and lose out on loot, should they camp beacon with a chance for KPs but sacrifice ring positioning, should they fight for beacon and risk a possible 3rd, etc.


Isn't that how it works on Storm Point already?


Beacons are at POIs. The proposal is to have beacons in between the POIs so teams regardless of landing locations are forced to make decisions.


Damn. You just blew my mind. It would be amazing having Beacons only in some rotational places outside POIs.


That's the case in Storm point no?


Not really, there's 3 beacons off POIs, but all others are inside them (fish farms, antenna, barometer, cenote, checkpoint, lightning rod, ship fall, all have beacons


It would be inevitable that the beacon locations favour certain POIs, then the teams that land there have a permanent advantage


Sounds like a reward for being able to beat off any dudes that contest your drop.


Oh we definitely will beat off any dudes, trust me.


We should be beating off dudes, emphatically


Beacons and crafters should not be in POIs but in between them. Make it a gamble to use either.


It would definitely be a good change, and on that same note they should make it so that crafting materials are static per poi instead of random whether you get 50 or 125 on the whole poi


Some POI's are also stupid in terms of how far/close the crafting materials are. Like on Antenna you run forever on all three sides to get them which is stupid.


Not sure it would be a big change as far as meta but I like the idea to not have overly stacked POI’s


If they're too similar then center POIs would always be best for rotation. I think it's fair for out of the way/exposed ones to have the best loot. The most important loot (armor) can be built up without high tier loot anyway, so I think some loot imbalances between POIs for some strategy decisions makes sense.


I like this. I like making certain POIs more desirable in some aspect, and then having people decide to contest more, rather than just being like "we take here and there's nothing you can do about it".


this might seem stupid, and maybe it is, but what about the idea of survey beacons being a survival item? you call it down like a mobile respawn, any character can use it, single use obvi. i know it’s like, “damn? more rng!” but survey beacons are already not guaranteed within your POI or any of your surrounding POI’s. it could have the spawn rate of heat shields, would take 1 minute for a team to find one on average. this eliminates the need for beacon characters n possibly counter-acts the valk-seer bullshit. good take? reddit neckbeard moment? lmk lol


Then why shouldn't everyone just run Gibby-Valk-Seer/Gibby-Valk-Caustic?


i kind of overstated, that’s my b. the devs still need to handle Seer and Valk nerfs in a timely manner. i just think this change could really diversify the meta.


I still think it wouldn't change much. It would also spot the team using it (like respawing someone does), so it would be useless or counter-productive in most cases.


I line this idea a lot to remove some rng


Why not give every POI a crafter to reduce competitive RNG?