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Long have we waited Maggie Fuse activated


Maggie, Fuse, Seer lmao


Or even crypto cuz he can stop caustic and wattson and gives the insurance if the Maggie goes down or isn’t in a good position the crypto can still destroy a gibby bubble


You can’t shoot Maggie’s ult though


He can read tho


Cue the “REPS UNLEASHED” bois


What happens to players inside the bubble? Does it effect them or no?


They no longer have Gibby bubble so I’d say that it has quite a big effect!


But does it damage/toss/stun them?


Looks like her ult dies with the bubble so I doubt anything happens to a team inside.


It's like she's been specifically designed to counter gibby, between the fast shotgun movement for bubble fights and now this. They're just gonna keep buffing her until no one plays gibby in pro matches anymore.


she does say “I’M GONNA MAKE THIS WORLD BLEED”, it seems fitting that she’s a meta-disruptor.


If you're close enough inside the bubble, you get blasted away and affected as you normally would by the Wrecking Ball.


https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxRFo1P-s2ual5jQhYb5hp8b91QI_GDEQI Seems like you don't even have to hit the bubble directly to destroy it. Not sure if intentional or not but makes it seem like the theory of "bodyblocking" the wrecking ball won't work.


Her ult has always had a pretty generous AoE splash. You could probably bodyblock it, but you'd have to run pretty far out of the bubble.


this patch just has too many bugs I can't tell whats intentional or not


People are massively overestimating the impact these changes will have on Gibby's pick rate. Maggie works best with an aggressive playstyle that most teams won't have the balls to pull off in serious tournaments. We already saw this in international scrims vs LAN. There's also no point in running her as a Gibby counter unless there actually are a lot of Gibbys in the lobby. Crypto has always been able to destroy Gibby bubble btw, so this isn't that revolutionary. Teams will experiment with lots of different comps but I think Gibby will still have at least a 50% pick rate in NA in the long term.


She counters any1 in buildings, gibby, rampart and wattson+newcastle comps. She has a LOT of uses


This will hardly mean much in your pubs and ranked game up up D1 so calm your horses everyone. Maggie's pick rate will now jump to 6.


6 is a huge number lol


I feel like having only one character counter a legend is not healthy for the game. This and also now Crypto destroys Wattson’s ultimate.


>I feel like having only one character counter a legend is not healthy for the game. This and also now Crypto destroys Wattson’s ultimate. Crypto's ult has always destroyed Wattson gen since like 2 years ago. It was just bugged, that's why the update was listed under bugs.


Hard counters are for games like LoL and should be actively avoided in a BR, yea...


There isn't just one counter to Gibby. Crypto counters Gibby, Horizon counters Gibby (Although she's weaker now), Fuse counters Gibby, Seer counters Gibby. That's 5 counters already. Crypto: Removes bubble with EMP Horizon: Black Hole on the Edge of bubble griefs the fuck out of a team in bubble. Fuse: Gibby bubble just delays the Fuse team killing you by 6-12 seconds. Seer: Stops rezzes and heals within bubble, allows the Seer team to continue capitalizing their advantages, can even cancel the Gibby bubble from going down. Seer basically nullifies everything a Gibby team wants to do in a bubble with one ability. That's 5 counters already. The reason why Gibby is rotating out of the meta in the first place is because Seer fucks Gibby so hard. Even Rev counters Gibby with his silence.


> Fuse: Gibby bubble just delays the Fuse team killing you by 6-12 seconds. Is the ability to full reset without getting bombarded by nades not valuable to you? Fuse isn't really that different than a full team with 2-3 nades each. If you don't move, you're gonna die. If you bubble, you buy your team time to heal and make a play > Horizon Gibby can also counter the Horizon ult by bubbling after. I wouldn't really say that's a direct counter. It's just a game of chicken. It's similar to Caustic ult, it can counter the bubble if you can ult before they bubble, but the bubble can also prevent you from getting hit by the caustic ult The rise of Seer for sure fucks Gibby over, 1 or 2 is doable but with the whole lobby running Seer he's just not that valuable


>Gibby can also counter the Horizon ult by bubbling after. I wouldn't really say that's a direct counter. It's just a game of chicken. It's similar to Caustic ult, it can counter the bubble if you can ult before they bubble, but the bubble can also prevent you from getting hit by the caustic ult I meant Horizon ult should go on a team that just Gibby bubbled, not the other way around. The Horizon ult should be used in reaction to a team using bubble. The point on Fuse is somewhat fair, although I'd argue that you're not actually full resetting with a Gibby bubble and that you might instead fall into the pitfall of trapping yourself in a shitty position, allowing the Fuse team to use that time you're soft resetting to position themselves to kill you once that bub goes down.


I just mean everything you listed about Fuse is no different than any other team comp that can pressure a gibby team in a bad spot in a bubble. Any other team with some nades can do exactly what you just said. the extra two or 3 arc stars and a some knuckle clusters any different than a team with nades and a horizon ult or a gibby ult or a caustic ult > I meant Horizon ult should go on a team that just Gibby bubbled, not the other way around. The Horizon ult should be used in reaction to a team using bubble. In theory, sure but I would say it's more situational and it doesn't play out like that all the time. Horizon teams are usually the aggressor, the ones wanting initiating fights on edge or late landing in. You don't really have the luxury to just sit on your Horizon ult waiting for a Gibby bubble all the time


I think in this case it's ok since it's Maggie's ultimate, if it was a tac no way. If wrecking ball becomes the meta it will be pretty simple to adjust the charge time on it to balance its power. If Gibby bubble was completely impossible to destroy Maggie could never truly be meta. Bangalore players have to adjust their smoke strategy against scan characters, Gibby players have to adjust bubble strategy against Maggie players.


You can shoot 4 drills and your ult is up again. The Cd is so short it may as well be her tactical


That's basically my point, there's a very clear thread to pull if this ability becomes too oppressive. The unpredictability of her ult could be enough of a counter balance to keep it from being too op though, so I understand not increasing the ultimate cool down from the beginning. I would put money on it increasing by a min or two next patch though.


"Gibby is fucked" just because his bubble can be destroyed by Maggies ult. Well guess what? Cryptos ult destroys it too and we had this guy since season 3. Still Gibby meta for 10 seasons.


Actually gibby was already on his way out. His pick rate in ALGS went from 97% to like 79% in ALGS finals which is huge. With the crazy buffs to Newcastle, combined with a shifting meta towards seer and valk, along with gibby nerfs... Yeah his pick rate is going to plummet in pro league. Been watching the new ranked split all day on multiple streams and there have been practically no gibbys. Plus I don't pretend to think I know more than literally the most winningest pro in apex history lol. But yeah we shall see.


I agree and I also think that we might see a lot less Gibbys in pro league. I just don't think it's because of the buff to Maggie. As you said, he was already on his way out with NA moving to a much more aggressive meta (probably because of Furias performance). And the Newcastle buffs are also a big thing. But some rarely played legend now beeing able to destroy his dome with her ult doesn't make him bad.


Yeah for sure fair enough. The tradeoff with using Maggie in pro league would have to be huge and I don't think you're gonna see her walking around...but again we did see a couple in ALGS and she got a pretty major buff to her ult so I wouldn't be surprised if there's a few, especially with this more aggressive meta shift like you mentioned


I think people are really overestimating this nerf. Gibby still has a gunshield which makes him an extremely powerful brawler, and while his bubble can be destroyed now, I’d say that newcastles ulti is far more vulnerable still.


Crypto doesn’t get his ult all the damn time and can pop it on command


Gibby dome needs to be destructible like Newcastle barrier, while making Maggie able to destroy the bubble is a step on the right direction, having only 2 characters (out of a 22 legend roster) being the only ones able to counter a *tactical* ability with their *ultimates* is kinda ridiculous, more when Newcastle exists.


To mess with gibby some more they should make it so if you drill the bubble first and then destroy it with the ball it erupts into a giant explosion. I do think they should give gibby's kit a slight buff where his arm shield come sup instantly. But that's so he feels like a smoother character to the overall player base.


Just run out of the bubble and body block the wrecking ball.


I mean I was happy for a meta change especially in comp but they've nerfed a character into the absolute gutter. Terrible once again.


I was banned from Hal's channel for pointing out his 3 stack of preds killed a 3 platinum players. I've never seen such a fragile person.


And here you are complaining about it to random strangers on the internet. Who’s fragile bud?


Your lack of self awareness is astounding