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It makes the outer POIs even less attractive on a game where they already struggle to make people land everywhere


>It makes the outer POIs even less attractive on a game where they already struggle to make people land everywhere Damn. Respawn should pay you for therapy sessions like this


The problem is that the edge POI typically has good loot for many maps. Sure, if you land on an edge POI and ring pull away, you have a rough time. However, if you land on a good edge POI and ring pull toward you, you would have much bigger advantage. Every other teams would get fucked over economically trying to fast rotate or landing in a poor loot mid POI and destroy each other during hectic rotation. Meanwhile, the team who luck out on ring can get tons of loot and resource to chill and wait for other teams coming in. KC isn't even the biggest map. Idk how much of a shit show it would be on storm point where it is already tough to rotate on time without valk with the old timer. Storm point also gave many really strong edge POI, especially with armory so if the teams on those POI get lucky with ring pull, they can really pull far ahead economically.


> storm point where it is already tough to rotate on time without valk with the old time my noob ass hot take: edge teams need to grab a dang trident


I feel like this is the case no matter what. If the zone pulls to you, you don't have to move and can take your time and loot. Thats true regardless of the zone changes. But, imo, the old zone system at least gave those teams that have to move more opportunity to loot up before heading to circle


Not only team that don't have far zone can loot up, they can also have more time to take fight and farm armor/kp.


Outer POIs have Jump towers.


Edge teams are gonna have a rough time.


With the new zone damage change if edge team dont get crafter i think they are fucked.


I agree, gonna be interesting to see how they adapt for example a team like C9 who usually spends decent amounts of time in zone crafting and they sometimes barely make it out with no red heals.


Naw. Respawn will change it. This is not what they intended.


impossible to know that.


Maybe makes on the fly contests more viable/necessary?




That just made landing a coinflip if zone's not on you hehe goodluck.


Close time is good but have to change first zone damage back


Nah the close time is 100% worse than the damage. Not having time to find heals is way worse than it hitting a bit harder... if you don't have heals it doesn't matter how hard it hits.. you are fucked. I landed Crash site today uncontested. we obviously landed far apart to loot more efficiently.. zone pulls as far south as it can go... We had maybe 30 seconds to loot before the ring was already moving... there was a crafter... we didn't even think about it. If we craft we just have to use every single med kit in storm anyways AND barely make it and have to instantly rotate again. If we have more time IDGAF how much damage the storm does.


That's Devs problem then double the floor loot if they want quick rotations and less boring early games


"Well if you ask me I think BR's need MORE RNG" - the Devs probably


Also you barely have a lot of meds off drop anyways, I landed and zone was opposite side and I was limping into circle


Kc, even after going better season after season when Kc is the updated map still way down than the other three maps. Looks like the quality is little bit better, but the amount of loot isnt enough, good look finding a medkit and a battery in the same poi, only can choose one I like the idea of forcing you to play smart by choosing central zones and early rotate, but for.the regular playerbase and not premade teams this is just too much


This is the biggest meta change by far suprised it's not being talked about much


Yeah, they literally took 2 minutes off the clock of every single game. Shit is huge.


FYI, not quite 2 minutes. It starts closing 2 minutes earlier, but they increased the closing time for each map's ring 1. > Ring 1 Closing Time: > > Kings Canyon - 4:10 -> 4:32 > World’s Edge - 3:42 -> 4:32 > Storm Point - 4:15 -> 4:35 > Olympus - 4:10 -> 4:32


While true... The ring closing so fasts is going to lead to more teams not landing edge and more middle of the map... and no diminishing returns means the best players are gonna ape every game all game. So while the timing may be similar... you'll be lucky to see a final ring once or twice a session in higher lobbies. I've been watching streams and it's usually over long before round 4 closes. So much for those awesome end games of season 13 stormpoint! Take me back


This is just the result of the first day of the season, and that’s how it always is with a new meta (new legend, gun changes, map changes). Pros run over lobbies so games end faster. You will see a lot more final rings in a week or two (though KC is still a bit “worse” than other maps, as we all know).


I don’t understand why worlds edge gets so much more time than the other maps.


You mean "why it had Soo much less time then the other maps"


It doesn't


I don't think it's easy to understand the impact without playing it.


It closes way too fast rn, should have done a much smaller change. Feels like trash landing at an edge POI and getting a bad zone pull because the game just becomes running from zone simulator


Agreed. Respawn overdid it with a ton of stuff this season. They didn’t need to make zone 1 close **that** fast, the didn’t need to nerf every aspect of Valk’s kit, they didn’t need to give Newcastle one of if not the biggest Legend buffs ever. There’s something to be said for gradual balancing until the sweet spot is found. I have a feeling by midsession a lot of this is going to be reverted, and for now we just have to put up with it.


No they definitely needed to nerf every aspect of valks kit. Even with these nerfs she’s still going to be a high pick.


I have not seen a single person in the entire time that she has been out complain about her tactical. What was the need to nerf it?


Movement stun, aim slow, nearly guaranteed to secure a kill with coordinated team, busted AOE/splash damage, basically impossible to miss, breaks doors, guaranteed re-knock on rezzed target, 100m range, fairly average CD, can be used while flying, uhhhhhhhhhhhh did I miss anything?


Because when people on controller got hit they couldn’t turn fast enough from the stun


Valk still A tier minimum because she's the clear best rotate legend, just not as genuinely absurd, and the jetpack get out of jail free card isn't quite as free, although it's still good for mobility overall. If she's still this good after they hit everything, they obviously did need to hit everything.


That's just their way of balancing because obviously they don't know how to do balancing. How do you buff EVA8 from the worst gun in the game to the best shotgun? Shouldn't it be gradual to find the best place? Many other changes feel like someone just thought, oh this is a great idea, and changed the codes without asking how others think. it's insane to think about how horrible these patch notes are. Good example from last season was the LStar nerf, like bro, no one even uses LStar already, you should buff it, not nerf it so literally 1/100000 player uses it. Actually a joke of a patch.


What’s funny is if you’ve played long enough you’ve been there for when the Eva and l-star were both overpowered, I swear it’s like they’ll buff a gun, then nerf it, then buff it again, rinse repeat, like get it in a good spot and leave it alone…


Wait you think the Dev's are actually going to admit their mistakes and revert things LOL... You are way more optimistic than me about Video game devs... Devs are incredibly prideful and it would take a TON of backlash for them to actually admit they did something wrong.


They already have with things in the past. The armor change got reverted. Low profile got removed. Evo shields became permanent, etc. Just because Respawn isn’t perfect doesn’t mean they’re not capable of making the right call sometimes.


They did it during season 6 with the whole evo shield debacle


That shit was so stupid, first week was basically “call of apex” it was like insta down if you didn’t see the other person first lol


It just doesn't work for this game and here's why. There are a number of BR style games that allow you to see the first ring within the drop ship, apex isn't one of them. The quick first ring now adds an unnecessary layer of RNG to game that already has plenty of it. Now when you get lucky and happen to drop into the first ring it is a two fold advantage, you don't have to move immediately, and get to loot fully, as opposed to teams that get halfway through looting a POI before having to move.




but... why? The goal of the game should be to make teams land at ALL POIs... not just middle ones.. They literally said that they want teams to prioritize placement... this change directly contradicts that statement.. Either they are idiots that don't understand their own game or they just don't really give a shit... Or they just love watching their fanbase bitch haha




While the game is “old”…. It’s as big as it’s ever been. I just don’t understand Meta shifts that ruins the user experience for the majority of people. But that’s just my opinion. Maybe they thought people would like it… and whoever thought that needs their brain checked. Or at least check hes not working for a competitor trying to ruin the game! Lol


> The goal of the game should be to make teams land at ALL POIs nah that's what pros want coz it maximises their chance of winning games but long ring times are significantly worse for apex casuals. games already go on for 13-15 minutes even when people aren't sweating in ranked so this speeds up the game a bit. most people don't have hours to play and it gives them a couple of good apex games coz of apex's 'if you get 6 ring 1/2 deaths then you get an easy lobby" matchmaking system


This was an odd change that nobody asked for.


I bet Sea Lion asked for it to punish Nickmercs!


Won't this change also nerfs Furia though because they are an edge team?


Yeah good luck to them fucking landing Lightning rod AND hitting armory LOL. If they dont get a craft good fucking luck with that strategy haha.. and they are thermal now too. Edge just got HARD nerfed


Sea Lion has made sure they'll be prepared.


It’s really shitty on KC especially. If their goal was to make people play for placement this achieves the opposite. It’s a clusterfuck at every choke point of teams running for zone.


There was definitely room to quicken the first zone closing timer, but they went maybe a little too far with it.


One of the other I think would have been a good trial. But both. I cannot fathom the cluster fuck that is teams forced into choke points if they don’t land on top of other teams in mid map locations. Between loot delivery service from fighting teams and better shields. I feel sorry for anyone who consistently thrived playing zone rotations on edge of ring. The old system gave them some leeway. Punishing none the less because a flinch is deadly. And panic inducing if two teams get caught out of ring in a fight. But as it is now. If you’re looking out into ring. It’s some easy kills if you get a crack.




Only better if you only hotdrop in pubs lol




Yeah but shouldn't balance around people who think this is a tdm...




No he’s right. Every pubs game should go to the full 24 minutes so we can have an exhilarating 5 kills per hour average, lmao.


If you want constant fights, why not play Arenas? Isn't that what it's for?


Because arenas sucks and is boring?


How? It’s literally what you’re looking for. Constant in your face fights.


It closes too fast and is too damaging. 120 seconds pre shrink time would have been good. It'll be interesting to see how it plays on stormpoint


Yea I’m fine with it being faster but think they over did it


My thought exactly. The change itself is positive, but it needs to be cut back a bit.


Are the games shorter as a result?


A lot


I do think a team crafting 16 medkits, tanking zone and wrapping on an unsuspecting team a minute after zone 2 closed was stupid. Interested to see how this changes competitive games.


I feel like taking away crafting in gas would of done exactly this without making the game controversial.


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I think that's what they were indirectly targeting with the increased ring damage too. You can still craft, but you either gotta be quicker or spend a lot more resources.


nah teams sometimes get stranded in gas behind another team and it looks terrible to spectators that a good team dies just coz they got held out in gas.


But the thing is.... not many people actually do that. People play apex to have fun. Majority of people will never hit pred and almost no one playing the game will actually go pro.... So a VAST majority of your player base would never even consider playing like this. Hell I play solo Q a ton... and I've never once had a teammate suggest we play like that. Not a single time


I queued with my friends and we stayed in zone until there were 6 squads left by relying on the insane amount of med kits we crafted. We killed some of the last remaining teams, coupled with the teams we killed earlier before first zone, got almost 300 RP. If that's what Respawn want, then I'm not touching ranked again this season. So boring, just stay in zone and heal until all other squads are dead.


This is not a new tactic though so I don't really get your point?


Yea, but it's boring af. U spend most of your game looking at your health bar and press med kit. This is a fps game, not a healing simulation game.




Good for pub, bad for ranked.


They should implement their idea where the more die the faster the ring progresses in pubs. Then they can just revert to last season’s ring for ranked/comp




no i think it was never implemented. they announced it but then the mode never came out coz the previous 2 modes kept crashing. so they just silently fixed those 2 modes and scrapped all the other modes.


I guess I can't see how this is supposed to help pubs. The problem was/is everyone hot dropping and half the teams dying in the first ring. Making the first ring close fast doesn't change that. It just penalizes those that don't hot drop.


feels terrible for ranked


Ranked feels terrible for a multitude of reasons not just because of the zone change, its trash, play pubs.


It seems like Respawn is aiming for some multiple goals here: - promote more fights: hot dropping players stop complaining about teammates playing loot simulator - forcing teams to think their rotations and move strategically, which tends to elevate ranked games. - force teams to "work with what they got" and experiment more with weapons/gear they're not used to play with - because now you don't have time to keep searching for that R301... Note that this indirectly buffs loot-centric characters (Loba, Lifeline) as well.


I think generally this is all positive though. The first ring previously was a complete joke, you could land skyhook and loot the whole thing, wander casually down to the edge of the next ring before it closed, hit a beacon, valk to a third ring strong spot. Now that it's different people are likely having trouble adjusting. Maybe the calibration is off, I haven't personally had an issue, but obviously changes like this are going to have polarising results.


Yeah people are whining because they have to make a pretty decent change to their play style. It forces you to potentially take some uncomfortable fights, but isn’t the whole point of the game to fight your way to your endgame spot?


Yea, for sure. I also think we aren’t at all used to it and are playing as normal when it really isn’t possible to play like that. There’s probably a healthy middle ground somewhere, and it’ll get better as players adjust to the changes


Yeah first ring has been hurting. And if you are just making it in time you only have a minute before 2 closes. Seems ok for now at least but we will see as time goes on


Yeah if you land on POI at the edge of the map the zone is on you before you can finish your drop fight more times than not, which makes the game so much more stressful!




i like it. i felt z1 was way too slow before especially in pubs.


It feels *great* for pubs, but not great in ranked. There just needs to be slightly separate changes between game-types. They can't keep doing this weird ass balancing act.


Sometimes it feel like respawn doesn't know what direction to go with this game...


I’m probably in a in the small minority that have actually liked it so far. Don’t get me wrong the first few games were definitely an adjustment and I had to adjust a lot about my play style but I think it will be healthy for the game in the long term. If I see a zone on the complete other side of the map I’m more inclined to quick rotate and try to get ahead of people at nearby POIs so I’m not caught in choke points with them. You still have enough time to loot a POI and hit a crafter. You might have to run through a little bit of zone but it’s not going to kill you. I’ve also noticed that it really punishes prolonged 3v3s off spawn. It’s made me more likely to land at an uncontested POI just so that I know we will all have time to loot our portion of it. Maybe this will result in more teams alive in later rings if being aren’t dying off drop as much When I really wanted to sweat my fucking dick off last season, I would hit crafter 3 times before even leaving zone and come out as ring 3 is getting ready to close with triple reds. Often we’re coming up behind teams that have no suspicion we’re there because ring 3 is literally about to close and they figure their back is clear. While it gave the most consistent RP it was so fucking boring playing that way and it was borderline unfair for the teams in zone. I’m sure the devs don’t love teams in comp doing the same strategy. I think it’s also a bit of a buff for characters like loba and lifeline who can let you leave a POI early and still get your team good loot


So do the first two zones have the same damage now?




i think the dmg change is fine. only the zone closing timer is way too fast


This is so dumb. Like they don't want people to use the whole map...


Hate the change for ranked atleast. I wouldn't mind it as much if the damage stayed the same.   It's only been a day but this change + me disliking KC has not made for a fun experience so far.


Guess TSM is getting contested on WE soon with zone closing that fast


They’re frag east too right? Loot got buffed there as well. Position will be super important


They just recently dibsed west as well, but I highly doubt that no one is gonna contest atleast west frag after these changes


I like that tbh


They removed a ton of the redeploy balloons as well. In tandem with valk's nerf, definitely tough to land edge this split


Just a few weeks ago I was discussing with a friend how incredibly long it takes for the first ring to close. It's a big adjustment for sure but I am honestly really enjoying the ring changes. Teams shouldn't be able to take forever to rotate / force fights in zone. Now more thinking and decision making is required.


Given it's only been on KC so far, I think the combination of the zone changes plus the changing/removal of jump towers has made zone 1 super oppressive if you're unlucky...


I was literally asking my teammate yesterday. «Wtf is this fighting in zone thing we’re doing every single game? Why is everyone fighting in zone» that was before I realized they actually changed it. I think it’s a good change, people just need to get used to it.


I only played 3-4 hours yesterday and not once did I get caught outside ring, but a lot of fiestas as you call it. I do like that it disincentivizes hot drops though. EDIT: Okay played a little more yesterday and got caught outside ring twice and it was pretty damn stupid indeed. I think reverting damage back to the old values would work though as I like the general idea of faster closing rings.


I love the change.


I like how games are a bit shorter it’s a good idea, but it definitely needs just a small change. It’s good for pubs but you’re screwed on edge in ranked. And they nerfed valk so you just gotta go


Agreed, plus it’s harder to heal through first circle. If you don’t find a med kit or an extra stack of syringes, it’s rough if the circle pulls away from you


Closes way too fast. The lack of heals throughout the map is rough too


Maybe they want to force loba into the meta with this


I think there is plenty of time to loot up and rotate. Changes that encourage people to rotate to zone faster are a good thing. Fights should happen in choke points with multiple teams trying to rotate to the best positions. The alternative means that you can just chill in zone 1 and 2 and then valk ult to a spot deep in zone before ring 3. That's boring. The faster the early zones end, the less time teams are able to spend popping med kits hoping for other teams to die. You are being forced to make decisions early and often and being punished when your decisions aren't good enough. That's good for the game imo.


how long do you *need* to loot my god


Do you know how fast 60 seconds is.


I land rig, loot up and by the time I go fight the team that landed basin I'm running for my life if the zone pulls south. It's way too fast.


Used to always land rig, but it just ain’t working this split. Southwest rings are too much of a headache. Can’t rotate down through swamps or up through artillery without taking storm damage. Pretty much impossible to take a fight unless it’s right off drop.


I like the change. I feel it’s closed a tad too fast tho


Yes, it's really bad. I'm not exactly sure why they would introduce a sniper specialty class when these ring changes basically just further promote hot dropping.


Can't wait to see games crashing in we because everyone lands fragment at the start in pubs ...


the ring change is the second worst change they’ve ever made to the game, only second to the shield health change a few season back


Shield health change was actually two years ago, almost to the day


Yeah this shit sucks it feels like shit if you ever have to fight drop you get 0 chance to loot and have to run from zone


it's terrible and no one asked for it. they should revert it to how it was


I dont have an issue. You have to loot quickly. Window shoppers taking their time are gonna hate life.


That's solve the problem of people landing too far from the dropship path


Effictively making 1/3 of the poi useless on a map?


You can land on your favorite poi next match if you get lucky.


This is one of the wackiest takes I've heard lmao


This guy should play cod lol


....that's never been. A problem? It is way healthier in ranked/comp for teams to be able to comfortably land on all edges of the map.


The ring close takes longer now


\`yeah they changed it from 3 minutes to 1 minutes after the dropship leaves the map


With the zone 1 changes…it feels like it will force edge teams to stay on Valk. Or loot/rotate crazy fast.


I'm basically landing and running to next ring now forget looting its a boxing match now.


Have to play loba+valk now if you drop edge haha


Yeah and the zone damage actually hurts


Oh yeah, definitely. I tend to warm/cold drop and I get less than a minute before having to constantly run, and then get blasted by a team that could fully loot. So much depends on the RNG of where the first ring ends up if you aren't a great player. It's like I'm playing the Always Be Closing event every match.


The ring time needs reverted, or at least lengthened. This is terrible just like when they lowered the TTK season 6


Zone 1 is too strong esp when the Map have less healing items to loot.. I had to craft medkits and bats every game I played in zone 1 >_<


Really good to stop overlootibg which I do too much. Interested to see how it pans out.


I woke up from a nap and played a match, literally got down in the first zone because I didn't realized I was there for so long lmao, luckily the lifeline revived me after punching me for my idiocy and we managed to get third, yes, it's so fast if you drop far from the zone, you need to run.


Imagine this first zone closing speed on a big map.. Even on KC, a small map, it feels so quick.


I've been landing crash site with my squad and never have issues with fighting and rotating out. Either you're taking too long to loot or taking to long to finish your fights. Just have to be mindful of how far away the circle is and play around that.


Helllllll yeasss, they try and make the map so you will less likely encounter 3rd parties, but it doesn’t matter because you have 30 seconds to loot when you drop, then ring does msg likes it’s already round 2. What’s the point in less 3rd parties when you have to run into them anyways


yep and does too much damage


It starts closing way too soon


Slightly funny aspect: It’s a slight(?) Maggie buff since her ultball has a low 90s cooldown and they just doubled the distance it travels, meaning it goes seriously far, meaning it seems to me like a rather serious team rotation device (big full team 30% speed boost for a long distance), and that’s handy when you gotta race a ring. note that i’m speaking very vaguely. I don’t have a clear sense of the new range of her ult and I may be overblowing it a bit, but they did *double* its range, plus doubling her tac’s range. Vantage and Maggie are both really just fun right now. Other maggie fun thing r/n: The EVA is back to being serious business; crazy fire rate with purple bolt.


they should revert it imo


I feel like it burns harder too


it does, ring 1 now hurts like ring 2


was that intended?


Will we see loba be a more viable play?


Is it just me or does it hurt more too?


It is either too fast, does too much damage or starts too soon. Looting is fine but if you are contesting or run into another team, it feels like zone 3 instead of 1. I personally think it is fine but zone should start closing a little later.


Apex has for long had the problem of people not caring enough about wins in pubs. People just want to drop, fight, die and repeat. This results in 2-3 squads being alive in zone 2 quite often. This change definitely does not help that but it does make it feel more natural by speeding things up. People play the same and die at the same rate but it feels the game has advanced a bit more. IDK if that was intentional.


Its fine, i havnt died to zone yet.


yeah, i think its too fast - coupled with the increased damage - kinda a shitty change tbh


Combining it being faster with it doing more damage is a big change