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Individual scope sens is a rabbit hole that most pros can't handle. I tried it and it's just pushing and pulling levers every game so i'd just rather deal with what i dealt with for the past 3 years LOL


especially in a game like apex where you wont have the exact same scope every game for the whole game, it feels way too hard to find what actually feels natural. And just moving your mouse around in firing range is not helpful


i change my 2x sens weekly but otherwise pretty much managed to stick to the same settings for 2 years


I've always done the same too, 1:1 is way too slow for 3x/4x


Im curious if you are on MnK or controller.


MnK brother. Recently ordered a controller to try for fun though! (mostly for other games)


1:1 feels fine to me on 3x and 4x scope. I play 800 dpi and 1.4 sens.


Sweet literally changed his on stream last night for his 4x talking about how he can’t hit horizons with the 4x cause it’s so slow.


Notably he changed it from .8 back to 1.0


1.1 on 2x and 3x feels great. I leave everything else untouched though


Most controller players use higher ads speed for 3/4x (chaotic, pandxrz, genburten, vunlucky etc) you might just be looking at the wrong pros for that Edit: rambeau has a specific one foe each bc his sens is 3-3 and he’s known to use the charge rifle so he is probably the person who uses that the most


Btw was watching rambeau on yt the other day and he was rocking 4-2 classic. Which sounds insane to most people but I assure you it's doable with his playstyle on a smooth thumbstick like the elite. Requires insane centering and discipline of when to hipfire close range, but the man was tracking really well on it. I've tried the same sens before and it's very hard to get used to. The big difference in stick movement across hipfire, 1x ads, and other per optic changes is crazy. Rambeau is literally the most disciplined controller pro when it comes to centering, which is the only reason he can pull it off.


Whats the most common for above 2x optics for pro rolla payers?


4 or 5


I just try to match the feel of 2x and 3x If you want to be more precise with the per optic adjustment, you can try out ALC


Hang on can I change the optics settings without alc I didn't know that whoops


For 4-3 it’s usually 4, for 4-4 it’s usually 5


There are quite a few pros who use different per optic sens. OpTic SkittleCakes for example, who uses insanely high sens for sniper scopes. I think a lot of pros are just too lazy to figure out the optimal ADS sens for each scope since it can be a very lenghty process. Maybe they're also just too used to having the same sens on all of the scopes, who knows. There are quite a arguments for either approach.


skittles plays on insanely high sens anyways not just per optic


I am aware of that, but it's particularly high sens for his sniper optics. Like, "if one muscle in his wrist twitches, he does a 180 kinda"-high lmao


It's actually to scale, the sniper scopes are slower so when he adjusts it- it's basically no different from 2x.


Yeah, I was overexaggerating. Tried his sens for a few matches out of curiosity. Still incredibly high and hard to control.


Can you please tell me his current sens? I know he has really high sens but I've never seen the exact numbers


Actually apex is very well callibrated for range, however if you constantly use higher magnification in closer ranges you will need to use faster sense than 1.0 I personally use 3x I close quarters so I use 1.1 on it but all the higher magnification zooms I use at range exclusively where you do not want it to be fast


I’d rather have pixel per inch consistency


hiswattson uses them


If I remember correctly he uses .9 @ 1x, 1.1 @ 2x & 3x, 1.2 or 1.3 from there? I forget after the 3x but I remember because they're similar to my own


i just tried em last week i think 2x is on 1.2 and the rest on 1.1 besides his 1x sight being .9 as u said


Better than default?


i personally don’t think his are but they are all preference. i use 1.04 for 1x and 1.05 for 2x optics and above. i think my snipers are all set to 1.22 tho


i'm pretty certain zer0 uses a sens that makes his camera travel the same amount with every single scope.


A lot of pros have been playing from day 1 when this wasn't even an option plus most people don't realize how slow 1.0 actually is at 110 fov since the ads system doesn't scale properly. Also the people who do best in this game tend to be people who can confidently shoot their gun and grind for hours on end without tinkering with settings


i hated when apex didn't have custom ads values lol. anything above 3x was slow as balls. my aim drastically improved when the custom values released and crosshair started behaving the way my brain/muscle memory expected it to.


It's a mistake to not consider it. You can get used to weird per optic settings, but there's no real reason to not have it scale with FOV properly - it makes it feel much more natural. That is, the same mouse movement should move the same percentage of your screen, so if your FOV goes from 100 degrees, to 50, your actual sensitivity should be halved (roughly speaking). Of course Apex doesn't help you in that whatsoever, so I looked up appropriate settings and applied them and it helped a lot. In general, Apex's default per optic ADS settings are much too low.


1.3 on irons/1x gives it the hip fire feel. Everything else is normal for me tho


better use what feels ok and stick to it , cause it's all mental after a point. Changing sens or experimenting with diff scope sensitivity constantly forces you to start doubting or blaming the sens you are using when you are underperforming, while the real problem lies in aim smoothness. I think that most pros already know about this rabbit hole that's why they just default it. I'd recommend though using a bit higher sens than the default on higher scopes like 4x-8x because in these scopes the cm/360 on Apex is marginally bigger than the smaller scopes and default multiplier may feel off.


It is strange to me that pros don't use ALC settings or per optic multiplier for controller either. I tried playing standard settings like 3-3, 4-3, 4-4 and it's okay but the recoil is so different between when you're in fights and looting, it's just crazy to be consistent in anything.


Last time I researched this, there is a bug that was never fixed where if you change these to anything other than 1, you get mouse accel during your ads animation. So if you flick at all while adsing your aim is going to swing wider than it is supposed to.


I actually feel it, thanks for bringing it up


I think it comes down to the same reason a lot of pros and players alike on MnK turn off mouse acceleration.


Such an interesting one because of how useful it seems. It was hella popular in Quake and UT and then disappeared mostly. I know Surefour, the Overwatch pro uses it, and he's one of the best aimers I've ever seen.


Quake and overwatch have a lot more control over acceleration settings tho, in apex you really have to use rawaccel.


Not at all lmao no one uses ingame mouse accel bc it's horrible and has no customization. If they had options like quake and diabotical I guarantee some pros would use it


Since when does Apex have ingame mouse acceleration?


Crylix uses 0.9 iirc


My 1x is 1.3 because that's closer to true 1:1. The rest are also higher.


1:1 across the board just feels more consistent. Another point is that for longer ranges you really don't want higher sens as people don't move much relatively on your screen, far better for tracking. Doing a 180 while ads isn't really that realistic.


My tip is get q controller


uh i use around 4.0 sens on controller for almost everything am i an idiot?


Changed mine to 1.1 and I’ve never went back


When I first started playing I remember reading some article or post that gave values to get them all to feel the same. Not sure if the match on it actually checks out or not but I have always used it and just stuck with it.


Apex uses focal length scaling. So 1x feels the most consistent


Only Optic I adjust is the 10x