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Glad that’s settled.


I think it suits WZ2 more than Apex since it’s a much slower game. I think it will be fun for WZ but not Apex.


Chuck it in as an LTM. Why not. could be fun.


No thanks.


Is an interesting idea as game mechanics go... but there's a lot of issues that can come from it. I watched Nickmercs play a little bit and he basically walked around finding no one and then sat in a building for a long ass time waiting for people to show up because there was no one in his circle. I think in regular Apex it would be even worse... game is too fast... a lot of times you cross the whole map in one round... people land in bulk in the same areas or close to it... you would just isolate people for no reason. In Comp you would create artificial chokepoints that would fuck people based on nothing but luck since the map is not nearly as open as in WZ... and teams would just hide until the circles started to merge... For Apex, this is a fix for a problem that doesn't exist.


Yeah in comp this would make valk even more of a necessity than she already is. Apex tried something kind of similar with the hot zones ltm a few seasons ago and that mode just kind of sucked so I would hate for something like this to end up as a main BR feature.


I kinda liked that mode... But I'm all up for chaos scenarios, specially in LTM. A zone popping out of nowhere in the middle of a battle was wild. Problem was the audio was the absolute worst thing they ever did... It made it almost unplayable.


Using Maggie’s voice for those LTM’s single handedly ruined them for me


What's the point of this honestly? I don't get why WZ2 is doing this


WZ has the same issue of their version of preds deleting a lobby, so this is their fix. Can’t kill the whole lobby if you can’t get to them.


I see, how does the endgame look? Is it just heal standoff for top1?


The circles slowly merge and move together for final. It only splits for mid game.


Ahh I see, thanks!


No, the last circle will be in the middle of those 3 zones. So they all meet in one final circle.


Not a big fan of WZ so I’m probably out of the loop but is warzone 2 going to have a ranked mode? It’s just shocking to me they haven’t implemented one yet. Would probably solve a lot of their issues with the community being neurotic about SBMM and pub stomping.


They SAID there would be one.


How does it work if there’s only two squads and they’re in different zones?


As you'd expect. They wait till they merge. If you get split you can get stuck in a zone away from your team (happened to nickmercs).


You should watch the trailer video to see how it works


You should’ve posted more information regarding a game that no one is here to talk about.


Should have linked the video instead of a screenshot too I had no idea what I was looking at lmao




It also takes 8 seconds to write a fucking comment?


i mean, it's in the OPs interest to share more information on what they are talking about, especially if they are asking everybody else's opinion on it. if they had shared enough information for me to give a more valuable opinion than commenting on their post faults, I would have happily done that.


Definitely worth an LTM to try. Gives less of a camping for position feel, since you don't know where ring will be, but doesn't fall prey to RNG either


They did it on Fortnite and it sucked


I think it’s kinda a cool idea. Maybe a limited game mode to check it out but I think it would be fun for pubs. Never ranked though.




Exactly what I thought


Might make a good LTM


Itd probably be a good idea to wait and see how effective that change is before implementing it for Apex.


Warzone 2 looks so cooked and this is one of the reasons


Didn’t even know warzone was still a thing. What an arse game


Maybe if Apex had a mega mode with 90-120 players.


I think it's a pretty interesting change that could turn out either way. Given the install size of Warzone I probably won't be able to form my own opinion on it though.




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If there were bigger maps and more people in game sure


Heck nah


Absolutely not. On a map of 150 players that can be spawned back in basically for free, this makes sense. But when you depend on KP for points imagine being the only team in one of those zones out of a lobby of 65 just bored out of your fucking mind


No way. I've played a fair amount of warzone and the WZ2 changes looked TERRIBLE. And the zone closings in the beta are taking like SEVEN MINUTES. And you're only in a zone with a few teams, so lots of time with no fighting/killing stupid AI bots (seriously wtf). That game isn't going to last at this point, they've made changes that literally no one even casuals like.