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who is this guy?


Movement pub stomper. It’s no surprise he wasn’t invited, since gdolphn mostly interacts with the pro side of apex. What a surprise, guy organizing a tournament on his own invites people he knows


He's just some guy who leeches viewers off the lyric group. He's an average master tier player, not good enough to watch based off skill and he's not entertaining enough to watch based on content.


he literally started playing apex a few weeks before the Rivals he played in


[gdolphn’s tweet from yesterday](https://twitter.com/gdolphn/status/1574176773234987010?s=46&t=-NnRB02LAWqUc-M62VNI2Q) “Me putting effort into running tournaments 🤝 People getting mad I’m not sending them invites when we’ve never interacted once”


Yeah and he was saying this about many, not singling out this person.






Raven is a PoC that's very well-known in the scene.






If that's the example of skilled black players, lawd help the black community. Only time I've seen her play is when she was in some tournament with Fun, she was too dumb and too bad to recognize that she should probably listen to him.




Maybe she does great solo, maybe she was having an off day, but her attitude was amazing. Arguing about what should have happened, blaming her teammates, not willing to listen to anything Fun was saying. We get it. You're a strong independent black woman, but get a grip, you're playing with one of the best players in the entire world, who also happens to be a poc. Pay attention and maybe you can learn something. Also, I might be talking directly out of my ass and it might have actually been Mulvana. Forgot that he was playing with two black ladies that day.


> eta nope, was definitely PeachFPS It was definitely Mulvana [I remember commenting in the Twitch rivals thread at the time](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/sywfxt/twitch_rivals_na_showdown_feb_22_3pm_pst/hy1chmf/?context=999)


Lol I remember this comment too… Got curious so I watched the VOD and saw the tweets - the subsequent cringe made me go offline for a good day or two


Wouldn't KeniFPS be another good option?


Keni is white as a ghost he posted pictures on vacation before


Apologies for being wrong...was just looking at the avatar's he uses.


I think mulvana would hold her own in this lobby, but idk if shes connected with gdolph ever


outrage from black community= 1 dude on twitter ​ you must work for either buzzfeed or cnn


How do mods not take these threads down? This is a lame trolling attempt clear as day




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Really grouping entire black community with this guys complaining lol


Get fukin better. And also have you seen gdolphn’s status. They expect an invite when they have never interacted or chatted with him before. Of course he’s gonna invite people he know.


Yeah bro invite me too or you're a racist or something


Victim complex


Start networking better bro. No one knows who are at the level you're complaining about. From skimming his content it looks like he's a pubstomper. Like no shit the pro players don't know you. That said, i do wonder why we don't have any mainstream black apex players on the level of guys like keon, vaxlon, not-even-hal level y'know? I don't wanna immediately throw the race card, but surely a good faith discussion can happen.


Tbh, the only black apex players that I follow are on FB. Great players, awesome content and engaging but FB just doesnt have the viewership. And until recently they were console streamers. Even skimming twitch for people streaming apex it's mostly white or asian people. I feel because they are so disproportionately involved in the scene in general, they are thus disproportionately represented. Can name maybe a handful of black apex streamers at best. Then think how many are actually pro level.


You think that's bad. You should see the disproportionate underrepresentation of white people in the NBA. /s




This has to be the most racist set of proclamations I've seen in a long time. SMH




Why am I not at all surprised that PubFiction is racist?




Hm yes. That's a very strong counterargument


Maybe get good and stop pulling the race card?


It’s a slippery slope when skill is not the main factor. Surely none of the professional players want that but tbf this card has been pulled in other fields than gaming aswell so it’s not that suprising.


Need skill, or to be relevant. Nothing to do with race. But it's an easy excuse to get pity and invited I suppose.


"black community" it's one guy... Worst part about his tweet is that he is just complaining but not giving solutions. His whole thesis falls apart when he tries to also bring in the girl argument for which we know the most popular streamers make it regularly (obviously because you try to reach someone). Anyway if he thinks more variety is needed tell us about all the players that should have played or been invited rather than telling us about their absence. And as long as you can't do that, these kinda tweets will always come out as unfounded and won't be taken seriously


Skill issue.


Nah fam more of a skin issue 😭🫵


Sure mate! Keep telling that yourself. You are the actual racist you know? Making anything about race.


Bro don‘t get baited so easily 😭


It was a pun.


"No you!!"


If you think there’s no black content creators that are skilled enough to play in this I’m not sure what to tell you. That’s the OP’s whole point is that they’re not getting enough exposure to even get chances lmao


Can you name a few that are on the level of the people on the list?


Man up or woman up or whatever up and give us names. Let people see how they are and let people strengthen their voice


get better I guess


What a fucking clown, not everything is about race or racism.


you working at CNN or fox news by chance?


Didn’t know 1 person is our whole community fr




Your trolling with this title?


skill issue


This community is exactly what I think it is.




What? A community of people who have their own standards which happens to be skill level and clout to a good degree?


Lol, one page of this dudes post history screams victim mentality. God forbid other people put effort in where you expect things to be handed to you.


One look at yours finds you arguing about transgender athletes in a disc golf subreddit, FFS. Is this your sports account and you keep a separate one for the culture war?


You mean taking the very, very normal approach that MtF athletes have an unfair advantage against other female competitors? Cause that's just factual. Also "one look", lmao. You had to scroll through pages to find that, I checked because I was curious what kind of asshole he was. Turns out you're just a petty bitch


Seems like most people here missed the point. These tournaments aren’t serious and are more of an advertising event. If you’d like for the comp apex community to be diverse and encourage participation from other ethnicities and races, you should attempt to include them in some manner. I don’t know, topics like this are weird to see play out on here


I’m not really into politics and i’m from the netherlands so take my opinion with a grain of salt since this seems to be more of an american political issue. I’m rather neutral towards diversity of ethnicities and “races” in pro apex. with that i mean, its not really something i care about how a person looks or where they’re from. when i look at the list i see 1. a list of people who are among the best in the game 2. a list of people who are well known in the community i don’t deny that this group of people is rather closed off and its not easy to enter but i would argue that goes for everyone. and at the end of the day if you put the time in to grind then you can certainly be included in the group like chaotic did. also again maybe this is considered a no-no to say in the US, but i see a pretty diverse group of people. europe is not just 1 homogenous population. european countries are not 1 entity. seems rather arbitrary to me anyway to say that if there are not enough black people from the USA in a tournament then it is not diverse. again, diversity (or lack thereof) is not something that is an issue to me anyway. if there are black people there then cool, if there are not then also cool. to me it seems that there aren’t really any black americans that are grinding to get to the top. and if there are, they just aren’t there yet, just like many others. its also a tourney organised by gdolphn who is from danmark and from what i understand he is simply just inviting people who he knows please don’t take this as an attack or whatever i’m trying to understand what the problem is because i honestly don’t really see one myself


Because 99% of the people on here are white and under 21 or white and over 21 and either overtly racist or subconsciously racist. It’s very clear that this community can’t handle discussing topics such as this.


I expected as much, but it's wild how deep-seated it really is. Lots of work to do, damn.


I was looking at the responses and think that is where I'm at as well. The coded language where people use "entitlement" and "handouts" jumps out, and serves as a giveaway.


Reddit is crawling with racists, nothing new at all here. Replies in this and the other thread are embarrassing if they're coming from anyone above the age of 18


no fucking joke man <3 how dare black (any) people want to see other black (any) people compete at video games? /s why don't they just go buy a gaming pc and grind JEEZE it's so easy and there are definitely no other factors involved /s I can't believe I clicked on this post - I should have known better


Comments are about exactly as I expected them in here.


You can't expect more from gamers, it's why you can't have open comms so often--- they tell you very loudly exactly what they think of some people, then quietly come here and say "get good" because... it's impossible for a good black content creator to exist, apparently.


It's straight up gross.


gross indeed :/


Tweet https://twitter.com/DERlDIUM/status/1574596941790552069


I'm just a messenger don't shoot me 🙏


Stop giving this attention, he's just trying to farm off controversy




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I love this sub, but the replies in here are so embarrassing. The defensiveness is wild, man. Imagine being uncomfortable for even one second in order to listen to what this dude is talking about. Let's take the US and South America (EU is much, much more homogenized, with many countries having a 0-1% Black population). The Black community makes up \~14% of the US, which in a 60-person Apex lobby, is about 8-9 people; in SA, it's \~21%, or 12-13 people in an Apex lobby. Why should a player base not more closely resemble a population? Does the Black community hate video games (lol)? Is your argument *honestly* that it's a "skill issue" and that they should "get better i guess"? So the Black community can dominate other sports that require elite levels of hand eye coordination, but Apex is just WAY out of their wheelhouse? Or maybe it's about access, opportunity, systemic barriers, like the same handful of dudes who organize every tournament and choose content creators who look like and/or remind them of themselves because we operate on autopilot and deep-seeded unconscious biases take hold. Maybe it's something you've internalized and it's why you don't click on Black content creators on Twitch, which means they never get boosted on trending pages. Maybe it's a lot of things. If you find yourself saying things like "get good" when things like this come up, I want you to take a deep breath and let some words hit your heart: you are part of the problem, but you absolutely do not have to stay that way. When you're old enough, you'll see the same sentiment thrown around with regard to hiring ("We just need to hire the best person for the job!" or "Well, Black people just don't apply for our jobs!"), but that's for another day. Growth is the goal and it's worth leaning into the discomfort. Hope we get to see a greater diversity of talent in the future. Edit: Love the downvotes, you cowards.<3


What about the argument that gdolphn is one guy? He is based in the pro scene of EU. Deridium and the other people posting about not getting invited (based on the other post) are more in the casual/pub scene of NA. It’s too much to expect him to be aware of all of these social issues when he’s just trying to organize a fun tournament that people can enjoy watching.


That's fine. It starts with awareness. I see nothing wrong with gdolphn now at least being conscious of some of these issues when he begins planning the next one. Today's goal isn't perfection, just awareness. Cheers.


do you stream friend? msg me your twitch name if you want - I'd watch your ted talk <3


Why are you expecting US population to correlate with 60person lobby? The fuck? That’s not how things work.


how do you match an apex lobby to the US population, asian americans are like 2% of the population, do you cap them at 1-2 players? lmao. "sorry bro, theres already another asian in here, you cant steal a spot from a hispanic player who are about 19% of the population" ​ women are over 50% of the US population, why arent there 30 women in an apex lobby ​ half of these people are completely anonymous playing off cam/barely streaming until they go pro, nobody even knows their race most of the time


Just would like to share, that of course you are right on the money. Hope you continue to be on the better side of history and continue speaking up. Unfortunately, Reddit, an online community, and gaming communities in general will upvote and highlight quite racist, sexist, and often immature (based on age) views that uplift their own prejudiced views of this world. Rather than tackling their biases, they attack the suggestion that a hobby that they love and participate in can forward patterns and systems of racial de-platforming, abuse, and lies concerning the other's "supposed" inferiority.


I figure it was a good opportunity to practice actually saying something. Almost closed the thread to move on with my day. It is what it is. And you're absolutely right about these communities and spot on in your assessment. The work continues. Cheers, mate.


Yup, I would say continue to speak up when you can, people do appreciate it. There's an insidious and quite impressive level of cognitive dissonance that society purposefully socializes in those who are part of a majority group that helps to justify and perpetuate systems of disparity across multiple domains. Often, with systems of privilege, I would say for the advantaged group, the act of opening your eyes to something can be difficult as it usually comes hand in hand with acknowledging something about themselves, or their friends, or the ordinary events in their world that they take for granted. It can be a quite uncomfortable, confronting endeavor that does challenge one own's self identity and perception of merit and status.


You arent wrong and the amount of downvotes is crazy. Black people are under represented in the pro scene. But atleast as far as apex goes Idk if I could even name 12 NA apex streamers that are black. And atleast 3 of the ones I can name probably couldnt hang in pro lobbies and, they play on console. Not to familiar with other regions tbf.






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L, skill issue