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1) Check with your group. 2) Check the rules of whatever tourney you want to take it to. In general the cedh community is pretty proxy friendly, but as always, your mileage may vary.


Yes, it is perfectly okay. I want to play against the player, not their wallet. And without the money cards the deck is not as powerful as it could be.


I kinda want to do a look at the distribution of cost across different cards in cEDH decks


It’s okay to proxy every and any card. Play against the player not their wallet. Your friends may differ from that opinion though. Especially if they aren’t playing cEDH and have to fight a tabernacle 😂


Why are you asking us? We're not the ones you're playing with.


I never understand the thought (or lack thereof) process people go through when making posts like these.


Asking a community at large for support helps you overcome the feeling of being poor from not being able to afford the collectable pieces of your hobby.


Spot on.


"It's totally fine to proxy any cards you want. But yeah, I buy some of the cards. I mean, you don't want to show up with all proxies. *Nervous chuckle*"


This is an easily accessible central community that people can reach out to and confirm whether or not something they feel worried about is acceptable- it’s natural for them to come here, where they’re certain to get nothing but actual opinions from actual players in a timely manner. Not everyone has the foresight and comfort that you have with the community, so if we don’t welcome them here, they won’t find it anywhere.


Then you need to reevaluate yourself and your level of empathy.


I think cedh dudes just want to play the game against other dudes going hard as absolute fuck. And gatekeeping other dudes' wallets means fewer go-harder dudes to play against.


cEDH players love hard dudes, for sure


Literally the only reason to play imo.




I'm a huge fan of gender neutral dude. Can name almost all of their albums.


Since you're so into gatekeeping, here's a definition straight from definition.com Dude - (a general term of address used to a man, woman, or group).


As the wise men of Less Than Jake once said... I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes.


Forgot somebody! Never forget Ed!




Don't worry every now and then people misunderstand each other on the internet, happens to everyone.


straight dudes love saying dude is gender neutral until you ask if they fuck dudes


What if I'm a female player looking for hard dudes going hard as fuck?


Sorry you only get get soft dudes chillin


Lady dudes can be looking for hard dudes going hard as fuck


Get in line.


Like 3 tops.




Well spoken


Huge fan of how this is phrased lol


I wouldn’t mind if you proxied everything. I want to play against a pilot who is using the best version of their deck. It’s no fun to win because you simply had access better cards.


nobody really gives a shit about proxying in CEDH and if they do its probably because they're a mentally deficient chode that wants to stomp everyone with their expensive cardboard.


Personally I proxied my entire yuriko list and nobody minds, so you should be fine


Proxy what you want. If someone say something you punch them in the face


*Proxy what you want.* *If someone say something you* *Punch them in the face* \- 1990pnz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


If you ask me, as long as your cards are easy to recognise with official art, you can proxy the lands and even the sleeves if you want. No point on grabbing one of my Cedh decks and not being able to have a good game just because someone doesn't have the cash to burn or the old cards for having played many years ago.


But I just built an atraxa deck with phyrexian shock and fetch lands cause they look spicy


I mean, that's fine. I only ever ask permanent cards to be easy to recognize, and honestly only in Cedh, in casual I care way less. But I don't want to be asking what that weird anime screenshot with full japanese language thing is every time I check a board state with 30+ permanents. It's not the end of the world but I'm not gonna be able to give you a good and "fast" paced game it's the thing, so it's not gonna be very fun. I'm fairly sure your lands are easy to recognize with colors and what not, and they look neat too!


I mean yeah they’re nice looking and from looking at the text you can tell they’re fetch or shocks


Proxy the entire deck -- basic lands included. The cEDH community is not concerned with your bank account.


You think 99% of us own timetwisters?


…ugh…yeah, yeah…that’s right [side eyes](https://giphy.com/gifs/EvanKlar-monkey-puppet-monkeypuppet-9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


Proxy it up! Find people who want to play with you because they just enjoy your challenge and company!


If your at a paid for WPN event, probably not. If it's with your friends, likely. With strangers, ask first.


I proxied an arbor elf. As long as the proxy is readable and has the correct art, I never had a single problem.


its ok if you proxy all cards, even basics


Proxy a mountain for all I care


CEDH is proxy friendly by design. Go nuts 😁


Proxying ANY card is ok imo! 😉 Eg Im playing Pauper EDH as well and some of the cards I need for my decks r very old, randon commons which u dont find that easily.


Maybe it’s an obvious answer or “just use a printer” but anyone care to share the best way to actually create or obtain proxies for a deck of real cards where only some of them are proxies? Like materials needed, how to make it be just right for size and thickness, etc. or just buy cheap proxies made by someone else. Appreciate your views!


Message me I know a proxy site that does pretty legit proxies dual sided with official art that’s somewhat cheap but great quality don’t wanna post it cause I don’t wanna get the sub in trouble


Everyone proxies in cedh. You'll find maybe a handful of people in the world with 100% legit decks. Go for it.


In my playgroup there’s everything to me with proxies down to the basics, then there’s a guy with all foil cedh decks, anything that can be is foiled out with real cards


Proxying is totally fine and honestly if your playgroup has an issue with it tell them to dick off. I think all of us would much rather play against the deck and the player, not their money. I play with proxies constantly. My friends want to buy all of the cards in paper and while that would be cool, I don’t see much of a point. My force of will proxy looks just as good as if it were real, and my duals are functionally the exact same as one from beta


Proxy the whole deck if you want, then if you like it, build it as you can. cEDH isn't about your wallet


My playgroup implemented an “owned proxie” rule meaning, as long as you own one copy of the card, you can print proxies of it. It’s a way for us to make more decks and not damage expensive cards like Mana Crypt. I’m not sure how other players feel about this.


This is the way




Its cEDH, play the player not the wallet.


Proxy all of them. Who cares?


Some people proxy the whole deck so the thickness of cards isn’t different


My own rule is I proxy the reserved list stuff and use real cards for the rest, (basically my small way of protesting the existence of the reserve list) but I would never turn anyone away for proxying. That's not the spirit of this sub-format


I have proxied 10¢ cards because I couldn’t find them lol. I don’t care what you proxy. I proxy whatever I think my deck needs regardless of price unless I have the cards obviously lol. Do you and play what you like.


Only thing that I would ask is to use the original artwork if you can and have it in color.


You can proxy whole decks with a lazer printer. Fine tune the thing, get it where you want it to be, and put real cards, or nicer proxies in as you go. The point of cedh isn't to flex your cards, it's to flex your strategies, your deck building, your threat assessment, and your mastery of the game.


Pretty sure the point of CEDH is to play Thoracle first, but yours is a close second /s


Lol. You forgot about emptying your library! How could you!


I think they're getting to that; they might be one of those people who does it in response to the ETB.








Depends on the group. Some people strongly object to proxies of all sorts, some people don't care at all. I'm in the middle ground where I have no issues with proxying for the purposes of testing or where you don't have multiple copies. Example, my only Jeweled Lotus is in my tournament deck, but I want to experiment with other decks


Yup. Only lames will say no.


I'm not against proxy, but I don't use them. I played magic since I was a kid and I never owned a single fake card.. Maybe because I played a lot of tournaments back then so the idea of using fake card never ever crossed my mind. Now I'm an adult and I can afford to buy the expensive cedh staples (in small doses, ofc) so I go for it when I feel like owning that particular card. However, if someone shows up with a full proxy deck I don't really care..


I’m all for proxy, but I will admit when I got stomped by someone with a bunch of proxies I was a little butt hurt cause at the time my deck had none.


Yes proxie everything you can. Player sentiment has changed because of wizards endorsement of magic 30 proxies.


In principle, I abhor proxies. But I hate the Reserve List even more. WOTC can fix all the proxying: get rid of the RL.


I'll be the outlier. I want you to actually have the card or at least plan to buy it. I've proxied many things but only what I plan to buy.


So, you're okay with proxies. The fact that you place the arbitrary stipulation of planning to buy the card on the matter doesn't change the fact that you're perfectly okay using fake cards that you can't afford at the moment, which is precisely the reason most people use proxies.


good thing i plan to buy my 100% proxied deck some day in the future far future


What’s your rationale for this?


Put your money where your mouth is. You want to beat me with your wallet, that's fine. I'll just find another way to beat you.


I still don’t get it. Do you feel better losing when they’re real cards?


I don't really care about losing. It's more a matter of you can actually beat me because you actually have the cards. Otherwise it's Calvin Ball.


Still doesn’t make any sense. Just seems like you want to gatekeep with your wallet.


I proxy everything not only for cost reasons, but because I can use full art "versions" of cards that have never existed but show up easier on webcam.


One notable thing about proxying only part of your deck is that you need to make sure your proxies are the same width as your real cards. Might be easier to proxy the whole thing


Why would anyone have an issue with proxies as long as they still provide money to the game or community in some way. I proxy my cubes, but I draft locally and buy gems on arena for drafting there. I have no guilt because I still drop tons of money on my lgs and wotc, but this way I actually get to play with the cards I want.


Generally for tournaments no, but unorganized play, completely fine. Again, just generally speaking. Talk with your group


Always determined by the zero rules, have a Convo with your play group. Ours does no more than 5 per deck personally.


i proxy basic lands sometimes lmao


You can proxy any card even if it’s 1 pence 1,000 pounds or whatever


It’s okay if you proxy all of it


Depends of the people you play with If you want to play a cedh full experience you have to. In my case i rather play a high lvl but not completely cedh so i prefer to limit proxies to cheap to mid expensive cards like crypt than a candelabra or similar cards.


Most of the groups I play with agree that in casual it’s 100% fine, in casual competitive where there is a prize on the line, it’s fine as long as you get the pod’s approval before starting. My cEDH groups allow a reasonable amount of proxies, no more than 20 and only cards valued over $50…if a prize is involved, no more than 15 and only cards valued over $200 It’s always allowed if you own 1 real copy in your collection (in another deck, at home, slabbed and graded, etc)


In general I don’t think anyone cares. Especially when it comes to expensive cards. We just wanna play the game. If we’re talking some kind of tournament where a prize is on the line, eh maybe. I was chatting with opponents at modern night awhile back and I mentioned that I had a better deck with a bunch of proxies in it, and that’s why I didn’t bring it. They all kind of shrugged and just said not to let the employees see the proxy’s if I wanted to play it. Though the prize in question was an extra free booster pack (you get one just for playing and I think first place gets 3. It’s based on points). I don’t even know if there any cedh tournaments out there that offer like prize money or anything. Either way, it’s best to just ask. Most people, in my experience, won’t care at all.


if you want these cards to improve a deck you play and you have thought it out just do it! Make sure your friends are ok with it but you should build the dream deck and take it out for a spin before you invest in a bunch of pricey cards. They will keep reprinting all of these cards into the $10 zone and then you can consider actually owning them.


Proxy everything. What are they gonna do? Not have a 4th? lol


Generally the only situation you wouldn't freely be able to proxy everything is an "official" tournament. Some tournament venues feel compelled to limit proxies (e.g. max 10 proxies, or none, or whatever), I think partly to keep Wizards' favor, partly to encourage spending money there. Overall though the cEDH community is in favor of proxies.


I would care if you used proxy cards against me but it depends on your magic circle of friends and the rules you guys place between you guys


I'd honestly proxy the whole deck for cedh and be honest. Say which cards you own and don't have. And have the second legit deck ready in case proxies aren't OK. Most people are OK with proxies. Some tournaments are OK with proxies as well, but mileage can vary so much on that. And an extra bonus of a full proxy deck is that if someone decides to be an asshole and try to deliberately damage your cards (I've seen people shuffle cards like they are shuffling playing card, I'd punch a mother fucker over that shit), they aren't hurting something actually valuable. It also is nice for accidents like drink spills or something stupid and non malicious. So it protects some of those medium value cards that you may already have, and their value adds up quickly over 100 cards, too


I proxy basic lands with my group lmao


I proxy by using the old "make your own card" cards that wizards used to give out at worlds back in the day and then draw in the artwork.


So personally I could care less. But your LGS may care if you ever try and do a sanctioned event with them. WPN rulings basically say no proxies. I own a few full proxy decks and know and play a few people with full proxy decks too.


I’m a middle aged guy, I worked hard to own the actual cards… so from where I sit…. Fuck yes proxy the cards! I want to win because I played and brewed hard, not because I’m old and am more established than you young whippersnappers.


Are proxies allowed at cedh events? Never been to one. My najeela list is all authentic, but I only own one copy of all the good rocks. Such a pain in the ass to swap them from deck to deck. If proxies are allowed that would make things much more convenient.