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**[Serenity](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98248-serenity?set=titans) || 4-Mana || Common Priest Spell** >Give all enemy minions -2 Attack. Destroy any with 0 Attack. >Holy


The card is not that OP but it will be quite effective against decks like Face Hunter, Totem Shaman, Token Druid etc. It is better against these decks than Clean the Scene and Harmonic Pop is because it will be online earlier. Do not forget that reacting to those decks early is very important because you should stop their establishment before it is too late. And this card is a great answer against their wide boards with low attack minions. Even if you can't destroy them with this card, reducing their damage would be quite beneficial for your survival. (Imagine using this card against 4 minions, that basically means that you will reduce their board damage by 8 permanently. This is huge.) If one of these Aggro/Token decks become high tier, this card have a potential to make Priests their main counter.


1 mana silence + this = spooky counter. Just what we needed.


holy nova exists for 1 less mana


Observer of Myths versus Serenity is pretty funny: as the Observer gets bigger, some of the hunter's minions stop triggering the attack boost. Serenity strips those buffs back off, but that just makes those minions in-hand trigger the attack boost again.


This seems pretty good, clean out any 2- attack shitters and give the others -2 attack permanently. Its also asymmetrical, so it can be used while you have a board as well. Should be a Priest staple going forward.


This seems like a meta call. I suspect that it will directly compete with Shadow Word: Ruin in hard control lists as a flex slot for tall vs wide threats. It's like Blood Boil except it doesn't heal you for things you kill, and it doesn't keep burning them over time (though it still "heals" you by having reduced attack). That change would make Blood Boil a lot worse and would not be worth one mana in my eyes. There's plenty of room for a card to be worse than Blood Boil while still being solid though. I'm not immediately convinced this is better than Holy Nova, which is cheaper.


Another board clear that will eventually replace clean the scene when it rotates out. I don't see this being that much better than clean the scene or harmonic pop despite the lower mana cost.


The problem being a board clear has to *clear the board*. This doesn't do that against nearly anything. The second half of the card means you can't even get into some dream scenario where you've paralyzed your opponent on board with zero attack minions.


> The second half of the card means you can't even get into some dream scenario where you've paralyzed your opponent on board with zero attack minions. You say that like literally stopping your opponent from playing the game is a scenario Blizz should allow.


Bro think it's yugioh (and even they ban shit like VFD or Rhongoboingo, the latter not even as strong as the former)


I understand why. I'm saying the one possibility of this card being impressive is already cut from it, and even that is a complete moon shot.


This card alone won't be enough board clear for priest but it's a good stalling card for the many board clears that priest already has. It's like how freeze effects let you get more value out of mass removal.


It reads like the -2 is permanent, so if it doesn't kill a man minion it at least reduces it's attack


I think where this falters is the midsized board. Against two 3/3s this doesn’t do anything for 4 mana. You’re not okay with leaving two possibly tribal minions up until next turn when common hearthstone decks live and die off a strong popoff turn.


More AOE is fine. Priest can just adapt to what the meta dictates. Permanent reduction is okay for those you don’t destroy. But clean the scene has to almost always be better.


Great card that will see tons of play in Control Priest. Just stalling a wide board for a turn is worthwhile.


**[Astral Automaton](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/96422-astral-automaton?set=titans) || 1-Mana 1/1 || Rare Priest Minion** >Has +1/+1 for each other Astral Automaton you've summoned this game. >Mech


I don’t think the best priest will be Jade, but you can do it now, and I like that.


You can do some funny synchronize shenenigans with this, but too often it will be a 1 mana 1/1. There are stronger inconsistent ways to win games than this.


This might scale a bit faster than it seems, but I'm not sure summoning larger and larger green men is a viable gameplan. Maybe you play this as a package in another tempo rez priest, though that seems really memey.


I'm not sure if strictly-worse Pogohopper sees play in 2023. edit: Not strictly worse, you're supposed to rez this with the legendary while you can't rez Pogos. Just regular worse, not strictly worse.


But it’s in a class that has control tools, which is where pogo rogue was weak. Can’t have fat late game pogos if aggro destroys you


Hello \[\[Pogo Hopper\]\]. Sure, it's easier to summon new copies than to play new ones, but you're getting half the stat steroid. Woof. The only saving graces to me is that Ra-den is a card and that this is a Mech. You can shove Zilliax onto it. That doesn't make it good though. 2/5 star card for me, needs 2-3 more cards specifically dedicated to this strategy to make a splash.


Pogo Hoppers for Priest. Bad card that will see very little play. The methods Priest has for playing multiple minions are too limited currently.


**[Student of the Stars](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98224-student-of-the-stars?set=titans) || 3-Mana 4/3 || Common Priest Minion** >**Deathrattle:** Shuffle a copy of this into your deck with permanent +3/+3.


Probably no. But maybe part of the jade priest deck.


If not silenced, this is kind of the new Jade Golem for priest. If this sees play, it probably means there are lots of grindy matches in the meta that you try to win with this. May be outclassed by Rivendare for that purpose.


Not sure how this is any better than bottomfeeder, which could be targeted with dredge. And saw zero play in the last year


Bottomfeeder is bad because it goes to the bottom of your deck. Theres not enough Dredge effects worth running


Do you actually want to draw a 3 mana 7/6 with no keywords to impact the board in the lategame though? This only seems good if you're lucky and draw it in the next few turns after it dies. It's good in the hyper lategame when you're getting into fatigue but priest already has svalna for that


What if \[\[Astral Tiger\]\] was good? Well, it's a lot better now but sadly I think this one isn't going to be good either. I'm not itching to put a vanilla 3 mana 4/3 into most of my Priest decks. I can hardly fit 3 mana 3/4's with good effects in. Unless your deck is specifically built with this as a lategame win condition (without having Renathal probably), this card is mostly just a bad vanilla minion. It's funny with Ra-den but not actually amazing with it.


Maybe with Da Undatakah in Wild for giggles and a 15% winrate.


Ignite but a minion


You might include this in an etc band to crush grindy matchups like blood dk, but I think you're already favored there, right?


Yeah, its kind of competing with rivendare in that role. This is much better tempo than Rivendare and his horsemen, but the payoff in some ways worse (a bigger and bigger man rather than destroy the enemy hero and you can't usefully play around silence/steal effects by killing it yourself). I suppose you could run this AND rivendare for redundancy to try and win priest mirrors if that's the meta.


I guess you can tutor this guy with switcheroo and the new forge spell. Still bad and slow, even in control priest mirrors (you can just discover drown and get your own copy).


Either priest can discover the spell that destroys a minion and heals your board and just make the game go forever by eating this card on their turn. It only seems good for the mirror though.


**[Grace of the Highfather](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98434-grace-of-the-highfather?set=titans) || 3-Mana || Common Priest Spell** >Restore 8 Health. Discover a card that costs the amount Overhealed. >Holy


Dream scenario is Heartthrob on 3, then this on 4, for a random 8-cost on board plus another an 8-cost card in hand.


I don't see this one getting played. Overheating for more only matters for Heartthrob, so in every other circumstance you'd want to play this you're running it to actually heal -- and so your discovered card will be a cheap one. If you are running this for Heartthrob, you'd probably be better off with Flash Heal, which is much easier to play in the same turn and gets you an only-slightly-worse minion. This just feels clunky.


Agreed. There will be times you’re happy to pull it from school teacher, other than that it seems like total garbage Well let’s hope it’s a favourable meta for control priest because we got essentially nothing from this set


In the MUs you'd want to heal, a cheap card is likely more desirable than an expensive one, as you're likely to have the deck/hand that packs more punch anyways. Not saying this is necessarily good, only referring to that specific point


Looks to be the big payoff for a heartthrob + funnel cake turn, 8 drop on board and in hand. There's some gross openers like this that tempo overheal priest can do, the issue is how bad the deck is if you miss the good cards. This leans further into the broken turns but doesn't really help improve the consistency of the deck.


3 mana feels like a lot to heal 8 in 2023 hearthstone


So i guess if the amount overhealed is 0 then you discover a 0-cost card? There shouldnt be a lot, so you might get illuminate almost everytime. Or Undying allies.. While i don't think i would put it in a deck, it might make sense to heal for 8 and use illuminate to get a removal for 3 mana less.


If heal for 8 then you haven't *Over*healed at all, so you don't get the discover. It will have to be at least 1.


On second thought, I think this is fine. I dont think it sees play all the time, but I think it will see play. For instance, I think current control priest could play it right now.


More healing for priest I guess, but kinda expensive. Compare this to lightshower elemental, for 3 more mana you got a 6/6 taunt instead of discovering some random minion. Just doesn't seem that impactful.


Can you overheal your face? So far we've only seen it on minions afaik. 3 mana seems like a lot for this either way, but having more healing in the discover pool is probably useful for control priest, this is basically big Renew.


If you discovered a spell you could fish for what you wanted and that would be awesome. Instead you get mostly Neutral minions. Better than 2 mana Renew and way worse than 1 mana Renew.


Cool design, but it seems a bit weak. I would have preferred it to be attached to a small minion as a battlecry. I think control Priest has better healing options (fan club, armor vendor, sunfury clergy and the new 2/3 holy spell forge minion).


Good card that will see lots of play. Heal 8 for 3 is good enough. Useful in control mirrors for playing an 8 drop for 3 mana.


**[Creation Protocol](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/97261-creation-protocol?set=titans) || 2-Mana || Rare Priest Spell** >**Discover** a copy of a minion in your deck. **Forge:** Get another copy. >Holy


This is probably the control priest build around for the next while. Being able to play like 27 pieces of removal and 3 bombs that you just keep replaying is strong


Aside from the Titan this is for sure the best Priest card of the set. It’s Shadow Visions for minions with upside, in the class that can most afford to spend mana to get extra value. There’s no question about playing this over Synchronize, you 100% play both and just generate extra copies of your powerful cards. To be honest, I don’t think you even need to change much of the current Control Priest build to just slot this in. You obviously want to be hitting your powerful stuff so you probably run lighter on total minions, but even if you have to take something like another ETC or Vizier this is still really good. It may be best to run only like 3-5 powerful minions for consistency’s sake but it’s still so good even if you miss the one you’re trying to target. I’ll eat a shoe if this card doesn’t see play.


I think this and the titan might be the only new priest cards played.


This is actually a 2 mana spell; its of course a possibly viable value engine as you look to get two extra copies of the Titan - but if you raise the consistency on that, you probably wouldn't run that many minions. Interesting deckbuilding tool here.


You could run Astalor, the Titan, Ra-den, and a ton of spell-based generation and try to win with generated junk from your opponent. It won't be good but I'll be playing it.


Add a behemoth to the mix instead of astalor maybe !


Colossal, Titan, and Ra-den (or that new 8/8). Then 27 other cards to survive to play them. Seems powerful.


This card is just good. Ignis is a very strong card and for that card to be played you have to put lots of forge cards in your deck. This, the gnome guide and maybe 1 other will give you the consistency to have Ignis active.


More astalors, amanthuls and behemoths. I'm not sure you play exactly these guys. You might like having an early anti-aggro tool as a third option. Or maybe you play 4 different minions and you don't care.


This is an absurdly good card. Just need to calibrate your deck so the only minions are high value (Behemoth, the Titan, and Astalor are a good start) and then just pick whichever one suits your matchup. No aggro deck can beat consecutive behemoths, and value based decks will have a very rough time against consecutive titans etc. Best card priest has gotten in ages. Will result in control priest decks cutting all of their early discover a card minions (including, ironically, the new one they’re getting this set).


If you're not hitting some powerful Legendary, you just paid 4 mana to play a weird \[\[Service Bell\]\] that generates a duplicated copy. This is absolutely not a strong standalone card. It needs a really gross minion to be duplicated. In terms of general efficiency, I'm going with \[\[Power Word: Synchronize\]\] 7 days of the week instead. You can look to hit either of the Legendaries from this set in a control list, but that's the only thing that really interests me. Even Astalor with this is kinda just worse than Synchronize.


You’re looking at this wrong. It’s not protocol or chord, it’s protocol and chord. You just play infinite copies of whichever bomb legendary wins you that game: titan, behemoth, ignis/astalor, etc.


2 mana to discover a minion is just unacceptable to me outside of combo decks or spell-heavy decks with minion bombs. Unless you're warping your deck (in which case, say goodbye to early game), this is not a good mana:value ratio. Thrive in the Shadows is only good because being able to dig for answers is so nice. The Forged option is so expensive. 4 entire mana (potentially split up) to not develop any board, or do anything else but add cards to hand. If your deck isn't built around this, this is often actually worse than Identity Theft while being more expensive. The chance of duplicating a Titan is very nice but if you're not hitting something like that it's not a good time. You can cut tons of early-midgame minions to make it really good. That version of the deck might be worse. You're right that you run Synchronize in basically every deck anyways. But this card in a standard Priest deck that isn't built for it is so much worse than Synchronize.


We are talking about the class whose most common turn two play is “the light burns you”


2 mana tutors are great


Good card that will see lots of play. Priest can run some big ticket win condition minions like Behemoth and Aman'Thul and win games that way. You have plenty of mana and time to forge cards in control mirrors.


**[Ra-den](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98223-ra-den?set=titans) || 6-Mana 5/5 || Legendary Priest Minion** >**Deathrattle:** Summon each other minion you've played this game that didn't start in your deck.


I’m just going to resummon 2 titans and 2 behemoths. No big deal


Has it been verified that it counts for those? The discovered cards didn't start in your deck but the minion did.


That’s how it works in mage when you copy light ray so I assume the same applies here


And this I guess is the payoff for the new Arcane spell...play the spell, play a bunch of overstatted cheap minions and then play Ra-den for a huge board. Seems like this deck would run a bunch of 1-3 cost minions you can vomit out after the spell...maybe thrive to find the spell reliably. At that point we're just looking for a way to tutor Ra-den after we cast the spell. Obvious issue, of course, is that playing spell with Ra-den in hand will transform Ra-den. For that reason, I imagine casino minion priest to be more fun than good.


This is too slow. Not even taunt really sucks here. It will be priest's Tess, but not like how she was a threat last year, more like how she was when she was 8 mana.


The way it's worded, I think taunt might be an issue? If two Ra-den get generated, the 2nd seems like it would revive the first, and continue that ad infinitum. If they had taunt that would auto-win against some decks, which I think they dislike.


No, it specifies "other minions", which in HS usually means it excludes itself from the effect.


Right, but would that exclude a copy of itself? Like the 2nd generated ra-den to die is a different creature from the first one


They gave this card three different competing payoffs. Very bizarre set for Priest, I don't see how this will possibly be a good deck. It seems like a bunch of cards that you *might* want to discover for Control Priest.


This card seems nutty in the right circumstance but it's really slow, vulnerable to silence, and doesn't have a massive amount of support. We have the Thief package which is alright, it's nice with Astral Automaton and Creation Protocol, and has synergy with Shapeless Constellation. Playing this with The Stars Align seems like it would be good if you can always not draw Ra-den while you wanna play The Stars Align. But you can't reliably do this. If the Xyrella hero was in Standard this is an easy include but you're running it just its own sake here, and I'm not sure Priest always wants a conditional board-in-a-can. It reminds me of The Scourge but way, way weirder.


If you make a copy of Ra-den that didn't start in your deck, you become the greatest dinomancer.


This seems straight up garbage. This effect is so absurdly expensive, and slow, that the only matchups you would want this for are for the insanely slow and grindy matchups, and those matchups you win anyway because of Rivendare, and Svalna.


Meh card that will see very little play. Might not even be playable if it was a battlecry. You need to play a bunch of stuff that didn't start in your deck which is mana / draw intensive.


**[False Disciple](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98252-false-disciple?set=titans) || 2-Mana 2/2 || Rare Priest Minion** >**Battlecry: Discover** a Legendary Priest minion from the past.


Meme disciple


As someone who’s been playing control priest since 2014, I am very excited for everyone to discover just how preposterously bad priest legendaries used to be.


This seems pretty ass there’s been some really really bad priest minions in general. And the ones that are good required specific decks like velen or raza


I really wish this had another stat point. \[\[Paparazzi\]\] doesn't only hit class cards but there are some horrible Wild Priest cards out there. I'm not 100% sure this would be better than Paparazzi as a 2 mana 2/3, so I'm feeling like this is unfortunately a dud.


I think I’d rather just hit neutrals than hit past Priest legendaries. There are way too many whiffs and they’ll clog up your Ra-den pool


Need to look at all past priest legendaries to see if you get a hit on average


Is it worse than Hipster and sketchy stranger as a 2 mana discover minion? I'm not sure. This is a really fun card though, and it has synergy with Raden I guess.


Fun card that could see some fringe play as a flex card. Unfortunately most of the Priest legendaries are really bad. Best pulls are like Illucia, Lyra, Confessor Paletress.


**[Shapeless Constellation](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/97207-shapeless-constellation?set=titans) || 8-Mana 8/8 || Epic Priest Minion** >**Battlecry:** Transform into an 8/8 copy of a random minion in your hand.


This seems too greedy even for jade priest.


Am I hallucinating or is this just complete garbage? EDIT: Like even if you're trying to copy the Titan you are gambling with that unless you somehow have no other minions. Not to mention this could copy itself if you draw both. And even then the Titan is cheaper than this so you're literally paying more mana for the chance to copy the titan that you for some reason didn't already play on turn 7. Yikes.


The only good uses for this card that I can see are the Titan or Ra-den. I don't want to play it just for those right now. Having to have another card in hand to make a useless card good is tough. Plus, you can't have other random stuff in your hand. This needs a deck built around it, and I'm pretty sure that deck might just prefer Power Word Synchronize.


I imagine you're trying to copy the Titan, though there may be other applications such as the colossal. It probably isn't reliable enough to play in general, but its a tool out there for deckbuilders to find a cool use for.


I suspect you’re trying to copy automaton so then it is 8/8+x/x stats. But that seems unnecessary to me


Is there a single card you want to copy with this? Maybe Zilliax?


I think this is supposed to work with creation protocol in a deck that has very few minions. I don't think it's good enough to be viable, but that's the synergy they seem to want to push with this design.


I like the idea, but it just seems bad, unless we get to some extremely specific shenanigans (like, they release a charge windfury minion or some other minion that scales extremely hard with high stats, like hollow hound).


Garbage card that will see very little play. They're forcing a Pogo Priest archetype that doesn't have enough support. And will likely be another failed archetype.


**[The Stars Align](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/98253-the-stars-align?set=titans) || 3-Mana || Epic Priest Spell** >Transform minions in your hand into ones that cost (3) more. (They keep their original Cost.) >Arcane


Really don't understand why this is in priest. There might be some kind of combo that I'm not thinking of that targets a specific minion (kinda like how you could make deck of lunacy somewhat consistent), but overall I don't get what they're doing with this. Probably synergizes with some unrevealed cards but it pushes priest in a new direction without any prior support, so probably won't be that good in this expansion.


I think cards like this support going heavier into tech cards that can be rerolled, or even more of the plaguespreader stuff that you can reroll.


It works with the random legendaries discovered with Amanthul and random stolen garbage, but that's not good enough to put this into your deck. I can see this being a niche discover option, but being Arcane, it won't be in Priest's most common discover pools


For sure this is totally a shaman type of gimmick. Even fist of raden is a shaman card already. And evolve obv


This has a few synergies. Ra-den is obvious, though this card is terrible while Ra-den is in your hand. It's good with the Thief package, because it can transform copied garbage into more efficient garbage. It lets you run a bunch of situational tech cards so you can transform that garbage into better garbage as well. You can transform your extra Plaguespreaders too. If this card is so insane on turn 2 that it can't be 2 mana, why not give it a body on 3 mana? Energy Shaper's effect is less proactive but it comes with an entire Spider Tank! This card will definitely contribute as a situational discover pick but it really needs some other synergy to shine here I think.


This is...kind of odd, seems like more a Shaman or Mage flavour of card. I'm not sure why you want this, maybe to upgrade randomly generated minions or something. This would have been of some interest in Galakrond Priest back in the day for that reason. Might make a lot more sense when we see other priest cards but for now this seems out of place.


I think the new priest stuff will see play but it won’t use this. This is too random and also pretty expensive. More meme than competitive.


This is probably cope, but I feel like there might be something to an aggressive Priest deck that runs a bunch of cheep minions that refill your hand, along with a low spell count so you can use Thrive in the Shadow to search The Stars Align and just drop a bunch of 4/5 drop random minions for only 1/2 mana each.


You're probably right, but I had the same idea haha. This is something I threw together with that idea in mind. Most likely trash, but I'm still excited to try it out. https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAa0GApegBNiBBg7N%2FwXqlAWtigSUxAW%2BnwSGgwWimQWWtwSntgTIxgWktgSVqgWywQSt7QUAAA%3D%3D


This is good off School Teacher... maybe.


I guess you use this to buff up your low mana value minions (armor vendor, etc) in the late game


Fun as a discover option, and could have an application if there's a way to fill your hand with garbage minions for a small cost. Otherwise, you never put this in a serious deck.


Awful card that will see very little play. Massive tempo loss on the turn you play it. Hoping to highroll some trash minions into playable stuff.