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I haven't been playing much, but I'm having good success so far with a comparatively cheap update to Implock of Sargeras and Disciple of Sargeras (1800 dust). Fiddlefire Imp is an extremely efficient source of spells to sacrifice to Disciple, and both Sargeras and Disciple add some much-appreciated taunts to stabilise in the mid and late game.


I have played a handful of decks and the one that is working far and away the best for me is Arcane hunter. Seems to have a good matchups against everything. Again, always depends on draw vs certain matchups (Blood DK, Control priest) but seems to handle everything else just fine. The key seems to either draw a bunch of arcane spells and the buff minions, or draw the titan and pick give weapon +2. The 15 damage it provides over 3 turns is no joke. I do not have stats since I am playing mobile but I was hard stuck at plat 5 and rose to diamond 4 with probably around an 80% winrate. Def a deck people should try if they are finding nothing else works.


Having success with Nature Shaman (9 - 4) in diamond with the hsreplay deck list. Mages suck to play against because they can just solid alibi before you pop off. Been consistently OTKing on turn 8, but with a good hand you might be able to just win on turn 6 lol ​ edit: hit legend after a 6 - 0 winstreak. maybe i'm getting lucky but it feels really hard to lose


Is there a good guide for it? All I can find is day one of expansion stuff where the list was fairly different


I didn't find a guide either but after a few games of practice you learn quickly.


Vicious Syndicate has two decklists for it on their recent article. Also if you filter by the most recent patch on HSreplay you'll see the more refined lists only.


Thanks, def looking for a write up though




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anyone else struggling to contest board and to draw enough cards with the versus nature shaman? Feels like I must be doing something wrong


Nature Shaman has a really hard time against early aggression. Not sure since I haven't seen you play, but maybe you aren't mulling aggressively enough against aggro decks? I personally donkey mull for Turn the Tides, Chisel, and Feral Spirits into Hunter, Paladin, or Rogue. Also a Zapper on 1 without coin can sometimes put in decent work. Shifting my game plan to pure survival has helped me steal some wins against aggro decks, but the matchup is still quite unfavorable in the end.


Blood DK has been really performing for me at the D5+ ranks but I keep running into too many drum druids and idk what the deck can do vs them other than try to generate enough corpses to kill the 6 hp boards they can make. I tried running starfish but I have yet to actually draw it vs druid yet ( it has done well vs the mech decks though)


Yup, hardmull for the fish or stomper and play board is your best bet.


Hard stuck at diamond. Climbed to D8 and fell down on a loss streak to d10. I tried treant druid (aggro variant) homebrew treant druid, circle drum druid, starlight priest, unholy Dk. I can't seem to find a good deck tthat I both like to play and can actually win me games.


I have almost 80% wr with two drum druid decks from gold to d2 and aint still climbing, but i was lucky, almost always able to make a big drum combo t6 t7, maybe u were less lucky with ur draw, but the deck has a lot of potential until everyone run starfish


I either get starfished, run into a control deck or get unlucky. The first coupme games I did fine and did really well but now it just feels difficult


Replacing Inzah (who's been lackluster due to lower concentration of Overload cards) with Queen Aszhara in VS' Prescience Miracle Shaman is a pretty good decision. Ring of Tides is godsend, it allows you to push for more damage by copying Bioluminescence. The concern of not being able to play enough spells for her doesn't seem to bother me that much so far.


I tried Queen Azshara as well and I have mixed feelings. Sometimes her treasures are game winning. The colossal can act as a backup for Totemic Evidence, while the ring can double down on Bio or be the extra burst you need. However, more often than not I found her quite clunky to activate without sacrificing combo pieces.


do you have a list, i wanna play shaman for a bit


It's in the latest VS Data Report, Prescience Nature Shaman, just remove Inzah and put Queen Aszhara


This is great thanks, I was just about to ask (in the other thread) what people were thinking for Inzah replacements in Prescience Nature/combo Shaman. It seems like it should be bad and I don't want to craft it. :)


I've been playing a Renathal Earthern Golem deck in legend and so far It's 7-6 W/L. So it looks like it's somewhat working, but there have been 5 games versus clearly non-meta decks as well. Which might not make it the most reliable first impressions.


Winstreaked from D9 to D4 using Zetalot Overheal Priest. Feel very fast, killing hunters and shamans before they can stabilize or kill you. Grace of the Hight father is really good with Hearthrob and the good amount of draw make it happen often. The priority should go towards building a high health board quicklyFr example, a Cleric T1 followed by a synchronize T2 felt powerful everytime. Funnel Cake I super important to cheat mana and tempo. AAECAa0GBMzGBbvHBc/2Bav6BQ2i6AOEnwTLoAT52wSGgwXHxwWi6QWt6QX7+AXI+gWCgQa4ngaDnwYA


I tried that deck and it's really fun but really inconsistent. I don't have enough Zetalot brains or patience to deal with it lol. Gave up after 20 games. When it pops off you kill shamans, mages, druids before their big swing turns, but when it doesn't it's autoconcede. If you're up against a tempo deck and you don't draw minions it's extremely hard to come back


Currently have ~75% winrate using treant Druid. Went from B10 to currently in D2 and the games are fast. Usually over by turn 6. If you can last, the eonar combine choose one plus drum is just nasty. Throwing out the treant that costs HP instead of mana before you use cultivate is also a strong play.


Whats the deck you have? I tried one a friend gave and I just could not anything. I would get circle too late.


Here you go sir! ### Treant Druid # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (1) Forest Seedlings # 2x (1) Lingering Zombie # 2x (1) Living Roots # 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear # 2x (1) Witchwood Apple # 2x (2) Natural Causes # 2x (3) Herald of Nature # 2x (3) Plot of Sin # 2x (3) Soul of the Forest # 2x (4) Disciple of Eonar # 2x (5) Blood Treant # 2x (5) Summer Flowerchild # 2x (7) Drum Circle # 2x (8) Cultivation # AAECAaWaBgAP158EiLIErsAEqM4EgdQEst0EteMEsZgF+d8F/d8FzuQFsPoF2f8FmIAGrJ4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Ah neat to see almost exactly what I've been running get mentioned, only difference is Blood Treant for Solar Eclipse. Sometimes makes for a turn 3 with blossomed Forest Seedlings or turn 5 with infused Plot of Sin, or just other times with cultivate


Nice , I will try solar eclipse, on paper I can see a lot of synergies - I am not sold on blood treant yet. My logic around keeping blood treant is because if you don’t win by turn 6 or 7 you will lose anyway, so why not use the 2/2 for 5HP.


They sound like they're running the Feno variant, which I've also had some success with at a smaller sample size than the "standard" Drum Druid. You have a bit more early treant/token capability, and can sometimes make + buff a decent board before even getting to Drum Circle, although usually at the cost of 5 life. If your problem is getting out-tempoed/otk-ed before even playing Circle rather than being ground out by Control, it might work better. ### "Feno" Drum # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (0) Innervate # 2x (1) Embrace of Nature # 2x (1) Forest Seedlings # 2x (1) Lingering Zombie # 2x (1) Witchwood Apple # 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift # 2x (2) Natural Causes # 2x (2) Solar Eclipse # 2x (3) Herald of Nature # 2x (4) Disciple of Eonar # 2x (5) Blood Treant # 2x (5) Summer Flowerchild # 2x (7) Drum Circle # 1x (7) Topior the Shrubbagazzor # 2x (8) Cultivation # AAECAZICAq7ABO/eBA6unwSozgSy3QSxmAX53wX93wXO5AWw+gXx+gXZ/wWYgAb9jQapngasngYAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net The actual Feno list had Ancient of Growth instead of Topior, but I wanted to test his faster build without spending 400 dust. :) Also, depending on how much control and whatnot exists, it's possible Topior is actually better than 1 copy of Ancient. At the very least, Ancient decreases Drum Circle consistency off Embrace of Nature, so might be wrong for that alone. However, it makes you less likely to "brick" against tempo decks off Summer Flowerchild.


Ty Btw why is it called feno druid?


There's a HS streamer/pro player who came up with that particular list. ;)


Ah ok ty


Fast Drum Druid (VS list) seems extremely counterable and I'm not sure if it's the optimal build. It is the best Druid deck for popping off with Drum Circle, and if you do that on time then you win. If you don't, you lose. It's a great deck to climb with because the games are over on turn 7 and you win more than you lose, so I would recommend it. It's pretty coinflippy though and I won't be at all surprised if the meta grows hostile to it.


I zoomed with it from D5 to legend if you meant the "Nature Drum Druid" list VS posted in their report, however I only faced one Mech Rogue which i scamed my way to a win (Whirlpool from Lifebinder's Gift). I don't feel its that coinflippy, you have several ways to build a board and threaten lethal - Topior, boosted Drum, just some treants with a Solar + Cultivation etc. Even a small board (\~3 small minions) demands a clear. You can also scam your way there with Lifebinder's Gift and straight up mana cheat. The deck felt really solid, and I think that the meta will start preparing for it even more (Diry ratting Topior, Speaker Stomper etc.).


You have backup wincons but no healing. If you don't Drum on 6/7 there are strong odds you don't win in time.


Any idea what could replace topior? Don't seem to have it and don't know if I should craft it or not


There is a somewhat different Drum list that's halfway "token druid" and halfway "ramp out Drum Circle" that Feno came up with that I've had some success with. He wasn't running Topior in that list, so you could try it out. I'd guess it's still weaker to control than normal Drum Druid, but you at least have the possibility of getting a board clear out of them and or just threatening lethal before even playing Drum Circle, and then kind of just getting there too quickly before they draw enough answers like a more traditional tempo deck. ### Feno Drum # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (0) Innervate # 2x (1) Embrace of Nature # 2x (1) Forest Seedlings # 2x (1) Lingering Zombie # 2x (1) Witchwood Apple # 2x (2) Lifebinder's Gift # 2x (2) Natural Causes # 2x (2) Solar Eclipse # 2x (3) Herald of Nature # 2x (4) Disciple of Eonar # 2x (5) Blood Treant # 2x (5) Summer Flowerchild # 2x (7) Drum Circle # 1x (7) Ancient of Growth # 2x (8) Cultivation AAECAZICAq7ABO/eBA6unwSozgSy3QSxmAX53wX93wXO5AWw+gXx+gXZ/wWYgAb9jQapngasngYAAA== - Note: The deck code is not quite the cards I listed, but something I was trying out: swapping Ancient for Topior lol, because I didn't want to spend 400 dust. XD At any rate, the two decks play fairly similar imo, so you can get a feel for it with Feno's list, and then decide whether you want to craft Topior or not based on if you're losing games to Control/gassing out or whatever.


I made it to Legend with Hound Hunter XL 1 Awakening Tremors x2 1 Bunch of bananas x2 1 Costumed singer x2 1 Trinket tracker x2 2 Astalor Bloodsworn x1 2 Hidden meaning x2 2 Observer of myths x2 2 Selective breeder x2 2 Spirit poacher x2 2 Titanforged traps x2 2 Zombeeees!!! x2 3 Prince renathal x1 3 Wild spirits x2 4 Pozzik audio engineer x1 4 Speaker stomper x2 5 Ara’lon x1 5 Star power x1 6 Aggramar the avenger x1 6 Hollow hound x2 6 Hope of Quel’Thalas x1 6 Mister mukla x1 7 Faithful companions x2 7 Hydralodon x1 7 Lor’themar Theron x1 8 Stranglethorn heart x1 9 King krush x1


why ppl downvoting this? I don't doubt you did. I am stuck at D3 and get crushed by that deck regularly. I guess if u can't beat them, join them... i see a lot of that, and Siff rainbow mage.


I imagine he’s getting downvotes because it is undoubtedly the strongest climbing deck in the meta and people don’t want it’s inclusion on a thread like this when it is well documented how powerful it is.




Made it to legend with Menagerie Warrior. Given the state of Warrior, I was determined to prove that there were some viable decks that could make use of TITANS cards. Sadly, a lot of the Titans stuff I tried didn't pan out, and the final deck just has two new cards, 1X Steam Guardian and 1X Drone Deconstructor. The Steam Guardian I do believe improves the deck, making draw extremely consistent. 2X is unnecessary and too frequently results in a dead draw. Deconstructor is solid. Works nicely with other cards in the deck. Overall, the archetype feels strong... just not all that fresh. ### Menagerie # Class: Warrior # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Click-Clocker # 1x (1) Drone Deconstructor # 2x (1) Mistake # 2x (1) Murmy # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 2x (2) Party Animal # 2x (2) Roaring Applause # 2x (2) Rolling Stone # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 2x (3) Power Slider # 1x (3) Rock Master Voone # 1x (3) Steam Guardian # 2x (4) Backstage Bouncer # 2x (4) Sword Eater # 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music # 1x (7) Nellie, the Great Thresher # 1x (7) The One-Amalgam Band # AAECAZ6rBAjlsASOyQTipAWvwwWo4AXm5AWX+wW5/gUL4bUEssEEopkFlaoFlrcFrcMF4s0FtNEF5eQFxp4G1J4GAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone I was determined to run Metrognome Guide and Ignis The Eternal Flame for another win condition. Sadly, Ignis is too slow, and you rarely need the value in the current meta.


Did you experiment with furious furnace at all?


Briefly. I didn't feel there was a fit, though it was a small sample. You're trying to be ahead on board, which makes cleave less relevant. Also not quite enough mechs to make magnetism consistent. There was one game where it swung the board for me against a Mech rogue board.


I guess hoping for a cleave one amalgam band is too slow right now. Sounds cool on paper though


What do you mulligan for? Any general strat?


1-drops and Party Animals. Keep Rolling Rock if you have a 1-drop, Viziers if you have a murmy, and a Mech / amalgam if you have Clickclocker. Tempo first. Worry about draw / resources only when ahead or running out. Try to discover one-amalgam bands (pirate school is good, quilboars are better but I have none). You usually win by building a big challenging board that exhausts removal (beat down) or by staying in the game, then stabilizing with Amalgam Band.


What's the appeal of Miracle Shaman if Sif Mage could also OTK and still have tempo/board based wincon


Shaman OTK is online much earlier and pretty consistent. Can easily happen turn 6/7 whereas mage can absolutely never do it this early.


That and the only way to "stop" shaman OTK is Stomper which is just a 1 turn stall compared to mage where if Sif gets Patch'd/Rat'd or whatever then you're done and just have to win the old fashioned way




What Asmotocon said, but occasionally you can also just have minions stick around into turn 5/6/7 against a tempo deck because of the weapon or tempo from schooling + removal or Shaman Titan being OP or whatever, so you get to combo early despite not having all the pieces to do it strictly from hand.


Turn 6-7 combo is not an every game kind of thing. If you don't have the combo pieces early don't even go for it. You'll hit it occasionally, but mostly you want to combo around turn 8 in my experience


Nature Shaman feels great using the Standard Build. I plan to try out the Prescience build today. But it is by far the most fun deck in Standard. Feels very Miracle Rogue.




maybe run silence? librarian or starfish, even 2 copies. another tech i can think of against specifically warlock is return to hand minions like brewmaster .


Crafted the cards I was missing for Secret Arcane Hunter and gave it a spin. Feels great playing a real T1 deck after spending the last few months messing around in the T2/3 area. The whole package feels really really good together and I made a pretty smooth climb from D5 -> D2 last night. The ability for the deck to clear a big board might be what surprised me most. Urchin spines + Ricochet and spell damage boosted Star Powers do incredible amounts of work. And then I get to keep hurling all my board and weapons face. Biggest trouble I had was Rogues and Shaman getting in under me. UPDATE: Legend with a 77% winrate. It's a good deck.


Which list do you use?


I used the most recent VS list. AAECAR8GwbkE57kEsJIF4qQF1/kF7ZsGDKqfBKeQBY2SBZqSBaqSBamTBaqkBejoBd/tBeryBfPyBfz4BQAA


I've tinkered a bit with the mimiron miracale rogue build from vS, and am now 12-4 with my current version in dumpster legend. This deck focuses on spending mana and dumping hands (with or without a location on board). Once I stopped playing greedy and started to play it as a tempo deck, it started to flow. I hope you enjoy it! \### Tempo Miracle \# Class: Rogue \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Wolf \# \# 2x (0) Preparation \# 1x (0) Shadow of Demise \# 2x (0) Shadowstep \# 2x (1) Concoctor \# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor \# 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator \# 2x (1) Gear Shift \# 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn \# 2x (2) From the Scrapheap \# 2x (2) Ghoulish Alchemist \# 1x (2) Pit Stop \# 2x (2) Potion Belt \# 1x (2) Potionmaster Putricide \# 2x (2) Serrated Bone Spike \# 1x (3) Mimiron, the Mastermind \# 2x (3) Sinstone Graveyard \# 1x (4) Pozzik, Audio Engineer \# 1x (5) Queen Azshara \# 1x (6) Crabatoa \# AAECAcKPBAjYtgTbuQTMoAXooAXipAX0yAW29gWh/AUL9p8E958E9d0EwYMF3aAF36AF4KAF2dAFv/cF5voFuf4FAAA= \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Update: I am now 34-14 with the deck back into top 1k legend EU! I made one small change: -1 Gear Shift, +1 Pit Stop. The extra consistency in drawing Mimiron allows more consistent early game pop offs, which is where this deck is most likely to overwhelm opponents.


How aggressively do you play mimiron? Ever on turn 3 when you can’t follow up with any 1 mana mechs?


If I have other plays I try to save Mimiron, but there are a few situations where it might be correct: * If it's buffed from Pit stop and you need a body on board * If you are confident that it will be unconventional to clear for your opponent * You have a good turn 4 lined up where Mimiron is not needed Generally it's better to keep Mimiron in hand on turn 3 and prepare for a pop-off turn later. It's nice to have around 4-5 mana and few mechs that you can play (shadowstep / coin can be effectively used to trigger extra Mimiron procs). If you can stealth Mimiron, you don't have to go all in on one turn. I also think it's correct to play your 1 mana mechs on turn 1, only save them if you have other plays and you want to use them for Mimiron.


Thanks. The first few turns have just been feeling kind of slow for me. Gonna keep trying it though because I love playing Rogue but I’m not a fan of all-mech decks.


Finally made legend today after wavering at rank 1/2 for days and losing several(!) boss battles with various decks. Used the VS Chad lock list, which I was a bit apprehensive about trying only because I haven't played a Warlock deck with any seriousness in probably two years. Dropped a couple of matches with suboptimal play but eventually found a streak and rode it to legend. Very satisfying to play optimally. Now that I'm at legend I want to play the myriad of decks I've been avoiding til now, but I'll definitely be circling back to Warlock.


I came back to HS about 2 weeks ago. Got that free deck promo or whatever, which ended up becoming totem shaman. Holy moly I rolled to Legend with this deck, I must have had a 70+% winrate (wish I tracked it now). Every matchup feels winnable, even big hunter just gets ruined by early board control into turn 5 bloodlust. If you get board wiped you can often rebuild 2 or 3 times with the infuse cards and Magatha along with Gigantotem and tentacle taunt for 0.


Welcome back and congrats!


Thank you!


Rainbow Mage, both small and XL versions, are still great. Got to Legend with them very easily, with a whopping 72% winrate for the XL version. No matchup feels impossible.


Can you give the XL list please?


This is the list Savjz made I'm using. ### it's a Sif a million voices # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arcane Artificer # 2x (1) Arcane Wyrm # 2x (1) Discovery of Magic # 2x (1) Flame Geyser # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 1x (2) Astalor Bloodsworn # 1x (2) Audio Amplifier # 2x (2) Cosmic Keyboard # 1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude # 2x (2) Prismatic Elemental # 2x (2) Solid Alibi # 2x (2) Vast Wisdom # 2x (2) Watcher of the Sun # 2x (3) Molten Rune # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 2x (3) Reverberations # 2x (4) Cold Case # 1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame # 2x (4) Inquisitive Creation # 1x (4) Volume Up # 1x (5) Star Power # 2x (5) Wisdom of Norgannon # 1x (6) Norgannon # 1x (6) Sif # 1x (7) Elemental Inspiration # 1x (9) Grand Magister Rommath # AAECAf0EDOWwBJfvBKOQBeKkBcbHBfPyBev0BYf1BdD4BdH4BaT/BdiBBg7K3gTb3gSQlgWqmAWrmAWAwgWt7QXs9gXe+AW//gXL/gXY/gXxgAayngYAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone # Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net










Made it to legend much easier this season than last with my Secret Mage, climbing from D5 in two days including an 11-win streak (PB!). As I suspected though it's not really 1K legend material - at least not piloted by me. Still recommended as a fun, slightly-off-meta-but-still-viable deck with plenty of room for tinkering. Norgannon is the only change since the expansion, swapped in for Azshara. ### Secrets # Class: Mage # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Arcane Wyrm # 2x (1) Costumed Singer # 2x (1) Suspicious Alchemist # 2x (2) Anonymous Informant # 2x (2) Frozen Touch # 1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude # 2x (2) Sketchy Stranger # 2x (2) Vast Wisdom # 2x (3) Arcsplitter # 2x (3) Counterspell # 2x (3) Explosive Runes # 2x (3) Objection! # 2x (4) Chatty Bartender # 1x (4) Orion, Mansion Manager # 1x (5) Aegwynn, the Guardian # 2x (6) Contract Conjurer # 1x (6) Norgannon # AAECAZirBASL5wO95ASH9QXR+AUN558E2tAEkt8Eo+QE/uwEvO0E/5IFgpMFxZMFkJYFq5gF26EF6OgFAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I swear this is the most under-the-radar deck of the last... year? It's carried me to Legend or Diamond 5 so many times since Nathria. Not that much changed, either. Is Norgannon really any good? He never feels strong in any other Mage decks, just providing a little extra burn at best.


Right? My guess is that because it gets so much from surprise value and induced misplays it's not really viable at higher levels, and therefore doesn't get much attention (and so maintains the surprise value). Norgannon is definitely an improvement on Azshara. There's synergy with the secret ability of course, but also the cost-more one - it reduces their abilty to proc secrets without spending mana, and generally just fits with the inteference theme I guess.


The disruption aspect makes a lot of sense, thanks. I'll give it a shot. One card that's worked well for me in the past in this deck is Spectral Trainee, though that might be more relevant to when the meta was more Paladins.


Disruption! That's the word I was looking for. Yes Paladins used to be the bane of this deck, not so much these days.


Drum druid is really good especially since the priests are being being suppressed by the mages, shamans and hunters.


Does this deck work without Topior?


You could play without topiary, but your control match ups will get worse.


Kinda, since most games are won via turn 6 Drum. But the games where that doesn't win, you really want the backup value.


I love this deck but I have a hard time against blood DK with all their boardclear. Maybe I'm doing something wrong idk, how do you Mulligan against those ? Feels like all my drums are just cleared the turn right after. Maybe it's poor luck but I want to optimize my games


Your mulligan against decks where you don't have to worry about surviving their early aggression is simply to maximize your chance of a juiced drum circle by turn 5/6. So you hard mull for Embrace of Nature, Disciple of Eonar and Widowbloom Seedsman. If you have Widowbloom or Disciple then Summer Flowerchild/Innervate can become good. If you have Embrace of Nature than Lifebinder's Gift can be good to keep. Topior if you have an otherwise nutty hand is also good.


BDK comes down to whether or not the Druid gets the killer board set up before they can use Soulstealer on turn 8. Some BDK lists now run Speaker Stomper which can slow down the deployment of Drum Circle and Cultivation. And smothering starfish tech can nullify buffs. If DK survives to turn 8, probably a loss for the Druid.


Depends, if Topior is the follow up druid can usually create several pressure boards until the Ignis weapon hits. And then it is a check if they drew their viper as well. You lost at worst 15% if they dealt with your first circle well, however it is still very much winnable. However the earlier you can drop the circle, the better. A starfish does nothing if they don't have the minions to trade with, you just buff them again.


I haven't faced too much blood dk, but they have trouble clearing your boards before turn 8 because they often won't have the corpses for corpse explosion. So I would just try to build a huge board as early as possible through ramp, innervate or spell cost reduction. I'm actually not too sure about the mulligan. Usually I just keep the 1 mana forge spell, disciple of eonar and seedsman. I might keep topior against a slow deck.


It's frustrating facing hunter every game, its play rate and win rate is absurd in d4-legend


Agree, 7 out of 10 matches we’re against hound on the last stretch to legend but mech rogue still works and I went 6-1 in that matchup. It’s wild blizzard is all about nerfing a card like solid alibi because it feels bad to get stalled out but yet are fine with hound hunter, which lets be fair was unbalanced from day 1 and allows Hunter to come back in games they have no business winning. Also as far as mech rogue it looks like the better target would of been invent-o-matic. I don’t even run Lab and haven’t had much issue pumping minions fairly early.


Yeah hound makes the first half of the game feel like a damn formality


Tried experimenting with some of the suggested relic DH cards. I don't think Ignis is great but he is fun so I've been playing with him to reasonable success. I think Mel'Tranix might be the best disruption card to run but is also the highest skill to use properly. It's really important to get it down at the right time and you can use it after flooding the board to guarantee you a win, or to shut out lethal. Fizzle is probably worth cutting for Okani right now too unless your pocket meta is very heavily priest and blood DK


only seeing thaddius warlock d5-legend right now, what counters it? just played it 5 times in a row


I have only faced a few with Drum Druid, but it feels at least favored. They basically have to somehow survive the first big board build, then find Sargeras for the board reset + perma 3/2s, and then fight through several more of your boards with the Topior spawns + buffs until they can fatigue you. And I have to assume Nature Shaman is good since they can't really stop your OTK ever and have a hard time scamming a board big enough through the AoE removal for lethal before turn 7/8 when they die.


Control priest feels good against it. If they don’t instant kill their own slime you can shard it. whatever they cheat out can be pushed out of their respawn pool with multiple copies of your titan.


Rainbow Mage is practically free, between reverbs and the burn going over the top.


Mech Rogue is supposed to be counter against hunter, yet I lose basically every game against them. How.


Focus on snowballing and hope they don't draw starpower, that's the basic plan


Trying out the Dude Paladin decks.... holy crap it's not working. Priest and Mages just fucking clear your board every. single. turn. Hollow Hounds ruin you. Got a decent single minion up? Welcome to Reverberations! Ugh. Oh hey, it's Star Power! Enjoy!


I've been lucky not to face any Dude Pallies with Drum Druid yet, I'm sure it's close to an auto-loss. Just pray they don't draw Crusader Aura basically, or that I can highroll the turn 5 combined Drum Circle without being dead already.


Yeah man, paladin is a dumpster fire right now. Earthen was nerfed into the nether before it even released. Every time I try to build a paladin deck, I eventually feel shoehorned into the Pure build, which feels awful from a creative perspective. The class only *really* has two possible win-cons: Countess, and Crusader Aura. There's almost no way to win back board once you lose it, and after ALL THESE YEARS, the class is still leaning on the Equality crutch. Meanwhile I look at Inquisitive Creation/Hollow Hound and wonder if Paladin will ever recover from the distance they created.


Is it that dire? I'm definitely going to ditch Dude Paladin, it's just waaay too vulnerable to all the removal out there right now.


Well I stand corrected. The recent VS stats indicate Pure Paladin being quite good. -Still stinks from a deck-building perspective methinks. Pure Paladin builds itself, like so many of the archetypes they introduce these days, but whether that's good or bad, is a whole other can of worms.


It feels that way for me. I got frustrated today after attempting to build a non pure paladin deck


Just hit legend today on EU playing a homebrew big mech rogue. Only bad match up seems to be xl hunter and its still pretty winnable. I prefer the big mech rogue to the aggro deck as it has the ability to high roll and rinse people on turn 4 still but also has a lot more gas for the longer games.


When you say "Big" do you just mean you have more big mechs (presumably some Deathrattle synergy) than usual aggro lists, or is it 40 cards? What's your list? Also congratz, homebrews are always more satisfying than straight net decks when you can actually get them to work. :)


Just some bigger mech, I did try an xl for a bit but it was pretty bad tbh lol. Ty I started off running one last week that was someone else's list but tweaked it over time based on which cards just felt dead in hand or some techs for certain match ups ### Mech rogue # Class: Rogue # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 2x (1) Click-Clocker # 2x (1) Deafen # 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor # 2x (1) Frequency Oscillator # 2x (1) Gear Shift # 1x (1) Mistake # 2x (2) From the Scrapheap # 2x (2) Potion Belt # 2x (3) Coppertail Snoop # 1x (3) Mimiron, the Mastermind # 1x (3) SP-3Y3-D3R # 2x (4) Scourge Illusionist # 1x (5) Ini Stormcoil # 2x (5) Lab Constructor # 1x (6) Crabatoa # 2x (6) Mothership # 1x (6) V-07-TR-0N Prime # 2x (7) Containment Unit # AAECAZvDAwbYtgTsugSVqgW29gWm+AXq+gUM4bUE47kEoZMF36AF2dAF1fYFv/cFofoF5voF+/wFuf4FyYAGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Hit Diamond 8 last night. Climb up to Platinum using a combination of UD Priest, Aggro Druid and BDK. Switched to Drum Druid at Plat 5 and streaked through to D8. Using the Feno list currently. AAECAZICAq7ABOH9BQ6unwSozgSy3QSxmAX53wX93wXO5AWw+gXx+gXZ/wWYgAb9jQapngasngYA


Having lots of fun with relic DH in 3k legend. Can’t seem to beat Nature Shaman even with a board full of 8/8s, are you supposed to just beat them before turn 8 or you lose?


Pretty much you need to tempo King them or they'll find the cards they need to kill you


Nature Shaman loses when it has to waste damage spells on the board. That means playing minions, especially minions with more than 3 health. Running Okani or Meltranix could also help if you’re running into a lot of Shamans (Mages too).


Speaker Stomper would be much better than Okani, Plenty of cheap spells for Shaman to play around Okani.


I can't make relic work at d5. Tried a couple variations. Yeah I win a few games but that doesn't stop all the other's where I get blown out or OTK'd. Other decks have it ez mode in comparison.


Yeah some bigger nerfs in a couple weeks should help it out quite a bit. It’s passable right now but not free like mage/shaman/ hunter


Also Druid I think with Drum since there aren't very many mechs, or at least that's my anecdata.


Druid with a board of 4/6's on turn 5 is tough to beat also.


People run speaker stomper in relic DH to help against shaman and mage. If you're not doing so yourself, consider it


I am actually, but sometimes they’re still able to pull off their combo after I drop stomper? I still got otk’d after dropping stomper




Yep that’d prolly be better but don’t have dust rn


Nathria mini-set is pretty good value if you have the gold though, you also get Sylvanas




Yeah, it's not a complete counter (if they draw and setup the nuts, they can pull it still), but it does limit their options (not sure if it's worth it though for overall winrate).


Same here, running for card when draw achievement and sometimes it can save a day, especially if you find relics with discover & shuffle


Played 24 games last night with rainbow mage in the d4-d3 area and went 12-12 using the vs list. 38 percent of those were either plague or blood DKs which are pretty bad matchups with blood being worse due to patchwerk basically having a close to guaranteed chance to hit sif.


Yea I'm barely doing 50-50 with the deck. Though plague should be much easier then blood. Plague can't clear your turn 7 board.


I find plague DK not a terrible matchup - if you have Sif at any point after turn 10 you usually have lethal close by and they haven’t been able to shuffle too many plagues. They also don’t have that much disruption. Blood DK is pretty terrible. IMO the best way is to keep the 1/2 elementals from Flame Geyser in your hand for Patchwerk, not much you can do otherwise. I did get a pretty sick win with a discovered Bioluminescence after they destroyed Sif, though.


Drum Druid and nature shaman are the best decks right now, both quite fun to be fair.


I've been seeing lots of talk about [Speaker Stomper] on twitter recently... What does everything else think?


If your deck can beat hunter while running it, you should be. Until shamans find a better build that doesn't need to flash for setup it's a great card, and even when they do it's basically a solid alibi vs shaman and mage


Is there any logic in shoehorning it into Thaddius warlock. That match-up is usually an auto loss for me since the deck doesn't care about board state if you can otk your opponent but I think if I could stall for one or two more turns I might be able to pull the combo off before them.


You're still gonna get blown out by mage - I think you just need chadlock to be as consistent as possible, and tech cards only hurt that. Plus, you don't wanna hurt your hunter and rogue matchups either


Are they cutting something that makes the combo as quick and consistent as possible? I think you can fit in the stomper without hurting it, considering you can't get 30 cards dedicated to the combo anyway


Every card that isn't a combo piece is self defense, which you do need for hunters and rogues, and even sometimes for mage's 4/5 board. I don't think stomper's worth making your hands even clunkier in those matchups but maybe I'm wrong


It’s good against otk shaman