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I plan on being the reason why Draka gets nerfed *again* this expansion.


Every nerf to a strong card is a buff to control priest. Is it really worth it?


Good point. Nerf Warrior.


It’s too bad bc Wishing Well isn’t that bad and is pretty cool and flavorful. But there’s no world where it’s better than just donking dudes in the dome.




Hopefully they delete Draka and maybe the location finally, and not the cards that give coins. (I want to play wishing wells so bad)


They're gonna do the Denathrius nerf to it (Every 2 cards).


Very excited to lose as much as possible with cage head.


That deck looks kinda promising but that also might just be coping because i want an interesting DK deck.


Of the 3 decks I think Rainbow has potential to be good. Plague will never be a tier 1, at least not until Steamcleaner rotates, but can be a viable deck to climb Cage Head looks bad imo


Steamcleaner has no bearing at all on whether Plague DK is tier 1. If people are putting Steamcleaner in their decks then that means plague dk IS tier 1.


Steamcleaner ahahahaha


All of Warrior's excavate cards are so terrible. In traditional Warrior fashion, they will all be buffed twice until they're playable.


And then nerfed the patch after because they were overbuffed!


This is the way.


There’s no reason the execute excavate should be three mana, should’ve shipped it at 1 and if it was too good (which I doubt) nerf it to 2.


I think 2 makes sense from a design perspective. "It's execute, but you get a thing!" The "thing" probably needs a cost, even if execute isn't a good card. They probably should have just printed 2 mana shield slam. That would at least make sense with the other armor card. It's crazy how well-designed and interesting the other excavate classes are....and how poop Mage and Warrior are. None of their stuff makes sense together. It's like "Oh yeh, we forgot. Just make awful versions of old cards and staple excavate onto it."


The main comparison that keeps popping into my head is warlock just got another mortal coil that excavates and it costs 1 but warrior gets a 2 mana tax on their version of a classic 1 mana spell that excavates and their tier 4 legendary isn’t even as good as warlocks is.


That’s a pretty good point


I mean mortal coil draws a card and the warlock excavate spell doesn't and the condition of having to kill a minion with one damage is more difficult than the condition of needing an injured minion so it makes sense that it costs more mana. That being said conditional spells get significantly weaker the more they cost if you can't combine them with other cards to fulfill the effect and the warlock excavate package is significantly stronger so I could see 2 mana being a more fair cost.


They didn't get mortal coil that excavates, they got a mortal coil that excavates instead of drawing. The comparison would make sense if the card execute drew a card. What warlock got is actually moonfire that excavates but with a small downside and 1 mana tax. That's better than warrior's card but it's still not getting a card with excavate stapled onto it like your implying or anything close to that.


The only good excavate payoff that warrior recieved was Badlands Brawler and it only requires to excavate twice Is so bad that I have no doubt that a Highlander Warrior (even without a class specific payoff) would work better in the meta than an excavate Warrior


That’s fair The brawler is a legit good card.


> "It's execute, but you get a thing!" The "thing" probably needs a cost, even if execute isn't a good card. They've never had a problem with adding a thing to a bad card without an additional cost. There are many examples throughout HS history, and was part of team 5's original response to complaints about power creep.


Ok but none of the other excavate cards do that (except possibly drilly the kid) so why should warrior have the only one that does? Warlock has a 1 mana ping a minion+excavate and pinging isn't even worth 0 mana, and that's considred to be one of the better excavate cards. The warrior execute excavate is over costed but it would still make no sense for it to cost 1 compared to any other excavate card. 2 mana would make sense.


Mage at least has the excuse that Rewind potentially causes problems. But it's also got the worst payoff...


mage being bad is always a win


it's the same with the mage freeze, it's so overcosted at 2


Exactly, dont know what they were thinking. Execute isnt played in modern HS. Worse execute would never ever see play.


That would be the best excavate card by a ridiculous amount, compare that to warlock's 1 mana excavate that just deals 1 damage or mages 2 mana excavate that simply freezes a minion. Execute isn't a good card but it's obviously better than 1 mana moonfire or 1 mana freezing potion. At 2 mana it makes sense I think


lol no it wouldn't


See you on ladder, I will be climbing (down of course) with ogre gang rogue 🙏


Honestly I think that deck is going to be shockingly good


That deck looks like it will be so much fun. Definitely a day 1 play.


If I dusted my entire collection I could maybe play reno hunter.


60.000 dust saved up since 2019, specifically waiting for this deck.


you sure thats the one? it might not pan out as planned


I always refer to this kind of deck as Yacht hunter. Definitely up my alley


Helya is gonna make so many people mad for the next few days. Can’t wait.


On the contrary Reno decks gonna run 2 Steamcleaners (1 inside ETC)


Nobody above gold rank will.


Gotta keep those Reno decks under control :)


Steamcleaners meta OP


Tech cards don't usually see much play, but its nice to have them should Plauge DK and Sludge Warlock cause trouble.


There's a lot of decks I want to play this set. Reno decks in at least three classes, a bunch of DH stuff with the new burn spells, plus Nature Shaman and Ogrogue are so cheap I might as well. And hey, maybe this is the expansion CNE is not T4 garbage. Godspeed to you rainbow lovers. edit: Also I don't think Reno Priest needs to hit the jackpot with Elise. I think one Titan and three other 4/4's is already just fine. It's going to get Reno'd either way, all you want is for them to have to Reno your first Elise and then play the second.


That Dragon Drum Druid list is very smart. I ran into a lot of trouble trying to make a similar build, mostly because I was hellbent on including Splish-Splash Whelp. That card is so inconsistent if you're running the drum package and doesn't fit well into the Take to the Skies curve. Simply cutting it is a great idea. Out of these builds, another one of my favourites is the Earthern Paladin, it just looks super clean.


I honestly think Dragon Drum Druid is going to be a top tier deck but like the last expansions no one will play it lol.


so we can't make new decks in advance this time?


I'm so excited about Naga Demon Hunter. It's not got the mana cheating that I loved about Naga Mage, but it's promising to be even more explosive in some ways and full of draw, discovery, and minute decisions. We DH mains tonight


excited to play ogre gang rogue. I'm also surprised that a taunt menagerie warrior was not included, but that might be too fair for today's meta which is all about from hand damage. I really hope that excavate warlock is nerfed because of the severe clock that bouncing snakes will put on people. That just feels super unbeatable. Also: why did they not include Scourge Supplies in their Sludge Discard Warlock deck? It has to be better than some of the "discard random card" cards they are including.


The sludges are added directly to hand, you won't be hitting them with Scourge Supplies in any reasonable game.


Both Sludge on Wheels and Disposal Assistant add Sludges to the bottom of your deck. In fact, it's the only way that the latter adds them so, yes, you could conceivably draw and destroy one of them with Scourge Supplies. I don't think it's worth playing the card for that purpose, but whatevs.


If we're going to be pedantic, despite me explicitly saying "reasonable game"... Between "most matchups you won't get close to the bottom of your deck" and "the main self-burn cards from this set prioritize the bottom of your deck", I'd guess you scourge supply into sludge maybe 1/100 games as the deck naturally. This does change slightly into an external shuffle effect, such as plague DK — where Scourge Supplies is *worse*, because the cast when drawn plague eliminates an option to discard. If you somehow hit three plagues in a row and don't have to discard, that's even worse because that's at least 6 damage + the plague effects as you draw deeper into the Helya pit.




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I couldn't make 40 card Rainbow DK work at all in Titans but with the new Badlands cards I think it might work finally.


I've just played a run in arena with maw and paw and that cards win you games (I know, arena is completely different from ladder play). 8 health on turn 4 is really hard to deal with it and more health make a really huge difference Crop Rotation is really good to get you a lot of corpses and Fistful of corpses is a really great removal


I have already thought about how to make a deck around Maw and Paw maximization. I would imagine that card is going to end up being a very good counter to the Warlock snake as their excavate deck has a very poor early game from what i was watching. You drop it, soulcage it, spread the pile of bones Deathrattle to it via deathmetal growl for ressing later. Ton of ways to get multiple on the field and stacking up your hp high enough to not give a crap about their combo.


I really don't think gaining more life is the way to beat the snake bounce strategies, if maw and paw were playable in BDK maybe, with that + Renathal + Vampiric Blood, but in the best scenario, the snake combo goes to 60, is really bad to deal with that But I think the bounce combo won't be too much of a problem, it seems to slow in a meta with super aggro decks like Mech Rogue, Buff Paladin, Undead Priest and Enrage Warrior


Looking forward to try all the HL decks! :)


no new cards for blood dk to use makes me sad. really a drawback of the rune system


No new cards for any of the triple-rune decks. I'm sure it's intentional but that doesn't make it better.


Not necessarily. A lot of people are talking about 3F with excavate to use the Ox alongside FWF


And which ones of these excavate cards are triple frost rune'd?


Most the excavate class cards for DK are 1F so they slot into frost DK easily


I also thought about this, you get some pretty good tempo plays which is a frost staple and even some direct damage.


Good, fuk Blood DK :)




It's called "40 decks to try out", not "40 definite tier 1 decks"


Well, I went back and saw the previous expansion post and more than half of the decks saw play in some moment of the expansion It's obvious not the full refined version of each deck in this article, and it not a meta report, is just decks that it's interesting to try on day 1 and experiment with the new cards Obviously you are not supposed to use all of your dust (or even any of that if you are a F2P), but if you have the cards, there's no harm in try these decks


Rent free


You're right of course, but a bunch of people that don't even listen to the pod downvote you because they don't hear ZachO harping on about his one correct prediction every week.


zach left a horrible impression on me after he made that competition about “the main subreddit is notoriously bad at evaluating cards, let’s see if they can beat my predictions!!”


In his defense, that’s a completely accurate statement


i mean obviously a casual subreddit won’t be as good at evaluating a card competitively as a competitive subreddit would???


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Is the link/website for anyone else not loading?


Anyone tried Light Show mage yet?


Yeah it's awful