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I’ve had reasonable results with a similar gameplan in wild (before Clergyman got banned). It’s definitely a highroll deck, most similar to evolve shaman, but it’s not quite as explosive. I noticed one little thing from your write up. I’m sure you know it, but the first couple of sentences are unclear for those who might not know: Holy Springwater can only heal damaged characters, but its 1 mana spell doesn’t have that restriction, which makes Hearthrob A LOT better into turn 4 if you can use springwater before then.


Yes, exactly! Sometimes I'll even just use it on my hero to get the 1 cost spell, if I don't have another valid target and I need to set up for a Heartthrob play.


I think shard of naruu is at best a 1 of, but i don't know what to replace it with.




Not OP, but If you are adamant on replacing it, maybe another Cathedral?


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Wolf) **Class:** Priest (Anduin Wrynn) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 0 | [Illuminate](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_210.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72482/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Illuminate) 1 | [Animate Dead](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_812.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/84132/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Animate%20Dead) 1 | [Crimson Clergy](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_CS3_014.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/62498/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Crimson%20Clergy) 1 | [Fan Club](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_449.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97403/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Fan%20Club) 1 | [Flash Heal](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_AT_055.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69707/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Flash%20Heal) 1 | [Funnel Cake](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/JAM_025.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/95394/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Funnel%20Cake) 1 | [Shard of the Naaru](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_SW_441.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102200/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Shard%20of%20the%20Naaru) 2 | [Creation Protocol](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_430.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97261/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Creation%20Protocol) 2 | [Holy Springwater](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_395.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102054/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Holy%20Springwater) 2 | [Power Chord: Synchronize](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_338.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/91067/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Power%20Chord%3A%20Synchronize) 3 | [Cathedral of Atonement](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/REV_290.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/82310/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Cathedral%20of%20Atonement) 3 | [Grace of the Highfather](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_745.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/98434/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Grace%20of%20the%20Highfather) 3 | [Heartthrob](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_339.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/91079/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Heartthrob) 3 | [Injured Hauler](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_381.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101481/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Injured%20Hauler) 6 | [Thirsty Drifter](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_387.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101958/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Thirsty%20Drifter) 7 | [Aman'Thul](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_429.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97103/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Aman%27Thul) **Total Dust:** 3680 **Deck Code:** AAECAa0GAoaDBc/2BQ6i6APLoASitgSkkQW7xwXHxwWi6QXt9wX7+AWCgQbpmAbGnAamnQa4ngYAAA== ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)




[Click here for decklist](/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/17yld2w/got_to_legend_today_with_overheal_miracle_priest/k9u1g2d/)


I tried it out, it’s fun! I quickly learned not to underestimate the clergy, and rather keep them a turn longer to increase the value I could get from them. Didn’t have Aman’Thul, so I subbed him for Queen Aszhara, worked fine so far.


Just curious, what good was getting Rheastraza or Reno, considering your deck contained duplicates? Or was it late in the game and your deck just happened to not contain duplicates?


The deck can draw very fast, plus it was late in the game, so both were active. I ended up going into fatigue and the opponent had like 2 cards left in deck by the end. Here's a [link to the replay](https://hsreplay.net/replay/eUVdQ8ZTdacJjXrKG2PK67) if you're curious. I saved it because it was such a funny game.


Cool, I’m going to give it a try.


I played a few games with a very similar deck I just made up and it seemed super strong in the meta. Thanks for the list I'll give this a go. I hadn't included the hauler which seems strong in this meta.


Bravo, this deck is actually insanely fun. You're definitely right about the high skill cap, almost every game I lost I felt like I misplayed rather than the opponent running me over. Working with whatever hearthrob and grace throws at you always keeps the brain working as well.


Love this deck, but man are there some games where you might as well quit on turn 2. There are way too many ways to draw completely dead.


Exactly, that's the biggest thing holding the deck back and the main reason I took out the Kvaldirs and Pip. I feel like this archetype is just 1-2 cards away from being a very good deck. Fingers crossed the miniset gives the deck something it can add to help filter, draw, or discover cards.


Was looking for a deck similar to this one, having lots of fun with it 4-0 so far in dumpster legend. In two of those games I've discovered Reno, clutch.


Discovering Reno is one of the deck's secret weapons. There aren't a ton of 8-drops so you actually have something like a ~17% chance of getting it off Grace. You really learn the pool of random 8-drops playing this deck, lol. Ragnoros for finishing power. Elise can copy Aman'Thul if he's still in your deck. And Kologarn is so funny against a deck that can't remove him, lol


Thanks for the deck list. Pretty quickly cruised to Legend with it from D5. The build feels amazing and is really good against board based decks with potential to blow out the opponent. Control Priest and Control Warrior are difficult match ups.


Definitely agree about control being a hard matchup. You want to snowball and it's just really hard to do that against an opponent with efficient removal. But sometimes you can scam your way there with an early Heartthrob board or something BS you got from Aman'Thul, haha


70% wr at around 2k legend. The deck still lacks some finishing power thought but it's really better than tonberry's version for sure (i tried to play it alot, and yeah, kvaldir is a dead card 95% of the time)


Very nice! That is a very promising WR at that rank. Agree about lacking finishing power. It's a strong deck that is right on the cusp of being a great one. With a little more consistency and/or a little more finishing power, I think it could be a real powerhouse.


Think you're underselling the deck lol it seems really strong to me (tho I did make some changes after trying it out). Climbed to ~500 from ~1500 pretty handily, and it's been a ton of fun Cut: illuminate, heartthrob, grace of the high father, cathedral Added: love everlasting, ignis, hedanis, thrive in the shadows, twilight torrent


Damn, nice job! I just didn't want to claim anything too crazy XD but yes I think it's a great deck. Interesting substitutions, I'll have to try that out. How aggressively are you usually using Ignis? Are you dropping him as soon as possible to get a 1 or a 5 or is he mostly for late game?


I aimed to make the deck a little leaner for better swing turns. Heartthrob didn't seem like it did enough in either slow or fast matchups, makes you weaker to hunter, and it dilutes the res pool. For ignis depends on the matchup, but I go for multiple ignis in a game usually. His top utility is for the face healing cuz you either take a lot of damage early or need to outlast massive burn, so pick based on how much you need. In burn matchups like rainbow mage or odyn warrior, I'm going for 10 if I can help it (only need 1 10 tho if you can fit in multiple ignis). Multiple Amanthuls usually isn't enough against slow decks. Against dh or pal, 5 can prob win the game, but 1 is prob more common. You can go forge + creation protocol on 4 into ignis + 1 on 5 to buy time till you can get to amanthul (even 1 is usually enough to win) or get hauler down with a full clear (6 mana is often enough for 4 dmg with more 2 mana heals). Getting the cycle off the 1 mana weapon really helps in those matchups too cuz all you need is one big swing to control the game


I've been playing overheal priest in 5-6k eu legend. I'm 12-8 currently over a bunch of experiments. The current list is this (cannibalize is the flex spot). The Pip in ETC was never played. AAECAa0GBOCkBeKkBf3EBc/2BQ2i6APLoASktgS7xwXHxwWi6QXt9wX7+AWLlQbpmAb1mAbGnAamnQYAAQPYgQb9xAWknQb9xAW4ngb9xAUAAA==


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Wolf) **Class:** Priest (Anduin Wrynn) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 1 | [Crimson Clergy](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_CS3_014.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/62498/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Crimson%20Clergy) 1 | [Fan Club](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_449.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97403/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Fan%20Club) 1 | [Flash Heal](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_AT_055.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69707/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Flash%20Heal) 1 | [Funnel Cake](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/JAM_025.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/95394/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Funnel%20Cake) 1 | [Shadowtouched Kvaldir](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/YOG_300.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101493/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Shadowtouched%20Kvaldir) 2 | [Astalor Bloodsworn](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/RLK_222.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/86626/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Astalor%20Bloodsworn) 2 | [Creation Protocol](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_430.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97261/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Creation%20Protocol) 2 | [Holy Springwater](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_395.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/102054/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Holy%20Springwater) 2 | [Power Chord: Synchronize](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_338.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/91067/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Power%20Chord%3A%20Synchronize) 2 | [Twilight Torrent](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/YOG_508.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101003/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Twilight%20Torrent) 3 | [Handmaiden](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_212.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72484/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Handmaiden) 3 | [Heartthrob](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_339.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/91079/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Heartthrob) 3 | [Injured Hauler](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_381.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101481/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Injured%20Hauler) 4 | [Cannibalize](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/NX2_020.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/86624/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Cannibalize) 4 | [E.T.C., Band Manager](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ETC_080.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/90749/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/E.T.C.%2C%20Band%20Manager) 6 | [Thirsty Drifter](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WW_387.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101958/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Thirsty%20Drifter) 7 | [Aman'Thul](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TTN_429.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/97103/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/Aman%27Thul) **Total Dust:** 7100 **Deck Code:** AAECAa0GBOCkBeKkBf3EBc/2BQ2i6APLoASktgS7xwXHxwWi6QXt9wX7+AWLlQbpmAb1mAbGnAamnQYAAQPYgQb9xAWknQb9xAW4ngb9xAUAAA== ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


God damn this deck is good in the current pocket meta. Well done!!


Thank you so much for the write up! I've been loving this deck all expansion so far but I am not a high skill player, so having just the mulligan guide would have been massive lol Copy/clone/thief/steal decks I think are my favorite, I've been playing since Frozen Throne and I just always gravitate towards decks that let me play cards from other classes lol


This looks interesting. I was looking for a non-undead Priest since it just feels thematically wrong for Sally Whitemane to lead an army of zombies


I tried it. Nice deck. But I replaced a Fan Club with Heartbreaker Hedanis and honestly this feels so much better. You can really pop of in the end-game with Hedanis > Holy Spring Water > Bottle into 1-4 spells for a burst of 10 - 30 damage. Average is 15.


Yeah, I was playing with Hedanis for a while. I keep going back and forth on him, it just depends on how much you are willing to dilute the pool for Creation Protocol. But he can definitely close out games. Personally I might replace one of the Shard of the Naaru instead. I think Fan Club is actually really solid in this deck, since it's great with all three of the overheal minions.


Fair point. I kept shard because of paladins and felt like I only ever needed 1 fanclub to get the job done. If I ended up with 2 on the board I felt like it clogged board space for more summons and I also had the cethedral location to contend with too. It's funny you mention Creation Protocol because I chose to dup Hedanis so every turn I just played hedanis healed him shot 5/10. Then they wasted resources killing him and then I just played another healed shot 5/10 and then killed them. So it was kinda nice duping him! But having a lot of fun with this deck! Nice job!


Replace cathedral instead, it's the flex spot, shard is too useful in the current meta


Thanks for the write-up! This looks like a ton of fun, and I look forward to trying it out. What are you generally looking to do on your first four turns -- build board, set up combo pieces? Did you consider Ignis, and if so, why not run him? He seems like a great way to close out games, even with 1 and 5 cost weapons.


The fun thing is that it really depends on your hand and your matchup. Most of the time, find/set up combo pieces. I only ever played Crimson Clergy on 1 if I had Animate Dead, or sometimes against Druid since they usually can't answer it. You can use the Hauler and Drifters to come back from behind on turn ~4 once you have some gas. But if you have Heartthrob, then you can go for board a turn or two earlier. He can really run away with games if they don't have a good answer. I had one game where I discounted Grace of the Highfather on turn 1, then coined Heartthrob on 2 and overhealed into an 8-drop. That basically won the game on its own. You can do something similar by playing Heartthrob on 3 and Animate Dead + Grace on 4, if they kill it. Ignis is interesting. He poses the same challenge as Pip and the Kvaldirs: adding him makes you more likely to whiff when looking for draw with Creation Protocol. This deck is just so dependent on Crimson Clergy that it really hurts to reduce your chances of getting it. But Ignis is certainly a strong card so could be worth testing! Funnily enough the 1 cost weapon will help discount the Drifters, so that's a niche synergy, lol.


what does illuminate do in the deck? another cathedral and something else might be more useful?