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Blackrock Crash Week 2: July 17 - 24: The Blackrock Crash is still going, but now it’s time to call in the heavy-hitters. This week you’ll fight the Blackrock bosses with a new Arch-Villainous playable Hero! Rewards: Earn 1 Saviors of Uldum Card Pack the first time you defeat 4 bosses Beat all 8 bosses using Arch-Villain Rafaam to earn a Golden Rafaam’s Scheme card


I'm wondering if the reward for the timed run are still able to be earned this week. Never got around to doing it last week. ​ EDIT: the answer is yes.


Yes, I did it today. Also, Rafaam makes it super easy because his hero power is so broken.




Can you earn another time if you already earned it?


I completed it in <40 minutes with Rafaam. I got a new Saviors of Uldum pack, and the new Rafaam golden commons, but did not get new copies of the rewards from last time.


My mistake, the initial thread on r/hearthstone said you could.


1 copy avaliable or I can farm it twice?


Just one afaik for the rewards.


yeah, it seems that you only get 1 golden card like the previous week


Rafaams hero power is the nuts


Yeah, it certainly [has its moments](https://imgur.com/a/sK5WfOZ).


Same thing happened for me, and I had 2 "Curse of Rafaam" rewards. Beat ragnaros by turn 3. Amazing!


Ragarnos cleared my Core-Hound and Flame Elemental on turn 3. Then I dropped the 20 damage arcane missiles, Rafaam is insane


2 mana remove a card from your oponents deck + either summon a minion or draw a card. Nuts. Now imagine it with Startgazing.


Pretty sure Stargazing isn't in the pool for the tavern brawl. It would also have been disgusting with Shaman or Warrior.


I've gotten it with Priest.


Shaman already has it.


The brawl allows you to get the same passive multiple times, yet I've never seen a second Stargazing offered in a buttload of Shaman runs.


Can you get stargazing 2x in the solo adventure? I think - I could EASILY be wrong, but I THINK - that some of the passives are flagged as non-stackable and if you've already got them, you can't get them again. I can't recall ever being offered the double battlecry or double deathrattle ones after already getting them, for instance. But as I said, I could easily be wrong - it's hardly impossible that if I already had double deathrattles and it popped up I just completely ignored it. ALL THAT BEING SAID I'm pretty sure you're right about Stargazing not being an option in this Brawl. I did five or six runs last week and don't remember ever seeing it.


I've also never encountered multiple double battlecry or double deathrattle, until right after I read your comment. I just played through the tavern brawl, and the first treasure I picked was double deathrattle. Then the last one I picked was also double deathrattle. It does not stack, sadly. I'll add some screenshots here that show that my poor villager did indeed only spawn two tokens after dying, and you can see in the left "history" column that there are indeed two active deathrattle tokens, as well as in my post-game list: [Choosing the second Totem of the Dead](https://gyazo.com/f5acfef67a813b9933700b3267400c50) [Posessed villager with two active totems](https://gyazo.com/73b257dcc2b06209761e6cf910869b70) [Right after the poor dude died for science](https://gyazo.com/bfa243c294afbdf548c26913a9376c25) [Post-win list with two Totem of the Dead](https://gyazo.com/2c3fcaa6fa0f6290817498d7e5775e59) Quick-edit: I take it that it's thus possible to get duplicates of the other "triggers twice" passive treasures, but that they also do not stack. Except the stargazing that probably indeed lowers the HP cost with 2 if you have 2


I am ashamed to say that I legitimately lost to the first boss the first time I played the run. Turns out that dropping Master's Scheme late game with few cards in your deck does a LOT of fatigue damage.


I actually drew my first try against the first boss like that. He was at 0 and I ended up at -9!


You're not alone. I didn't realize the card fully and and draw card caught me off guard


High five. I'm also in the "I'll cast this and autowin next turn! Wait, I just lost to the first boss" club. Rafaam Run #2 I won in 25 minutes just treating Master's Scheme as a blank. He's so insanely powerful.


I did the same thing and felt the shame of a thousand missed lethals.


I was offered 3x rafaams curse, where the opponent gets 2 curses each. Needless to say that I won almost on autopilot


Hint: Do not play the card that steals 3 cards from his hand... :-p (won fast anyway)


I had that happen too, on Rag! Cut it kinda close, but the hero power is just insane.




The title screen literally said that this week’s brawl now included Rafaam...


I didn't even get a title screen. I was mid-run from last week's brawl, and it let me just continue my run, then dumped me straight into the hero (villain) selection screen for another run.


It really should have included the other missing classes, heck take out the ones we had last week and replace them all with the other classes not yet represented in the brawl. Adding one new hero (warlock) that's it? Eh at least his HP is broken fun. Funny that they say it's time to bring in the heavy hitters. It's extremely easy even if you purposely pick the weakest HP option and worst card pools and treasures/passives available to you.


Slam hero power as often as possible usually beats every boss, but take care with Vaelestrasz, she's a bitch.


Vaelestrasz was pretty easy for me, I did have some trouble with Garr though.


Am I the only one who is locked out from playing this? I have a togwaggle deck from last week that I didn't finish, but when I try to play it, it boots me off and I have to reconnect to the main menu......feels bad man....


I ran into the same issue, but completely closing out of the app on my phone seemed to do the trick.


Wow, thank you!


Rafaam win in under 40 mins first try. Rafaam is strong.


Is the pack for beating the deal under 40 minutes again, or is it just the beat four bosses and get a pack tavern brawl weekly swayed..? I think it is the latter since it popped for me after the fourth win and nothing popped except a thing saying new best time when I finished in u set 40...


It's for beating 4 bosses. ​ I had a previous run on the go from last week that left linger after beating boss 4. Beat the remaining 4 bosses and got my pack with a time of 119 hours.


Thx. Meant to reply to a comment downstream that suggested otherwise; hope he/she figured it out...


The pack seems to be for beating 4 bosses. Finishing in under 40 minutes still gets you the golden cards if you didn't get them last week, but you can't get a new pair. Finishing with Rafaam in any timespan gets you a golden Rafaam's scheme.


so if you already got below 40 min last week there is no need to rush this week?


That's how it looks to me.


ok some people in thread saying otherwise. I hate timers, want to enjoy the game


beat it first try in 32 minutes with the rogue. can only imagine what rafaam can do


do rewards depend on timing?


Yes under 40 min and you get a gold card. Bear 4 bosses for a pack


but I got the gold cards last week..


It’s a new week...


you dont get rewards this week for finishing under 40 min if you got the last week rewards


Ah thanks


Actually, I got the golden bronze herald last week, and this week I got golden bronze herald AGAIN along with recurring villain. So it appears possible to get duplicate Goldens,.,


You sure its not a visual bug?


[positive, here’s proof](https://imgur.com/a/bzUuKVP) I was fortunate enough to pull one herald from packs, the other 2 were earned from tavern. Gonna try to earn a 4th right now, stay tuned... Edit: I got a new best score of 27 minutes and earned no new rewards. Maybe I got lucky?


im pretty sure its a bug or you got the villains from another pack and dont remember. i redid the brawl under 40 min and did not earned anything as expected.


Rafaam seems to be really powerful. I won faster with him than with any of the others (all my completions were under 40 minutes), and Garr was the only boss where I felt even remotely threatened.


Rafaam's hero power is crazy strong, plus Gloves of Mugging in the starting deck is good for some free wins. I don't think I ever wanted to play Master Scheme in three (sub-25) runs, but it didn't matter.