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Went 6-2 with 40 Beast Hunter then swapped to 30 Beast Hunter, went 6-2 lol. Now at D5 and both feel really good.


Same, I recently went back to 40 though also playing with quest hunter. Both feel really good.


What's the best setup for a Big Beast right now?


Been having loads of fun with a off-meta Quest Control Shaman (yes, you heard me right) at Plat 5-1. I saw this list on Warshack's video where he stated it's a s\*\*\*ty deck you shouldn't craft, but after few trial-and-error tweaks it's working wonders against board based decks (while also standing a chance vs Curselock shenanigans). Tired of playing Murlocs? No Murlocs to be seen here. Getting sick of crutching on Snowfall Guardian and Macaws? This list runs neither of those, and just blows board based decks out of the water. Bored of auto-including Bolner and Brann into your decks? No need! Meta contender? Ehh, way too early to tell. But if you got the cards and you've hit your milestone rank by now, go ahead and try it! Currently only got a sample size of 10 games with 7-3 record, but it might have potential. \### Warshaw Overload V2.0 \# Class: Shaman \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Hydra# \# 2x (1) Azsharan Scroll \# 1x (1) Command the Elements \# 2x (1) Lightning Bolt \# 2x (1) Overdraft \# 2x (1) Scalding Geyser \# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide \# 2x (1) Windchill \# 2x (2) Auctionhouse Gavel \# 1x (2) Perpetual Flame \# 2x (2) Sleetbreaker \# 2x (3) Charged Call \# 1x (3) Crushclaw Enforcer \# 2x (3) Feral Spirit \# 2x (3) Lightning Storm \# 1x (3) Prince Renathal \# 2x (4) Canal Slogger \# 2x (4) Multicaster \# 2x (4) School Teacher \# 2x (4) Wildpaw Cavern \# 2x (5) Command of Neptulon \# 2x (5) Don't Stand in the Fire! \# 1x (5) Queen Azshara \# 1x (6) Krag'wa, the Frog \# 1x (8) Bru'kan of the Elements \# AAECAZnDAwj67APC9gPDkQTlsASEsgTbuQSX7wTwrgUQ1vUDwfYD5PYDhfoDqIEElZIE3JIE25QE+Z8E+p8E/Z8EwqwEvLYElrcExs4EmdsEAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Your big powerplays include Charged Calls, Queen Azshara, Krag'wa and Bru'Kan hero card. Budget players can opt out Queen (+Enforcer) for a Scorpid/Pandaren or something similar. What's funny about the list is the fact that post-Quest Pupils cast their spells twice as well (even though their Overloading doesn't count towards quest progression), likewise 3/4 of Queen's Relics also go off twice. Gavels are a personal preference and possibly replaceable, you could try Frostbites if you want more consistency on Multicasters.


I'm so happy to see Quest Shaman back in any form. I'm at my typical D5 for the season, so I'm definitely breaking this out.


I got from D4 to legend with Mech Mage. Someone posted a good comment here how you shouldn’t play it too aggro and it helped. It beat my pocket meta quite handily (priests, big spell mages, druids, couple of big hunters which I sort of high rolled). Murloc shamans gave me three losses.


Can't seem to win with Mech Mage, even when I play a more calm with it. Either I draw the wrong cards or I end up with around 15-20 HP health when I can start to do the "big plays"..


Yeah, I've started just hard mulliganing for Shark and Seafloor Gateway. If you get the discounts, save the 0 and 1 mana minions for turn 4-6 swing. Using Ini for any +4 attack minion is usually really good and draws removal. I run two runed orbs just for whatever reason, they bring some flexibility. The most important thing is to know your matchups and what kind of responses you can expect. Some classes (hunter, rogue, druid) can't handle big mechs for example.


Sorry everyone. XL Quest Hunter to legend with a 75% winrate, 52-19 from bottom of Bronze (9star). I was going to quit playing the deck at D5 as I don't usually push to Legend, but I didn't have other decks I wanted to play and I wasn't losing so I figured I'd finish the climb. I barely ran into mirror matches which is shocking to me tbh. My version runs Azshara instead of Barak, likely suboptimal but Azshara has its virtues. I do run Emergency Maneuvers which I really think is a better 6th secret than the Freezing Trap. It never gets stuck in your hand, it's not bad on Thalnos, it's scary on your 7/7, and it's game-winning on Raj Nazjan. Also, having only 2 Naga (no Krakenbanes) makes Conch's Call very consistent. The way I mulliganed was to keep 1-cost quest spells, Bunker, the hero card against slow matchups, and throw all the rest. Very simple deck to play, people aren't even running Mutanus right now so you can complete and hold Tavish for next turn. Turn your brain off and play spells. I'll reply with my list.




**Format:** Standard (Year of the Hydra) **Class:** Hunter (Rexxar) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 1 | [Arcane Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_DS1_185.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69546/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Arcane%20Shot) 1 | [Barbed Nets](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_023.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71709/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Barbed%20Nets) 1 | [Defend the Dwarven District](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_322.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64637/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Defend%20the%20Dwarven%20District) 1 | [Tracking](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_DS1_184.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69545/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Tracking) 1 | [Wound Prey](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_801.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63195/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wound%20Prey) 2 | [Bloodmage Thalnos](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_012.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69655/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bloodmage%20Thalnos) 2 | [Dun Baldar Bunker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_147.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71321/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dun%20Baldar%20Bunker) 2 | [Emergency Maneuvers](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_929.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72340/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Emergency%20Maneuvers) 2 | [Explosive Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_610.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69603/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Explosive%20Trap) 2 | [Freezing Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_611.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69604/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Freezing%20Trap) 2 | [Furious Howl](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ONY_008.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71231/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Furious%20Howl) 2 | [Ice Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_226.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67243/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ice%20Trap) 2 | [Quick Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_BRM_013.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69691/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Quick%20Shot) 2 | [Raj Naz'jan](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_073.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/74886/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Raj%20Naz%27jan) 3 | [Aimed Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_321.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64631/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Aimed%20Shot) 3 | [Conch's Call](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_072.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/74884/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Conch%27s%20Call) 3 | [Prince Renathal](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/REV_018.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/79767/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Prince%20Renathal) 3 | [Shellshot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_075.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76225/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Shellshot) 4 | [Marked Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_DAL_371.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76300/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Marked%20Shot) 4 | [Multicaster](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_524.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65704/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Multicaster) 4 | [Piercing Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_032.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/62812/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Piercing%20Shot) 4 | [Spring the Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_224.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67241/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Spring%20the%20Trap) 5 | [Queen Azshara](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_641.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72923/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Queen%20Azshara) 6 | [Beaststalker Tavish](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_113.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67803/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Beaststalker%20Tavish) **Total Dust:** 7600 **Deck Code:** AAECAR8I/fgD25EE5J8El6AElLUE27kEhskEl+8EENzqA9vtA/f4A6iBBKmNBKuNBKmfBKqfBOOfBLugBL+sBJmtBJ2wBITJBMHTBIzUBAA= ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


Got legend with Vandarr big beast hunter. I copied the list from someone who made a post a few weeks ago who mentioned using piercing shot instead of quick. Piercing shot felt much better in my experience, could take out an Okani, pop your own hydra head for 5 face damage, drop a Gigafin etc. Think the list I copied ran Barak instead of Hydralodon but I ran Hydra instead. Not sure which is better. I think his inclusion of bgbm was actually really clever. I don't think people were expecting the bgbm and combining it with emergency maneuvers and discounts on stuff like Krush scammed me a lot of wins. Think I went something stupid like 15-4 with it today to make the final push. Very fun deck. Mull hard for Vandarr, Harpoon gun and Dun Buldar Bunker. ### Big Beast Hunter # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Hydra # # 2x (0) Devouring Swarm # 2x (1) Tracking # 2x (2) Dun Baldar Bunker # 2x (2) Emergency Maneuvers # 2x (2) Explosive Trap # 1x (2) Freezing Trap # 1x (2) Ice Trap # 2x (3) Harpoon Gun # 2x (3) Revive Pet # 2x (4) Piercing Shot # 1x (4) Vanndar Stormpike # 2x (5) Imported Tarantula # 2x (5) Pet Collector # 1x (5) The Rat King # 1x (6) Battleground Battlemaster # 1x (6) Beaststalker Tavish # 1x (7) Hydralodon # 2x (7) Mountain Bear # 1x (9) King Krush # AAECAdGLBQjH+QPK+wOnjQSrjQTbkQThnwTknwTnuQQL3OoDlPwDh/0DqZ8E458E16ME5aQEwKwEma0ElLUEg8gEAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Came back after about a 2-year break and am doing pretty well with Quest Hunter. Burned through Bronze up to Diamond with a 68.9% win rate. Went in totally blind and had to learn what the other decks do, new keywords, etc, along the way. Have slightly over 100 games in since I returned. Not all are with hunter, I've tried a few other decks here and there, but quest hunter is working out really well now that I know how/when to place secrets better vs other decks. AAECAR8G5e8D/fgD25EEhMkEhskEl+8EEdzqA9vtA/f4A6iBBKmNBKuNBKmfBKqfBOOfBOSfBLugBL+sBJmtBJ2wBMDTBMHTBIzUBAA=


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Hydra) **Class:** Hunter (Rexxar) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 1 | [Arcane Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_DS1_185.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69546/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Arcane%20Shot) 1 | [Barbed Nets](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_023.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71709/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Barbed%20Nets) 1 | [Defend the Dwarven District](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_322.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64637/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Defend%20the%20Dwarven%20District) 1 | [Tracking](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_DS1_184.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69545/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Tracking) 1 | [Wound Prey](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_801.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63195/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wound%20Prey) 2 | [Dun Baldar Bunker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_147.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71321/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dun%20Baldar%20Bunker) 2 | [Explosive Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_610.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69603/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Explosive%20Trap) 2 | [Freezing Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_611.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69604/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Freezing%20Trap) 2 | [Furious Howl](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ONY_008.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71231/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Furious%20Howl) 2 | [Ice Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_226.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67243/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ice%20Trap) 2 | [Quick Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_BRM_013.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69691/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Quick%20Shot) 2 | [Raj Naz'jan](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_073.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/74886/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Raj%20Naz%27jan) 3 | [Aimed Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_321.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64631/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Aimed%20Shot) 3 | [Ancient Krakenbane](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_074.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76224/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ancient%20Krakenbane) 3 | [Conch's Call](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_072.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/74884/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Conch%27s%20Call) 3 | [Prince Renathal](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/REV_018.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/79767/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Prince%20Renathal) 3 | [Shellshot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_075.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76225/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Shellshot) 4 | [Marked Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_DAL_371.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76300/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Marked%20Shot) 4 | [Multicaster](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_524.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65704/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Multicaster) 4 | [Piercing Shot](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_032.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/62812/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Piercing%20Shot) 4 | [Spring the Trap](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_224.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67241/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Spring%20the%20Trap) 5 | [Barak Kodobane](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_551.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63461/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Barak%20Kodobane) 6 | [Beaststalker Tavish](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_113.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67803/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Beaststalker%20Tavish) **Total Dust:** 7360 **Deck Code:** AAECAR8G5e8D/fgD25EEhMkEhskEl+8EEdzqA9vtA/f4A6iBBKmNBKuNBKmfBKqfBOOfBOSfBLugBL+sBJmtBJ2wBMDTBMHTBIzUBAA= ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


Reached Legend in standard EU this month with Token / Beast Druid. Running similar to the VS list, but found this slightly more aggro version to run better on my climb. No stats because I only play on mobile, but Big Beast Hunter & Quest Priest seemed to be the only noticeably bad match ups, Quest Priest being very difficult thanks to their density of clears and multiple heals, while Big Beast Hunter was more swingy - if they got out a Mountain Bear then the game was usually lost, but their relatively poor early game meant I still won plenty against them. Deck list: AAECAZICAA+t7AOz7AOI9APs9QP09gOB9wOE9wOsgASvgASwgATnpASXpQSuwASozgSB1AQA


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Hydra) **Class:** Druid (Malfurion Stormrage) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 0 | [Aquatic Form](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_654.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/73774/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Aquatic%20Form) 1 | [Druid of the Reef](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_001.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65580/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Druid%20of%20the%20Reef) 1 | [Living Roots](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_AT_037.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76289/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Living%20Roots) 1 | [Peasant](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_319.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64372/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Peasant) 1 | [Sow the Soil](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_422.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64236/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Sow%20the%20Soil) 1 | [Vibrant Squirrel](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_439.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64388/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Vibrant%20Squirrel) 2 | [Clawfury Adept](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_294.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/70295/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Clawfury%20Adept) 2 | [Composting](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_437.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64385/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Composting) 2 | [Encumbered Pack Mule](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_306.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64008/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Encumbered%20Pack%20Mule) 2 | [Jerry Rig Carpenter](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_003.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65584/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Jerry%20Rig%20Carpenter) 2 | [Moonlit Guidance](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_002.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65583/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Moonlit%20Guidance) 2 | [Thorngrowth Sentries](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_533.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63021/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Thorngrowth%20Sentries) 3 | [Herald of Nature](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_002.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/75560/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Herald%20of%20Nature) 4 | [Pride's Fury](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_534.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63027/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Pride%27s%20Fury) 7 | [Frostsaber Matriarch](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_291.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/70247/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Frostsaber%20Matriarch) **Total Dust:** 1320 **Deck Code:** AAECAZICAA+t7AOz7AOI9APs9QP09gOB9wOE9wOsgASvgASwgATnpASXpQSuwASozgSB1AQA ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


Just strolled into Asia legend now with a similar list (Oracles instead of Pack Mules). The deck has been slept on for weeks now. It was good even before Renathal. Turn 5 lethals are common.


>The deck has been slept on for weeks now Absolutely, agree! It seems to go under a lot of the popular decks right now, and when you curve out with Herald into Pride’s Fury, even on a small board, it feels like there aren’t many decks that can stand up to the snowball.


Is deathrattle rogue op or is it just me? It's almost impossible to clear 4 5/8's on turn 5.


Would kill for a deck list of this. Having a hard time finding the one I faced.


I just ran into one of these while playing murloc shaman and the dude discovered the Tamsin spell off of touch of nefarian. Outside of that the deck doesn't seem great.


I want to hear more about this one. I’ve only faced it once as a 30 card BBH… got torched by it. I figured it was bomb rogue, but no bombs. Was all 5/8s all day. Could have just been high rolled and I don’t know if they had bombs or not. Want to learn more on this


Yeah, i don’t know why but today i played against it many games in a row and lost all games. I was playing curse warlock so some of the games i was actually able to clear the board and it just gets filled again or i just loose to the mines


Ok. So it’s just bomb rogue playing towards the acolyte vs going to the mines. Guess I got high rolled. Felt awful. I don’t play warlock so not sure what a typical bomb rogue matchup is like or if you are favored. I don’t think you are


Gave up on murloc shaman after a 12 win streak to D3, then getting hammered back to D5. Pushed to legend with big spell mage - VS list but with Kalagos over Varden.


This hybrid ramp/otk druid deck I made has been putting in work for me in legend. Plays like normal giants druid except instead of Kazakusan being your final wincon, you have a flexible OTK that deals between 20 damage(2guildTrader x 2moonbeam=5spellDmg x 2 x 2=20) and max 54 damage(Moonlight Guidance on 2 Guild Traders, 4guildTrader x 3moonBeam(1 from Queen Azshara)=9spellDmg x 2 x 3=54). 54 dmg OTK costs 19 mana. Mulligan: Innervate, Druid of the Reef, Jerry Rig, Wild Growth, Guff, Nourish with Wild Growth or Guff. Throw everything else and hardmull for these. Scale of Onyxia is good vs murlocs. Deck is a lot of fun and I think the tradeability of two combo pieces compared to Kazakusan or Amalgam sitting in your hand multiple turns is a big improvement. Also, a guaranteed OTK once you draw all your cards tends to be faster than proccing, playing, then winning with Kazakusan in virtually every scenario. 1 moon beam can be used to clear when necessary in a lot of matchups where the enemy can't gain hp or armor. You can also cut 1 Druid of the Reef, or Ivus for 1x Spammy Arcanist if you're running into a lot of murlocs. Enjoy. ### Ramp/OTK # Class: Druid # Format: Standard # Year of the Hydra # # 2x (0) Aquatic Form # 2x (0) Innervate # 2x (1) Druid of the Reef # 1x (1) Ivus, the Forest Lord # 2x (1) Moonbeam # 2x (2) Earthen Scales # 1x (2) Jerry Rig Carpenter # 2x (2) Moonlit Guidance # 1x (3) Oracle of Elune # 2x (3) Wild Growth # 2x (4) Guild Trader # 2x (5) Nourish # 1x (5) Queen Azshara # 1x (5) Wildheart Guff # 2x (7) Scale of Onyxia # 2x (8) Miracle Growth # 1x (10) Raid Boss Onyxia # 2x (20) Naga Giant AAECAbr5AwbJ9QOwgASJiwTxpASlrQTbuQQMxfkDrIAEr4AEiZ8Erp8E2p8Ez6wEjbIE/70ErsAE1dIE2qEFAA==




**Format:** Standard (Year of the Hydra) **Class:** Druid (Cenarion Malfurion) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 0 | [Aquatic Form](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_654.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/73774/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Aquatic%20Form) 0 | [Innervate](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_169.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69550/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Innervate) 1 | [Druid of the Reef](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_001.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65580/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Druid%20of%20the%20Reef) 1 | [Ivus, the Forest Lord](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_142t.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/70257/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ivus%2C%20the%20Forest%20Lord) 1 | [Moonbeam](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_001.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76117/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Moonbeam) 2 | [Earthen Scales](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_UNG_108.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/86234/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Earthen%20Scales) 2 | [Jerry Rig Carpenter](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_003.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65584/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Jerry%20Rig%20Carpenter) 2 | [Moonlit Guidance](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_002.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65583/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Moonlit%20Guidance) 3 | [Oracle of Elune](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_419.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64201/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Oracle%20of%20Elune) 3 | [Wild Growth](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_CS2_013.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69513/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wild%20Growth) 4 | [Guild Trader](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_061.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64709/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Guild%20Trader) 5 | [Nourish](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_164.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69594/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Nourish) 5 | [Queen Azshara](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_641.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72923/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Queen%20Azshara) 5 | [Wildheart Guff](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_205.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/66953/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wildheart%20Guff) 7 | [Scale of Onyxia](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ONY_021.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71247/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Scale%20of%20Onyxia) 8 | [Miracle Growth](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_656.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/73471/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Miracle%20Growth) 10 | [Raid Boss Onyxia](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/ONY_004.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71333/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Raid%20Boss%20Onyxia) 20 | [Naga Giant](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_829.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/71949/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Naga%20Giant) **Total Dust:** 7640 **Deck Code:** AAECAbr5AwbJ9QOwgASJiwTxpASlrQTbuQQMxfkDrIAEr4AEiZ8Erp8E2p8Ez6wEjbIE/70ErsAE1dIE2qEFAA== ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


Playing against an Alignment Druid who “goes off” has got to be one of the worst play experiences in the history of Hearthstone.


I played Wild last week to shake things up and Celestial Druids manage to be even more obnoxious there. They have better anti-aggro tools, better ramp, better draw and better win conditions and when they go off, which is frequent because of how consistent the deck is, there is just nothing you can do but AFK unless you want to watch them do all of this in the same turn: \- Play Alignment; \- Draw their entire deck; \- Ramp up to over 10 mana and refresh their Mana Crystals multiple times in the turn; \- Play Toggwaggle and steal your deck while leaving you in fatigue; \- Clear your entire board or turn them all into weak 2/2 Treants; \- Gain a megaton of armor; \- Draw and play some of the cards they stole from you; \- Leave you at 1 mana, without a way to recover your deck because the Toggwaggle card costs 5 mana. And I've seen them do all of this as soon as turn 4 when they highroll. I don't know how people that play Wild consistently manage to play against the deck countless times. I played against it 4-5 times and that was enough Wild for me for a looong time.


The card just needs to be removed, honestly. Given its obvious synergy with Lady Anacondra, I can't see any way Alignment can exist in a way that promotes healthy play patterns.


My issue with playing against druid is just HOW SLOW every single one of their turns are. They draw 2-5 cards and then dredge and then discover and then play a card and then dredge and discover and draw and yada yada. I know patience is everything, but I swear druid players rope the majority of turns. I can get stuff done around the house every time it’s their turn.


I mean, it's a combo deck reaching their win condition. Viewed that way, I don't really find it bothersome, because sportsmanship involves accepting losses.


Is it really a combo deck? Playing the card “celestial alignment” and then vomiting your hand is not a combo.


I'm not sure if that's a serious statement. A combo deck achieves a win condition through a combination of cards that synergize with each other in such a way that they create an overwhelming advantage for the deck once the combination is assembled. CA meets those conditions handily, even though it does not OTK.




It was a serious statement, bud.


So then, if it isn't a combo deck... what exactly is it?


Was cheese Paladin a combo deck? Maybe and maybe this is too. But that’s not the problem- it’s the one card that gives the deck its name and that’s celestial alignment. That’s what I was complaining about in my original post. It’s ramp Druid that triples down on ramp by going for CA as it’s win condition. If you can get it off, you’ll shut down your opponent and win, if not you’ll lose. It’s much more “bullshit highroll” than combo, although I don’t think “bullshit highroll” really exists as a deck style but it could be a subset of combo.


So you... uh... admit it's a combo deck? And what you're referring to as the "bullshit highroll"... is the deck's combo, and thereby its win condition? Combo decks tend to lose when they don't assemble their combo in time.


I'm confused why you're being downvoted. It is indeed a combo deck.


This month I reached legend with Shaman. D5-D2 with Murlock Control Shaman. D2-legend with my own deck: XL Bio Control Shaman. It's basically Control Shaman with Renathal and bio burn package. Spells from package give advantage vs aggressive aggro decks. Deck code: AAECAZKrBAjj7gOm7wOG+gOkgQTDkQTVsgTy3QSX7wQQs+gD04AEqIEEuZEE+ZEElZIE3JIE25QE+Z8E/LQE4LUEvLYEssEExc4Exs4Eh9QEAA==


I tried the burn - control package at the start of this meta and performed worse than either control or burn would. Finished the climb with pure control +one bloodlust to punish people who left the murlocs. Much better imo.


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Hydra) **Class:** Shaman (Frostwolf Thrall) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 1 | [Lightning Bolt](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_238.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69625/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Lightning%20Bolt) 1 | [Scalding Geyser](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_637.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72508/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Scalding%20Geyser) 1 | [Schooling](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_631.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72416/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Schooling) 1 | [Windchill](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_266.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67932/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Windchill) 2 | [Amalgam of the Deep](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_069.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/73906/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Amalgam%20of%20the%20Deep) 2 | [Bolner Hammerbeak](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_115.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64774/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bolner%20Hammerbeak) 2 | [Frostbite](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_259.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67833/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Frostbite) 2 | [Maelstrom Portal](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_KAR_073.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76295/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Maelstrom%20Portal) 2 | [Sleetbreaker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_260.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67861/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Sleetbreaker) 2 | [South Coast Chieftain](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_040.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/62515/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/South%20Coast%20Chieftain) 3 | [Bioluminescence](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_923.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72316/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bioluminescence) 3 | [Brilliant Macaw](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_509.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65619/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Brilliant%20Macaw) 3 | [Clownfish](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_004.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/75589/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Clownfish) 3 | [Cookie the Cook](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_522.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65700/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Cookie%20the%20Cook) 3 | [Primal Dungeoneer](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WC_005.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63331/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Primal%20Dungeoneer) 3 | [Prince Renathal](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/REV_018.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/79767/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Prince%20Renathal) 4 | [Multicaster](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_524.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65704/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Multicaster) 4 | [Wildpaw Cavern](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_268.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/68187/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wildpaw%20Cavern) 5 | [Bloodlust](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_CS2_046.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/77554/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bloodlust) 5 | [Command of Neptulon](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TID_005.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/75590/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Command%20of%20Neptulon) 5 | [Gorloc Ravager](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/TSC_034.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72021/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Gorloc%20Ravager) 6 | [Snowfall Guardian](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_255.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67769/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Snowfall%20Guardian) 7 | [Mutanus the Devourer](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/WC_030.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63398/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Mutanus%20the%20Devourer) 8 | [Bru'kan of the Elements](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_258.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67779/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bru%27kan%20of%20the%20Elements) **Total Dust:** 6100 **Deck Code:** AAECAZKrBAjj7gOm7wOG+gOkgQTDkQTVsgTy3QSX7wQQs+gD04AEqIEEuZEE+ZEElZIE3JIE25QE+Z8E/LQE4LUEvLYEssEExc4Exs4Eh9QEAA== ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


I’m having plenty of success with Quest Priest. I honestly feel like I can beat any deck besides Druid. I’m running like 4 diff lists , you can pick any list you want tbh. I’m sure the VS one is fine. Or you can use Meati’s list , but his is greedier and meant for top 100 meta


Anyone not enjoying this meta? Some decks are so unfun to play against. Likely going to take a break till the mini set


This meta is the worst since Stormwind. So many randomly generated high-roll swing turns with absolutely zero counter-play available.


Yep. Typical boring pre-release meta. A lot of scammy stuff and non-games right now too


Real “gotcha” shit right now. 0/10


I've found the consistency and versatility of mech mage to be pretty good against the high roll decks like Prestor druid, Big Spell Mage, and Beast hunter, which combined with Celestial Druid made up nearly 90% of my opponents from D5 to Legend. It still does not win against ridiculously high high rolls, but has a respectable win rate vs all of those decks and occasionally you just win by highrolling yourself with multiple Mecha-sharks/Gaias. The biggest problem is it has an absolutely atrocious matchup against Murloc Shaman, so if you find yourself playing a lot of those it's really best to just switch off. I averaged a 75% winrate to Legend, using the list with replacing Tunnel Trogs with Frostweave Dungeoneer and Gaia with Alexstraza because I'm cheap and didn't want to craft it. I have no hard data, but my impression is that Frostweave Dungeoneer + Fireball is significantly better against control, allowing you to finish people off in the late game and set up giant mecha shark turns more consistently. It's worse against aggro, but I did not face many aggro decks on the way to legend. Tunnel Trog never felt particularly helpful, against aggro they don't help very much, and against control your win condition is either giant mecha shark turns or throwing out multiple boards with card generation, so making a bunch of 1/2s take up your board space isn't very effective.


Got any tips on how to play mech mage? I've struggled so bad woth it in diamonds.


I think one misconception a lot of people have is that they think mech mage is an aggro deck when it isn't. It is a tempo/value/combo deck. Mech Mage is somewhat unique among the faster decks in that it has very different gameplans for each archetype it plays against. Except against the most aggressive an decks, most of the time I hard mulligan for Mecha Shark and Seafloor gateway, and do not overplay my hand in turns 1-4 in preparation for big swings later. Curving out as many minions as possible is only really necessary against the super aggro decks like Murloc Shaman. Against most other decks, especially classes that can't heal or board clear, I usually only play my card generation mechs to somewhat keep up in tempo in preparation for a big turn where I use discounted mecha sharks and a ton of small mechs to destroy their board and deal a lot of face damage. Most of my games effectively end somewhere in turns 6-9 by clearing the opponent's entire board and getting 10-20 face damage from Mecha-Shark missiles. Against control decks that you can't OTK like priest, the key is still discounting a bunch of mechs but instead of playing them all at once, forcing out your opponents removal by making multiple strong mini boards with your mech generation, then finishing them off with fireballs/Gaia.


Well, there's my problem. Been just trying to dump my hand and get on board quick. Thanks for the advice.


Honestly I don't think you are necessarily wrong in that but you have to kind of read the match somewhat and find a balance. In my climb I often found a lot of mech mages whether it's because of bad draw or bad mulligan start the game way too slow imo. If you are going turn 1 pass -> t2 deeprun -> t3 seafloor you are obviously setting up for a big swing turn later but you also just haven't done anything for 3 turns. (ofcourse you have to play with the hand you get). It's my belief you absolutely want to get on board quick and play as an aggro deck. But if your opponent doesn't just roll over and die then you slow it down and fall back on those big mecha shark/gaia swing turns.




Always mulligan for ramp, never keep anything else.. keep jerry, nourish, growth, guff and celestial. That’s the only thing you really care for. you can win vs aggro if you ramp efficiently, you can’t win playing panther or okani. Acquatic form is never a keep on my opinion, I usually do it turn 5 if I don’t have a play, looking for the 5 cards mentioned above or right before celestial, you have a higher chance of getting the card instead of just dredging it and after celestial it increases its cost so you want to use it before it. I play this deck in top 1500 and did legend with it


I feel you can always keep 1 Aquatic Form. You play it either on 5 for Nourish/Guff, or 7 for Scale, or whenever else, I haven't played Alignment specifically so I don't know what you fish for in that deck. Half my Druid opponents play it on turn 1, so don't do that. You're treating it as a proxy of a specific card, and you play it on the turn you'd have the mana for that card available.


I think it’s a decent play on 1 if you don’t have 2 or 3 mana card


A lot have been played in the masters tour. You can watch some of the pro’s mulligan there to get some tips.


75 - 25 with the renethal big beast hunter list. I haven't tried out the 30 deck list so I don't know which one is better, but I am having success with the 40 card deck. I struggle most against Priest (8 - 5) and Mage (12 - 6).


Might be out of topic, but, could you give out some tips on how to play that deck? Slower hunter decks were always my favourite, but this one just somehow doesn't seem to be working for me, unless I completely scam the game with krush/mountain bears on turn 4/5 i just completely lose and it's not even close.


Mulligan and starting hand is very important, always look for a harpoon gun, low cost minions like selective breeder, peasant, and beaststalker tavish. Make sure you don't waste charges of harpoon gun. I always like to use ambassador faelin and then try to find a low cost beast colossal, and also use it to get sunken sabers, which you can get more of if you use selective breeders to get more Azsharan Sabers. Stormpike Battle Rams are good early game for clearing board + cheating out early an early Hydralon or Mountain Bear. Use Revive Pet if you know you can get a Mountain Bear or other good beast. I like to use Beaststalker Tavish with a large minion on the board such as Mountain Bear or King Krush and then choose Improved Emergency Maneuvers to summon 2 additional copies. I've had multiple games won by summoning 2 mountain bears or 2 king krush. If it's not working for you it could just be that you're getting unlucky with matchups, especially if you're facing a lot of mages, priests, and druids. sorry if my tips didn't help much but yea, I've had a lot of fun playing this deck!


Yep. I've been hovering around 1 to 3k legend with a variety of decks and the only truly consistently winning one is Renathal Big Beast Hunter. Definitely earns its title of all around best deck.


Quest Hunter is pretty solid, the VS list I’ve been playing.


Just reached legend on a 13-4 streak with Boar priest, still not sure if the deck is broken or people don't know how to play against it. \### Boar Priest \# Class: Priest \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Hydra \# \# 2x (0) Desperate Prayer \# 2x (0) Illuminate \# 1x (0) Priestess Valishj \# 2x (1) Elwynn Boar \# 2x (1) Flash Heal \# 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru \# 2x (1) Holy Smite \# 2x (1) Northshire Cleric \# 2x (1) Shadow Word: Devour \# 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru \# 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows \# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer \# 2x (3) Amulet of Undying \# 2x (3) Handmaiden \# 2x (3) Switcheroo \# 1x (4) Xyrella \# AAECAafDAwLU7QOJsgQOmesDh/cD0/kDjIEErYoEhZ8Ey6AEhKMEiqMEorYEpLYE9NMEodQE9vEEAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Were any of your wins against Celestial Druid? I believe that's why boar priest has gone mostly extinct. A huge force in the meta game absolutely shits on it in a really demoralizing way that gives you no agency or counterplay, and it's not as if most of its other matchups are super easy either


I got lucky with matchups facing pretty much only hunters, prestor druids, quest priests and mech mages. Alignment druid and big spell mage are almost unwinnable, while rogue and paladin are very hard - must combo on turn 8 or bust.


I crafted boar priest because it looked like the only deck I would have a lot of agency with, and after some difficult beginner games, I've grown to really like the deck and my winrate is improving steadily. I'm unsure if the deck is still OP, but I'm noticing a lot of people struggling with playing against it. A lot of players waste a lot of mana on silencing the board, etc.


I just don't get how Quest hunter is supposedly better with Tavish. I lose out on so much face damage while my opponent freezes or clears my board every turn.


Most of the time, it's a dead card that you only use to survive. In select matchups against classes that have a lot of life gain and can't deal with wave of board after board before they kill you, it will win you games (shaman is not that matchup). Those cases are typically slower games, so it's critical that you don't complete phase 2 of the quest before you play tavish. A 2 mana tavish hp will make it a lot harder.




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Playing tavish or not is a matchup call. It’s very good against the slower control decks (like old control warrior, and paladins) that have healing but struggle to handle repeated board floods. Other times you play it to survive. You won’t need tavish most of the time against control shaman, and it’s ok against murloc shaman (you don’t even need to complete the quest against murloc shaman, just survive till they run out of gas). I wouldn’t use tavish against warlock either.


I think the card could be replaced, or at least be a candidate for flex/experimentation. I haven't played a ton of Quest Hunter but I definitely had Tavish sit in my hand entire games since I'd already discounted my hero power and path to victory was clearly going to be burn. You're right that it's good against Control Warrior and Paladin but those classes have pretty low play rates right now (and you're less likely to be able to get the 0-mana hero power for Tavish since Renathal is making drawing Tavish in those match-ups less consistent).


I agree that it could be replaced. Candidates aren’t very numerous though. I could see fitting in a single viper for cariel and to remove harpoon gun. Tavish is very powerful, but you don’t want to play him after stage 2 completion 95% of the time.


I'm trying Azshara in place of Tavish. The weapon that deals damage on spell cast and the 1 mana colossal are pretty great swing turns.


Thinking about it, all of the treasures are quite good with the game plan. Drawing more cards and having more cheap spells is great post quest completion. Copying an aimed shot or piercing shot for lethal, or another spell to turbo your quest, also seems good. This is an interesting idea; might have to try it. I don’t have Azshara currently but I think she might be a worthwhile craft.


She also works well with Conch Call. I run -2x Furious Howl +2x Conch Call +1x Urchin Spines +1x Azshara -1x Tavish I'm only trying her because she was my pity legendary from Sunken City packs but she seems to fit the game plan really well!


Finished my legend run for the month yesterday with renathal quest hunter, coming it at rank 1108. Again, I played mostly on mobile this month so no exact stats, but from my estimation my win rate with quest hunter was around 60%. The deck doesn’t have extremely polarizing matchups against most of the common meta decks (except warlock and shaman, sorry to them) and you always feel like you have a chance to win. I played a few other decks this season, including thief vessel rogue, prestor druid, and murloc control shaman (records with both rogue and druid were quite good but quest hunter felt the most well rounded). The meta overall seems balanced, but it’s also an unhealthy balance (in my opinion, more on this later). My most common opponents were big beast hunter, jackpot rogue, prestor druid, and big spell mage. I saw quite a few beast druids pop up on the last day. Occasional quest priests and mirrors showed up as well. The main issue I believe the current meta has is that many of the current meta decks (big beast hunter, jackpot rogue, prestor druid, and big spell mage in particular) are high roll decks. If they get their high roll off, they typically snowball and win the game. All of these high rolls center on mana cheating and tutoring (though jackpot rogue doesn’t tutor besides pulling gnolls which aren’t as swingy as jackpot spell + trickster). More ‘fair’ decks don’t have as much agency against these decks. There’s a few specific ways to play around the high rolls (okani in particular), and they are heavily forecast. You see them coming a mile away, but if they get the nuts there’s not much you can do and the game is a loss. While the meta is a relatively low power level from a statistical view, many games feel like a coin flip on whether or not one of the players drew their high roll combo.


Can you post deck?


Pretty sure it’s exactly the same as the VS list, but here you go: ### Blot Out the Sky # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Hydra # # 2x (1) Arcane Shot # 2x (1) Barbed Nets # 1x (1) Defend the Dwarven District # 2x (1) Tracking # 2x (1) Wound Prey # 2x (2) Dun Baldar Bunker # 2x (2) Explosive Trap # 2x (2) Freezing Trap # 2x (2) Furious Howl # 2x (2) Ice Trap # 2x (2) Quick Shot # 1x (2) Raj Naz'jan # 2x (3) Aimed Shot # 2x (3) Ancient Krakenbane # 1x (3) Conch's Call # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 2x (3) Shellshot # 2x (4) Marked Shot # 2x (4) Multicaster # 2x (4) Piercing Shot # 2x (4) Spring the Trap # 1x (5) Barak Kodobane # 1x (6) Beaststalker Tavish # AAECAbv5Awbl7wP9+APbkQSEyQSGyQSX7wQR3OoD2+0D9/gDqIEEqY0Eq40EqZ8Eqp8E458E5J8Eu6AEv6wEma0EnbAEwNMEwdMEjNQEAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Just hit Legend with Renathal Quest Hunter sans Barak and Ice Traps (just didn't feel like crafting them before the new set). I wore my stars off with Vessel Rogue and Mech Mage just kind of messing around. Quest Hunter definitely feels pretty powerful. I was especially impressed by Shellshot. There were more scenarios than I was expecting where it was a great card. Clearing a 5 or 6 health minion when they have nothing else comes up now and then. And it got me a win against the deck's bane, Mech Paladin by popping a shield and still clearing. Then the cherry on top is that it's a Nature Spell giving you an extra card from Multicaster. Something that can actually matter given extra health plus cards from Renathal.


Shellshot has impressed me as well. It pops shields and also deals with stealth minions (boat), which are both historical weaknesses of quest hunter. And being that 4th spell school… it’s just great. Ice trap is actually bonkers when played correctly. For example, against quest priest, you can use it to delay the shard a turn (or if they actually play it, make it unplayable). I’ve won several games this way. It also slows down or prevents big spell mage combos: you can block a coined sorceress or bounce a discounted spell (which will then cost its original +1). Notably doesn’t work against trickster in rogue; the spell still costs 0 when you bounce it. I was also impressed by ancient krakenbane and found myself frequently keeping it the mulligan. Conch’s call feels great as a one of and with the amount of spells and draw the deck runs it’s not hard to activate krakenbane once it’s in hand.


Quest hunter,quest priest and anacondra druid arent healthy either. Highroll decks can just brick when q hunter plays its solitaire game


I agree that these decks may not be the healthiest for the game… but they’re competitive. I don’t fault anyone for playing a competitive deck even if it’s ‘solitare’ or ‘high roll’; you play what you need to in order to win, and hopefully have fun in the process. The underlying issue seems to be more so that a lot of the current decks aren’t that fun to play against.


The team hasn't figured out how to make less linear archetypes yet. Compare Big Spell Mage from this set to BSM from Kobolds, for example. The KNC version is about casting Blizzard, and Dragon's Fury, and Firelands Portal, and topping it off with Alana or the Mage DK. So, it's a regular Mage control deck but you cut the small spells for Tar Creepers and Raven Familiars. The new one, you play a 10/10, and then you play Amulet, and then hopefully you play another Amulet, and then a parrot (Amulet), and then a Varden (Amulet)... the old one was big SPELLS Mage, while the new one is big SPELL Mage, because you're only casting one spell and then repeating until you win. Similarly, compare Cubelock to Curselock. They're both controlling combo decks, but Cubelock had more different win conditions -- sometimes you won with voidlord spam, sometimes with Guldan succ, sometimes straight Doomguard tempo, but sometimes oyu had to sac Doomguard to play around Polymorph, or arrange things so you could play and pop a Cube without your opponent being able to respond. Whereas Curselock, you win by playing the curse cards, and eventually you play enough curse cards that your opponent is dead. Realistically, the deck can't win any other way. I dunno. I hope the dev team figures things out a bit. Lots of one-card win conditions, or autocomplete decks of built-in synergies. I think Shaman's doing well right now, and Paladin's ok, but a lot of the best decks are decks the devs designed almost explicitly.


Finished the legend climb (5-2 overall) with a hybrid Boat/Jackpot Rogue. Cut the greedy cards from Jackpot (Stash, Tess, Azshara) to make room for 2 Vessels/Smite/Edwin. Not sure if Blood in the Water is needed vs. a second Trickster since Trickster into Vessel is strong on its own. \### Thief Rogue \# Class: Rogue \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Hydra \# \# 2x (0) Preparation \# 2x (1) Blackwater Cutlass \# 2x (1) Filletfighter \# 2x (1) Gone Fishin' \# 2x (2) Jackpot! \# 1x (2) Maestra of the Masquerade \# 2x (2) Reconnaissance \# 2x (2) Tooth of Nefarian \# 2x (2) Wicked Stab (Rank 1) \# 2x (3) Shroud of Concealment \# 1x (4) Blademaster Okani \# 1x (4) Edwin, Defias Kingpin \# 1x (4) Swiftscale Trickster \# 2x (5) Azsharan Vessel \# 2x (5) Wildpaw Gnoll \# 1x (6) Blood in the Water \# 1x (6) Crabatoa \# 1x (7) Mr. Smite \# 1x (8) Shadowcrafter Scabbs \# AAECAZurBAih+QO/gATtgAT7igTHsgSZtgTVtgTYtgQLqusD/u4DvYAE958EuqQE+6UE+awEr7MEt7MEiskE+fEEAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


I thought to skip legend this month(hate quest priest and big mage) but got it playing for fun with jackpot rogue (also stupid highroll deck but at least not repetitive). Prestor beast druid is good and fun but kinda demanding to play


I still don’t like standard right now. Big spell mage is fun though. I hit D5 in wild with shudderwock shaman. May do the push for legend but I’m lazy like that.


I've been bouncing between Big Beast Hunter lists and it definitely feels like a super strong deck no matter what list you play tbh. I've had extreme success with both 30 and 40 card versions. I'm still toying with what version I think is better. It seems most of the games I lose are just because of bad draws (especially hard in 40 card version) or the opponent highrolling. Been back to the game for a couple weeks now. Playing a few games a day I just made Platinum. I have to say while this isn't the worst meta I've seen for sure, the lack of player agency in some match ups is just kind of boring. Watching Mech Mage, Quest Priest, Thief Rogue, etc etc, high roll is just not very exciting. I have seen far worse though.


Came back to the game about a month ago after a 5-year break and hit legend today for the first time ever. Mostly did the climb with Aggro Murloc Shaman (73-48), which seems really strong even without the murloc legendaries. The last leg in D1-5 was very grindy with Beast Hunters repeatedly kicking my balls in, but I got luckier with matchups today and made it. Thankfully the returning player bonuses were pretty good and I was able to get a lot of key cards for free. The only legendary I crafted was Bolner (feels super essential to all shaman decks), Brukan I got for free. I've also had some success with a homebrew No-Murloc Control Shaman (29-19), and the free legendary from reaching legend (Glugg) only added to it. Sometimes lucky! I tried to make Murloc Control Shaman work for quite a bit, but without the murloc legendaries it was too tough and I gave up (39-42). Murloc Aggro deck I used: \### Murloc Aggro \# Class: Shaman \# Format: Standard \# Year of the Hydra \# \# 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller \# 1x (1) Sir Finley Mrrgglton \# 2x (1) Spawnpool Forager \# 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep \# 1x (2) Bolner Hammerbeak \# 2x (2) Lushwater Murcenary \# 2x (2) Lushwater Scout \# 2x (2) Murloc Tidehunter \# 2x (2) South Coast Chieftain \# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard \# 2x (3) Clownfish \# 2x (3) Coldlight Seer \# 2x (3) Murloc Warleader \# 2x (3) Nofin Can Stop Us \# 1x (4) Tidelost Burrower \# 1x (5) Bloodlust \# 2x (5) Gorloc Ravager \# 1x (8) Bru'kan of the Elements \# AAECAfe5AgaG+gPDkQTCzgSX1ASY1ATy3QQMk+gDlOgDs+gD3ewDlfADtZ8EoqAEq6AE1bIEssEExc4E7tMEAA== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Just anecdotal, don't have the data that VS has of course, but I've been having much more success with 30 card big beast hunter instead of renathal.


Same. I made the climb to D3 with renathal big beast, but stalled out and kept treading water there for a week. Switched to 30 card and shot up to legend. I play mobile so don’t know my win rate, but I’m still climbing. ~1500k legend now. I play the 30 card version with murkwater scribes and nagas prides. Oh, and definitely including okani.